
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,115

        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Kathy. 2018. An Analysis of English Teachers' Metalinguistic Discourse. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(2), 195~223. In this paper, I examine an effort by the South Korean Ministry of Education (MOE) called the “Teaching English in English” (TEE) policy, which is still in practice today. In 2001, the MOE enacted TEE to improve the proficiency of Koreans through English instruction, with the implicit acknowledgement that 40 years of traditional teaching methods had not produced competent English users. To understand this policy's implications for teachers, I draw on ethnographic observations and interviews at a government-sponsored center, where Korean teachers of English participated in an intensive English course. Approaching this policy from a language ideological framework, I pay attention to their metalinguistic discourse about English. Analysis of the findings reveals that teachers challenged but also reproduced dominant language ideologies that prevented viewing themselves as legitimate English teachers. Based on these teachers' language ideologies, it is not helpful to view problems in English education as due to teachers' lack of English skills or confidence. The findings illustrate the importance of understanding the social and language practices of the local community when designing a well-informed language policy that can effectively transform language education and challenge ideologies that view Koreans as poor English speakers or English as a language of the Other.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Josephine. 2018. “Preference Organization as a Characterization Device in TV Sitcoms.” The Sociolinguistics Journal of Korea 26(2), 167~193. This study employs conversation analysis to examine how preference organization is exploited as a characterization device in the American sitcom, The Big Bang Theory. The analysis shows that by enacting exaggerated and overt forms of preferred actions, the relationship and personalities of the main characters are constructed in a particular light. By focusing on dispreferred turns, and especially the violations of them, the analysis also demonstrates that preference organization is used to configure the main characters as “funnily abnormal nerds” while achieving the sitcom's purpose of providing entertainment and humor. These findings shed light on the workings of fictional dialogue and the specific resources used to accomplish different identity displays of sitcom characters.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many instructors new to teaching English composition at the college level feel frustrated with what to teach and how to teach it. To learn about the context of support for these instructors, this small scale pilot study asked current ESL composition instructors in a large Midwestern research university to respond to a questionnaire aimed at revealing how experienced teachers give advice to new teachers. The participants included 16 experienced English composition instructors— eight teachers with five or fewer years of teaching experience and eight teachers with more than five years of experience. From each open-ended question response, emerging themes were coded and counted; additional data were qualitatively analyzed. Results showed that no differences in the number of themes per response were found between the two groups; however, similarities and differences regarding the orientation and content of advice given were found. Based on what was learned from this study, the researcher discusses how experienced teachers can better mentor new L2 composition teachers.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is intended to investigate that it is possible to analyze the public awareness and satisfaction of the weather forecast service provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) through social media data as a way to overcome limitations of the questionnaire-based survey in the previous research. Sentiment analysis and association rule mining were used for Twitter data containing opinions about the weather forecast service. As a result of sentiment analysis, the frequency of negative opinions was very high, about 75%, relative to positive opinions because of the nature of public services. The detailed analysis shows that a large portion of users are dissatisfied with precipitation forecast and that it is needed to analyze the two kinds of error types of the precipitation forecast, namely, ‘False alarm’ and ‘Miss’ in more detail. Therefore, association rule mining was performed on negative tweets for each of these error types. As a result, it was found that a considerable number of complaints occurred when preventive actions were useless because the forecast predicting rain had a ‘False alarm’ error. In addition, this study found that people’s dissatisfaction increased when they experienced inconveniences due to either unpredictable high winds and heavy rains in summer or severe cold in winter, which were missed by weather forecast. This study suggests that the analysis of social media data can provide detailed information about forecast users’ opinion in almost real time, which is impossible through survey or interview.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        번 연구의 주된 목적은 예이츠와 엘리엇의 시적 자아가 추구하는 최종 목적(방향)을 찾아보는 것이다. 그 목적에서의 차이를 발견함으로써 시적 자아의 이상향을 찾을 수 있다는 것이 본 연구의 장점이다. 그 결과 예이츠는 시적 자아의 “개인적 해방”을 추구하는가 하면 엘리엇의 경우 “자아비우기”를 통해 절대자 수용을 강조 한다는 점을 알 수 있었다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 사실주의 연극과 예이츠의 관계를 다층적으로 분석하고 조명 한다. 그 시작부터 아일랜드 국립극장은 시적 아름다움과 재현의 충실이라는 상충되는 미학적 가치를 구현하려고 했고, 두 이상 사이에 존재하는 긴장과 모순은 아이러니컬 하게도 애비극장의 발전에 원동력을 제공했다. 예이츠는 사실주의 및 자연주의적 연극에 대해 일관되게 부정적 입장을 취해왔지만 동시에 사실주의의 힘을 간과할 수 없음을 잘 알고 있었다. 평생에 걸친 예이츠의 다양한 극적 실험은 바로 사실주의와의 대치, 협상 및 변형적 수용의 과정으로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 예이츠의 변화하는 연극관을 추적한다. 이를 위해 예이츠의 다양한 비평, 시론, 에세이 등을 바탕으로 중산층과 사실주의, 예이츠와 입센의 관계, 예이츠의 싱 옹호, 국립극장과 시 극의 관계 등을 논의하고 예이츠의 주요 극작품 속에 숨겨져 있는 사실주의적 기법과 요소를 발굴, 포착함으로써 예이츠와 사실주의의 관계를 재조명한다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시를 읽는 일은 사물을 읽은 일과 같다. 유식과 무식을 떠나 인간은 생존을 위하여 끊임없이 주위의 대상들을 읽어야 한다. 그런데 인간은 사물자체 혹은 본질에 도달하기가 불가능하다. 그리하여 사물자체가 아니라 사물에 대한 의미생산에 그치고 그 의미는 타자들에 의해 상속되고 갱신된다. 따라서 주/객의 일치를 선언한 그리스도를 제외하고 인간사회에서 객관적인 대상으로서의 사물, 사건, 작품에 대한 초월적이고 절대적인 견해는 있을 수 없다. 그러므로 우리는 상대적인 관점에서 사물을 바라봐야 하는 운명을 지니고 때어났다. 항상 밑바닥에서 시작해야하는 시시포스의 운명처럼. 이런 관점에서 읽어본 본 작품의 내용은 영국의 탄압에 직면하여 식민지 아일랜드의 내/외의 비우호적인 상황을 제시하고 있는듯하다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper on language learner strategies utilizes a little used quantitative, datamining technique called cluster analysis to investigate characteristics of groups of South Korean learners of English. After 71 students in three first-year university liberal arts English conversation courses completed the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), and the number of learning strategies was reduced from 50 to 26 based on standard deviation (SD) results, the non-hierarchical (K-means) 3-cluster procedure was applied to the self-reported data. Following statistical analysis, each of the three cluster groups could be profiled according to achievement scores. At this point, six items emerged as particularly meaningful with regard to the latter, including direct strategies (a memory one and a cognitive one) and indirect strategies (two affective and two metacognitive). These strategies and their significance with reference to the local context as well as results previously reported in the literature are discussed. Finally, limitations of the study and implications for future research using cluster analysis are reported.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated whether task complexity may affect L2 speaking performance as predicted by the Cognition Hypothesis (Robinson, 2011), and whether the effect of task complexity may interact with individual differences in working memory capacity. A total of twenty Korean advanced-level EFL learners performed two separate picture description tasks, which were different in task complexity along [+/- here and now] dimension. Their working memory was measured by an L1 version of a reading span task. The results showed that there was no significant difference between Here-and-Now task (i.e., a simple task) and There-and-Then task (i.e., a complex task) in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency of English speaking performance, rejecting the prediction of the Cognition Hypothesis. Yet, it found that working memory correlated with accuracy in L2 performance on the complex task, but not on the simple task. This indicates that the effect of individual learners’ working memory capacity is observable only when a task demands a high control of attentional resources. Conversely, when a task is simple, individual differences in working memory capacity do not result in significant differences in L2 speaking performance.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cobalt-incorporated zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-8 was synthesized by a simple one-pot synthesis method at room temperature. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns and energy dispersive X-ray spectrum confirmed the formation of the bimetallic Co/Zn-ZIF structure. UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra revealed that the bimetallic ZIF had a lower HOMO-LUMO gap compared with ZIF-8 due to the charge transfer process from organic ligands to cobalt centers. A hydrolytic stability test showed that Co/Zn-ZIF is very robust in aqueous solution - the most important criterion for any material to be applied in photodegradation. The photocatalytic efficiency of the synthesized samples was investigated over the Indigo Carmine (IC) dye degradation under solar simulated irradiation. Cobalt incorporated ZIF-8 exhibited high efficiency over a wide range of pH and initial concentration. The degradation followed through three distinct stages: a slow initial stage, followed by an accelerated stage and completed with a decelerated stage. Moreover, the photocatalytic performance of the synthesized samples was highly improved in alkaline environment rather than in acidic or neutral environments, which may have been because in high pH medium, the increased concentration of hydroxyl ion facilitated the formation of hydroxyl radicals, a reactive species responsible for the breaking of the Indigo Carmine structure. Thus, Co/Zn-ZIF is a promising and green material for solving the environmental pollution caused by textile industries.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ZnMgBeGaO/Ag/ZnMgBeGaO multilayer structures were sputter grown and characterized in detail. Results indicated that the electrical properties of the ZnMgBeGaO films were significantly improved by inserting an Ag layer with proper thickness (~ 10 nm). Structures with thicker Ag films showed much lower optical transmission, although the electrical conductivity was further improved. It was also observed that the electrical properties of the multilayer structure were sizably improved by annealing in vacuum (~35% at 300 oC). The optimum ZnMgBeGaO(20nm)/Ag(10nm)/ZnMgBeGaO(20nm) structure exhibited an electrical resistivity of ~2.6 × 10−5 Ωcm (after annealing), energy bandgap of ~3.75 eV, and optical transmittance of 65%~ 95 % over the visible wavelength range, representing a significant improvement in characteristics versus previously reported transparent conductive materials.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the production of zirconium cladding tube, a pickling acid solution is used to remove surface contaminants, which generates tons of pickling acid waste. The waste pickling solution is a valuable resource of Hf-free Zr. Many studies have investigated separating the Hf-free Zr source from the waste pickling acid. The results showed that Ba2ZrF8 precipitates prepared from the waste pickling acid were useful as an electrolyte for the electrorefining of Zr in molten salt. In the present work, electrorefining was performed in a Ba2ZrF8-LiF binary electrolyte to recover Zr from a Hf-free CuZr ingot anode prepared by electroreduction. Before electrorefining, two pretreatments are performed. First, electrolyte melting was carried out to determine the eutectic temperature, and second, the electrolyte was treated to eliminate impurities, mainly hydride. After electrorefining, the cathode deposits were analyzed by O2 gas analyzer and SEM-EDX to explore the possibility of recovering nuclear-grade Zr metal. Moreover, the anode was analyzed by SEM-EDX to determine the Zr dissolution depth.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ZnO micro/nanocrystals with different morphologies were synthesized by thermal evaporation of various zinc source materials in an air atmosphere. Zinc acetate, zinc carbonate and zinc iodide were used as the source materials. No catalysts or substrates were used in the synthesis of the ZnO crystals. The scanning electron microscope(SEM) image showed that the morphology of ZnO crystals was strongly dependent on the source materials, which suggests that source material is one of the key factors in controlling the morphology of the obtained ZnO crystals. Tetrapods, nanogranular shaped crystals, spherical particles and crayon-shaped crystals were obtained using different source materials. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) pattern revealed that the all the ZnO crystals had hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structures. An ultraviolet emission was observed in the cathodoluminescence spectrum of the ZnO crystals prepared via thermal evaporation of Zn powder. However, a strong green emission centered at around 500 nm was observed in the cathodoluminescence spectra of the ZnO crystals prepared using zinc salts as the source materials.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examines the interactional organization of EFL collaborative teaching interaction by focusing on the teachers’ co-initiation turns. Drawing on conversation analysis, the aim is to produce a fine-grained description of the interactional structure that sets coteaching apart from those of single-teacher classroom interactions. More importantly, the article also seeks to promote a deeper understanding on effective practices that teachers draw on to collaboratively manage their local classroom contingencies, coordinate student participation, and ultimately, to move towards accomplishing the curricular focus of the lesson. The analysis highlights that through the conjoined initiation turns, the teachers were able to elicit the instantaneous participation from the students to present in front of the classroom. In addition, by adjusting and reformulating the scope of each other’s initiation turns, they are also able to efficiently guide the students toward providing the correct response. Such collaboration, as it occurs in situ in the classroom, realizes a particular type of interactional competence that requires close and sensitive monitoring of both the students’ and the other co-teacher’s actions.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates the relative effects of two types of indirect written corrective feedback (CF) on the acquisition of English articles. Thirty-five high intermediate Korean EFL college students who were enrolled in three composition classes participated in this study. After the instruction on the English article usage, three classes (Class A, Class B, and Class C) received different types of feedback on their blog writings over the course of a semester. Both Class A and Class B received indirect feedback in the form of underlining errors. In the following class, Class A received correct forms with metalinguistic information for the errors revised incorrectly, but Class B did not have such opportunities. The Class C received no feedback. The results showed that only Class A, which received indirect feedback plus correct forms with metalinguistic information, made a statistically significant gain from the 3 sessions of feedback treatment. Pedagogical implications were provided on the basis of the findings.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, the effects of hydrogen reduction on the microstructure and thermoelectric properties of (GeTe)0.85(AgSbTe2)0.15 (TAGS-85) were studied by a combination of gas atomization and spark plasma sintering. The crystal structure and microstructure of TAGS-85 were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The oxygen content of both powders and bulk samples were found to decrease with increasing reduction temperature. The grain size gradually increased with increasing reduction temperature due to adhesion of fine grains in a temperature range of 350 to 450 °C. The electrical resistivity was found to increase with reduction temperature due to a decrease in carrier concentration. The Seebeck coefficient decreased with increasing reduction temperature and was in good agreement with the carrier concentration and carrier mobility. The maximum power factor, 3.3 × 10−3 W/mK2, was measured for the non-reduction bulk TAGS-85 at 450 °C.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유사 이래 인간은 생존을 위해 주변 사물에 대한 읽기에 몰두하여 왔으며, 그 권리가 왕, 마술사, 시인, 비평가, 학자에서 민중으로 넘어왔다. 이제 사물에 대 한 읽기의 주체는 정치체제의 변천에 불구하고 어디까지나 독자임에 틀림없다. 그러므 로 본고에서는 학자, 비평가의 일방적인 읽기를 탈피하여 4차 산업시대를 맞이하여 다양한 매체를 통한 예이츠 시작품 읽기를 시도한다. 전자매체이든 문자매체이든 양자 모두 매체임에는 불변이고, 마찬가지로 아무리 세상이 바뀌더라도 사물에 대한 읽기는 세상의 종말이 올 때까지 끊임없이 지속될 것이다.