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        검색결과 710

        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the rapid development of my country's cross-border e-commerce industry and the rapid integration with the international market, the issue of cross-border e-commerce talents has gradually attracted people's attention. China's e-commerce is moving from high-speed growth to high-quality development, and there are more and more e-commerce practitioners in China. After years of hard work, although my country has achieved good results in the introduction of overseas talents, independent training of talents and the effect of talent agglomeration, there are still problems such as insufficient supply and demand, low quality, unreasonable structure, and brain drain across borders. E-commerce restricts the development of crossborder e-commerce enterprises in China. In order to better solve this problem, this paper proposes a research idea of cross-border e-commerce talent management competency. This paper briefly studies the connotation and composition requirements of management competency, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for cross-border e-commerce talent management
        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As an important cultural industry, animation, with its unique affinity and communication power, is one of the important carriers of cultural communication. It can build up the national cultural image, reflect the comprehensive strength of the country, and contribute greatly to the achievement of national brands and the aggregation of national images. It is a great tool for international communication and exchange under the background of globalization. By studying the development status of contemporary Chinese animation, analyzing the contemporary artistic characteristics of Chinese animation, this paper puts forward the methods and principles of Chinese animation creation under the construction of national cultural image, that is use animation themes to highlight the connotation of Chinese culture, improve China's recognition through role shaping, innovate scripts to tell Chinese stories and use new means to promote Chinese animation. Finally realizes the transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional ideas and values in the modern cultural context, and improves the national cultural soft power and the international influence of Chinese culture.
        2021.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pop music is the trend of the Times, while classroom music is the need of social development. There is no difference between the two in social form. The emergence of pop music can drive the increasingly neglected classroom music, bring pop music into classroom music teaching through some similar musical characteristics and social background. So as to stimulate students’ interest in music, improve students’ understanding of music, and better shorten the distance between teachers and students. At the same time, it can enrich students’ knowledge of music theory and broaden their horizons. Either in the content of music, or in the form of teaching, more obvious development can be obtained.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        NPF Islamic banking needs to be resolved because it affects banking performance in terms of income and the quality of its productive assets. This study aims to solve problems of non-performing financing and assess and analyze whether the implementation of the Islamic Humanity model can reduce the problem of financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri Indonesia. The study uses qualitative method with Miles and Huberman approach for analizing data through four steps which are; (a) data collection (b) data reduction (c) data display, and (d) conclusion drawing/ verification. The results of the study found non performing financing can be reduced with using a new approach namely the Islamic Humanity Approach, which is an interaction between several aspects, namely (a) spiritual aspects, (b) economic aspects, (c) social aspects, and (d) justice aspects. The Islamic humanity model carried out in problem-solving activities at Bank Syariah Mandiri Indonesia includes a friendly approach, communication and deliberation in a family, respect for people, empathy, the concept of justice, and the concept of prayer. Islamic humanity approach shows success in reducing non-performing financing. The research concluded Islamic humanity as a new approach to reduce non-performing financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri Indonesia and it can be implemented to all Islamic banking in Indonesia.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study intends to improve job performance during the Covid-19 pandemic at startup companies in Indonesia. In this study, the variables tested were job satisfaction, job innovation, Indonesian culture control, and job performance. Increasing job performance is deemed necessary in facing the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Job innovation, job satisfaction, and culture control are deemed necessary in improving job performance. The population of this study are managers of start-up companies in Jakarta, Banten, and West Java. This research data obtained by distributing questionnaires to startup managers. This is a quantitative study with primary data. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Structural Equation Model using Partial Least Square statistical software was used to analyze data. The results of this study indicate a change in the pattern of work performed by startup companies in running their business. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, employees worked in offices for seven hours, but after this pandemic, they change work patterns, moving them to work from home. Working from home requires companies to exercise better control and leadership patterns so that employees can work comfortably.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate the direct relationship between ownership structure, earnings manipulation, and organizational performance, and then examine the mediating effect of earnings manipulation in the relationship between ownership structure and organizational performance. This study collected and analyzed secondary data published in financial reports related to all insurance organizations listed in the Jordanian market during the study period (from 2009 until 2018). A panel data analysis was conducted, giving a total of 200 observations. The findings of this study concluded that ownership concentration, foreign ownership, and organization size affect organizational performance proxied by ROA, ROE, and EPS, more specifically, ownership concentration and organization size have a positive effect, whereas foreign ownership has a negative effect. At the same time, board of director ownership, organizational ownership, and CEO compensation did not affect organizational performance. Next, the board of director ownership, ownership concentration, foreign ownership, and CEO compensation affect earnings manipulation separately. In addition, earnings manipulation positively affects organizational performance proxied by ROA, ROE and EPS. This means that the higher the earnings manipulation is, the higher the organizational performance is. Finally, earnings manipulation mediates the relationship between ownership concentration and foreign ownership of ownership structure, and organizational performance.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Shadow banking in China has been growing rapidly; banks use wealth management products aggressively to evade regulatory constraints. The loan-to-deposit ratio or LDR targets both sides of the balance sheet; loans in terms of asset-side, and deposits in terms of liabilitiesside; banks needed to control and maintain both sides. Regulators restricted Chinese banks to maintain a 75% limit for their loan-depositratio. Banks’ needed to either lower their loans or increase the deposits; WMPs helped banks to evade this limit. Banks issue more WMPs to control and manage a 75% statutory ceiling LDR. This WMPs-LDR positive association disappeared post-2015 period. This study empirically examined how Chinese banks use WMPs issuance to avoid regulatory constraints. Quarterly panel data for 30 top Chinese banks were used by analyzing pre-2015 (during the 75% LDR limit) and post-2015 (after removal of the LDR limit). This study also performed fixed-effects model as recommended by the Hausman specification test, with feasible generalized least squares FGLS estimation technique. The results of this study show that for the pre-2015 period, Chinese banks use issuance of WMPs aggressively to manage their LDR limit; this WMPs-LDR relationship disappeared post-2015 period. Moreover, SMBs use WMPs more eagerly as compare to Big4 banks.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the causal relationship between public and private external debt and economic growth in developing countries. Our model includes 18 selected Asian developing and transition economies from 1995 thru 2019. We employ the dynamic heterogeneous panel data methods, pooled mean group (PMG), robust cross-sectional augmented autoregressive distributed lag (CS-ARDL), and pairwise panel causality test. The results of PMG and CS-ARDL show the existence of causality between external debt and economic growth both in the short-run and long-run. The pairwise Granger causality test found the bidirectional causal relationship runs from total external debt, public external debt, and private external debt to economic growth and economic growth to external debt. The results showed first the existence of causality in the short-run and long-run between external debt and economic growth and the second, bi-directional causality that runs from external debt to economic growth and economic growth to external debt. Both the dynamic models and robust estimator found the same inferences about the impact of main variables on economic growth in Asian developing and transition economies. The findings of this study suggest to assure debt management, investment in productive sectors, increase domestic savings, decrease external dependency, and focus on international trade.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Every port is competing for attracting loyal customers from other ports to achieve more profits stably. This paper proposes a data-mining scheme to facilitate this process. For resolving the problem, the OD (Origination-Destination) data are gathered from the AIS (Automatic Identification System) data. The OD data are clustered according to the arrival dates and ports. The FP-growth algorithm is applied to mine the frequent patterns of ships arriving at ports. Maintaining a loyal customer list for port updates and accuracy is critical in establishing its usefulness. These lists are critical as they can be used to provide suggestions for new products and services to loyal customers. Finally, based on the frequent patterns of the ships and the mode of arrival times, a formula proposed in this paper to derive shipping companies’ loyalty to ports was applied. The case of Kaohsiung port was shown as an example of our algorithm, and the OD data of ships in 2017-2018 were processed. Using the results of our algorithm, other rival ports, such as Shanghai or Busan, may attract customers no longer loyal to Kaohsiung ports in the last two years and attract them as new loyal customers.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the changes in purchasing decisions in conducting transactions using cash and digital payment systems. Cash payment systems are very different from digital payments because they no longer use banks as intermediaries for transactions. The scope of this study is to determine the differences that take place with purchasing decisions using digital payment systems with OVO Indonesia smart applications. By using the paired T-test sample test method and testing the regression class assumptions, it is expected we will document the comparison between cash and digital payment systems as regards changes in consumers’ buying interest behavior towards goods. Data is obtained by purposive sampling using special characteristics for smart application users. The results show that digital payments are developing very quickly, but cash payments still dominate due to the unavailability of complete facilities and infrastructure to support digital payment systems other than in cities. This study illustrates that digital payments have not been able to completely change consumer buying behavior in large numbers, but the main finding in this study is an increase in the percentage of digital payment usage to the online market, due to the many conveniences provided in OVO smart applications.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes the new GMCF method applied by the company with the aim to find out how the production of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) implemented by the company can be managed properly. The study also seeks to find out whether the company needs new system support facilities to facilitate the production performance reporting process of each division and evaluate the performance of GMCF systems in the company. The methods used are descriptive analysis techniques and statistical tests of Paired Sample T-Test comparison; this study uses production data of each unit of a product with random sampling to determine the level of product damage and compare production with the GMCF system and prior to using it. The results of the analysis found that the application of goods mutation control forms (GMCF) greatly influenced the smooth production reporting process, which resulted in an increase in achieving production targets and reducing the risk of product damage during the production process. The company also benefits from the efficiency of production costs when using the GMCF system and can quickly design policies for products that are damaged during the production process. In addition, the company can have damaged products repaired faster than before.
        2020.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        User empathy is a new trend for the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage in the new media era. Better inheritance of the 24 solar terms is not only a design study on its phenology, but also a return to design for innovation. With modern people pay more attention to the emotional experience, the humanized and emotional design is more acceptable. This paper will combine the "24 times telling of flowers wind", combine the unique aesthetic taste of flowers with design, and explore the new expression and interaction of the 24 solar terms caused by users' empathy, which has important reference value for the creation and development of intangible cultural heritage.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to answer why the previous studies find the positive or insignificant effect of the CEO's abilities on firm performance. Using 34,285 CEO-firm-year panel data from the U.S. publicly traded firms drawn from the BoardEx and EXECUXOMP database during from 1992 to 2014, the results show that the fit of the CEO‟s generality or specialist ability with firm strategy matters on firm performance and risk. This study computes a discrete STRATEGY composite measure to construct firm strategy types, such as Prospect or Defend and use CEOs‟ résumés to construct an index of general skills that are transferable across firms and industries. The results find that generalist CEOs are more suitable for prospectors than specialist CEOs. Firm performance is much better when specialist CEOs work for Defenders. Although the firm performance is better too for the generalist CEOs who fit for the Prospect strategy, the firm‟s risk is up too. The result suggests that firms need to consider their chosen business strategy to recruit and select CEOs Our findings provide direct evidence that the match between CEO‟s ability and the firm‟s strategy is crucial to firm performance and risk.
        2020.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        China, the largest country of beer production and sales, has been seeing a continuous decline in annual sales in the past five years. As the main marketing body, beer producers should pay more attention to the research on consumer buying behavior. Using data from an online survey of 550 Chinese consumers, the author used binary logistic regression to empirically analyze consumers’ willingness to purchase dark beer. The factors affecting consumers’ purchase intentions regarding dark beer were divided into two aspects: individual characteristics and environmental factors. The results showed that in terms of individual characteristics, the consumer’s knowledge level and attitude toward beer had a significant positive impact on their willingness to buy dark beer. In terms of external environmental factors, the degree of consumer attention to the brand and scale of sales had a significant positive impact on the willingness to purchase dark beer, and the degree of consumer emphasis on product prices was significantly negatively correlated with the willingness to purchase. The influence of the other factors was not significant. In view of this situation, the author proposed four reasonable suggestions for beer companies, in order to improve consumers’ willingness to buy dark beer.
        2020.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Christopher Cristof Yvoré is a French contemporary painter with a unique artistic style. Today, in the era of image, his painting concept, painting style, art style and the specific objects of daily life and painting space focus and expression, the painting art elaborated the unique charm. In contemporary painting shows an atypical, not with the trend of personality characteristics. Cristof Yvoré's work is obtained from memory, not painted in reality. He instilled all subjectivity and uncertainty in memory into the theme of the work, trying to bring memory into painting facts through continuous attempts to bring tradition The limits of painting are pushed to the limit. This paper takes Cristof Yvoré as the research object, and analyzes his unconscious selection of subject matter and expression of artistic concept, his calm and cool use of color, his treatment of thick and heavy picture texture superimposed by multiple layers of pigment, as well as his expression of ductile painting space. Further study its unique painting style and painting language expression, and then explore its positive role in promoting the development of painting art and reference significance.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Globalization has led to a dramatic increase in intercultural service encounters between services providers and customers from diverse cultural backgrounds. This paper explores the causal relationship between service employees’ cultural intelligence and adaptive sales behavior in intercultural service encounters, and the mediating effect of cognitive and emotional empathy on this relationship. A quantitative survey methodology was utilized to collect data on 341 salespeople at duty-free shops located on Jeju Island, Korea. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18 and Amos 18. The results show that cultural intelligence has a significant impact on cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and adaptive sales behavior. Cognitive empathy has a positive impact on adaptive sales behavior, whereas the relationship between emotional empathy and adaptive sales behavior is not significant. Additionally, cognitive empathy mediates the relationship of cultural intelligence and adaptive sales behavior. This study has useful managerial implications for employee selection, training, and development in service firms engaged in intercultural service encounters. This study extends prior research on intercultural service encounters by exploring the direct impact of cultural intelligence on intercultural adaptation and the mediating effect of empathy, suggesting the presence of a cognitive mechanism that plays a key role in the impact of cultural intelligence on adaptive sales behavior.
        2020.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A model is presented in this paper to provide understanding of the supply chain integration and supply chain information practices’ impact on the manufacturing industries. The supply chain information practices play a crucial role in sharing information between the members of SC network. Thus, it is important to develop a comprehensive understanding of the differences and similarities among ISI and information management. It will allow firms to systematically evaluate and carefully choose the information strategy. The empirical findings of this research offer essential and interesting insights about what role SCI, supply chain information and Supply chain ISI play in determining Malaysia’s financial performance. The theoretical gaps addressed in this study are of significant importance, since a little empirical evidence is available regarding system infrastructure and supply chain information management’s effectiveness. This research provides further paths of exploring system infrastructure and information management, thereby defining the manufacturing industries’ next step in SCM struggle i.e. modifying total integrated SC principle in other manufacturing firms. The Resource-based theory discovered organizational resources as an essential organizational success ingredient. Therefore, in order to recognize its potential value, internal resources, for instance, information system and management must be fully utilized.
        2020.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aimed at studying the role of self-enhancing imagery and self goal-achievement emotion in the effect of characteristics perceived at advertisements using multisensory cues on purchase intention. Sports shoes advertisement was selected as an empirical research object. Questionnaire survey method was used to collect data. ‘WenJuanXing’ site was used to make the questionnaire in Chinese, and it was loaded on WeChat and QQ. 260 participants from different regions of China participated in online questionnaire survey. The results of testing the hypotheses by structural equation model in Amos 21.0 program are summarized as followings. The congruency between multisensory cues and self-discrepancy awareness positively evoked the self-enhancing imagery and the self goal-achievement emotion. The object relevance between the consumer and the product advertised did not induce the emotion, but evoked the self-enhancing imagery. Both of the self-enhancing imagery and the self goal-achievement emotion had positive effects on the product purchase intention. When developing advertisement, marketers should focus on multisensory cues’ characteristics to enhance the self-enhancing imageries as well as to help feel the goal-achievement emotion. They should pay attention to the ways by which the multisensory cues’ characteristics used to develop advertisement can be perceived to be congruent with each other by consumers.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        영상미디어는 날에 날마다 새로운 발전을 거듭하고 있다. 오늘날의 영상미디어는 디지털 미디어로서 자연과학, 사회과학 및 인문과학을 넘나드는 통합적인 개념이며 “과학, 예술 및 인문” 이념을 집중적으로 반영하고 있다. 여기에서 디지털은 과학기술 기반을 반영하며 미디어는 자신이 전파 미디어에 입각하였음을 강조하고 예술은 명확히 예술작품 창작과 예술 디자인 등 응용 분야를 중점적으로 다룬다. 이러한 전제하에 영상 미디어의 역할은 전파에만 국한된 것이 아니라 한층 더 나아 가서 미학, 문화학, 사회학 등 학과들에 대해서도 표현하고 촉진하는 역할을 한다. 구도는 영상 미디어의 중요한 구성 부분으로, 영상 구도는 각종 트랙을 통해 최적의 촬영 각도 및 화면 구조를 찾고 따라서 최고의 화면을 창조하며 다시 화면의 경지를 통해 수용자들에게 정서 및 문화 상의 표현을 전달한다. 본 논문은 몇 가지 방면으로부터 착수해서 주로 영상 화면 구도의 활용, 특징 및 예술적 표현에 대해 논의하고자 한다.
        2019.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the continuous development of scientific algorithms for computer graphics, the new generation of procedural texture technology greatly accelerates the CG visual art creation and gradually replaces the bitmap texture workflow. The technology has not only realized the further integration of computer graphics technology and art creation, but also put forward new requirements for texture artist's knowledge structure. Meanwhile, the new workflow reduces the requirements for traditional painting skills and focuses more on logical thinking and basic programming skills. In the future, texture artists have to pay attention not only to the aesthetic and accomplishment of art, but also to the logical application of scientific algorithms.