
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 39

        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the structure of coal tar pitch heat-treated up to 3000℃ by using 514.5 run Ar ion laser line. Four critical temperature ranges were found on pyrolyzing coal tar pitch, which correspond to four distinct processes from disordered carbons to the well-ordered graphite structure. The range of heat treat temperature (HTT) below 1000℃ corresponds to gas evolution during the pyrolysis of coal tar pitch. Above the HTT are correlated to rearrangements of enlarged molecules, growth of the molecules along the direction of plane, finally stacking in the normal direction of the plane, in the respective HTT ranges of 1000-2000, above 2000 and 2500-3000℃.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 관여(關與)하는 병원균(病原菌)과 해충을 분류동정(分類同定)한 결과(結果) 해충으로는 허리노린재과(科)에 속하는 Leptocorisa oratorius가 우점종(優占種)이었고 노린재과(科)인 Menida varipennis. Stollia ventralis 및 Nezara viridula 등이 관여(關與)하였으며 병원균(病原菌)으로는 Drechslera oryzae. Curvularia lunata, Trichoniella padwickii, Sarocladium oryzae, Alternaria tenuis 및 Fusarium solani 등이 관여(關與)하였다. 병원균(病原菌)과 해충의 복합발생시(複合發生時)에 변색미발생(變色米發生)이 더 심하였고 병원균(病原菌)만의 발생시(發生時)는 변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 주로 영향(影響)을 미쳤으며 노린재류만의 발생시(發生時)는 수량감수(收量減收)에 더 큰 영향(影響)을 주었다. 그리고 노린재류에 의한 벼 유숙기간(乳熟期間)의 흡즙(吸汁)은 병원균침입(病原菌侵入)을 조장(助長)하여 벼의 질적(質的) 변화(變化)와 양적(量的) 감소(滅少)에 크게 영향(影響)하였다.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Stockholm Convention was adopted in Sweden in 2001 to protect human health and the environment, including Persistent Organic Pollutants Rotors, such as toxic and bioaccumulative. Currently, there are 28 kinds of materials. This prohibits and limits the production, use, and manufacture of the product. Korea is a party to the Convention and it is necessary to prepare management and treatment plan to cope with POPs trends. In the text, we have discussed HCBD materials. HCBD belongs to halogenated aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is a toxic, organic mixture of bioaccumulation. A study on the treatment of waste containing HCBD substance, We decided to treat the waste containing HCBD thermally. So six samples were selected. Waste water treatment sludge, rubber plate, insecticide, tarpaulin, tire rubber, mixed sample. The tire rubber injected HCBD as a technical sample. HCBD analysis showed that 59.345 ~ 18,238.355 ug/kg was detected. For the thermal treatment, we analyzed element. As a result of thermogravimetric analysis, the weight change due to the decomposition of the material started at 200℃. The material decomposition was completed within 800℃. The thermal treatment was performed on a Lab-scale (1kg/hr). After exhaust gas analysis result, HCBD was detected at 0.01 to 0.09 ug/kg. The decomposition rate is estimated to be 99.848 ~ 99.999%. As a result of dioxin analysis in the exhaust gas, the highest concentration was found in the tarpaulins and the emission limit was exceeded. The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn in the residues were very low. Considering the decomposition rate of HCBD containing wastes, incineration treatment at 2 ton/hr or more is considered to be possible. And unintentional persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins in the exhaust gas. Therefore, it is considered safe to operate the incineration temperature at more than 1100℃.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To achieve energy efficiency improvement is used to lower temperature for emission gas at catalyst inlet, or to reduce/stop using steam to reheat emission gas. Saved energy from this process can be used as power source in order to increase generation efficiency. Dry emission gas treatment, on the other hand, is the technology to increase generation efficiency by using highly efficient desalination materials including highly-responsive slaked lime and sodium type chemicals in order to comply with air pollution standards and reduce used steam volume for reheating emission gas. If dry emission gas is available, reheating is possible only with the temperature of 45℃ in order to expect generation efficiency by reducing steam volume for reheating. Retention energy of emission gas from combustion is calculated by emission gas multiplied by specific heat and temperature. In order to obtain more heat recovery from combustion emission gas, it is necessary to reduce not only exothermic loss from boiler facilities but emission calorie of emission gas coming out of boiler facilities. In order to reduce emission calorie of emission gas, it is efficient to realize temperature lowering for the emission gas temperature from the exit of heat recovery facility and reduce emission gas volume. When applying low temperature catalysts, the energy saving features from 0.03% to 2.52% (average 1.28%). When increasing the excess air ratio to 2.0, generation efficiency decreases by 0.41%. When the inlet temperature of the catalyst bed was changed from 210℃ to 180℃, greenhouse gas reduction results were 47.4, 94.8, 118.5, 142.2 thousand tons-CO2/y, CH4 was calculated to be 550.0, 1100.1, 1375.1, 1650.1 kg-CH4/y, and N2O was 275.0, 550.0, 687.6, 825.1 kg-N2O/y. In the case of high efficiency dry flue gas treatment, reduction of greenhouse gases by the change of temperature 120~160℃ and exhaust gas 5,000 ~ 6,500 ㎥/ton is possible with a minimum of 355,461 ton/y of CO2 and minimum 4,125 tons of CH4/y to a maximum of 6,325 ton/y and N2O to a minimum of 2,045 kg/y to a maximum of 3,135 kg/y.
        2010.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Controllable transgenic expression systems in transgenic animal model are valuable to the development of therapeutic approaches in human medical fields. The aim of this study was to 1) produce a transgenic cloned dog using inducible tetracycline vector system, and 2) investigate whether the transgenic cloned dog could be induced the transgene expression using doxycycline (Doxy). Canine fetal fibroblasts were infected with retroviral vectors designed to express the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene under the control of tetracycline-inducible promoter. For somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), nucleus of an in vivo matured oocyte was removed and an eGFP expressed cell cultured with 1 ㎍/㎖ of Doxy was injected. After electrical fusion and chemical activation, the reconstructed embryos were transferred to a recipient and pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasonography. Experiment I evaluated the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of infected cells while the cells were cultured in the presence of 1 ㎍/㎖ of Doxy for 5 days, and then in the absence of Doxy for 7 days using fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Experiment II was designed to produce an eGFP controllable transgenic cloned dog via SCNT. For verification of transgenic dog, experiment III was performed Southern Blot analysis and observation in vivo regulation of eGFP expression in the cloned dog treated with 100 ㎎/㎏ of Doxy every 2 days for 2 weeks under ultraviolet light. In experiment IV, western blot was used to detect eGFP increase and decrease in skin tissues of transgenic dog under the presence or absence of Doxy. In the results of experiment I, the MFI for infected cells was rapidly increased to approximately 42.3 times after 3 day-treatment compared to pre-treatment and quickly decreased 3 days after ceasing the treatment. In experiment II, a total of 203 embryos were transferred to nine recipients and three pregnant delivered three pups (Tet-on eGFP 0, Tet-on eGFP 1, and Tet-on eGFP 2) by C-sec and Tet-on eGFP 2 among them is still alive. All cloned pups were genetically identical to the donor cell. Tet-on eGFP 2 showed an apparent in vivo eGFP expression on her body after Doxy administration in experiment III. The result of Sothern blotting showed that the transgene insertion was detected from the three cloned dogs and all organs of Tet-on eGFP 1. Experiment IV indicated that a robust eGFP expression in skin tissue of Tet-on eGFP 2 rapidly increased after Doxy treatment and gradually decreased to basal level on 9 weeks after ceasing the treatment. In conclusion, we report here for the first time an inducible transgenic system in canine species and it can stably induce the transgene expression at intended time. This study has demonstrated the capacity to generate transgenic model dog which could regulate the transgene and it would contribute to human medical research fields.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was done to understand the G x E interaction of rice blast reaction for Japonica high quality rice varieties and to observe blast pattern for high quality varieties. Twenty one percent of the total sum of squares (SST) in blast reaction data of high quality Japonica varieties is attributed to genotype (G) by environment (E) interaction variation. This portion of blast response is higher than 8~12% of G x E effect in blast severity data obtained from various ecotypes of rice varieties. Blast response scores obtained from high quality Japonica varieties group were more severely affected by environment condition than mixed groups with Japonica and Indica varieties. Interaction Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) scores obtained from AMMI analysis for the leaf blast response implied variation of G x E interaction. Correlation analysis suggested that IPCA1 was associated with latitude, maximum mean temperature, precipitation and mean cloud amount. IPCA2 was associated with mean relative humidity, and IPCA3 was associated with precipitation and minimum relative humidity. Pattern analysis generated nine genotype clusters according to blast reaction over 11 regions. Collectively, the A, B, C, and D groups were susceptible to rice blast, where as the E, F, G, H, and I groups were relatively resistant to rice blast through multi-location blast nursery test. Relationship between the identified genes of high quality varieties and blast scores at each test site in the level of group could be analyzed based on the results from G x E Interaction analysis.
        2002.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was found that the purified extract from A. gigas Nakai (polysaccharide, M.W., 25 kD) controled differentiating human ES cells. Its optimal supplementation concentration was decided as 0.8 (μg/ml) to efficiently control the differentiation. It also enhanced the cell growth, compared to the control. However, most widely used and commercially available differentiating agent, Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) negatively affected on the cell growth even though it controls the differentiation of ES cells, down to 40-50 % based on morphological observation and telomerase activity. It was presumed that the extract first affected on cell membrane and resulted in controlling signal system, then amplify gene expression of telomere, which enhanced the telomerase activity up to three times compared to the control. LIF only increased the enzyme activity up to two times. It was confirmed that the extract from A. gigas Nakai could be used for substituting currently used differentiation controlling agent, LIF from animal resources as a cheap plant resource and not affecting the cell growth. It can broaden the application of the plants not only to functional foods and their substitutes but also to fine chemicals and most cutting-edge biopharmaceutical medicine.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The object of this study is to determine the effect of priming on the germination ability and seedling emergence of aged soybean seeds in lab and field conditions. Artificial or natural procedure for seed aging was applied in this study. One seed lot was artificially aged for 3 to 5 days at 42~circC with high relative humidity (nearly RH 100%), and the other one was stored at room temperature for 17 months. Aged seeds were osmoconditioned in -1.1 MPa polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG) solution for 3 days at 25~circC and air-dried. When Danyeobkong was aged for 4 days average germination was 61.5%, however, this improved to 98.5% after the priming treatment. Improvement of seed germination by priming the aged seed was consistent with large seed sized Jangyeobkong cultivar, indicating that the priming was effective in enhancing seed germinability regardless of seed size. Priming aged seeds also resulted in good stand establishment in the field trials. Germination of aged seeds of Danyeobkong without priming was 17.0%, whereas that of primed ones was 66.4%
        1983.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도 생육기간중 이상저온이 내습하였던 1980년에 동일위도상의 표고가 다른 두 개 지역, 수원(127˚ , 37˚ 20' 표고 37m)과 제천 (128.2˚ , N37˚ 10', 표고 280-300m)에다 Japonica 품종인 대골도, 진흥, 신002와 통일형품종 조생통일, 수원 287호(태백벼), wx 817-1-65-2-3(서울대 농대육성) 등을 4월 21일 파종 6월 1일 이앙하고 출수기, 간장, 수장 및 수량 관련형질들을 조사 비교 검토하였다. 1. 간장, 수장 및 1,000립중은 Japonica품종의 경우는 제천에서 통일형 품종의 경우는 수원에서 약간 작아지는 경향이었으나 유의적인 차이는 아니었다. 2. 수량구성요소중 주당 수수는 제천에서 현저히 증가되었는데 그 정도는 품종에 따라서 달랐으며, 임실율은 수원이 제천보다, Japonica 품종이 통일형 품종보다 높았는데 지역간 차이는 통일형 품종에서 현저하였다. 3. 지역에 따른 품종들의 품종군에 따라 달라 Japonica 품종들(대골도 제외)은 제천에서 월등히 높았으나 통일형 품종들은 제천에서 모두 감수되었다.
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