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        검색결과 478

        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of alcohol or cigarette smoking on seminal parameters in a large group of mice model. Nine groups (n=20/group) of mice were treated intensive noxious materials that abdominal injection of 21% (v/v) of ethanol, cigarette smoke (10, 20, 30 minutes/day), and combination of ethanol and 30 minutes of smoking. In addition, vitamin C and selenium were also treated to mice exposed to combination of alcohol and smoking to identify the recovering effect. Sperm viability and motility were significantly decreased in either alcohol consumption or smoking exposed group, and combination of both materials have additive detrimental effects on seminal parameters. Mice groups that exposed to alcohol and smoking showed statistically significant decrease in motility and increase of static spermatozoa. Moreover, combination of both treatments showed cumulative effect in increase of static spermatozoa. Treatments of either vitamin C or selenium dramatically recovered detrimental effects of alcohol and smoking on seminal quality, although combination of both antioxidant molecules did not show any additive effect. In conclusion, detrimental effects of alcohol and cigarette consumption on sperm quality and motility were identified in mice model, and these detrimental effects can be compensated to uptake of anti‐oxidant molecules.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A full genomic DNA microarray technique was employed to investigate the effects of Dongchunghacho on aortal and hepatic gene expression in apolipoprotein E knockout mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. Male 8- week - old ApoE-/- mice were randomly divided into two groups, control(high cholesterol group; HC) and supplementation of Dongchunghacho (SD). All of the mice were fed a high-fet/high cholesterol diet with or without Dongchunghacho supplemented by 1% for 6 weeks. At first, lipid profile of the Dongchunghacho was measured by biochemical analysis. No differences were observed in serum triglyceride and total cholesterol levels between the two groups. Antigenotoxic effect of the Dongchunghacho was measured by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay) and quantified as % fluorescence in tail. Dongchunghacho supplementation decreased significantly leukocytic DNA damage and also there was a tendency of reduction in hepatic DNA damage in Dongchunghacho group compared with the control group. In up regulated genes in liver and aorta of the mice, genes with 0 to 2- fold difference in expression level between the two group (HD and SD) was very much more in liver than in aorta, on the contrary, those with 2-fold to 16-flod difference increased greatly rather in aorta than in liver. Also, almost the same results were observed in down regulated genes in liver and aorta between the two groups. These results suggested that supplementation of Dongchunghacho might be helpful in preventing leukocytic DNA damage induced by high fat diet, and has a more crucial roles in aortal gene expression.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to improve the effect of environment-friendly Tetranychus urticae pesticide through the development of Tetranychus urticae biopesticide using the plant extract. Tested extracts were fig leaf extract, viburnum erosum extract; besides Sophora flavescens Ait extract, Derris root extract, Tobacco leaf extract, and they were proved to be the caricidal effect of two spotted spider mite adults by spraying on the French bean leaf inoculated for Tetranychus urticae with each concentration; 500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm. In the control treatments, caricidal effect was compared with only ‘Eungsami’ (500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm), of which the main ingredient as environment-friendly organic material is, and distilled water. The caricidal effect of tested extracts to the two spotted spider mite adult was the highest in the Sophora flavescens Ait extract and Tobacco leaf extract over 90%, and comparatively low in the Derris root extract. When the caricidal effect of ‘Eungsami’ was compared with two spotted spider mite adults with each concentration, ‘Eungsami’(500ppm) and Tobacco leaf extract(500ppm) were very excellent as each 95.5%, 98.7% in treated concentration. The effect of Sophora flavescens Ait extract was also high as 96.5%. In the low concentration(50ppm), Sophora flavescens Ait extract was 45.8%, Tobacco leaf extract was the most effective as 53.8%.