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        검색결과 828

        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the United States and Europe, new environmentally friendly asphalt pavement has been researched as an alternative to traditional hot asphalt pavement. After the Paris Convention of 2015, policies should be found to reduce carbon dioxide. In the field of asphalt pavement, new methods are needed to reduce carbon dioxide from the traditional hot asphalt pavement. In Korea, waste asphalt is growing and natural aggregate is running dry. So the government is implementing policies to increase the use of waste resources. So, it created a new asphalt pavement method to reduce CO2 and use waste asphalt. It is a cold recycled asphalt pavement. Emulsified asphalt has a balance of dispersibility, stability, and adhesive between water, aggregates, and asphalt. But, the physical properties of emulsified asphalt can be degraded compared to traditional hot asphalt pavement. So there are limitations in actual use. The study compared the softening point, elastic recovery, and penetration properties of asphalt mix compounds by using latex in emulsified asphalt. In particular, cations latex was used for the emulsified asphalt, which could further improve the physical properties.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the road management paradigm has changed into the user-oriented circumstance, the functionality of the crucial road maintenance factors became important than before. Among these factors, the roughness directly related to the ride quality for driver became to get more attention. IRI(International Roughness Index) is recently the most widely used roughness indices in the world. IRI is a reasonable index that reflects the vertical displacement(bounce) of vehicle as the road profile changes. Since IRI reflects the vertical behavior of vehicle, it reflects ride quality indirectly. However, there are various rotational behaviors such as roll, yaw, and pitch in addition to the vertical displacement. Profiles, which MRI range was 1.13-4.12m/km, were measured in five sections and the profiles were entered into CarSIM to simulate vehicle behavior. As a result, the pitch was the largest in all sections, followed by roll and yaw, relatively. Especially, the amount of yaw is about 5% of the pitch or about 7% of the roll. The behavior of moving vehicle was measured using INS(inertial navigation system) and accelerometer in the section where the road surface profile was measured. As a result, as in the simulation, the pitch was the largest in all the sections and the amount of yaw is only about 7% of the pitch or about 18% of the roll. Field experiments were conducted to analyze the effect of the rotational behavior of the actual driving vehicle on the ride quality. 33 panels evaluated the ride quality on a ten-point scale while driving on 35 sections with various roughnesses. 35 test sections were selected considering the roughness distribution of actual expressway. The panel was selected considering age, driving experience, gender, and expertise. Of the total 1,155 responses, 964 responses were used for the analysis, except 191 responses measured at low driving speeds. In addition, the amount of vehicle behavior and road surface profile were measured using INS and laser. As a result of correlation analysis between MPR(mean panel rating) and vehicle behavior, correlation coefficient of bounce was the highest with 0.814, and the order of pitch was 0.798, and roll was 0.734, relatively. As a result of regression analysis for predicting ride quality, regression model combining bounce and roll was statistically the most suitable. This model is expected to reflect the ride quality more effectively because it can consider the vehicle behavior due to the longitudinal profile change of the road surface as well as the vehicle behavior due to the difference between the left and right wheel path road profile.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research evaluates the applicability of ponded ash in the production of backfill material. From various ponded ash/sand ratios, cement, and air foam conditions, test specimens were developed to investigate many engineer properties of backfill material. Then, the falling weight deflectometer and excavation tests were carried out to determine the behavior of the material in the actual testbed. The test results suggested that all mixtures achieved optimal flowability performance with acceptable stiffening time. It is indicated that the compressive strength increased as ponded ash and cement contents increased, but the strength decreased with an increase in air-foam content or number of freeze-thaw cycles. From the testbed results, it was found that utilizing 100% ponded ash in the production of backfill material is very promising for sustainable development purpose.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study evaluated the effect of steel slag and steel wool fibers (SWF) on self-healing performance of asphalt mixture. The microstructure and distribution of SWF in mixture were examined by a computerized tomography scan and image analysis program. Thermal conductivity was investigated using the thermal constant analyser. The heating rate and healing performance were measured by induction heating system. The results showed the uneven distribution and the agglomeration in the mixtures when the content of fibers exceed a certain dosage. It was found that the mix with steel slag had higher heating rate than the mix with normal aggregate; however, its healing performance was slightly lower because of the breaking of weak steel slag. Finally, the mechanical test results indicated that SWF can enhance the resistance and prolong the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, phylogenetic relationships of Bombycoidea have been reconstructed using molecular data, but generated several hypotheses on among-familial relationships [(especially, “Satruniidae+Bombycidae+Sphingidae” group)] within Bombycoidea. Thus, in this study, we sequenced 39 mitogenomes from both Bombycoidea and Lasiocampoidea. Consequently, one topology was obtained on the basis of ML and BI methods. It suggested the monophyly of the two superfamilies (Bombycoidea and Lasiocampoidea) consistently with a high nodal support; the sister relationship between Saturniidae and Sphingidae in “SBS”; and the sister relationships between Bombycidae and the Saturniidae + Sphingidae group.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        동남아시아에 발생하던 등검은말벌은 최근 국내 뿐만 아니라 프랑스와 일본, 유럽 전역으로 확산되어 전 세계 양봉 산업에 극심한 피해를 주고 있다. 등검은말벌을 방제하기 위해 다양한 방제 방법들이 연구되고 있으며, 그 중 말벌 유인제에 대해 국제적으로 많은 연구가 진행되어 왔으나 이 역시 지속적인 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 시판 유인제와 최근 (주)다목에코텍에서 새롭게 개발한 신규 개발 유인제에 대한 효능 검정을 수행하였 고 양봉장에 출현하는 국내 발생 말벌속의 발생양상을 조사하였다. 담양 1개소와 곡성 2개소에 기존 유인제과 신규 유인제를 장착한 포획기를 각 3쌍씩 설치하여 2016년 9월부터 11월말까지 주 1~2회 관찰하였다. 그 결과 국내 발생 말벌속 중 등검은말벌(7,787 개체)이 가장 많이 포획되었고, 다음으로 장수말벌, 말벌, 좀말벌, 꼬마장수말벌, 털보말벌 순으로 포획되었다. 두 유인제의 포획력 검정 결과, 신규 개발 유인제가 통계적으로 유의하게(P < 0.01) 등검은말벌 포획력이 높음을 보였다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of cold storage temperature and exposure duration on immature stages of spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on ‘Campbell Early’ grapes were examined to establish a phytosanitary control method. The immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) of SWD were all dead after a 6-day cold treatment at 1°C and 8-day cold treatment at 1.5 and 2°C. Small-scale tests using pupae, which were the most-cold tolerant stage, confirmed the validity of the selected temperature and exposure durations. Conversely, the 8- and 10-day at 1°C treatments showed 100% mortality, suggesting that these treatments can guarantee quarantine security against infestations of SWD on exported ‘Campbell Early’ grapes.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The honey bee, Apis mellifera ligustica (Hymenoptera: Apidae), strain with a high hygienic behavior (HHB) has been bred for several years in Korea, and a diagnosis system to distinguish it from low hygienic behavior (LHB) strain has been necessitated. Thus, complete mitogenome of the two strains were sequenced through Next-Generation Sequencing technique to detect SNPs. Comparison of the mitogenome sequences from the two strains of A. m. ligustica have detected 23 SNPs in 11 PCGs and these were further confirmed the presence of SNPs using each 10 individuals selected randomly from each strain, indicating that these SNP markers might be useful to diagnose the honeybee strains with the HHB. Therefore, mitogenome sequences are promising genome source to detect SNP markers, particularly for inbred female iso-lines.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        벗초파리는 우리나라에서는 심각한 해충으로 인식되지 않아 발생 기간 및 패턴, 기주 범위 등의 생태적인 연구뿐만 아니라 모니터링을 위한 우수 유인제 및 트랩의 연구도 제한적으로 수행된 실정이다. 본 연구는 기존 연구 결과를 참조하여 사과식초 함유 유인제 2종과 화학적 루어 2종 그리고 트랩 2종에 대한 선발 시험을 수행하였다. 선발 시험은 사육중인 벗초파리를 이용한 choice test와 함께 수목원, 딸기 농장, 블루베리 농장에서의 6반복 유인력 검증 실험을 수행하였다. 유인력 비교 결과 ACV + wine의 포획량이 높았으며, 블루베리 농장 인근 결과값은 전체 조사 항목에서 통계적 유의성을 보였다 (P < 0.05). 트랩 선발 실험 결과 모든 실험 장소에서 Dreves 트랩이 높은 포획량을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 통해 ACV + wine과 Dreves 트랩 조합을 선발하였으며, 이를 이용하여 향후 지속적인 모니터링, 월동 발생 조사 등의 연구에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2016년도에 조사를 수행한 경상북도 내 위치한 산림유전자원보호구역 3개 지역(봉화・영주・울진)의 곤충 군집 변화를 확인하기 위하여 5월에서 9월까지 함정 트랩(pitfall trap)을 이용하여 5회씩 3반복하여 각각 상대적으로 비교 하였다. 채집된 딱정벌레류는 딱정벌레과 등 22과 141종 2,415개체가 확인 되었으며, MRPP (Multi-response Permutation procedures)분석 결과 서식지간의 군집구조차이가 있음을 확인 하였고(p < 0.001), Bray-cutis 분석결과 군집간의 차이와 함께 신갈나무 군락이 보행성 딱정벌레류의 종 풍부도에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났고 소나무군락 은 비교적 낮은 영향을 받았다. 식생유형에 대한 지표종 분석결과 신갈나무 군락에서 붉은칠납작먼지벌레(Synuchus cycloderus Bates, 1873)를 포함한 4종, 자작나무 군락에서는 노랑털검정반날개(Ocypus weisei Harold, 1877)를 포함한 3종, 소나무 군락에서는 홍딱지반날개(Platydracus brevicornis Motschulsky, 1862)를 포함한 3종의 지표종 변화를 확인 하였다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we developed 12 microsatellite markers specific to N. pygmaea using Illumina paired-end sequencing. Forty individuals of N. pygmaea collected from three currently known localities in South Korea were genotyped to validate these markers and to preliminarily assess population genetic characteristics. No locus showed significant deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Our preliminary data indicate an absence of inbreeding in all populations and an absence of obvious genetic difference. The microsatellite markers developed in this study will be useful for studying the population genetics of N. pygmaea collected from other regions, including additional sites in South Korea.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Acoptolabrus changeonleei Ishikawa et Kim, 1983 (Coleoptera: Carabidae), has been listed as an endangered insect in South Korea. The complete mitochondrial genome of the species was 16,831 bp with a typical set of genes (13 protein-coding genes [PCGs], 2 rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes) and one non-coding region, with the arrangement identical to that observed in most insect genomes. Phylogenetic analyses with concatenated sequences of the 13 PCGs and 2 rRNA genes, using the Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum-likelihood (ML) methods, placed A. changeonleei as a sister to the within-subfamilial species Damaster mirabilissimus in Carabinae, with the highest nodal support by both analyses.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previously, a partial mitochondrial COI and CytB gene sequences have been used to infer genetic diversity and gene flow of the species. In this study, we additionally collected C. tripartitus from one previous and two new localities, sequenced the COI and CytB genes. Sequence divergence of current samples showed slightly lower values, but nearly equivalent to previous study. Haplotype diversity was still high and nucleotide diversity indicating that Seogwi-dong showed the highest estimates in both gene sequences. Gene flow among populations is high, but a significance difference was detected between Gulupdo and Anmado; and between Gulupdo and Seogwi-dong only in COI sequences (P < 0.05). Considering the high genetic diversity and gene flow in C. tripartitus populations, one of the major issues regarding conservation seems not to be the recovery of genetic diversity as has been suggested before.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous phylogenetic results often showed fluctuating positions of Geometroidea in Macroheterocera, particularly from mitochondrial genome (mitogenome)-based analyses. In this study, we sequenced mitogenomes of four geometrid moths to increase taxon diversity for the inference of phylogenetic positions of Geometroidea in Macroheterocera. The general genomic features found in Macroheterocera also were found in the four geometrid moths. Phylogenetic analyses using 71 representative mitogeneome sequences in Macroheterocera yielded the consensus superfamilial relationships (((((Bombycoidea + Lasiocampoidea) + Geometroidea) + Noctuoidea) + Drepanoidea) + Mimallonoidea), confirming the sister relationship of Geometroidea to (Bombycoidea + Lasiocampoidea) in both Bayesian Inference and Maximum-likelihood method.
        2018.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mycoplasma (M.) felis and M. canis is related with pneumonia or conjunctivitis in domestic cats and several diseases in a variety of other animals, including lower respiratory tract disease or pleuritis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays has been reported as an easy and useful method. It could be conducted even on nasal swab samples as a non-invasive rapid testing tools for large numbers of Mycoplasma species. However, PCR assays have to conduct multiple assays because of a lot of Mycoplasma species. Therefore, it need to perform several tests and reveal time consuming procedures. In this study, we developed a sensitive and specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that detects simultaneously two species like as M. felis and M. canis. The simultaneous detection of M. felis and M. canis primers were used to differentiate two mycoplasma species. The target DNA fragments were specifically amplified M. felis and M. canis PCR with 16S ribosomal DNA primers. Single and mixed Mycoplasma species DNA templates were submitted to validate the specificity of the multiplex PCR. The corresponding specific DNA products were amplified for each pathogen. The detection limit of the developed multiplex PCR is 102 pg with M. felis and M. canis DNA. Furthermore, the developed multiplex PCR detected successfully M. felis in feline nasal specimens. The multiplex PCR assay provides a novel tool for simultaneous detection and differentiation of M. felis and M. canis in cats.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the number of SNS(Weibo) users in China is growing rapidly, Chinese fashion brands are heavily dependent on SNSs as a fashion marketing communication tool. For this reason, the characteristics of SNS accounts and their influences on SNS users’ responses need to be studied. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the influences of the characteristics of Chinese fashion brands’ SNS accounts(Weibo) on the perceived usefulness of and satisfaction with the SNS acount, and brand loyalty. Data were collected via a questionnaire survey of men and women living in Beijing or Shanghai aged from 18 to 49 with experience of SNSs(Weibo). After a pilot survey of 70 subjects, the preliminary questionnaire was revised and then translated into Chinese. The questionnaire translated into Chinese was back-translated into Korean to ensure the translation was correct. The final questionnaire was administered to 600 subjects. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analysis, and structural equation model analysis were conducted for data analysis. The results of this study were as follows: Five factors were extracted for Weibo characteristics: interaction, information provision, information recency, information reliability, and information playfulness. The information reliability, information playfulness, and interaction of SNS accounts(Weibo) had significant influences on perceived usefulness. The information playfulness, information reliability, and information recency showed significant influences on satisfaction. The perceived usefulness exerted significant influences on satisfaction and brand loyalty. The satisfaction also had statistically significant influences on brand loyalty.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to select various fungal strains indigenous to Korea that have the potential to produce cellulases, including filter paper activity (FPase), endo-β-1,4-glucanase (EG), and β-glucosidase (BGL). Among the 25 species of Ascomycetes and the 32 species of Basidiomycetes tested in this study, the Bjerkandera adusta KUC10565, Heterobasidion orientale KUC10556, Hyphoderma praetermissum KUC10609, and Trichoderma harzianum KUC1716 all exhibited remarkably high FPase activity. In addition, the T. harzianum KUC1716 showed high levels of EG and BGL activity. This strain has been selected for further study because of their enzymatic potential.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of demineralized and particulate autogenous tooth, and interleukin-6 in bone regeneration. A demineralized and particulate autogenous tooth was prepared and human osteoblast-like cells (MG63) and human osteosarcoma cells were inoculated into the culture. The rate of cell adhesion, proliferation and mineralization were examined, and the appearance of cellular attachment was observed. An 8 mm critical size defect was created in the cranium of rabbits. Nine rabbits were divided into three groups including: An experimental group A (3 rabbits), in which a demineralised and particulate autogenous tooth was grafted; an experimental group B (3 rabbits), in which a demineralized, particulate autogenous tooth was grafted in addition to interleukin-6 (20 ng/mL); and a control group. The rabbits were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks for histopathological examination with H-E and Masson’s Trichrome, and immunohistochemistry with osteocalcin. The cell-based assay showed a higher rate of cell adhesion, mineralization and cellular attachment in the experimental group A compared with the control group. The animal study revealed an increased number of osteoclasts, newly formed and mature bones in the experimental group A compared with the control group. Eventually, a higher number of osteoclasts were observed in the experimental group B. However, the emergence of newly formed and mature bone was lower than in the experimental group A. The current results suggest that treatment with demineralized and particulate autogenous tooth and interleukin-6 is not effective in stimulating bone regeneration during the bone grafting procedure.