Recently, machine learning is widely used to solve optimization problems in various engineering fields. In this study, machine learning is applied to development of a control algorithm for a smart control device for reduction of seismic responses. For this purpose, Deep Q-network (DQN) out of reinforcement learning algorithms was employed to develop control algorithm. A single degree of freedom (SDOF) structure with a smart tuned mass damper (TMD) was used as an example structure. A smart TMD system was composed of MR (magnetorheological) damper instead of passive damper. Reward design of reinforcement learning mainly affects the control performance of the smart TMD. Various hyperparameters were investigated to optimize the control performance of DQN-based control algorithm. Usually, decrease of the time step for numerical simulation is desirable to increase the accuracy of simulation results. However, the numerical simulation results presented that decrease of the time step for reward calculation might decrease the control performance of DQN-based control algorithm. Therefore, a proper time step for reward calculation should be selected in a DQN training process.
뽕나무, 복분자, 블루베리의 전정 가지 대부분은 버려지고 있다. 따라서, 이들 버려지는 전정 가지를 활용하여 흰점박이꽃무지의 사육 가능 성을 검토하기 위하여 발육 및 산란 특성을 조사하였다. 베리류 발효톱밥을 먹인 흰점박이꽃무지 유충 발육 기간은 뽕나무 발효톱밥 157.3일, 복 분자 발효톱밥 130.3일, 블루베리 발효톱밥은 140일로 참나무 발효톱밥 169.3일에 비하여 짧아지고, 유충 무게가 증가하였으며, 생존율이 높았 다. 흰점박이꽃무지 유충 집단 사육시 2.5 g 이상인 유충 비율은 3종류의 발효톱밥 모두 6주에서 8주사이에 60% 이상인 반면 같은 기간에 참나무 발효톱밥은 10% 이내였고, 10주가 지나야 2.5 g 이상인 유충의 비율이 높아졌다. 흰점박이꽃무지의 평균 산란수는 80개 이상으로 평균 산란기 간은 9주정도 소요되었지만, 개체당 편차가 커서 유의차는 없었다. 3종류의 베리류 발효톱밥은 서로 혼합하여 사용해도 참나무 발효톱밥에 비해 유충 발육속도가 빠르고, 산란수는 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 흰점박이꽃무지를 사육하는데 있어서 베리류 발효톱밥이 참나무 발효톱밥에 비하여 효과적으로 추정된다.
열대 및 아열대성 비래해충으로 최근 국내에도 옥수수에 피해를 주고 있는 열대거세미나방의 온도별 발육특성을 인공먹이를 이용하여 사육 하며 조사하였다. 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32°C 항온조건에서 알에서 성충까지의 발육하기까지 각각 79.8, 54.2, 34.3, 28.4, 24.6, 24.0일이 소요되어 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 암컷 번데기의 발육기간은 수컷보다 짧았다. 유충은 보통 6령까지 발육하였으나 저온에서 7령 이상의 비 율이 증가하였다. 온도에 따른 발육은 직선회귀에 부합하였으며, 직선회귀식을 이용하여 각 발육태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도를 분석한 결 과, 알은 12.9°C와 37.0 DD, 유충은 11.3°C와 286.3 DD, 번데기는 12.6°C와 132.2 DD, 알에서 성충까지는 11.8°C와 456.8 DD 였다.
This research aims to investigate and analyze the development status of Chinese-language media operated by overseas Chinese in Korea, mainly to analyze the existing development problems, and to put forward constructive opinions and suggestions for the sustainable development of Chinese-language media in the future. This paper conducts an in-depth investigation and research on the development background, current situation and development dilemma of Korean Chinese-language media in East Asia under the overall background of the general development of overseas Chineselanguage media through the methods of literature research and mobile interview survey, grasps and analyzes the current development difficulties: (1) Insufficient operating funds; (2) Single service content; (3) Unstable user group; (4) Lack of professional teams and low content quality; (5) The existence of national identity problems; (6) Government policies and systems not open enough. In the conclusion, four opinions and suggestions for sustainable development are given : (1) The necessity of diversified and innovative development; (2) The expansion of the cooperation model; (3) The support of the government; (4) The necessity of concentrating the development of new media. Finally, the insufficiency of this thesis and future research directions are clarified.
신기술 무기의 등장은 인류역사에서 산업혁명이라는 이름으로 시대의 변화를 주도해왔다. 제4차 산업혁명시대 국방·군사분야 신기술의 특성은 ①지능성(intelligence), ②상호연결성(interconnectedness), ③편재성 (distributedness), ④디지털화(digitalization) 등이다. 신기술 무기 개발 동향은 ①자율형 무인체계, ②초음속 무기체제, ③양자역학기술 군사적 활용 등으로 요약해 볼 수 있다. 신기술 무기개발의 주요쟁점사항은 ① 신기술에 의한 위기안정성 훼손 가능성, ②AI에 의한 군사적 의사결정의 위험성, ③신기술에 의한 신뢰구축조치 증진 가능성 등이다. 향후 국제사 회는 신기술 등장으로 인한 불안정 극복을 위한 기존 군축구조의 한층 강화 및 신기술·신무기를 다룰 수 있는 새로운 군축체제의 설립을 요구 하게 될 것이다. 우리는 우리의 신기술 개발노력과 국제사회의 신기술에 의한 상호신뢰구축 증진모색과의 조화로운 병행에 대비해 나가야 할 것 이다.
A telesounder is a device that can monitor the appearance of fish in the sea on land and store fish detection data. This study was conducted to monitor the appearance of fish resources in coastal or near seas by using LTE communication for data transmission of the telesounder. The purpose of this study was to develop a prototype telesounder that can monitor the appearance of fish groups in the waters about 50 km away from the coast and store fish detection data. In this study, the prototype telesounder including a fish finder, communication device and battery for stable operation at sea was developed. The stability of telesounder buoy, data transmission/reception and expected use time were investigated. The expected use time of the telesounder using LTE communication with a lithium battery (12 V, 120 Ah) was about 274 hours under the conditions of 10 minutes off and 10 minutes on, about 520 hours under the conditions of 30 minutes off and 10 minutes on, and about 142 hours under continuous conditions. As a result of the sea test, it was found that the telesounder can be used in the sea area moved about 34 km from the land and the telesounder buoy was evaluated to have secured basic stability (buoyancy balance, waterproof, antenna strength, etc.) for operation in a marine environment.
As a method to understand the ecological habits around the artificial reef, various reports such as fishing gear survey, diving, sound survey, underwater CCTV and camera, etc. are reported. Among them, the sound survey method is carried out by installing an acoustic system on the ship and can be investigated regardless of the marine environment such as time constraints and turbidity. Such method, however, takes a lot of manpower and time as the ship travels at a constant speed. Investigations around artificial reefs are being conducted in an artificial way, and a lot of time and labor are consumed as such. Maritime buoys have been operated for various purposes such as route signs, weather observation, marine environment monitoring and defense monitoring for navigation safety in the past, but studies on monitoring systems for ecological habits and distribution of fish using marine buoys are remarkably insufficient. Therefore, this study aims to develop a system that allows users to directly monitor fish group detector data by estimating the distribution of fish groups around artificial reefs and using wireless communication at sea. In order to confirm the suitability of the maritime buoy used in this study, it was operated to compare data using LTE-equipped buoys capable of wireless communication and a data logger-type system buoy. Data transmission of buoys capable of LTE communication was carried out in a 10-minute ON, 10-minute OFF method due to the limitation of the power supply capacity, and data of the data logger-type buoy received full data. We compared and analyzed the data received from the two fish detectors. It is expected that real-time monitoring of the wireless buoy detection device using LTE will be possible through future research.
이 논문은 대중음악의 리듬에 큰 영향을 끼친 펑크 리듬과 아프로 큐반 리듬을 구조적 관점으로 분석하여 그 연관성과 응용과정을 연구하였다. 펑크 리듬은 1965년 제임스 브라운과 그의 밴드들 에 의해 발생 및 발전되었으며, 아프리카에서 온 흑인들에게 영향을 받은 라틴 음악의 리듬을 미 국 대중음악에 적용하고 융합하여 만들어 낸 리듬이다. 대중음악 리듬에 큰 영향을 끼치고 있는 펑크 리듬의 발생과 발전에 대해 체계적으로 분석하여, 리듬의 응용과 융합 방법의 원리를 제시하 는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다. 연구 방법은 대중음악 리듬의 혁명으로 불리는 1960년대 중반 이후 의 제임스 브라운의 앨범에 정착된 펑크 리듬과 아프로 큐반 음악의 리듬 구조를 비교하여 연관성 을 분석하였고, 대중음악 리듬으로 응용 및 적용하는 과정에 대해 추론하였다. 연구 결과 아프로 큐반의 대표적인 리듬들과 대중음악에서 사용되는 펑크의 중심 리듬에서 그 연관성을 찾을 수 있 었으며, 특히 드럼의 킥 패턴과 킥과 스네어 드럼 조합의 패턴을 응용하여 대중음악 리듬으로 만 들었다는 것을 도출해 내었다. 마지막으로 이 방법을 활용하여 좀 더 많은 전통 리듬들을 응용하 여 새로운 대중음악의 리듬을 응용하고 만들어내는 가능성을 제시하였다.
Chelating agents, such as EDTA, NTA, and citric acid, can form radionuclide-chelate complexes that may enhance the migration of radionuclides from disposal sites. Therefore, the contents of these chelators in radioactive wastes are determined for the secured disposal. In this study, a rapid automated method using ion chromatography (IC) is described for analysis of chelating agents. The method enables direct use of a sample solution for the measurement unlike colorimetric or enzymatic methods. In these cases, lots of chemicals are consumed to convert the chelating agents to be UV-Vis-active compounds during the pretreatment process and finally, absorbance or transmittance are measured at specific wavelength using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. In particular, the enzymatic method for determination of citric acid, because of its strong dependence on experimental conditions including sample types and chemical reagents may produce inconsistent results. The automated system using IC allows a laboratory to directly measure the amount of citric acid while reducing total analysis time and increasing efficiency. In addition, this method is capable of detecting a trace amount of citric acid, thereby lowering LOD and LOQ values.
This study is about the production of radiation sources of simulated concrete and soil reference materials to verify the validity of the quality establishment and measurement of the detector (HPGe) of the radioactive soil and concrete waste classification system, which is being developed to quickly and accurately classify nuclear decommissioning waste. Specific activity of gamma nucleus among radioactive wastes is evaluated using gamma spectroscopy. At this time, in order to verify the validity and reliability of measuring equipment, it shall be a standardized substance of the same medium as nuclear decommissioning waste (chemical ingredients, particles, density, etc.) in order to correct the energy and efficiency of gamma nuclide analysis equipment. The CRM used for the detector’s energy correction used a 1 L Marinelli beaker standard correctional radiation source consisting of 10 radioactive isotopes. In order to correct efficiency, in accordance with the production and certification process of the Korea Standards and Research Institute, it has produced artificial simulated radioactive concrete similar to nuclear decommissioning waste (30% for cement, 60% for regulation and 10% for bentonite). The radioactive homogeneity of the simulated concrete reference materials was evaluated using dispersion analysis (ANOVA) in accordance with ISO Guide 35, while 137Cs and 60Co of concrete reference materials were able to obtain homogeneous measurements both in and between bottles. The self-absorption rate of the simulated concrete reference material was determined by the MCNP computer simulation measurement method, and the self-absorption correction coefficients of 137Cs and 60Co were assessed at 0.995 and 0.996, respectively, and the standard value for the radiation of the simulated concrete reference material was calculated on the weighted average of the measurements of 20 samples. The uncertainty about the reference value was calculated by combining measurement uncertainty (Type B evaluation), bottle to bottle standard deviation, and uncertainty within bottle by modifying the formula suggested in ISO Guide 35. The concentration of 137Cs and 60Co of reference materials was divided into high-speed measurement mode and precision measurement mode in consideration of the self-disposal standard. The reference value and uncertainty of expansion among reference materials for high-speed measurement mode were rated at 1,032.7 ± 64.0 Bq·kg−1and 1,083.7 Bq·kg−1, respectively. The standard value and expansion uncertainty for 137Cs and 60Co among reference materials for precision measurement mode were rated at 113.7 ± 10.0 Bq·kg−1 and 122.3 ± 10.3 Bq·kg−1, respectively.
To obtain the gamma-ray energy spectrum of artificial radionuclides which is difficult to obtain practically, virtual gamma-ray energy spectrum simulator program was developed. It can be applied for the predetermined measurement condition for which the database was developed through computational simulation and actual measurement of background radiation. For gamma spectrometry training for KHNP HPGe detectors using this program, the database for KNPG HPGe detectors was developed. First, the geometry of the detector in the simulation was adjusted to resemble the real structure by comparing the actually measured net counts rate at the main gamma peak with the value simulated by MCNP6. The Certified Reference material (CRM) of 137Cs and 60Co were used for verification. The comparison was made with respect to the situation where CRM was attached to the top and side of the detection part of the considered detector. The geometry structures of detectors were simulated by reflecting the design drawing of the products, and the simulation was performed for several thicknesses of the Ge/Li dead layer in consideration of the change in the thickness over time. As the results, the simulation geometry was tuned so that the results for 137Cs showed a difference within 10% for all detectors. At this time, in some detectors, the result for 60Co shows a 10% higher error, which is estimated to be due to the random summing. It was not considered in tuning the simulation geometry, but it was found that improvements were needed to reflect the coincidence summing when construction the virtual spectrum in the future. The determined simulation geometry was applied to generate theoretical gamma-ray energy spectra of representative artificial radionuclides. In order to create a virtual spectrum similar to the real one, the background spectrum was measured for each detector without a source, and the simulation results were calculated in the form of having the same energy channel as the background spectrum. The background spectrum and theoretical spectra of artificial radionuclides for each detector were databased so that virtual spectra could be generated under desired conditions. The virtual spectrum was generated by adding a background spectrum and a spectrum obtained by multiplying the spectrum of the desired nuclide by the concentration of the nuclide. The validity of generated virtual spectra was verified using the pre-developed gamma spectrometry program. As a results of gamma spectrometry of virtual spectra, the virtual spectra was verified by showing a difference within 20% from the radioactivity value input when generating the virtual spectra.
It is important to ensure worker’s safety from radiation hazard in decommissioning site. Real-time tracking of worker’s location is one of the factors necessary to detect radiation hazard in advance. In this study, the integrated algorithm for worker tracking has been developed to ensure the safety of workers. There are three essential techniques needed to track worker’s location, which are object detection, object tracking, and estimating location (stereo vision). Above all, object detection performance is most important factor in this study because the performance of tracking and estimating location is depended on worker detection level. YOLO (You Only Look Once version 5) model capable of real-time object detection was applied for worker detection. Among the various YOLO models, a model specialized for person detection was considered to maximize performance. This model showed good performance for distinguishing and detecting workers in various occlusion situations that are difficult to detect correctly. Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking) algorithm which uses deep learning technique has been considered for object tracking. Deep SORT is an algorithm that supplements the existing SORT method by utilizing the appearance information based on deep learning. It showed good tracking performance in the various occlusion situations. The last step is to estimate worker’s location (x-y-z coordinates). The stereo vision technique has been considered to estimate location. It predicts xyz location using two images obtained from stereo camera like human eyes. Two images are obtained from stereo camera and these images are rectified based on camera calibration information in the integrated algorithm. And then workers are detected from the two rectified images and the Deep SORT tracks workers based on worker’s position and appearance between previous frames and current frames. Two points of workers having same ID in two rectified images give xzy information by calculating depth estimation of stereo vision. The integrated algorithm developed in this study showed sufficient possibility to track workers in real time. It also showed fast speed to enable real-time application, showing about 0.08 sec per two frames to detect workers on a laptop with high-performance GPU (RTX 3080 laptop version). Therefore, it is expected that this algorithm can be sufficiently used to track workers in real decommissioning site by performing additional parameter optimization.
The establishment of processes for the decommissioning a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is one of the objects that must be prepared in carrying out the decommissioning project. In particular, in the domestic situation, where there is no experience of decommissioning commercial NPPs, it is necessary to organize the tasks and contents well in advance for the successful initiation of the project. Therefore, this study intends to present a guide-level approach to develop management for domestic decommissioning projects. As a documented template for recognizing a process, there may be a process map and description, and information such as the work structure and the relations between the activities should be indicated. In reality, activities will be managed through a set of computer system, so it would be better if the work content, activity flow, relation, management target information, computerization contents, etc. were materialized in the process. What is important here is to define the management areas and activities and draw the activity flow. Domestically, it has rich experience in construction of NPPs and has a track record of exporting NPPs to the UAE. From these experiences, we have established a framework for standardized work in construction management and construction processes, and are performing them through a computerized system. Since the work of decommissioning has a similar nature to that of construction, we will be able to benchmark the procedure for the decommissioning from the construction management procedures. Typically, in the case of schedule management, the concept and structure of the construction process will be applicable to the decommissioning. Meanwhile, the licensee of domestic decommissioning is the same as the licensee that performs the operation, and the members who will perform the decommissioning also have experience working in the operation period. Therefore, the decommissioning works are an extension of the task during operation. Representatively, there are some processes that can be applied as it is even when decommissioning, such as dismantling work and the safety management process of the radiation zone. Therefore, in carrying out the decommissioning of NPPs in Korea, processes and activities of the management area should be established from the construction processes with abundant experience and the processes during operation. Rather than making a completely new work process, this approach that properly reflects the existing work flow is expected to be an appropriate way to avoid the repulsion of employees and maladjustment to the new environment.
Laser scabbling experiments were conducted with the aim of developing concrete decontamination technology. Laser scabbling system contains a 6 kW fiber laser (IPG YLS-6000, λ=1,070 nm) and optical head, which are connected with process fiber (core dia.: 600 μm, length: 20 m). Optical head consists of two lenses (f = 160 mm and 100 mm) to collimate and focus laser beam. The focused laser beam is passed through the small diameter of nozzle (throat dia.: 3 mm) to prevent the laser-produced debris into head. And then, the focused beam is directed toward concrete block as continuously diverging. The diverged laser beam was incident on the high-strength concrete with 300 mm (length) × 300 mm (height) × 80 mm (width) to induce explosive spalling on the concrete surface. The optical head was moved by X-Y-Z manipulate coupled with a computerized numerical control while scabbling. We have observed not only active spalling on the concrete surface but energetic scattering of laserproduced debris when scabbling on high-strength concretes. It indicates the need for a device capable of collecting the laser-produced debris. We newly designed and manufactured dust collector coupled with cylindrical tube to prevent scattering of laser-produced debris into ambient environment. The collecting system was evaluated by estimating the collecting efficiency for laser-produced debris while scabbling. The collecting efficiency was calculated on the basis of the information on the mass loss of concrete block after laser scabbling and the mass of collected debris in a container. The collecting efficiency was found to be over 85%.
Currently, treatment and disposal suitability verification methods have not been established for radioactive waste, such as spent filters temporarily stored in each plant, so the WCP (Waste Certification Program) can be applied to verify the suitability of non-conforming waste at the site. In this study, WCP components such as certification organizations, certification methods, certification documents, and quality assurance (QA) plan that should be considered when developing WCP applicable to spent filter disposal were reviewed and presented. First, a certification organization consists of a certification organization that performs certification work, a certification support organization related to waste generation and treatment, and a quality control organization for waste certification. Especially, the support organization should support the implementation of WCP, so that spent filter processing procedures such as generation information management and immobilization can be properly packaged and transported. Second, in identifying the waste characteristics of the certification method, each characteristic identification procedure and certification method of the acceptance criteria should be described, evidence examining the suitability of general, radiological, physical, chemical, and biological requirements, and processes related to measurement and sampling should be established. In identifying characteristics, satisfaction of waste form, free water requirements, and whether it is subject to immobilization should be checked priorly, and a method of confirming particulate matter and securing filling rate when packaging compressed filters should be included. It is very important to develop a technology for verifying the safety and quality of the immobilized material because immobilization of the filters can be a processing method that satisfies various characteristic criteria. Meanwhile, it is essential to collect samples and develop scaling factors to identify the nuclides of filters and prove that they are below the concentration limits. For chemical and biological requirements, the characteristics are identified through generation information documents, corrective actions are taken and documented in case of nonconformance. Third, certification documents should include immobilization procedure manual, characteristic report, and characteristic test manuals such as free water, particulate matter and filling rate, radiation measurement method manual for packages, profile, and generation documents. Fourth, the QA plan should analyze the QA system of the plants, check the QA inspection details, establish general requirements for QA of spent filter disposal, and specify step-by-step certification work QA activities. In this study, considerations to ensure the disposal suitability at all stages from generation to disposal of spent filter were presented, and development of a WCP could contribute to preventing nonconformance.
As Kori-1 permanently shut down in Korea, it is expected that a large amount of radioactive waste will be generated during decommissioning of nuclear power plants. Radioactive concrete waste is contaminated up to depth of 100 mm with radionuclides such as 137Cs and 60Co. The radioactive waste should be accurately classified to reduce the cost of disposing of radioactive waste. Therefore, the specific radioactivity of waste must be precisely evaluated by gamma-ray measurements emitted from the radionuclides. In general, the effectiveness of the radioactivity measurement and process is confirmed using certified reference material (CRM) composed of water or agar. However, the decommissioning waste differs from this CRM in apparent density and chemical elements, so the specific radioactivity is underestimated or overestimated. Therefore, reference material composed of the same apparent density and chemical elements as the sample is required to improve the quality of radioactivity measurement. The purpose of this study is to develop a concrete reference material for the nuclear decommissioning waste. The concrete reference material composed of SiO2, CaO, and Al2O3 were manufactured in compliance with ISO Guide 35. 10 bottles were randomly selected for homogeneity test, and 2 samples for analysis were taken from each bottle. The specific radioactivity was measured using an HPGe detector with an efficiency of 30%. The results of the homogeneity test of 137Cs and 60Co satisfied the requirements of ISO Guide 35. Coincidence summing and selfabsorption effects were corrected using the Monte Carlo efficiency transfer code and Monte Carlo NParticle transport code. The reference values of 137Cs and 60Co in the concrete reference material were evaluated in the range of 1,000–1,100 Bq·kg−1 and extended uncertainty was around 7%.
Today, the domestic and international nuclear power industry is experiencing an acceleration in the scale of the nuclear facility decommissioning market. This phenomenon is also due to policy changes in some countries, but the main reason is the rapid increase in the proportion of old nuclear power plants in the world, mainly in countries that introduced nuclear power plants in the early stages. Decontamination is essential in the process of decommissioning nuclear facilities. Among various decontamination targets, radionuclides are adsorbed between pores in the soil, making physical decontamination quite difficult. Therefore, various chemical decontamination technologies are used for contaminated soil decontamination, and the current decontamination technologies have a problem of generating a large amount of secondary wastes. In this study, soil decontamination technology using supercritical carbon dioxide is proposed and aimed to make it into a process. This technology applies cleaning technology using supercritical fluids to decontamination of radioactive waste, it has important technical characteristics that do not fundamentally generate secondary wastes during radioactive waste treatment. Supercritical carbon dioxide is harmless and is a very useful fluid with advantages such as high dissolution, high diffusion coefficient, and low surface tension. However, since carbon dioxide, a non-polar material, shows limitations in removing polar and ionic metal wastes, a chelating ligand was introduced as an additive. In this study, a ligand material that can be dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide and has high binding ability with polar metal ions was selected. In addition, in order to increase the decontamination efficiency, an experiment was conducted by adding an auxiliary ligand material and ultrasonic waves as additives. In this study, the possibility of liquefaction of chelating ligands and auxiliary ligands was tested for process continuity and efficiency, and the decontamination efficiency was compared by applying it to the actual soil classified according to the particle size. The decontamination efficiency was derived by measuring the concentration of target nuclides in the soil before and after decontamination through ICP-MS. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the liquefaction of the additive had a positive effect on the decontamination efficiency, and a difference in the decontamination efficiency was confirmed according to the actual particle size of the soil. Through this study, it is expected that economic value can be created in addition to the social value of the technology by ensuring the continuity of the decontamination process using supercritical carbon dioxide.
Plasma melting technology has been considered as promising technology for treatment of radioactive wastes. According to the IAEA TECDOC-1527 report (2006), the technology has an advantage that it can treat regardless of waste types which is both combustible and non-combustible wastes. In particular, it is expected that a large amount of concrete, a representative non-combustible wastes, will be generated during the operation and dismantling of nuclear power plants. In order to treat the concrete waste in plasma torch melting system, various factors could be considered like the slag of electric conductivity, viscosity and melting temperature. Above all, as a critical factor, the viscosity of the melt is very important to easily discharge the melt. The viscosity of slag (SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 system) can be lowered by adding a basic oxide such as CaO, Na2O, MgO and MnO. The basic oxides are donors of oxygen ions. These oxides are called notwork breakers, because they destroy the network of SiO2 by reacting with it. In this study, the slag composition of the concrete waste was developed to apply the plasma torch melting. Also, demonstration test was performed with the developed slag composition and 100 kW plasma torch melting system.
The background of the development is to contribute to the reduction of radioactive waste, recycling of resources and effectively purifying the air in the workplace. Ultimately, it affects the reduction of internal exposure of workers. According to the standard procedure of KHNP,「Use and Management of Respiratory Protection Equipment」, the expiration date of mask filter is indicated by the manufacturer before opening. It is 1 year from the date of first combination after opening. We have developed an air purifying equipment that can recycle and reuse expired mask filter waste in nuclear power plant. In order to confirm the performance, we observed air pollution level by operation time. The location was measured at 3 locations including the decontamination product warehouse in NPP, and the size of the measurement locations were 53 m3, 150 m3, 180 m3, and 900 m3. As a result of measurement, significant air purification effect was found in 53 m3 and 150 m3. Decontamination effect of 80% was shown after 1 hour of operation, and 20% of decontamination effect was shown gently for 3 hours thereafter. On the other hand, there was no significant decontamination effect in the 180 m3 and 900 m3 spaces. Significant results were derived by statistical methods. Statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. The basic composition and product characteristics was as follows: Blower, filter fixing unit, Air purifier outlet round shape, Differential pressure gauge, inverter (200 V, 3π, 200 W). The developed product weigh is 25 kg. This is lighter than the existing product weighing 100 kg. It is judged that it is suitable for convenient use. Because the area where the major air pollution level occurs is isolated by a room in NPP. This developed product has a greater significance in that it recycles radioactive waste within the radiation management area rather than air purification efficiency.
The permanent shutdown of Wolseong 1, PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) was decided. Accordingly, there is need for C-14 treatment technology to spent resin generated by PHWR in classified Medium Level Radioactive Waste by C-14 specific activity. However, spent resin by PHWR is mixed and stored with activated carbon and zeolite (mixture), not a single storage, and separation from the mixture must be carried out in advance for C-14 treatment in the spent resin. This study developed a C-14 treatment facility that combined with the technology of separating spent resin from spent resin mixture by PHWR NPP and the technology of C-14 treatment for disposal. The C-14 treatment facility consists of spent resin separation (Part 1) and treatment of separated spent resin. (Part 2) Part 1 is applied with a process of separating the mixed and stored spent resin from the spent resin mixture by applying a drum screen method. In the case of Part 2, spent resin treatment process for desorbing and collecting C-14 nuclides in the separated spent resin using microwave reactor was applied. Except for the adsorbent used to collect C-14 detached in the process of separating and treating spent resin, no additional material is introduced into the facility, and thus secondary waste is significantly reduced. In addition, pollution prevention banks at the bottom of the facility and a sealed automated circulation system were applied to prevent unexpected leakage and diffusion of radioactive materials and ensure stability of workers. Currently, the C-14 treatment facility has been verified for spent resin separation and spent resin treatment using simulated spent resin mixture, and the facility will be demonstrated and verified for field applicability. According to derived results, it is believed that it will be possible to apply the C-14 treatment facility when decommissioning of PHWR.