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        검색결과 749

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite enormous popularity of graphene oxide (GO) several open questions remain regarding the structure and properties of this material. One of those questions is the role of a graphite precursor on the properties of GO product. In this study, we investigate the oxidation process and the structure of GO products, made from the four different graphite precursors: synthetic graphite, two natural flaky graphites, and expanded graphite. The highest rate of the oxidation reaction was registered for the small particle size synthetic graphite. Thermal expansion of natural flaky graphite did not significantly affect the rate of the reaction. The nature of the graphite precursor does not notably affect the chemical composition of the synthesized GO products. However, it affects stability of respective aqueous dispersions. The solutions of the three GO samples, prepared from the natural graphite sources demonstrate excellent stability due to complete exfoliation of GO to single-atomic-layer sheets. GO from synthetic graphite forms unstable dispersions due to the presence of numerous multi-layered particles. This, in turn, is explained by the presence of not fully graphitized, amorphous inclusions in synthetic graphite. Our observations suggest that synthetic graphite should not be used as GO precursor when the ability to completely exfoliate and the stability of dispersions are critical for intended applications.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Metal-free N–S- and N–P-doped nanocarbon (SCNP and PCNP) electrocatalysts prepared through sustainable microwaveassisted synthesis using hemigraphis alternata plant leaves. The prepared heteroatom-doped nanocarbon materials are active catalysts for the two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) to produce 65–70% of hydrogen peroxide. As evidenced from the XPS, most proportion of the doped heteroatoms contain the oxygen functional groups in the nanocarbons. These attributes are the critical factors to see the selective two-electron transfer ORR for the PCNP and SCNP. This approach shed light on the critical role of dual heteroatoms doping and the oxygen functionalities in nanocarbon towards the selectivity of ORR. We believe that this method would allow the preparation of heteroatom that contains oxygen functionalities. Our work paves a sustainable way of preparation of nanocarbon based ORR catalysts that are only selective for two-electron transfer process.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The most significant threat to the ecosystem is emerging pollutants, which are becoming worse each year and harming the planet severely and permanently. Many organic and inorganic contaminants are present and persistent due to various world events and population growth. As a result, there is a greater need for new technology and its application to address the problems caused by developing pollutants. Carbon composite nanomaterials have significant potential in the fight against numerous environmental contaminants due to their distinctive attributes. This review discusses the reports of customized carbon composite nanomaterials to meet the need for specific elimination of emerging contaminants. Physical and chemical features such as high surface area, conductivity (thermal and electrical), and vibroelectronic properties, size, shape, porosity, and composite nature are making these tailored materials of carbon-based nanomaterials an emerging and sustainable tool to remove persistent compounds like emerging contaminants in aqueous solution. Different composite materials are well discussed in this review, along with their adsorption efficiency of diverse emerging contaminants, including Bisphenol A, estradiol, metformin, etc. This review provides insight into the recent trends limited to 2017–2023. The limitations of carbon-based nanomaterials, such as regeneration and cost-effectiveness, have also been overcome in recent years by diverse modifications in the production process, which can be further improved to make these materials well suited for an extended group of emerging contaminants.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Synthesis of extremely competent materials is of great interest in addressing the energy storage concerns. Manganese oxide nanowires ( MnO2 NWs) are prepared in situ with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and graphene oxide (GO) using a simple and effective hydrothermal method. Powder XRD, Raman and XPS analysis are utilized to examine the structural characteristics and chemical state of composites. The initial specific discharge capacity of pure MnO2 NWs, MnO2 NWs/ MWCNT and MnO2 NWs/rGO composites are 1225, 1589 and 1685 mAh/g, respectively. The MnO2 NWs/MWCNT and MnO2 NWs/rGO composites showed stable behavior with a specific capacity of 957 and 1108 mAh/g, respectively, after 60 cycles. Moreover, MnO2 NWs/rGO composite sustained a specific capacity of 784 mAh/g, even after 250 cycles at a current density of 1 A/g showing outstanding cycling stability.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Reproductive management practices play crucial roles to maximize the reproductive performance of cows, and thus contribute to farm profitability. We aimed to assess the reproductive management of cows currently practiced in the dairy farms in an urban farming system. Methods: A total of 62 dairy farms were randomly selected considering all size of farms such as small (1-5 cattle), medium (6-20 cattle) and large farms (> 20 cattle) from selected areas of Dhaka city in Bangladesh. The reproductive managementrelated parameters viz. estrus detection, breeding method, pregnancy diagnosis, dry cow and parturition management, vaccination and treatment of reproductive problems etc. were obtained in a pre-defined questionnaire during the farm visit. Results: The visual observation method was only used (100.0%; 62/62) for estrus detection irrespective of size of the farms; while farmers observed cows for estrus 4-5 times a day, but only for 20-60 seconds each time. Regardless of farm size, 89.0% (55/62) farms used artificial insemination (AI) for breeding the cows. Intriguingly, all farms (100.0%) routinely checked the cows for pregnancy at 35-40 days post-breeding using rectal palpation technique by registered veterinarian. However, only 6.5% (4/62) farms practiced dry cow management. Notably, all farms (100.0%) provided nutritional supplements (Vit D, Ca and P) during late gestation. However, proper hygiene and cleanliness during parturition was not practiced in 77.4% (48/62) farms; even though 96.7% (60/62) farms treated cows by registered veterinarian for parturition-related problems. Conclusions: While farmers used AI service for breeding and timely check their cows for pregnancy; however, they need to increase observation time (30 minutes/ observation, twice in a day: early morning and early night) for estrus detection, consider dry cow management and ensure hygienic parturition for maximizing production.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Structural inversion refers to the reverse reactivation of extensional faults that influence basin shortening accommodated by contractional faults or folds. On the Korean peninsula, Miocene inversion structures have been found, but the Cretaceous rocks on Geoje Island may have undergone inversion as early as the Upper Cretaceous. To evaluate the structural inversion on Geoje Island, located on the eastern side of South Korea, and to determine the effects of preexisting weakness zones, field-based geometric and kinematic analyses of faults were performed. The lithology of Geoje Island is dominated by hornfelsified shale, siltstone, and sandstone in the Upper-Cretaceous Seongpori formation. NE and NW-oblique normal faults, conjugate strike-slip (NW-sinistral transpressional and E-W-dextral transtensional) faults, and NE-dextral transpressional faults are the most prominent structural features in Geoje Island. Structural inversion on Geoje Island was evidenced by the sinistral and dextral transpressional reactivation of the NW and NE-trending oblique normal faults respectively, under WNW-ESE/NW-SE compression, which was the orientation of the compressive stress during the Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rapid synthesis techniques and interesting multidisciplinary applications make carbon nanodots (CNDs) stand out from semiconductor quantum dots. Moreover, CNDs derived from green precursors have gained more importance beyond chemically derived CNDs due to sustainable synthesis opportunities. However, the presence of molecular impurities or intermediates or fluorophores was neglected during the entire process. Herein, we illustrate the sustainable synthesis of CNDs from Hemigraphis alternata plant leaves with extended carbonization procedure (3 and 9 min) along with simultaneous ethylene glycol and diethyl ether solvent treatment method for the successful removal of interfering fluorophores. To unravel the distinction between purified CNDs (P-CNDs) and organic fluorescent carbon nanostructures (org-FCNs), we carried out photophysical, structural, and morphological studies. A quantum yield (QY) of 69 and 42% was observed for crude org-FCNs, and crude P-CNDs; however after purification, QY of 1% and absence of one component from the fluorescent decays curve suggest the removal of fluorophores. Further, HR-TEM and DLS studies showed the quasi-spherical amorphous particles having < 10 nm particle size for P-CNDs. Besides, in vitro biocompatibility investigation and cellular uptake assay (1–100 μg/mL) against the MDA-MB 468 cell lines proves the ≥ 95% cell viability and good internalization for both org-FCNs and P-CNDs. Hence, our study shows the presence of fluorophore impurities in plant-derived CNDs, the removal and resemblance in biocompatibility properties. Hence, this information can be considered during the synthesis and isolation of CNDs. Simple and effective removal of impurities to harvest pure carbon nanodots (CNDs) through solvent-based selective separation method, and revelation of the cocktail flourphores similar to biocompatible blue fluorescent CNDs were studied.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of heteroatoms doped inorganic nanocrystal-carbon composites (INCCs) has attained a great focus for energy applications (energy production and energy storage). A precise approach to fabricate the INCCs with homogenous distribution of the heteroatoms with an appropriate distribution of metal atoms remains a challenge for material scientists. Herein, we proposed a facile two-step route to synthesize INCC with doping of metal (α-Fe2O3) and non-metals (N, P, O) using hydrogel formed by treating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (HCCP) and 3, 4, 5-trihydroxy benzoic acid (Gallic acid). Metal oxide was doped using an extrinsic doping approach by varying its content and non-metallic doping by an intrinsic doping approach. We have fabricated four different samples (INCC-0.5%, INCC-1.0%, INCC-1.5%, and INCC-2.0%), which exhibit the uniform distribution of the N, P, O, and α-Fe2O3 in the carbon architecture. These composite materials were applied as anode material in water oxidation catalysis (WOC); INCC-1.5% electro-catalyst confirmed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) with a noticeable catholic peak 0.85 V vs RHE and maximal current density 1.5 mA.cm−2. It also delivers better methanol tolerance and elongated stability than RuO2; this superior performance was attributed due to the homogenous distribution of the α-Fe2O3 causing in promotion of adsorption of O2 initially and a greater surface area of 1352.8 m2/ g with hierarchical pore size distribution resulting higher rate of ion transportation and mass-flux.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Echeveria is a genus belonging to the Crassulaceae family that comprises approximately 170 species. It is a representative plant known as a succulent with economic potential in the floriculture industry. Echeveria plants are widely distributed in dry environments and endemic to Mexico. These plants have a rosette formation and varied leaf colors and shapes, which are characteristics of interest for landscaping, cut flowers, or interior decoration. Given their range of locations in different climates or indoor conditions, it is important to have an understanding and knowledge of their leaf morphology and anatomy and how they function to provide optimum care and management. Owing to high demand in horticultural markets, many breeders have crossed their desired species. However, this method has progressively increased the number of species without proper records of parents or other natural unintended crossings, creating phylogenetic problems and identification issues. The use and understanding of phenotypes, anatomical data, and/or research to aid in taxonomic issues and improve cultural management practices have been reviewed and discussed in this paper. In this review, we have provided a brief background of Echeveria species, focusing on the challenges and studies that have attempted to address these issues.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is an ever growing interest in the development of biochar from a large variety of agrowastes. Herein, the main objective is the conversion of pomegranate peel powder biochar and its post-functionalization by phosphoric acid treatment, followed by arylation organic reaction. The latter was conducted using in situ-generated diazonium salts of 4-aminobenzoic acid ( H2N-C6H4-COOH), sulfanilic acid ( H2N-C6H4-SO3H) and Azure A dye. The effect of diazonium nature and concentration on the arylation process was monitored using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SEM pictures showed micrometer-sized biochar particles with tubular structure having about 10–20 μm-wide channels. SEM studies have shown that arylation did not affect the morphology upon arylation. The porous structure did not collapse and withstood the arylation organic reaction in acid medium did not collapse upon arylation. TGA and Raman indicated gradual changes in the arylation of biochar at initial concentrations 10– 5, 10– 4 and 10– 3 mol L− 1 of 4-aminobenzoic acid. The detailed Raman spectra peak fittings indicate that the D/G peak intensity ratio leveled off at 3.35 for 4-aminobenzoic acid initial concentration of 10– 4 mol L− 1, and no more change was observed, even at higher aryl group mass loading. This is in line with formation of oligoaryl grafts rather than the grafting of new aryl groups directly to the biochar surface. Interestingly, Azure A diazonium salt induced much lower extent of surface modification, likely due to steric hindrance. To the very best of our knowledge, this is the first report on diazonium modification of agrowaste-derived biochar and opens new avenues for arylated biochar and its applications.
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