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        검색결과 1,120

        2021.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on the socio-historical dynamics of English ideologies that percolated into Korean society, this paper explored the significant aspects of ESL ideology in the Korean context. Despite the generally accepted EFL context in Korea, the country is situated at the intersection between two categories: ESL from a perspective of English ideologies and EFL from a perspective of societal context. As a proto-ideology of English, ESL ideology, which dates back to the United States Military rule in Korea, was further theoretically developed by the Peabody/Korean team, and its implementation was attempted by the Peace Corps. Although activating ESL has failed in Korean society, its ideology per se remains unchanged, (re)generating other English ideologies including Spoken English First, Ten-year English Fiasco, and Earlier the Better English Education ideologies. This study found that the discrepancy between ESL as the ideological domain and EFL as the practical domain has brought about some confusion in English education policy and practices.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the meaning of the road name address is expended as an information through the revision of the Road Name Address Act. As this revision, the address of things (AoT) become more important indicating the possibility for the expansion to the related business. However, recent study about AoT does not concern how the current priority system works from the first research. In this study, we analyze perception about addressable object between AoT experts and public using AHP analysis. We structured the importance of addressable objects as two categories; urgency and value creation. The necessity in emergency or daily, accessibility and welfare conform the urgency index. Meanwhile, public value creation in public domain or profitability in the business area and economics conform value creation index. We conducted survey for total of 89 of experts and public. The results of this study indicate the relative importance of AoT measured by experts and public. Generally, public tend to concern more about accessibility conforming the urgency index than experts. Moreover, the public WiFi and the sports complex scored the high priority among the remain addressable objects, in respect of the urgency and the value creation. This result could be implemented for the activation of the smart city industry base on the geospatial information including AoT.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Machines and facilities are physically or chemically degenerated by continuous usage. The representative type of the degeneration is the wearing of tools, which results in the process mean shift. According to the increasing wear level, non-conforming products cost and quality loss cost are increasing simultaneously. Therefore, a preventive maintenance is necessary at some point . The problem of determining the maintenance period (or wear limit) which minimizes the total cost is called the ‘process mean shift problem’. The total cost includes three items: maintenance cost (or adjustment cost), non-conforming cost due to the non-conforming products, and quality loss cost due to the difference between the process target value and the product characteristic value among the conforming products. In this study, we set the production volume as a decreasing function rather than a constant. Also we treat the process variance as a function to the increasing wear rather than a constant. To the quality loss function, we adopted the Cpm+, which is the left and right asymmetric process capability index based on the process target value. These can more reflect the production site. In this study, we presented a more extensive maintenance model compared to previous studies, by integrating the items mentioned above. The objective equation of this model is the total cost per unit wear. The determining variables are the wear limit and the initial process setting position that minimize the objective equation.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This investigation was carried out in Liaoning, Shandong, and Shaanxi where classified most of their geological organizations into profit organizations, which means they must implement enterprise-oriented reform immediately. The valid 311 questionnaires were collected and used to verify the serial mediating model by AMOS 23.0. Results verified the crucial mediating effects of structural and psychological empowerment between external-focused organizational culture and openness for change. Adhocracy culture positively affects employees’ openness for change through three indirect paths, including one mediator and two mediators. Market culture impacts individuals’ openness for change through two indirect paths, one is through structural empowerment and another one is through two mediators. The findings provide managers in geological organizations with an empowering management practice model which could promote geological industry reform effectively.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 예이츠의 문화적 상상력에서 북아일랜드가 어떤 지위를 담보 하는가를 논의한다. 아일랜드와 시인 자신의 매개체로서 문화적 민족주의를 끊임없이 재구성하는 데 천착했던 예이츠의 방대한 저술 속에서 놀랍게도 북아일랜드에 관한 체계적이고 지속적인 논의를 찾기 어렵다. 이 논문은 일기, 일화, 소수의 “전쟁시”와 상원 연설문 등 부분적이고 파편적으로 산재한 자료들을 발굴 및 수집하고 이들을 연계해서 예이츠와 북아일랜드의 관계에 관한 응집된 서사를 구축하는 데 그 목적을 둔다. 논문은 특히 유년시절 슬라이고에서 겫었던 얼스터 통합주의의 경험, 얼스터문예 극장에 관련된 일화, 「1916 부활절」, 「내전기의 명상」 및 「1919년」과 같은 정치시, 그 리고 그의 상원 연설문들을 중점적으로 분석하고 논의한다. 궁극적으로 얼스터/북아일 랜드가 예이츠의 문화적 상상력에서 생략된 원인을 추적하고 또 상징이자 실체로서 얼스터/북아일랜드의 부재가 예이츠의 문화민족주의에 미치는 영향을 가늠해본다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of automated writing evaluation (AWE) feedback on Korean university students’ revision behavior. Specifically, it explored the extent to which the quality of essays differed between first drafts and second drafts. Furthermore, the way individual students dealt with incorrect feedback in revising essays was examined. In this study, ETS’ Criterion program, one of the most popular AWE programs, was employed. In cases where incorrect feedback was detected, the first and second drafts were closely compared to find out how students altered the text in response to the incorrect feedback, and this was classified into one of three categories: successful changes, unsuccessful changes, and text deletion. The results showed that students’ second drafts were rated significantly higher than first drafts by two NS raters, which indicates that many students followed the revision suggestions made by the Criterion program. As students’ Criterion scores increased, their ability to identify and make successful changes in response to incorrect feedback improved. The findings of the study can advance our understanding of AWE use in an EFL context and should contribute to broader examination of how Korean university students engage in revision of their essays.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Not only does this paper examine the etymology of yuan元, yuan原, yuan源 and ben本 through Sinoxenic vocabulary but conducts comparative analyses of similarities and differences in them as well. yuan元 means ‘beginning, first’ and ‘root, origin’ in Sinoxenic words. However, its role was replaced with yuan原 at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. yuan原was originally used to mean ‘first, beginning’ and ‘origin, source’, the former of which has strengthened and the latter of which has become transferred to yuan源to which more meanings of ‘root, by nature’ have been added since then. ben本 means ‘nature, essence, basis’ referring to the essence or nature itself, thereby differentiated both from yuan源, whose meaning indicates the origin of such essence or nature, and from yuan原, which means ‘first’ and ‘beginning (initial appearance or status)’.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Investors aim to maximize the return rate for their own investment, utilizing various information as possible as they can access. However those investors, especially individual investors, have limitations of interpretation of the domain-specific information or even the acquisition of the information itself. Thus, individual investors tend to make decision affectively and frequently, which may cause a loss in returns. This study aims to analyze analysts’ target price and to suggest the strategy that could maximize individual’s return rate. Most previous literature revealed that the optimistic bias exists in the analysts’ target price and it is also confirmed in this study. In this context, this study suggests the upper limit of target rate of returns and the optimal value named ‘alpha(α)’ which performs the adjustment of proposed target rate to maximize excess earning returns eventually. To achieve this goal, this study developed an optimization problem using linear programming. Specifically, when the analysts’ proposed target rate exceeds 30%, it could be adjusted to the extent of 59% of its own target rate. As apply this strategy, the investors could achieve 1.2% of excess earning rate on average. The result of this study has significance in that the individual investors could utilize analysts’ target price practically.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ROK Army must detect the enemy’s location and the type of artillery weapon to respond effectively at wartime. This paper proposes a radar positioning model by applying a scenario-based robust optimization method i.e., binary integer programming. The model consists of the different types of radar, its available quantity and specification. Input data is a combination of target, weapon types and enemy position in enemy’s attack scenarios. In this scenario, as the components increase by one unit, the total number increases exponentially, making it difficult to use all scenarios. Therefore, we use partial scenarios to see if they produce results similar to those of the total scenario, and then apply them to case studies. The goal of this model is to deploy an artillery locating radar that maximizes the detection probability at a given candidate site, based on the probability of all possible attack scenarios at an expected enemy artillery position. The results of various experiments including real case study show the appropriateness and practicality of our proposed model. In addition, the validity of the model is reviewed by comparing the case study results with the detection rate of the currently available radar deployment positions of Corps. We are looking forward to enhance Korea Artillery force combat capability through our research.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the spread of smart manufacturing, one of the key topics of the 4th industrial revolution, manufacturing systems are moving beyond automation to smartization using artificial intelligence. In particular, in the existing automatic machining, a number of machining defects and non-processing occur due to tool damage or severe wear, resulting in a decrease in productivity and an increase in quality defect rates. Therefore, it is important to measure and predict tool life. In this paper, v-ASVR (v-Asymmetric Support Vector Regression), which considers the asymmetry of є-tube and the asymmetry of penalties for data out of є-tube, was proposed and applied to the tool wear prediction problem. In the case of tool wear, if the predicted value of the tool wear amount is smaller than the actual value (under-estimation), product failure may occur due to tool damage or wear. Therefore, it can be said that v-ASVR is suitable because it is necessary to overestimate. It is shown that even when adjusting the asymmetry of є-tube and the asymmetry of penalties for data out of є-tube, the ratio of the number of data belonging to є-tube can be adjusted with v. Experiments are performed to compare the accuracy of various kernel functions such as linear, polynomial. RBF (radialbasis function), sigmoid, The best result isthe use of the RBF kernel in all cases
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we introduce a pilot's scheduling model which is able to maintain and balance their capabilities for each relevant skill level in military helicopter squadron. Flight scheduler has to consider many factors related pilot's flight information and spends a lot of times and efforts for flight planning without scientific process depending on his/her own capability and experience. This model reflected overall characteristics that include pilot's progression by basis monthly and cumulative flight hours, operational recent flight data and quickly find out a pinpoint areas of concern with respect to their mission subjects etc. There also include essential several constraints, such as personnel qualifications, and Army helicopter training policy’s constraints such as regulations and guidelines. We presented binary Integer Programming (IP) mathematical formulation for optimization and demonstrated its effectiveness by comparisons of real schedule versus model's solution to several cases experimental scenarios and greedy random simulation model. The model made the schedule in less than 30 minutes, including the data preprocessing process, and the results of the allocation were more equal than the actual one. This makes it possible to reduce the workload of the scheduler and effectively manages the pilot's skills. We expect to set up and improve better flight planning and combat readiness in Korea Army aviation.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        English translators have many difficulties in choosing appropriate expressions to render ‘junzi 君子’ closely related to the East Asian Confucian cultural traditions into their language. James Legge’s renderings of junzi in Mencius, which vary depending on the context, are different from the contemporary tendencies to consistently translate junzi into the word ‘gentleman’ or the transliterated word ‘junzi.’ The paper argues that Legge’s various translations of junzi help us identify different nuances of meaning and reconsider some of our present conventional uses. It examines on the etymology of junzi and its historical and social development in the Warring States Period to examine Legge’s translation aspects. It also argues that Legge’s translation to specify junzi to a ruler, a prince and a sovereign sage in some controversial passages has a great influence on the English readers’ interpretation of the text. Legge’s specific translation directs readers to suppose that the Chinese word ‘junzi 君子’ is better understood as a benevolent ruler because he has the power to play a crucial role in achieving the true Kingly government and not simply a moral scholar.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, Y3Al5O12) has excellent plasma resistance and recently has been used as an alternative to Y2O3 as a chamber coating material in the semiconductor process. However, due to the presence of an impurity phase and difficulties in synthesis and densification, many studies on YAG are being conducted. In this study, YAG powder is synthesized by an organic-inorganic complex solution synthesis method using PVA polymer. The PVA solution is added to the sol in which the metal nitrate salts are dissolved, and the precursor is calcined into a porous and soft YAG powder. By controlling the molecular weight and the amount of PVA polymer, the effect on the particle size and particle shape of the synthesized YAG powder is evaluated. The sintering behavior of the YAG powder compact according to PVA type and grinding time is studied through an examination of its microstructure. Single phase YAG is synthesized at relatively low temperature of 1,000 ℃ and can be pulverized to sub-micron size by ball milling. In addition, sintered YAG with a relative density of about 98 % is obtained by sintering at 1,650 ℃.