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        검색결과 9,514

        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        점점 더 많은 소비자들이 아이팟, TiVo 등 사적복제 기술을 당연한 것으로 받아들이고 있다. 그러나 저작권법은 사적이고 비변형적인 복제에 대해 논리정연한 근거를 제공하지 않고 있고 저작권자들은 이와 관련된 사적 복제 기술을 경계하고 있거나 방해하고 있다. 하지만, 사적 복제를 포용할 수 있는 공정 이용 법리는 저작물의 가치를 높이는 보완 기술을 창출하는 데에 기여할 수 있다. 특히 사적 복제 기술이 파괴적 혁신에 해당하는 경우 저작권과 혁신 정책 모두에게 중요한 성과가 있었다. 그리고 이러한 사적 복제 기술로 인해 창출된 잉여가치가 소비자들에게 흘러들어갈 수 있는데, 이는 저작권법의 목적에도 부합한다. 그런데 이와 같은 기술 혁신이 저작권 보호와 갈등이 생길 수 있는데, 지속적인 시장 실패의 가능성 때문에 이를 사전 규제를 하기 보다는 사후 규제를 하는 것이 바람직하다. 이를 종합할 때, 이러한 기술 발전을 불안해하며 주시하기보다는, 혁신가들과 저작권 소유자들 모두 이러한 발전을 환영하고, 또 공정 이용 법리가 저작권 정책의 전체 목표와 합치하는 방식으로 혁신을 장려도록 하기 위해 함께 노력하기 시작해야 한다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are an estimated about 20,000 species of mushrooms in the world. Of these, approx. 2,0000 species is edible and around 1,500 species of them grow naturally in Korea. About 300 species of Korean natural mushroom could be classified as edible and medical purpose, but actual use is restricted to only 20 species. Mushrooms has been used for food ingredients since early times. Recently it is being used as a good pharmaceutical material or functional bio-material. Especially Ganoderma lucidum, Phellinus and Inonotus are used for medicinal purposes. In this meaning, the study about chemical component separation and active component effect is necessary. For the study, the systematic establishment of mushroom should be done. In this study, we are trying to build a library by using extracts from the edible, medicinal and wild mushrooms. The physiological activities(antioxidant, anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects) were performed to investigate the effectiveness of mushrooms.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Edible mushrooms have been used and researched as medicinal ingredients. They improve immunity and contain excellent anticancer components with large amounts of minerals such as iron, calcium, and potassium. Due to this reason, it has been hailed as a raw material for functional foods. Especially, β-glucan, known to be contained in Ganoderma incidum Karst, Coriolus versicolor, and Phellinus linteus, was reported to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells by activating immune function (macrophages, natural killer cells and T-cells). In addition, mushroom polysaccharides dissolve in water but are undigested ingredients, resulting in stimulating the immune system as well as staying of parasympathetic nervous system in the stomach for a long time. As a result, they induce increase of T-cells and NK cell that attacks cancer cell and has effect on the discharge of body's waste products, blood purification, and constipation improvement. In this study, we report the culture characteristics of Sparassis crispa as to the medium growth compositions, yeast, and elicitor treatments to investigate the optimal condition for the highest β-glucan production in mushrooms.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate neuronal protective activity of fruiting body of Hericium erinaceum. In order to search the effective active compound against amyloid beta peptide-induced oxidative stress on neuronal cells, rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12), Extracts of Hericium erinaceum were screened and evaluated using both the 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin diacetate assay (DCF-DA), and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. According to above assays, Solvent partitions of extracts were selected for further purification and isolation of anti-Alzheimer’s disease compound as it exerted the highest protective effects against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two species entomopathogenic fungi most widely used and valued in traditional Asian medical practice are Ophiocordyceps sinensis (formely Cordyceps sinensis) and Cordyceps militaris. Although O. sinensis may be the more famous and expensive fungus, it is also comparatively rare and cannot be grown or made to fruit readily in culture whereas C. militaris occurs worldwide, can be easily cultured, and is the easist of all Cordyceps species to fruit in culture. There is a well establihed cottage industry in Korea to produce C. militaris as a dietary supplement or even as a culinary ingredient used to promote improved health. Most of the Korean farmers raising C. militaris obtain fruiting bodies from silkworms that are injected with suspensions of hyphal bodies grown in liquid cultures. This study seeks to facilitate and to simplify the injection process used to produced this fungus by finding a simple cullture medium on which abundant supplies of the Lecanicillium conodial state of C. militaris are produced and can be used with simplified injection protocols involving spraying or dipping in conidial suspensions than the more material- and labor- intensive injection protocol. The studies to be repored include quantitative tests of conodial yields on varying carbon sources, varying nitrogen sources, and attempted to optimize the carbon/nitrogen ratio and pH of the medium for conidial production.