This paper develops an algorithm to determine the batch size of the batch process in real time for improving production and efficient control of production system with multiple processes and batch processes. It is so important to find the batch size of the batch process, because the variability arising from the batch process in the production system affects the capacity of the production. Specifically, batch size could change system efficiency such as throughput, WIP (Work In Process) in production system, batch formation time and so on. In order to improve the system variability and productivity, real time batch size determined by considering the preparation time and batch formation time according to the number of operation of the batch process. The purpose of the study is to control the WIP by applying CONWIP production system method in the production line and implements an algorithm for a real time batch size decision in a batch process that requires long work preparation time and affects system efficiency. In order to verify the efficiency of the developed algorithm that determine the batch size in a real time, an existed production system with fixed the batch size will be implemented first and determines that batch size in real time considering WIP in queue and average lead time in the current system. To comparing the efficiency of a system with a fixed batch size and a system that determines a batch size in real time, the results are analyzed using three evaluation indexes of lead time, throughput, and average WIP of the queue.
The flow of the 4th Industrial Revolution calls for the innovation of the traditional business models of the manufacturers. Servitization is a corporate strategy to respond to changes in the business environment. These days, the value that the market demands can be created on the basis of the product-service integration. Thus the manufacturers must pursue the fundamental innovation of the current strategy and business models. It is necessary to create common values with customers through providing product-service integrated offerings beyond the development, production, and delivery. The purpose of this study is to develop the evaluation indicators for selecting suppliers when the manufacturer who offers the value of product-service integration needs to obtain the resources from outside. The case company in this study is the manufacture firm conducting the retail IoT business as a new business. The Delphi method is used to develop the evaluation indicators for selecting suppliers. This study suggests the academic implications providing the perspective of Servitizaiton by using Delphi method, and the practical implications applying the creating value method of Servitization by collecting the opinions from both value providers and value consumers in the process of developing the evaluation indicators.
사실, 현대 영미시사에서 예이츠와 엘리엇을 제외한다면 그것을 정확히 진단할 수 없을 정도로 그 두 시인의 영향력은 대단하다. 흥미롭게도 이 둘은 다르게 보일 것처럼 느껴지지만 유사한 맥락으로 평가될 필요가 있다. 또한 이 둘 사이에 창작 방법 또한 유사한 측면이 많다. 이른바 상징을 기점으로 엘리엇은 객관적 상관물을 추구했다면 예이츠는 흔히 정의하는 낭만주의적 기질을 구조했다는 논점이 매우 이채롭다. 예이츠는 결코 단순한 낭만주의자가 아님을 알 수 있다.
Ensuring the quality of molds is one of the major issues in mass production. In general, securing the quality of the molds is achieved by repeating grinding and die spotting after machining the molds based on engineer’s decision. However, this heuristic method is affected by the engineer’s skill and working environment. Therefore, a lot of time and resources are needed in order to ensure quality. In this study, ensuring the quality of molds using grinding map which is generated using automatic measurement is proposed. An automatic measuring system based on CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) is developed for measuring the molds. This system generates the measurement path automatically using the 3D CAD model of products. CAD (Computer- Aided-Design), CAM (Computer-Aided-Manufacturing), and CAQ (Computer-Aided-Quality) technology is integrated using DMIS (Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard) format in the automatic measuring system. After measuring the molds, a grinding map is generated using the gap between the CAD model and measured values of mold. The grinding map displays the machining tendency and the required amount of grinding with values on a 3D map. Therefore, the quality of molds can be ensured with exactness and quickness based on the grinding map. This study shows that integrating the planning, measuring, and analyzing based on computer technology can solve the problem of quality assurance of mold using the proposed method, therefore the productivity can be increased.
The cooperative game theory consists of a set of players and utility function that has positive values for a subset of players, called coalition, in the game. The purpose of cost allocation method is to allocate the relevant cost among game players in a fair and rational way. Therefore, cost allocation method based on cooperative game theory has been applied in many areas for fair and reasonable cost allocation. On the other hand, the desirable characteristics of the cost allocation method are Pareto optimality, rationality, and marginality. Pareto optimality means that costs are entirely paid by participating players. Rationality means that by joining the grand coalition, players do not pay more than they would if they chose to be part of any smaller coalition of players. Marginality means that players are charged at least enough to cover their marginal costs. If these characteristics are all met, the solution of cost allocation method exists in the core. In this study, proportional method is applied to EOQ inventory game and EPQ inventory game with shortage. Proportional method is a method that allocates costs proportionally to a certain allocator. This method has been applied to a variety of problems because of its convenience and simple calculations. However, depending on what the allocator is used for, the proportional method has a weakness that its solution may not exist in the core. Three allocators such as demand, marginal cost, and cost are considered. We prove that the solution of the proportional method to demand and the proportional method to marginal cost for EOQ game and EPQ game with shortage is in the core. The counterexample also shows that the solution of the proportional method to cost does not exist in the core.
이 논문은 근현대 희곡작품 속에 등장하는 디오니소스적 인간을 추적하 고 분석한다. 『비극의 탄생』에서 제시된 니체의 햄릿 논의를 출발점으로 삼고, 햄릿과 베케트의 『고도를 기다리며』에 등장하는 럭키를 니체의 비극론의 틀에서 비교 분석한다. 또한 이 논문은 니체적 관점에서 셰익스피어와 베케트를 관통하는 디오니소스적 인물의 조형을 계승하는 현대작가로 아일랜드 극작가인 엔다 월쉬를 선정하고, 그의 작품 속에 등장하는 디오니소스적 인간의 극적 위치와 의미를 밝혀본다. 이러한 논의는 비극성이 현대 희곡에서 발현되고 삭제되며 또 굴절되는 방식을 보다 다양하게 깊이 있게 이해한다는 점에서 그 가치를 담보한다.
This paper is an exploratory study on the success factors of Defence Quality Management System (DQMS) which is the certification system granted by the military for improving the quality of munitions. DQMS is established by adding military requirements to the ISO standard, thus, we especially focus on the additional requirements to figure out success key factors of DQMS certification.
The 51 additional requirements of Korean Defense Specification (KDS) are empirically investigated from 67 companies that acquired DQMS certification.
Firstly, we conduct an independent t-tests on 51 additional requirements of KDS 0050-900-3 to determine if there is a difference between an easily certified company and a hard-to-certify company, and obtain 8 requirements such as ‘Internal propagation of performance’, ‘Preparation of documented work instructions’, ‘Work instructions in the workplace’, ‘Documentation of equipment management’, ‘Inventory management’, ‘Packaging and identification’, ‘Guarantee of access to internal audit result for customers’, ‘Notification to the customer for improper product.’
Secondly, we carry out an factor analysis to the 51 additional requirements for classification, and figure out that 4 requirements among the 8 requirements above mentioned are grouped together in the same factor. The 4 requirements are ‘Preparation of documented work instructions’, ‘Work instructions in the workplace’, ‘Packaging and identification’, and ‘Guarantee of access to internal audit result for customers.’ The result of this paper will provide useful information to the company preparing for DQMS.
This study examines the effects of text length and question type on Korean EFL readers’ reading comprehension of the fill-in-the-blank items in Korean CSAT. A total of 100 Korean EFL college students participated in the study. After divided into three different proficiency groups, the participants took a reading comprehension test which consisted of 4 reading passages (2 short and 2 long) from the Korean CSAT, followed by multiple-choice fill-in-the-blank questions and open-ended inference questions. The longer version of the passages was made from its originally restored version in which one or two paragraphs were added. The results showed that the college students performed better on the long passages than the short ones. In addition, the college students’ reading comprehension test performance was affected differently depending on the type of questions. The findings of the study provided implications on how to select and construct reading passages for high-stake nationwide examinations, such as the Korean CSAT.
“하위주체”라는 궁색한 용어는 서방세계에 침투한 내부자인 스피박에 의해서 독점적으로 탈식민주의에만 적용되는 것은 아니다. 세계도처 지배세력 하에 처한 모든 존재들이 사실 “하위주체”들이며, 가부장제에 저항하는 크리스테바가 애호하는 전-언어적인 “코라”와 “비천화”라는 개념과 연결될 수 있다. 여기에 죽음과 에로티즘을 부정적인 시각으로 바라보는 서구사회의 구습에 도전하는 바타이유의 인식이 연 결된다. 이러한 반역적인 증상들을 예이츠 시작품에 적용해본 결과, “물속에서 자신을 감상하는 늙은이”에서 노인이 “비천체”가 아니라 “무위”(wu-wei)의 현상이라는 점을 인식할 수 있으며, “마스크”에서 비록 그것이 “코라”와 양립할 수 없는 비본질적인 자아의 양상이긴 하지만, 이율배반적으로 인간현실에 필수적인 요소임을 인식할 수 있 다. 또 “상실된 것”에서 보이는 호불호(好不好)의 결과들이 인위적인 구분임을 인식할 수 있으며, “학생들 속에서”는 바타이유의 견지에서 공생을 위한 상호투쟁의 결과로서 성행위를 통한 존재의 연장을 인식할 수 있고, “세 가지 동작”에서는 실재적, 상상적, 상징적인 차원으로 이어져 삶에서 죽음으로, 죽음에서 삶으로 반복되는 삶의 악순환을 인식할 수 있다. 결론적으로 인간의 삶은 그토록 고귀한 것이 아니라 삶의 실재에서 벗어난 거죽의 행로를 반복하는 비본질적인 쓰레기의 것으로 인식된다.
This research project examines the English loanword adaptation process in Korean as the initiator of variation in the lexical level. By focusing mainly on four loanword variants originated from the English expression application, the current study proposes several linguistic models of initiating lexical variation triggered by loanword adaptation processes. The linguistic examination on the adaptation of application to ayphullikheyisyen and ephullikheyisyen revealed that the generation of both loanword variants were systematically done. Regarding the other two forms, it is strongly suggested that ephul was derived from ephullikheyisyen through clipping, while ayp was a direct adaptation of the clipped English word app. These findings were supported through examining the appearance frequencies of those four variants in written media records. By demonstrating how the loanword adaptation processes can initiate variations in the lexical level, this study provides an additional insight in understanding the basic mechanism of linguistic variation in general, especially in investigating the cause of the initial stage of variation phenomena.
The setting of values on door hinge mounting compensation for door assembly tolerance is a constant quality issue in vehicle production. Generally, heuristic methods are used in satisfying appropriate door gap and level difference, flushness to improve quality. However, these methods are influenced by the engineer's skills and working environment and result an increasement of development costs. In order to solve these problems, the system which suggests hinge mounting compensation value using CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) analysis is proposed in this study. A structural analysis model was constructed to predict the door gap and level difference, flushness through CAE based on CAD (Computer Aided Design) data. The deformations of 6-degrees of freedom which can occur in real vehicle doors was considered using a stiffness model which utilize an analysis model. The analysis model was verified using 3D scanning of real vehicle door hinge deformation. Then, system model which applying the structural analysis model suggested the final adjustment amount of the hinge mounting to obtain the target door gap and the level difference by inputting the measured value. The proposed system was validated using the simulation and showed a reliability in vehicle hinge mounting compensation process. This study suggests the possibility of using the CAE analysis for setting values of hinge mounting compensation in actual vehicle production.
We explored whether task complexity, operationalized by the two types of writing prompts, affects EFL high school students’ narrative writing in terms of syntactic complexity, lexical complexity, fluency, cohesion, and text quality. 32 intermediate EFL students who were randomly assigned to two prompt groups completed a written narrative task based on a series of sixteen pictures. Task complexity was operationalized as a bare versus frame prompt. The results indicate that the task complexity had an impact on lexical sophistication measures. The students in the framed prompt group were able to include more sophisticated vocabulary in their narratives than those in the bare prompt group. The findings are discussed in terms of the Limited Attentional Capacity Model in that the students in the bare prompt group might have prioritized meaning rather than form in order to ease attentional overload. The findings of our study could assist teachers in selecting writing prompts that have the potential to elicit the targeted features of writing performance.
We report the structural, morphological and magnetic properties of the Ni70Mn30 alloy prepared by Planetary Ball Mill method. Keeping the milling time constant for 30 h, the effect of different ball milling speeds on the synthesis and magnetic properties of the samples was thoroughly investigated. A remarkable variation in the morphology and average particle size was observed with the increase in milling speed. For the samples ball milled at 200 and 300 rpm, the average particle size and hence magnetization were decreased due to the increased lattice strain, distortion and surface effects which became prominent due to the increase in the thickness of the outer magnetically dead layer. For the samples ball milled at 400, 500 and 600 rpm however, the average particle size and hence magnetization were increased. This increased magnetization was attributed to the reduced surface area to volume ratio that ultimately led to the enhanced ferromagnetic interactions. The maximum saturation magnetization (75 emu/g at 1 T applied field) observed for the sample ball milled at 600 rpm and the low value of coercivity makes this material useful as soft magnetic material.
Manufactured part based on the drawing must be inspected for quality control. If no restraint note is specified on the drawing, the part should be inspected without any clamping(restraining). However if there is a restraint note, the part is non-rigid part. When inspecting non-rigid parts, there are two areas that need special attention: proper restraining of the part and determining which tolerances are checked in the retrained state. Mounting and restraining the part on the appropriate datum features is the first area. When retraining the part, the only forces that should be used are the ones described in the restraint note. The sequence for applying the restraining force specified on the drawing should be followed. The location, direction and amount of force should be in accordance with the restraint note. Once the part is restrained, the tolerances can be verified. When inspecting non-rigid part, the inspector needs to determine which dimensions and tolerances are to be checked in the retrained state. Careful reading of the restraint note will indicate if all or certain tolerances are to be checked in the restrained condition. Each feature control frame should be examined for the use of free state modifier. If a free state modifier is specified, the geometric control should be inspected with the part in the free state. When inspecting a non-rigid part on a coordinate measuring machine(CMM), fixture and clamp should be used to locate and clamp the part. The fixture will establish the proper part restraint conditions and datums. If a fixture is not used when inspecting non-rigid parts, it will be difficult or impossible repeatable measurements.
First Mover Advantage is already well known. It is when a company gains a position in a certain market or industry, or when it establishes a strong entry barriers through a distribution channel or a monopoly of resources. It is a concept that has been attracting attention for a long time in marketing and strategy. However, although it is possible for the starter to enjoy these various benefits, it is also true that there is a corresponding price.
Therefore, the risks and costs that the starter may bear, and thus the relative benefits enjoyed by the latter, can be significant.
Late Mover Advantage and so on. The fact that latecomers can enjoy a variety of benefits as well as the profits of the starters is an important consideration that must be taken into account by many companies considering entry into the market.
In general, there is a very high risk of overinvestment in technology and market uncertainty. For example, China has skipped wired networks and went wireless, and many African countries have skipped wired communications and built infrastructure for wireless communications. In other words, companies that hastened to invest in fixed-line facilities in order to preoccupy the African telecom market are in a state of failure rather than expecting the interests of the starters.
Another thing is that the starter has to bear more risks and costs than the latter, such as the uncertainty of demand, the risk of changing consumer preferences, and the cost of training new consumers. Also, because imitation is generally less costly than development, a latecomer entering through imitation may be in a better position if patents or other technical defenses are not available. Especially, if latecomers have excellent management ability and financial power such as excellent marketing ability, it is relatively easy to catch up with the first candidate.