Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/epoxy composites are prepared by a vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) method. The mechanical properties, fracture surface morphologies, and thermal stabilities of these nanocomposites are evaluated for epoxy resins with various amounts of MWCNTs. Composites consisting of different amounts of MWCNTs displayed an increase of the work of adhesion between the MWCNTs and the matrix, which improved both the tensile and impact strengths of the composites. The tensile and impact strengths of the MWCNT/epoxy composite improved by 59 and 562% with 0.3 phr of MWCNTs, respectively, compared to the epoxy composite without MWCNTs. Thermal stability of the 0.3 phr MWCNT/epoxy composite increased compared to other epoxy composites with MWCNTs. The enhancement of the mechanical and thermal properties of the MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposites is attributed to improved dispersibility and strong interfacial interaction between the MWCNTs and the epoxy in the composites prepared by VARTM.
2000년도 이후로 많은 분자 연구 논문들이 육각강에서 진행되었으며, 그 결과 방대한 양의 미토콘드리아 유전자 염기서열이 생산되었다. 본 연구에서는 2000년도부터 2009년까지 육각강에 보고된 COI 염기서열과 이들을 활용한 분자 연구 논문들을 분석하기 위하여, 58,323개의 COI 염기서열들을 바탕으로 보고된 488개의 분자 연구 논문들을 26개 목들과 사용된 COI 염기서열들의 5', 3', 중간 위치에 따라 재분류하였다. 세 지역의 COI 염기서열을 이용한 연구 논문의 수는 26개 목들에 따라 매우 다양하였다. 하지만, 7개 목들은 특정 지역의 COI 염기서열들이 선호되었음을 나타내었다. 예를 들어, 파리목과 메뚜기목에서는 5' 지역의 COI 염기서열을 사용하는 논문의 수가 가장 높았으며, 이에 반해 딱정벌레, 이목, 잠자리목, 더듬이벌레목, 대벌레목에서는 3' 지역의 COI 염기서열을 사용하는 논문의 수가 가장 높았다. 2000년 이전에 보고된 84개의 분자 연구 논문들과의 비교를 통해, 2000년부터 2009년까지 딱정벌레목, 파리목, 이목, 대벌레목에서는 1999년 이전에 각 목들에서 주로 사용되었던 COI 염기서열의 특정 지역과 같은 지역을 사용하는 경향성을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 육각강에서 2000년에서 2009년까지 보고되었던 분자 연구 논문 뿐만 아니라 이들 논문에서 사용된 COI 염기서열에 대한 전체적인 경향을 이해하는데 유용한 정보를 제공한다.
The milling and particulate characteristics of Al alloy-Al2O3 powder mixtures for a reaction-bonded Al2O3 (RBAO) process were studied. A commercially available prealloyed Al powder with Zn, Mg, Cu and Cr alloying elements (7475 series) was mixed with a calcined sinter-active Al2O3 powder and then milled in centrifugal milling equipment for ~48 hrs. The Al alloy-Al2O3 powder mixtures after milling were characterized and evaluated in various ways to reveal their particulate characteristics during milling. The milling efficiency of the Al alloy increased with a longer milling time. Comminution of the Al alloy particles started with its elongation, showing a high aspect ratio. With a longer milling time, the elongated Al alloy particle changed in terms of its shape and size, becoming equiaxially fine particles. Regardless of the milling efficiency of the Al alloy particles, all of the Al alloy particles repeatedly experienced strong plastic deformation during milling, giving rise to higher density of surface defects, such as microcracks, and leading to higher residual microstress within the Al alloy particles. The chemical reactions, oxidation behavior and hydration behavior of the Al alloy particles and the hydrolysis characteristics of their reaction with the environment were also observed during the milling process and during the subsequent powder handling steps.
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of a high-energy milling (HEM) process on the particle morphology and the correlation between a thermal treatment and tetragonal/monoclinic nanostructured zirconia powders obtained by a precipitation process. To eliminate chloride residue ions from hydrous zirconia, a modified washing method was used. It was found that the used washing method was effective in removing the chloride from the precipitated gel. In order to investigate the effect of a pre-milling process on the particle morphology of the precipitate, dried Zr(OH)4 was milled using a HEM machine with distilled water. The particle size of the Zr(OH)4 powder exposed to HEM reduced to 100~150 nm, whereas that of fresh Zr(OH)4 powder without a pre-milling process had a large and irregular size of 100 nm~1.5 μm. Additionally, modified heat treatment process was proposed to achieve nano-sized zirconia having a pure monoclinic phase. It was evident that two-step calcining process was effective in perfectly eliminating the tetragonal phase, having a small average particle of ~100 nm with good uniformity compared to the sample calcined by a single-step process, showing a large average particle size of ~300 nm with an irregular particle shape and a broad particle size distribution. The modified method is considered to be a promising process for nano-sized zirconia having a fully monoclinic phase.
We performed a BVR photometric survey for the entire Small Magellanic Cloud (~26 deg 2 ) with a mosaic system, Wide Field Imager (WFI), covering three seasons: September and October 2001 and November 2002. Through the usual data reduction procedures, we present ~0.73 million catalogue stars brighter than 19 magnitude in B amongst a total of ~1.3 million and compare them with published astrometry and photometry results. We found that the average differences between our and the published data are ~0.7 arcsec in astrometry and 0.065, 0.054, and 0.163 in B, V, and R, respectively, in photometry. In addition, using the 2dF spectroscopic data from Evans et al. (2004), we determined the color excesses in (B-V) and (V-R) to be 0.086±0.156, and 0.065±0.112, respectively, while for the distance modulus, we obtained 18.55±1.05.
환경변화에 대응하여 정부 조직이 시민과 공공서비스에 더욱 집중하기 시작했다. 하지만 대부분의 정부 조직은 영리 기업에 비해 소비자친화성을 높이는데 있어 어려움이 많다. 정부가 제공하는 공공서비스의 품질을 향상시키기 위해 이 연구는 소비자 지표에 근거하여 서비스 프로세스를 향상시키는 모델링방법을 제안하였다. 이 모델링 방법은 시민 패널로부터 마케팅 설문 자료를 수집하고 여러 가지 지표를 계산하여 핵심 프로세스를 도출하며 고객 유지 및 성숙 전략을 고안하는
In recent years, fiber reinforced polymer plastic composites are readily available in the construction industry. Fiber reinforced polymer composite has many advantages such as high specific strength and high specific stiffness, high corrosion resistance, light-weight, magnetic transparency, etc. In this paper, we present the result of investigation pertaining to the flexural behavior of flange strengthened I-shape pultruded fiber reinforced polymer plastic (PFRP) member using carbon fiber sheet (CFRP sheet). Test variable is consisted of the number of layers of strengthening CFRP sheet from 0 to 3. From the experimental results, flexural strengthening effect of flange strengthened I-shape PFRP member using CFRP sheet is evaluated and it was found that 2 layers of strengthening CFRP sheet are appropriate considering efficiency and workability.
한반도에서 산출되는 초염기성 맨틀포획암의 지화학적 특징과 평형 온도와 압력 조건을 계산하고, 산소동위원소비를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 (1) 한반도 맨틀포획암은 전형적인 초염기성 포획암(MgO: 49.12-50.95 wt.%, Mg값: 90.1-92.2)으로 구성되어 있다. (2) 한반도 맨틀포획암의 평형온도는 854-1016˚C이고, 압력은 4.6-24.4 kbar로 얻어졌다. (3) 맨틀포획암을 구성하는 감람석의 산소동위원소비(δ18Ool)는 5.06-5.51‰의 균질한 값으로 N-MORB와 상부 맨틀 감람석의 값(δ18O: 5.2±0.2‰)과 유사하다. 그러나 백두산과 제주도의 맨틀포획암을 구성하는 감람석의 산소동위원비는 각각 5.07-5.51‰과 5.07-5.45‰로 상대적으로 넓은 범위의 δ18O 값을 갖고 있다. 이 결과를 바탕으로, 이 연구에서는 백두산 맨틀포획암의 높은 δ18O가 맨틀포획암 물질에 재순환된 퇴적물원 EM2 물질의 혼입 때문일 수 있다는 가능성을 제안하였다.
R-Z 관계식은 레이더 강우추정의 정확도를 결정하는 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 캐나다 궤벡주의 셍레미에서 홍수를 야기한 폭우사례에서 관측된 우적계 및 레이더 자료를 이용하여 레이더 강우추정 시 우적계 자료에서 도출된 R-Z 관계식의 효과를 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 맥길 S-밴드 레이더에서 시간 분해능 2.5분과 공간 분해능 1˚×250m로 관측된 레이더 반사도를 사용하였다. 레이더 반사도 자료에서는 폭우를 동반한 강우세포가 셍레미를 통과한 것으로 관측되었지만 우량계 관측망에서는 낮은 공간 분해능으로 인하여 이 세포가 관측되지 않았다. 셍레미에서 30분과 1시간 최대 누적 강우량은 각각 39 mm와 42 mm였다. 강우사례 동안 두 개의 우적계(POSS; Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System)가 사용되었다. 하나의 우적계는 레이더 반사도와 우적계 반사도를 비교하여 레이더 반사도를 보정하고 다른 우적계는 R-Z 관계식을 유도하는데 사용되었다. 기후학적 R-Z 관계식을 사용하였을 때 보다 반사도에 의존적인 우적계에서 유도된 관계식을 사용하였을 때 강우 추정 오차가 크게 줄었다. 일 누적 강우량에 대하여 편차는 +12%에서 -2%, 평균제곱근오차가 16%에서 10%로 줄었다. 우적계에서 도출된 R-Z 관계식으로 추정된 레이더 강우장을 이용하였을 때 홍수사례에 대하여 강우 발생 시간 및 강우량이 잘 일치하였다.
2011년 7월 26일 서울은 장마에 동반된 기록적인 대류성 집중호우로 인해 약 2천5백억 원 이상의 재산피해와 57명(사망자)의 인명손실이 발생되었고, 2012년 8월 27일 15호 태풍 볼라벤에 동반된 집중호우로 광주광역시에는 보다 약한 집중호우와 강풍을 동반하여 피해는 상대적으로 적게 발생시켰다. 위의 사례에 대해 KLAPS(기상청 국지분석 및 예측시스템)을 사용하여 집중호우 시 다른 물리적 요소들에 의한 중규모 과정들의 조사 및 분석을 수행하였다. 이것은 레이더관측과 천리안 위성관측 자료로부터 강우강도를 도출하는데 호조건의 전형적인 중규모 시스템이기 때문에 선택되었으며, 두 사례는 모두 집중호우 발생에 좋은 환경임을 보였다. 2011년 장마에 동반되어 서울에 나타난 사례에서 레이더와 천리안의 정량적인 강우강도를 지상강우계 관측과 비교했을 때, 최대 관측값이 85 mm/hr 이상이 나타난 시점에 비해 약 50 mm/hr 이상이 과소 추정되는 차이가 나타났으나, 레이더 강우강도는 35 mm/hr의 차이와 천리안 강우강도는 60 mm/hr의 차이를 보였다. 그러나 2012년 8월 27일 15호 태풍 볼라벤에 동반되어 광주광역시에 나타난 강우강도와 지상강우강도의 경향은 위의 사례와 유사하게 나타났으며, 정량적인 강우강도 차이는 최대 관측값이 17 mm/hr 이상이 나타난 시점에 비해 약 10 mm/hr 이상이 과소 추정되는 차이가 나타났으나, 레이더 강우강도는 5 mm/hr의 차이와 천리안 강우강도는 10 mm/hr의 차이를 보였다. 이것은 태풍 볼라벤에 의한 집중호우가 상대적으로 약했기 때문이었다. 두 사례에 대해 레이더 강우강도와 천리안 강우강도는 지상강우강도와 시계열적으로 비교했을 때, 모두 유사한 경향을 보였다.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of IFN- on prostaglandin synthesis, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene expression in vitro and concentration of progesterone (P4) in endometrial cells. Epithelial and stromal cells cultured in vitro were isolated from bovine endometrium and stimulated with increasing doses of IFN- (0, 0.02, 0.2 and 2 ug/ml). Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, 1.5 IU/ml) was used as a positive control. Prostaglandin and levels in the culture media were analyzed by enzyme immunoassays and total RNA was extracted from the cells for RT-PCR. P4 concentrations of blood samples were assayed by chemiluminescent immuno assays system. In epithelial cells, COX-2 gene expression was increased in the presence of IFN- (p<0.05), but it was not significantly different in all groups of stromal cells except for 2 ug/ml IFN- group (p<0.05). Although IFN- did not affect and production in epithelial cells, it decreased and production significantly in stromal cells (p<0.05). In vivo experiment, blood concentration of P4 was significantly increased after addition of IFN- (1 ug/ml). The results indicate that PG production was mediated by COX-2 expression in stromal cells but it was not affected in epithelial cells and this suggest that treatment of IFN- could improve the implantation environment of uterine by maintenance of high P4 concentration.
The development of embryos reconstructed by nuclear transfer is dependent upon numerous factors including the type of recipient cell, method of enucleation, the type of donor cell, method of reconstruction, activation, the cell cycle stage of both the donor nucleus and the recipient cytoplasm and the method of culture of the reconstructed embryos. Many of these points which have been reviewed extensively elsewhere (Sun and Moor, 1995; Colman, 1999; Oback and Wells, 2002; Renard et al., 2002; Galli et al., 2003b), here we will concentrate on main area, the production of suitable cytoplast and nuclear donor, nuclear-cytoplasmic coordination, oocyte activation, culture of reconstructed embryos, and the effects that this may have on development.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristic changes of the Changma season in the 2000s. To accomplish this goal, we have used daily rainfall data collected over nearly 40 years (1971 to 2010). The average summer precipitation data including the Changma season were collected from 16 weather stations that are placed across the three major regions (i.e. central region, southern region, and Jeju region) as Korea Meteorological Administration divided. These precipitation data were analyzed to find out characteristic changes of the Changma season. Results of the precipitation data comparison among the major regions that, monthly average precipitation in the central region was the highest in July; its precipitation tended to increase from May to September. In the southern region, the precipitation amount was lowest in June and tended to increase in May, September, and August. In the Jeju region, the precipitation has been the highest in June and July for the past 30 years, whereas September has been highest month in the last 10 years. The precipitation amount in the Jeju region decreased both in June and July, whereas it tended to grow in May, August and September. A correlation coefficient formula by Karl Pearson has been used to find out correlations between the Changma season and the precipitation of the major regions in 2000s and normal years. It was found that the correlation coefficient has decreased from 0.723 to 0.524 in the 2000s (2001 to 2010) compared to normal years (1971 to 2000).
In this paper, a mass damper was proposed and the plan on its practical application for wind-induced vibration control of a super-tall building was introduced. The damper was developed to generate forces which were calculated by both linear and nonlinear control algorithms. A controller in which the control algorithms were embedded was developed and it was verified through experiments that the damper with the controller could show dynamic behavior as a designer had intended. A preliminary design of a super-tall building with the damper was conducted. As a nonlinear algorithm, decentralized control algorithm which only requires to measure damper-installed floor response in order to calculate the control force was proposed. Simulation results indicated that the proposed damper could provide better or at least equivalent control performance than the usual active/hybrid type damper controlled just by existing linear control algorithms.
In order to improve osseointegration of dental implants with bone we studied an implant with holes inside its body to deliver bioactive materials based on a proposed patent. Bioactive materials can be selectively applied through holes to a patient according to diagnosis and the integration progress. After the bioactive material is applied, bone can grow into the holes to increase implant bonding and also enhance surface integration. In order to improve the concept and study the effect of bioactive material injection on implant integration, design optimization and integration research were undertaken utilizing the finite element method. A 2-dimensional simulation study showed that when bone grew into the holes after the bioactive material was injected, stress vertically distributed in the upper part of the implant was relieved and mild stress appeared at the opening of the injection holes. This confirmed the effect of the bioactive material and the contribution of the injection holes, but the maximum stress increased ten-fold at the opening. In order to reduce the maximum stress, the size, location, and the number of holes were varied and the effects were studied. When bioactive materials formed an interface layer between the implant and the mandible and four holes were filled with cortical and cancellous bones all the stress concentrated opposite to the loading side without holes disappeared. The stresses at the four outlets of the holes was mildly elevated but the maximum stress value was ten-fold greater compared to the case without the bioactive material.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of in vitro culture media on embryonic development of in vitro-matured (IVM) oocytes after parthenogenetic activation (PA) in pigs. Immature pig oocytes were matured in TCM-199 supplemented with porcine follicular fluid, cysteine, pyruvate, EGF, insulin, and hormones for the first 22 h and then further cultured in hormone-free medium for an additional 22~26 h. IVM oocytes were activated by electric pulses and cultured in porcine zygote medium-3 (PZM-3) and North Carolina State University-23 supplemented with essential and non-essential amino acids (NCSU-23aa). These media were further modified by supplementing 2.77 mM myo-inositol, 0.34 mM trisodium citrate, and -mercaptoethanol (designated as mPZM-3 and mNCSU-23aa, respectively). Culture of PA embryos in mPZM-3 significantly increased development to the blastocyst stage than culture in NCSU-23aa (36.2% vs. 24.8%, p<0.05). Modified PZM-3 showed a significantly higher blastocyst formation than NCSU-23aa in both groups of embryos that were activated at 44 h and 48 h of IVM (51.0% vs. 35.5% and 49.0% vs. 34.2% in oocytes activated at 44 h and 48 h of IVM, respectively). Irrespective of the follicle diameter where oocytes were collected, embryonic development to the blastocyst stage was increased (p<0.05) by the culture in mPZM-3 compared to culture in NCSU-23aa (25.9% vs. 34.2% and 32.9% vs. 44.8% in embryos derived from small and medium size follicles, respectively). Our results demonstrated that culture media had significant effect on preimplantation development PA embryos and that mPZM-3 was superior to mNCSU-23 in supporting development to the blastocyst stage in pigs. This beneficial effect of mPZM-3 on embryonic development was not impaired by other factors such as time of oocyte activation and origin of immature oocytes (small and medium size follicles).
Epigenetic modification including genome-wide DNA demethylation is essential for normal embryonic development. Insufficient demethylation of somatic cell genome may cause various anomalies and prenatal loss in the development of nuclear transfer embryos. Hence, the source of nuclear donor often affects later development of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. In this study, appropriateness of porcine embryonic germ (EG) cells as karyoplasts for NT with respect to epigenetic modification was investigated. These cells follow methylation status of primordial germ cells from which they originated, so that they may contain less methylated genome than somatic cells. This may be advantageous to the development of NT embryos commonly known to be highly methylated. The rates of blastocyst development were similar among embryos from EG cell nuclear transfer (EGCNT), somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (16/62, 25.8% vs. 56/274, 20.4% vs. 16/74, 21.6%). Genomic DNA samples from EG cells (n=3), fetal fibroblasts (n=4) and blastocysts from EGCNT (n=8), SCNT (n=14) and ICSI (n=6) were isolated and treated with sodium bisulfite. The satellite region (GenBank Z75640) that involves nine selected CpG sites was amplified by PCR, and the rates of DNA methylation in each site were measured by pyrosequencing technique. The average methylation degrees of CpG sites in EG cells, fetal fibroblasts and blastocysts from EGCNT, SCNT and ICSI were 17.9, 37.7, 4.1, 9.8 and 8.9%, respectively. The genome of porcine EG cells were less methylated than that of somatic cells (p<0.05), and DNA demethylation occurred in embryos from both EGCNT (p<0.05) and SCNT (p<0.01). Interestingly, the degree of DNA methylation in EGCNT embryos was approximately one half of SCNT (p<0.01) and ICSI (p<0.05) embryos, while SCNT and ICSI embryos contained demethylated genome with similar degrees. The present study demonstrates that porcine EG cell nuclear transfer resulted in hypomethylation of DNA in cloned embryos yet leading normal preimplantation development. Further studies are needed to investigate whether such modification affects long-term survival of cloned embryos.
ZrN nanoparticles were prepared by an exothermic reduction of ZrCl4 with NaN3 in the presence of NaCl flux in a nitrogen atmosphere. Using a solid-state combustion approach, we have demonstrated that the zirconium nitride nanoparticles synthesis process can be completed in only several minutes compared with a few hours for previous synthesis approaches. The chemistry of the combustion process is not complex and is based on a metathesis reaction between ZrCl4 and NaN3. Because of the low melting and boiling points of the raw materials it was possible to synthesize the ZrN phase at low combustion temperatures. It was shown that the combustion temperature and the size of the particles can be readily controlled by tuning the concentration of the NaCl flux. The results show that an increase in the NaCl concentration (from 2 to 13 M) results in a temperature decrease from 1280 to 750˚C. ZrN nanoparticles have a high surface area (50-70 m2/g), narrow pore size distribution, and nano-particle size between 10 and 30 nm. The activation energy, which can be extracted from the experimental combustion temperature data, is: E = 20 kcal/mol. The method reported here is self-sustaining, rapid, and can be scaled up for a large scale production of a transition metal nitride nanoparticle system (TiN, TaN, HfN, etc.) with suitable halide salts and alkali metal azide.
Lee, Jee-won. 2012. Gesture, Gaze, and Bodily Cues in Mandarin Conversation: Two Case Studies. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(1). pp. 213-234. This study uses discourse analysis to illustrate some ways that non-verbal actions such as gaze, facial expression, and gesture work to contextualize the speech delivered in conversation. These bodily cues also enable participants to organize interactions as collaborative creations of meaning rather than simply a turn-by-turn exchange of speech. This study uses two excerpts from Mandarin Chinese conversations to illustrate how non-verbal cues help speakers and recipients to engage in collaborative action with one another. Speakers give recipients information about their stances vis-à-vis the speech they produce, and recipients use this information to manage their reactions to the speech they hear. Non-verbal actions also allow both parties to mutually regulate the flow of conversation. In both examples, it becomes clear that gaze, facial expression, and gesture are important elements of spoken interaction and that conversation as a whole should be understood as a contextual web of meaning that includes speech, body language, and overall social interaction.
Lee, Gi-ven․Song, Mi-jeong. 2011. Language Socialization Practices of Seven Adolescents of Korean Heritage in the US. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 20(1). pp. 135-159. This study explores cultural and linguistic practices, identity negotiation, and power dynamics manifested in language socialization practices in a recreational setting of seven high school and college students of Korean heritage currently residing in the US. In conjunction with interviews, audio-tapings and observations of these students' weekly basketball games serve as the data sources. Analyses of data demonstrate that the basketball game offers a prime context for these students to speak Korean, practice Korean sociocultural values and rules, negotiate their identity, and establish their own position in the group. While they all speak English for the majority of time in their day-to-day interactions, the students mostly use Korean in the basketball setting, particularly when talking about Korea-related topics. In terms of negotiating their ethnic identity, the Korean-born students seem to negotiate their identity more strictly than the US-born students, who appear to negotiate their identity more ambiguously and flexibly. Also, the power and authority to control the interaction seems to depend upon the symbolic and material resources that the students own.