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        검색결과 172

        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper examines the effects of the partial solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 across the Korean peninsular on surface temperature and ozone concentrations in over the Busan metropolitan region (BMR). The observed data in the BMR demonstrated that the solar eclipse phenomenon clearly affects the surface ozone concentration as well as the air temperature. The decrease in temperature ranging from 1.2 to 5.4℃ was observed at 11 meteorological sites during the eclipse as a consequence of the solar radiation decrease. A large temperature drop exceeding 4℃ was observed at most area (8 sites) of the BMR. Significant ozone drop (18∼29 ppb) was also observed during the eclipse mainly due to the decreased efficiency of the photochemical ozone formation. The ozone concentration started to decrease at approximately 1 to 2 hours after the event and reached its minimum value for a half hour to 2 hours after maximum eclipse. The rate of ozone fall ranged between 0.18 and 0.49 ppb/min. The comparison between ozone measurements and the expected values derived from the fitted curve analysis showed that the maximum drop in ozone concentrations occurred at noon or 1 PM and was pronounced at industrial areas.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects on meteorological variables in Seoul, Busan and Jeju during the partial solar eclipse event of 22 July 2009 in Korea. Solar irradiance decreased 16 and 19 minutes after eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and 6 minutes before eclipse in Jeju. Minimum solar irradiance occurred 7 and 3 minutes after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, respectively, and 8 minutes before maximum eclipse in Jeju. Solar irradiance began to increase after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and recovered to the original state as eclipse ended. On the other hand, recovery of solar irradiance after maximum eclipse in Jeju was slower than those of two cities. Temperature drop due to partial solar eclipse were 0.7℃, 4.0℃, 1.5℃ in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively, and time needed to arrive minimum temperature from maximum eclipse were each 12, 32, 30 minutes, respectively. Change of relative humidity during partial solar eclipse were 2.6%, 17.4%, 12.3% in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively. Temperature drop turned out to be sharper as altitude increases. Wind speed decreased by each about 1.1 ㎧, 3.4 ㎧, 1.4 ㎧ due to partial solar eclipse in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju. Soil temperature of 5 ㎝ equally decreased by 0.2℃ in Seoul and Busan, soil temperature of 10 cm maintained almost constant, and soil temperature of 20 cm was hardly affected by eclipse.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The article §329 of Criminal Act of Korea lay down like this; 'A person who steals another's property shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six years or by a fine not exceeding ten million won'. Larceny is one of the most common occurred crime and make out a most basic theory of property offences. The purpose of this study is to analysis the object of larceny. 2010. 2. 25. the Supreme Court of Korea made judgement that a free newspaper could be the object of larceny, while the Supreme Court did not gave a decision concrete reason. Also to relate with value of property as the object of larceny, there is not provision in the criminal law. So value of property as the object of larceny entrusts a interpretation with full argument. The property as 'a thing of value' should be divided active value, passive value, financial value, subjective value and exchange value etc. The most contentious issue of these is interpretation of passive value and subjective value. But there has been no judical precedent for this kind of case especially subjective value as of yet. In my judgement, if any thing has only subjective value, it is not property.The contents of this study is as follows; Ⅰ. A progress report of judgementⅡ. Raise a questionⅢ. The relation of property and value Ⅳ. Review of judgement
        2011.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Emission of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), SO2, and particulate matter (PM) and CO2 from ship during 2009 in Busan port was estimated based on activity-based method. The significant fraction (> 50%) of ship emission resulted from container and general cargo ships. Emission at port operation mode was the most dominant compared to at sea and maneuvering modes. Emission at North port was the largest source of air pollutants among ports. The magnitudes of air pollutants NOx, SO2, HC, CO2, and PM in Busan port were 8.7 × 103, 8.23 × 103, 0.35 × 103, 4.86×106, and 0.67 × 103 ton/yr, respectively. The ratio of NOx to VOC is about 25. Our ship emission estimate is 2 times higher than that in CAPSS emission inventory.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the content of sulfur dioxide residues in medicinal herbs in Seoul in 2009. Sulfur dioxide in the samples were determined by Monnier-Williams's modified method. A total of 1,821 samples of 205 different types of herbs were collected from Kyung-Dong Herb markets and Oriental medicine hospitals in Seoul. Of these samples, 642 samples were domestic, and 1,179 samples were imported. Of the 1,821 samples, 61 (3.3%, 31 types) failed to meet the regulations for sulfur dioxide residues of KFDA in medicinal herbs. Among these 61 unsuitable samples, 17 (7 types) were domestic, and 44 samples (26 types) were imported. The content of sulfur dioxide in the domestic medicinal herbs ranged from 0 to 809 mg/kg, while those in imported medicinal herbs ranged from 0 to 4,481 mg/kg. Approximately 84.6% of the samples contained less than 10 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide and about 10.0% of samples contained more than 30 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the year of 2009, 346 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court are registered on the homepage of that court. 6 cases are decided by the counsel of all judge members, 3 cases of which were on the crimial procedure and the other 3 cases were on the criminal law. In this paper are reviewed some cases by the supreme court and 1 case by the constitutional court which seem to have theoretical or practical problems. The contents of this paper is as follows; Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. The Cases relating to General Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. Every Review is constituted as follows : (1)The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The note on case. 1. Supreme Court 2009. 9. 24. 2009도5302 2. Supreme Court 2009. 6. 11. 2008도11784 3. Supreme Court 2009. 6. 25. 2009도3505 4. Constitutional Court 2009. 6. 25. 2007헌바25 Ⅲ. The Cases relating to Individual Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. Every review is constituted as follows : (1)The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The note on case. 1. Supreme Court 2009. 5. 14. 2009도1947, 2009전도5 2. Supreme Court 2009. 3. 26. 2007도3520 3. Supreme Court 2009. 9. 10. 2009도3580 4. Supreme Court 2009. 10. 29. 2009도5704 5. Supreme Court 2009. 8. 20. 2009도3452 6. Supreme Court 2009. 4. 9. 2009도128 7. Supreme Court 2009. 6. 25. 2008도3792 8. Supreme Court 2009. 5. 14. 2007도2168 9. Supreme Court 2009. 10. 15. 2009도7421 10. Supreme Court 2009. 2. 26. 2006도3119 11. Supreme Court 2009. 7. 23. 2009도3924
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 논문은 2009년 2월 20일 미국의 제9 연방순회항소법원에서 내려진 Video Software Dealers Association v. Arnold Schwarzenegger 사건에 대한 판결의 의미와 한국게임법제도에의 시사점을 검토한 것이다. 이 사건에서 제9 연방순회항소법원은 폭력성 비디오게임을 18세 미만의 미성년자에게 판매하거나 대여하는 것을 금지하는 캘리포니아 주법(州法)이 미국 연방헌법에 명시된 미성년자 (minor)의 권리를 침해한다는 판결을 내렸다. 이에 비해서 한국의 헌법재판소는 청소년보호를 위한 청소년유해매체물 제도와 사전등급분류 제도에 대해서는 합헌이라는 결정을 하였다. 헌법재판소는 미국의 제9 연방항소법원의 판결과 같이 음란과 폭력성을 구분하여 접근하고 있고, 폭력성 개념이 대해서 간접적으로 위헌적이라는 결정을 한 바 있다. 미국법원의 덜 제한적인 수단의 선택이라는 법리와 헌법재판소의 최소침해성 원칙에서 본다면 청소년유해매체물 제도와 사전등급분류 제도의 중첩 적용은 문제될 수 있으며, 이 중에서 더 강한 규제가 위헌이 될 소지가 있다.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) 모형을 이용하여 미래 기후변화가 충주댐 유역(6,585.1 km)의 하천수질에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 하였다. 미래 기상자료는 IPCC에서 제공하는 A2, A1B, B1 배출시나리오를 포함하는 ECHAM5-OM 모형의 결과를 과거 30년(1977-2006, baseline period) 기후자료를 바탕으로 편이보정(bias correction)과 Change Factor
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