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        검색결과 9,512

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The skeleton of fuel assembly is composed of top nozzle, bottom nozzle, grids, and guide tubes. In the reactor core, all the parts of the fuel assembly suffer degradations due to the condition of high temperature, pressure and water environment. Therefore, many material properties of high temperature mechanical strength, corrosion and irradiation resistance have been considered to choose the material for fuel assembly parts in the fuel development stage. The guide tubes have important roles to connect each parts and support the load of fuel assembly while the fuel is lifted. In Westinghouse 14×14 standard fuel assembly, Zircaloy-4 was used for the material of the guide tubes. Zircaloy-4 has a resistance to water corrosion and maintain good mechanical properties after the discharge from the core, so this alloy is also utilized for a fuel rod cladding material although the microstructure is slightly different due to the heat treatment difference. Thus, it is expected that there is no issue regarding the guide tube integrity after the discharge and during the storage in the pool, especially in case of low burn-up. However, the surface oxidation and resultant hydrogen pick-up can affect to the embrittlement to the Zr alloy. So, it is needed to know the actual status of spent fuel assembly by performing post-irradiation examination. In this study, the degradation level of the guide Tubes in low burn-up spent fuel assembly was investigated using the KAERI PIE facility in order to make some data which can be utilized to the baseline for evaluating the integrity of the spent fuel skeleton.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The management before disposal of spent nuclear fuel is an essential process for safe management. It is important to determine the amount of nuclide inventory in order to ensure the integrity of spent nuclear fuel, as radiation generated from the nuclides is generated along with residual heat in the spent nuclear fuel. Based on the data on the characteristics of spent nuclear fuel generated in Korea, the correlation equation between burnup and enrichment was derived by referring to overseas cases (Sweden). Source term analysis was performed using the SCALE ORIGEN ARP code by securing the burnup history of nuclear fuel. Calculation was performed by inputting the combustion history of the fuel WH14×14 and WH17×17 as a reference for CE16×16 spent fuel. Through this study, the relationship was identified using the burnup, enrichment, and cooling time factors that influence the characteristics of spent nuclear fuel. In addition, the total source and spectrum data from neutrons and gamma sources were used to find out the characteristics of fuel.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As drone technology and industry develop around the world, the use of drones are increasing in number and expanding to different fields. On the other hand, illegal flight and terrorist incidents using drones are also increasing day by day. In Korea, it is reflected in the “Design Basis Threat (DBT)”, which is the standard for designing and evaluating the physical protection system of nuclear power plants in accordance with the “Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency”, that nuclear power plants continue to establish physical protection against drone threats. A total of 141 drone attacks or incidents have occurred around the world since 2015. Cases related to the Russian-Ukraine war, in which so many cases occurred, were excluded. There were 112 cases (79%) of terrorism or suspected terrorism using a single drone. There were 4 cases of terrorism using more than 5 drones, and a total of 20 drones were used to attack an oil facility in Yemen (2019). By region, a total of 111 incidents occurred in Middle East & North Africa. By country, there were 49 cases in Iraq, 35 cases in Saudi Arabia, and 8 cases in Syria. Among major countries, three cases occured in Korea, five in the United States, two in England, Canada, and Italy, and one in Japan and France. Since 2021, there have been 15 drone attacks. Multiple drones were used in attacks targeting military or large-scale Important National Facilities such as the Saudi oil refinery, Indian Kashmir air base, and reconnaissance of Iranian Natanz nuclear and surrounding military facilities. Also in 89% of the cases, the drones were loaded with explosives in order to cause large-scale damage. Accordingly, nuclear power plants, which are important national facilities, need to establish a system that can detect and respond to multiple drones. Furthermore, additional protective measures are needed for areas that are expected to be severely damaged which can be established by evaluating the impact of explosives on major points in the plant. In additionthere is a high possibility of terrorism by organizations aiming for national turmoil rather than individual terrorists. So it is important to identify signs of terrorism in advance and prepare through cooperation with related agencies.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are a rising threat to national facilities due to their cheap price and accessibility. Incidents such as the terrorism attack in Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities and the paralysis of the airport system in England’s Gatwick airport shows the need for integrating CUAS (Counter- Unmanned Aerial Systems) in important national facilities. Recently efforts have been made to evaluate the technical performance of the CUAS. Especially SNL (Sandia National Laboratory) modified the methodology used for PPS (Physical Protection Systems) to develop a performance metrics for CUAS. The performance metrics can be used to effectively analyze the facilities capability of countering drone attacks in a probabilistic way. In this study, we managed to derive the safety boundary of a reference nuclear power plant model based on its current CUAS and protection capabilities with a simplified methodology. Based on the outermost boundary of the model, the time table of the UAS consist of 4 variables which are the assessment time, transmission time, neutralization time and the maximum vehicle velocity. Dividing the maximum velocity to the net time derived, we estimated the minimum sensing point of the CUAS which is the minimum safety boundary of the facility to safely manage the UAV attack. Two practice cases were evaluated with the methodology which is based on the UAV groups classified by the United States DOD (Department Of Defense) that matches the classification of the UAV in Korea. Each variable was assumed to fit the process of a realistic nuclear power plant. Using the variables, we calculated the minimum safety boundary of the facility. With the methodology introduced in this study, regulators and stakeholders can easily evaluate the capability of the facilities CUAS for a design basis UAV attack. Also it can be used as a simple tool to analyze the facilities vulnerability for specific UAV specifications and a guideline to check the protective procedures of the facility.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of the present research is to verify the design characteristics of the SMART facility for the application of the IAEA’s safeguards-by-design (SBD) concept to small modular reactor (SMR) and to establish a foundation for SBD to be faithfully implemented as early as possible from the design stage. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is planning to facilitate the verification activities of inspectors by developing a safeguards approach to the reactor as early as possible and preparing a safeguards technical report (STR) before commercial operation of SMR begins. To this end, the IAEA is developing various approaches to the application of SBD to SMR with countries such as Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, China, the United States, and Canada through the Member State Support Program (MSSP). In order to review the unique design information of SMART facilities, the only deployable SMR in Korea, and to establish safeguards from the early design stages of SMART, it is necessary to carry out the task through cooperation with the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC). IAEA agreed with the KINAC and KAERI to the direction of the project and to prepare both the Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ) and the Safeguards Technical Report (STR) for SMART facilities sequentially. The DIQ is a collection of questions to understand the characteristics of the reactor facilities that must be considered in applying safeguards. The STR is a document referenced by IAEA inspectors when verifying safeguards. Those draft versions were prepared and submitted to the IAEA. After review opinions were received, additional revision was conducted. In 2022, the IAEA holds the consultancy meeting on SBD for SMART. The purpose of the meeting is to review the draft DIQ and STR prepared by designers and discuss the future work plan of the task with designer and the task point of contact in order to safeguards can be considered at the early stage of the design. The results will be beneficial to the efficient safeguards verification activities of IAEA inspectors in the future.