In vivo redox reaction is involved in the processes of oxidative diseases. Thus, direct and non-invasive measurement of in vivo free radical reactions in living animals should be essential to understanding the roles of free radicals in pathophysiological phenomena. Electron spin resonance (ESR) technique has been utilized in analysis of free radicals, which are generated through imbalance of in vivo redox status. In vivo ESR/spin probe technique using nitroxide radicals as spin probes was developed for estimation of in vivo free radical reactions in whole living animals. This technique using a probe may become a powerful tool for use in clarifying mechanisms of disease and in monitoring pharmaceutical therapy. The application of ESR was introduced and discussed in this article.
Cutaneous vasculitis is an inflammatory necrotizing disease of the blood vessel walls. In most cases, the etiology is due to immune-complex disease from type III hypersensitivity. Clinical signs include swelling, erythema, purpura, erythematous plaques, ulceration, and necrosis. Clinical lesions may be localized to distal extremities or areas of less extensive collateral circulation. In this case, history, physical examination, laboratory findings, cytology, histopathologic examination, and immunohistochemistry might aid in differentiation of a clinically similar disease. Consequently, this case was diagnosed as cutaneous vasculitis and treated with ointment containing corticosteroid and antibiotics over a period of two weeks. After treatment, all of the clinical lesions had disappeared.
Chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn′s disease and ulcerative colitis are associated with increased risk of colon adenocarcinoma. Apoptic induction of colon cancer cells by cytokines and death receptors is an important anti-cancer therapy. We observed that co-administration of TNFα and IFNγ in human colon cancer cell line, HCT116, resulted in cell death and expression of IL-32. Cleavage forms of caspase-3, caspase-9, and PARP were increased in TNFα / IFNγ-treated HCT116. mRNA expression of death receptors, including TNFR1 and Fas were not changed and NO generation was not induced by combination of TNFα and IFNγ. However, mRNA expression of IL-32α, β, and γ was increased in TNFα / IFNγ-treated HCT116. To determine the effect of IL-32 in HCT116 cell apoptosis by TNFα / IFNγ stimulation, IL-32 siRNA-transfected HCT116 cells were cultured with TNFα / IFNγ and cell proliferation was measured. IL-32 siRNA induced slight recovery of cell viability of TNFα / IFNγ-stimulated HCT116. These results suggest that IL-32 is not directly related to apoptosis of HCT116 by TNFα / IFNγ stimulation. However, IL-32 expression by TNFα or TNFα / IFNγ in a colon cancer cell line is very interesting because of the unknown effect of IL-32 in colon cancer. Our study will contribute to development of studies for IL-32 function in human colon cancer and anti-cancer therapies using cytokines.
This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of black sesame oil on hair growth in a shaving animal model of C57BL/6 mice. Five-week-old male mice were acclimated for one week under 22±1 µl room temperature, 50±5% relative humidity, and 12 hours of a light/dark cycle before beginning the experiment. The animals were divided into three groups, including the normal group (saline, N), positive control group (3% MXD, PC), and experimental group (black sesame oil, E) and received topical application of 100 µl once per day, six days per week, for a period of three weeks. Hair regrowth was evaluated by gross and histological examination. In addition, immunohistochemical observation for SCF, the activities of enzymes, including ALP and γ-GT, and the expression quantity of growth factors, including IGF-1 in the skin of mice was performed or evaluated. Topical treatment with black sesame oil and 3% minoxidil for three weeks to dorsal skin resulted in more rapid acceleration of hair regrowth in the E and PC groups than in the N group. Development and elongation of hair follicles were promoted in the E and PC groups, compared with the N group. Serum ALP activity was significantly higher in the E group, compared with the N group within three weeks (p<0.05). Skin ALP activity was significantly higher in the PC group, compared with the N group within two weeks (p<0.05), and higher in the E and PC groups than in the N group within three weeks with no significant differences. Serum γ-GT activity was significantly higher in the PC group, compared with the N group within two weeks (p<0.01), and significantly higher in the E group, compared with the N group within three weeks (p<0.05). Skin γ-GT activity was significantly higher in the PC group, compared with the N group within two weeks (p<0.05), and significantly higher in the PC (p<0.01) and E (p<0.001) groups, compared with the N group within three weeks. IGF-1 expression in the skin was significantly higher in the PC and E groups, compared with the N group (p<0.01). SCF antigens were heavily stained in bulge, stem cells, and dermal papilla and middle stained in inner root sheath, outer root sheath, and epidermis in the E and PC groups. These results indicate that black sesame oil effectively stimulated hair growth in an animal model via several mechanisms and that it can be used practically for hair growth or prevention of hair loss in human beings.
Microbial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an endotoxin conveying the surface receptor complex of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-myeloid differentiation 2 (MD-2) in innate immune cells through ancillary proteins such as LPS-binding protein and CD14. However, TLR4 alone is not sufficient for recognition of LPS. MD-2 is essential for sensing the lipid A domain of LPS and for triggering LPS-induced TLR4 activity across the plasma membrane. Therefore, lipid A domain and its binding to MD-2 are potential drug targets for intervention in endotoxemia as well as other disorders associated with LPS etiology. Here, we reviewed MD-2 as a drug target focused on drug candidates-targeting TLRs, transport of microbial LPS into TLR4/MD-2, crystal structure of TLR4/MD-2 alone, crystal structure of TLR4/MD-2 with bound LPS, lipid A derivatives as MD-2 antagonist, non-lipid antagonists of LPS binding to MD-2, and human disorders-implicated with TLR4/ MD-2. This review could be helpful to understanding the biology of TLR4/MD-2, and suggests the importance of MD-2 as a therapeutic target against inflammatory diseases due to infection.
Epithelial ovarian tumors appear to arise from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE), a simple squamous-to-cuboidal mesothelium covering the ovary. Ovarian tumorigenesis is the most frequent cause of cancer death in gynecological malignancies; however the exact mechanism of this disease is not well known. A theory of repeated ovulation which contributes to neoplastic transformation of OSE has been proposed, and the process of healing ruptured OSE may contribute to the disease. Therefore, it can be assumed that endocrine and autocrine factors may have an influence on ovarian carcinogenesis in women. Thus, in this review, we suggest that these endocrine and autocrine factors may play a role in ovarian tumorigenesis in regulation of growth-stimulation or -inhibition and/or apoptosis of normal and neoplastic OSE cells via their specific receptors.
The discovery of antibiotics has helped to save the lives of an uncountable number of people. Antibiotics have been grouped in different classes based on their origin, structure, and mechanism of action. An intrinsic and acquired mechanism of antimicrobial resistance has been identified in many bacterial strains that are of high clinical importance. This has seriously jeopardized the use of antibiotics and has also caused the spread of microbes that are resistant to effective first-choice, or “first-line” drugs. Thus, sensible use of antibiotics and the search for effective alternative measures are of high importance in order to minimize the effect due to existing and emerging antimicrobial resistant microbes.
A ten-year-old female Yorkshire terrier was presented to Veterinary Medical Center, Chungbuk National University with signs of anorexia and cough. Blood electrolytes, complete blood count (CBC), and hormone analysis revealed mild elevated lipase and bile acid, moderate hypercholesterolemia and severe elevated alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphate (ALP), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Survey radiographs revealed the potbelly-shaped abdomen, generalized hepatomegaly, and round and smooth marginated mass in right upper abdomen. On ultrasonography, enlarged gallbladder with combination of kiwifruit-like and stellate pattern consistent with gallbladder mucocele was revealed. On day 113 after diagnosis of gallbladder mucocele, free fluid and the hyperechoic structure mainly in the dorsolateral region of the gallbladder was found, which was consistent with gallbladder rupture. Cholecystectomy was performed after gallbladder rupture.
A four-year-old sexually intact male dog and a seven-year-old sexually intact female dog presenting with heavy tick infestation were tentatively diagnosed with tick paralysis. Both dogs died due to respiratory failure. A number of ticks were observed in the head, ears, neck, trunk, and limbs of each dog. In these cases, a presumptive diagnosis of tick paralysis could be based on the presence of a species of tick known to cause paralysis combined with the absence of any other disease previously. Most ticks were identified as Haemaphysalis longicornis according to morphological features. Tick paralysis in dogs has rarely been reported in Korea.
Iron catalyzes the production of free radicals, which can be related to a variety of pathological events, such as cancer and aging. The effect of dietary iron was investigated on formation of colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) induced by azoxymethane in male F344 rats. Animals were fed three different diets, including iron-deficient (3 ppm Fe), iron-normal (35 ppm Fe), and iron-overloaded (350 ppm Fe) diets for eight weeks. During the first and second weeks of the experiment, animals received two subcutaneous injections of azoxymethane (AOM, 15 mg/kg body weight) to induce ACF. After staining with methylene blue, the total numbers of ACF and aberrant crypts (AC) were counted on the colonic mucosa. Analysis of blood and serum was performed using a blood cell differential counter and an automatic serum analyzer. Iron-deficient diets induced a significant decrease in red blood cell counts and the values of hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular volume, while an iron-overloaded diet did not affect these values. The iron-overloaded diet induced an increase in deposits of iron in the liver of rats, as determined by the ICP method and Perl’s staining. The numbers of ACF per colon showed a slight increase in iron-overloaded or iron-deficient rats, without statistical significance, compared to iron-normal rats. The number of total AC per colon in iron-overloaded rats was significantly higher than that in iron-normal rats (p<0.05). The number of large ACF (≥ 4 AC per ACF) in iron-overloaded rats was also significantly higher than that in iron-normal rats (p<0.05). These results suggest that dietary iron intake may play an important role in colon carcinogenesis in humans and animals.
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activities of Phellinus linteus (PL) water extract against carrageenan- and cotton pellet-induced acute and chronic inflammation in rats. Animals were divided into four experimental groups for conduct of acute and chronic inflammations studies: the vehicle control group, positive control group (aminopyrine 100 mg/kg), PL 10 mg/kg group, and PL 20 mg/kg group. Oral administration of PL water extract has dose-dependent anti-inflammatory effects against both acute and chronic inflammation models. In carrageenan-induced paw edema, significant inhibition was observed at 0.5 and 1 h in the PL 10 mg/kg group and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h in the PL 20 mg/kg group. In cotton pellet-induced granuolma formation, PL water extract at 10 and 20 mg/kg/day also showed significant inhibition in dry weights of granuloma. Results of the free radical scavenging assay showed that PL has a dose-dependent scavenging activity against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radicals. The results obtained in this study indicate that this plant material may be used beneficially as an anti-inflammatory agent having antioxidant action.
Due to the similarities of their anatomical morphology and physiology to those of humans, pigs have increasingly become useful models for toxicological and pharmacological studies. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the quality control level through hematological features of minipigs. Thus, we attempted to determine whether there are differences in hematological parameters between male and female minipigs. No significant differences in the levels of erythrocytes, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leukocytes (WBC), and serum electrolytes were observed between male and female minipigs. However, leukocytes were higher than reference range in both sexes (26.46±2.06 vs 11.6±5.4 for male; 23.58±3.36 vs 10.0±2.0 for female). In differential leukocyte counts, no significant differences in leukocyte parameters were observed between sexes. However, neutrophils were higher than reference range in both sexes (60.65±13.92 vs 33.1±18.9 for male; 46.84±12.80 vs 15.4±5.6 for female). In serum biochemical analysis, no significant differences in biochemical parameters were observed between male and female minipigs. However, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALT) were higher than reference range, while alanine aminotransferase (ALP) was lower than reference range. In urine analysis, pH of male and female was 8.3±1.0 and 6.4±1.6, showing a higher value in male minipigs. These data indicate that quality control of minipigs must take precedence in conduct of toxicological and pharmacological studies.
Prostatic calculi are common finding in radiographic examination, however, the true incidence and the clinical significance are not clearly known. We investigated the prevalence of prostatic calculi and the relationship between prostatic calcification and urolithiasis. From a database, 305 consecutive subjects older than 30 years of age who had undergone regular health checks in our hospital from January 2007 to July 2009 were enrolled in this study. Prostatic calculi and urinary stones were confirmed by non-enhanced CT. According to the presence of prostatic calculi, they were divided into two groups and the relationship with urolithiasis was determined using statistical analysis. Among 305 male subjects, prostatic calculi were found in 97 (31.9%), which revealed a linear trend with aging (r=0.928, p=0.023), while asymptomatic upper urinary tract stones were found in 45 subjects (14.9%). A significant difference was observed in mean age (p<0.001), however, no difference was observed in prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HT), and body mass index (BMI). In the prostatic calculi group, 24 (24.7%) subjects had previously unknown urolithiasis, while only 21 subjects (10.1%) in the non-prostatic calculi group had urinary stones. The prevalence of urolithiasis was significantly higher in men with prostatic calcification than in those without prostatic calcification (OR=2.92, 95% CI: 1.53-5.58, p=0.001). No significant differences in serum chemistry were observed between the two groups. Among the 45 patients with urolithiasis, no significant differences were observed in the mean stone size according to the presence of prostatic calcification. Our data showed that prostatic calcification was prevalent up to approximately 31.9% and was frequently combined with upper urinary tract stones. These results indicate that evaluation for urolithiasis might be needed in patients with incidentally detected prostatic calcification.
Recently, studies on natural source antioxidants have become increasingly active in various fields. Among analytical methods for assessment of antioxidant activity, the DPPH, ABTS, and TBA assays have become quite popular in natural antioxidant studies. One of the reasons is that these methods are simple to use and highly sensitive. In particular, DPPH and ABTS assays are based on the theory that a hydrogen donor is an antioxidant. The antioxidant effect can be easily evaluated by following the decrease of specific UV absorption and the results are usually expressed in terms of Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). The TBA assay has been commonly used for measurement of lipid oxidation in some foods and biological systems. Because the colored complex is formed by the TBA-malonaldehyde interaction, the TBA value can be evaluated using a UV spectrophotometer or HPLC. However, the TBA-malonaldehyde complex is very unstable and often is either not detected in many oxidized lipids or is a minor product of secondary oxidation. As a result of these defects, numerous studies are ongoing.
Germinated rough rice (GRR) has many healthy effects such as antioxidant activity, inhibition of chronic inflammatory disease and prevention of vascular disease. In this study, germinated Korean rice sample which was planted in 2008 from Korean Rural Development Administration was used. The purpose of this study was to recognize the effect of the ethanol extract of GRR on the ischemic damage of skeletal muscle. Right femoral artery ligation was performed to induce ischemic condition in mice and the mixed basal diet with the ethanol extract of GRR at various levels (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg diet) was given for 2 weeks. After the mice were sacrificed, the hind limb muscle samples of the mice were fixed, sectioned, stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin (H&E), Masson’s trichrome, and performed for Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for caspase-3. In histopathological findings of H&E and Masson’s trichrome stain, the treatment of GRR at the level of 400 mg/kg diminished fibrosis and necrosis in the muscle compared to the control. The expression of caspase-3 protein was also decreased by the treatment of GRR at the level of 400 mg/kg compared to the control. These results suggest that the ethanol extract of GRR may have a protective effect against muscle damage during the ischemia in skeletal muscle of hindlimb.
Histologic and immunohistochemical features of canine skin tumours originated from epithelial stem cells were described. The tumors were trichogenic trichoblastoma, trichoepithelioma, sebaceous adenoma, hepatoid gland adenoma and epithelioma, and basal cell tumour. All of the tumors expressed both AE1/AE3 and cytokeratin 5/8, whereas cytokeratin 7 and vimentin not at all. Neuron-specific-enolase was strongly positive in follicular tumours, whereas slightly in basal cell tumour. Moreover, chromogranin A was expressed slightly only in trichogenic trichoblastoma and trichoepithelioma. Since the morphological similarities between these tumors, immunohistochemistry is one of useful tools for differential diagnosis. From the immunohistochemistry data, we conclude that cytokeratins, vimentin and NSE play a main role in the evaluation of canine skin tumours originated from epithelial skin stem cells histogenesis.
Effects of Vegemil® containing soybean proteins and isoflavones on the growth and bone density of broiler chickens were investigated. One-week-old male and female Arbor Acres broiler chickens were fed on Vegemil® A containing 3% soybean proteins and 162 ppm isoflavones, instead of water, for 30 days and their growth indices (body weight, leg weight and femur length) and bone density were analyzed. The body weight gains in male and female chickens were increased by 15.6% and 31.7%, respectively, following feeding Vegemil® A compared to normal water. Vegemil® A increased leg weight as well as femur length of females by 22.9% and 15.0%, respectively. In addition, Vegemil® A feeding enhanced femoral bone density by 21.3% in comparison with water feeding. Therefore, it is suggested that Vegemil® A not only facilitates body growth, but also strengthens bone density of normal chickens, and that it could be a promising candidate for the improvement of infant growth and for the prevention of menopausal osteoporosis.
Although hair disorders are not life threatening, a lot of people who suffer hair loss and/or hair thinning is increasing in accordance with changes in lifestyle and nutritional balance. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of herbal extracts on hair regrowth in C3H/HeJ mice. There were 6 experimental groups including distilled water (D.W.), 50% ethanol (a vehicle control), 3% minoxidil (a positive control), and 3 kinds of herbal extracts mixtures (C, D & E). The test compounds included followings; C : Glycyrrhizae radix, Rhei Rhizoma, Cornus officinalis and Sesami semeni, D : Viticus fructus, Pulsatilla chinensis, Gardenia fructus and Artemisiae argyi herb, E : Swertia pseudo-chinensis, Sophora flavescens Scutellaria baicalensis and Salvia miltiorrhiza. The animals were shaved with an electric clipper. The test compounds were daily treated to dorsal skin with 0.2 ml per mouse for 3 weeks. The topical application of the E test solution accelerated hair regrowth after 10 days faster than that of the positive and vehicle controls. The activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase significantly were increased in all the treatment groups after 3 weeks, compared with D.W. group. Especially, the E test solution notably increased ALP activity compared with positive or vehicle control group. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were increased in all the treatment groups after 3 weeks compared with D.W. group. These results suggest that the herbal extracts have hair regrowth effect by increasing enzyme activities and growth factors and it can be useful for treatment for alopecia in humans.
The present study was carried out to establish an animal model, displaying long-term learning and memory dysfunction, since single intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of amyloid β peptide (Aβ) causes a short-term memory impairment. Male ICR mice were fed a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) containing 3% cholesterol, 1% corn oil and 0.5% cholic acid, and 1 week later, icv injected with Aβ1-42 (5 μg/head). Learning/ memory function was assessed via passive avoidance performances 1 day and 2, 4, and 6 weeks after Aβ1-42 injection, in addition to blood biochemical analyses for lipid profiles and hepatic function. Total cholesterol, lowdensity lipoproteins and hepatic dysfunction parameters markedly increased, while high-density lipoproteins were reduced following HCD feeding. Whereas single injection of Aβ induced temporary memory loss 1 day after administration, exhibiting full recovery after 2 weeks, Aβ treatment in combination with HCD feeding lasted the learning/memory impairment up to 6 weeks. Therefore, it is suggested that hypercholesterolemia augments Aβ-induced memory loss, and that Aβ injection plus HCD feeding could be a long-term memorydeficit model suitable for long-term treatment with drugs or stem cells.
Maternal hypoxia induced by a variety of exogenous oxidative stresses such as ethanol intake, diabetes, and cigarette during pregnancy provokes the impaired embryonic gene expression and developmental malformations. We investigated the gene expression patterns of the representative selenium containing antioxidant enzymes (selenoproteins) such as cytosolic GPx (cGPx), gestrointestinal GPx (GI-GPx), plasma GPx (pGPx), phospholipid hydroperoxide GPx (PHGPx), and selenoprotein P (SePP) in the cultured mouse embryos under normal or hypoxic (low oxygen state, 5% O2) condition at embryonic day 8.5 for 2 days using real-time PCR analysis. cGPx, pGPx, and SePP mRNAs were significantly decreased, but GI-GPx and PHGPx mRNAs were remarkably increased in the hypoxic state compared to normal gassing state (p<0.05). These findings indicate that hypoxic condition leads to the unusual expressions of selenoproteins during mouse organogenesis.