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        검색결과 745

        1981.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calculations of molecular number densities as a function of optical depth in selected umbral, penumbral and photospheric models predict penumbral enhancement of diatomic molecules containing carbon atoms, strong umbral enhancement of oxides, and moderate umbral enhancement of hydrides. The role of CO formation in an oxygen rich atmosphere is discussed.
        1980.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1978.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research focuses on the importance of corporate social responsibility in building the company’s reputation. Experts have studied CSR as an antecedent of a company’s reputation, but the mechanisms underlying this process are rarely explored. Therefore, to fill this research gap, we demonstrate CSR’s implementation combined with organizational justice based on discrepancy and equity theory. This study involved 210 employees in a family company. The study’s analysis method uses Structural Equation Model (SEM), SmartPLS, with a five-step measurement and analysis procedure. The variables in this study are CSR implementation, organizational justice, employee trust, firm reputation, organizational objectiveness, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance. The results found that some of the direct relationships stated were not significant, but all demonstrations of indirect links were substantial. Besides, optimal CSR and organizational justice provide a reliable and positive domino effect in increasing the role and consequences of employee trust and firm reputation. The findings in this study confirm that upstream-downstream job performance causality can be successfully achieved if job satisfaction has been realized, job satisfaction can be achieved if organizational commitment can also be recognized, and organizational commitment can be developed. Reflection and influence, rather than organizational attractiveness becomes essential.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study assesses the marketing practices and value-added fish products under the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP) in East Indonesia. Research design, data and methodology: This study gathered qualitative and quantitative data through i) focus group discussions (FGD) with fishers, traders and COREMAP officers, ii) surveys and iii) interviews with fishermen and traders. This study surveyed 714 households (365 in COREMAP and 349 in non-COREMAP) and 33 traders (17 in COREMAP and 16 in non-COREMAP) using structured questionnaires between January and March 2016. This study used Shepherd’s Index to estimate the marketing efficiency for each stage of the marketing channel. For value-added fish products, the value is determined by the difference between processed output and the raw product used. Results: Marketing cost in the non-COREMAP area was more efficient than in COREMAP as indicated by lower operational cost and higher selling price. However, no value-added fish products were produced in the non-COREMAP area. This study noted a lower catch in COREMAP area, which implies COREMAP program successfully reduced fishing pressure. Conclusions: This study identified poor infrastructure and the limited market as the major problems in developing value-added fish products in both COREMAP and non-COREMAP area.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to examine the factors affecting brand and student decision in buying fresh milk. Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study used self-completed questionnaires to investigate 520 students in Ho Chi Minh City. The results of the study show that that there are five key determinants affecting the dairy brand and student decision in buying fresh milk, including: (1) product quality, (2) fair price, (3) product promotion and customer services, (4) product convenience, and (5) reference group’s attitude to the brand. In addition, it is also found that product brand has a direct and positive impact on the student decision. The finding in this study is quite different from other existing literatures in terms of the importance level of the determinants of the student decision in buying fresh milk; specifically, in deciding to buy their fresh milk, students are often interested in the promotion and customer service, the product convenience, and the reference group for the purchase, more than in the quality and price of the product. From these findings, some managerial implications are proposed for policy-makers and relevant enterprises to have appropriate policies and strategies for their business development.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The article compares economic and environmental performance of Taipei and Almaty from the point of view of "green" economy, which is able to act as a key tool to ensure sustainable development of the region. As the comparison of the parameters of ecological and economic development of the Taipei and Almaty cities shows, they are similar in population size, but demonstrate completely different trends of sustainable development. Economic performance of the Taipei city is achieved with a decrease in the consumption of natural resources and the production of pollution, while the situation in Almaty is the opposite. Almaty maintains a high level of air pollution due to the use of coal in electricity production, as well as increased traffic and density of construction, including the southern part of the city, which is a zone for the transit of mountain air flows. The article discusses the activities jointly conducted by the Government of Taiwan and non-governmental organizations on environmental issues, as well as environmental NGOs, which resulted in significant improvements in the environmental field. Measures to stimulate the development and implementation of environmental innovations applied in the field of sustainable development in the city of Taipei can be adapted for the city of Almaty, where the environmental situation deteriorates year by year.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the globalization and free trade era, the current account deficit problem is a common phenomenon experienced by most countries, both developing and developed countries. Also with managed floating regime of exchange rate, it becomes very important to analyze the dynamics of current account balance which determine the trade. The deficit condition has lasted for four years in Indonesia, as well the deficit value above the value of the surplus that has been experienced during the period 2005-2011. This study is firstly aim to examine the condition of the deficit which happens in the export and import, manufactured goods and oil and gas, whether related to the transaction of goods and services. We try to build a predicted model which near the actual. Then, the focuses examines an exchange rate volatility impact on current account deficit. The model used in this research is a simultaneous model of Indonesia current account deficit from 2005 to 2014. The simulation result indicated that depreciation increase surplus to current account deficit. The decrease of export manufactured goods (non oil and gas) higher than the increase of import. For the oil and gas sector, depreciation of the rupiah against the US dollar results in an increased burden of higher oil and gas imports due to import transactions.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In 21 st Century business world, services are carried out in multifaceted, competitive and rationality manner that are characterized by evolving many factors, which are often unpredictable. On-the-go banking is a product in financial sector. However, it faces serious pitfalls being it riskiness. Bank customers compete for time-saving options. On contrary, PCBs compete for marginalizing its operating costs for enhancing its revenues. On strategic tactics, PCBs targets city customers in multi-facets including offering incentives for enhanced usages of on-the-go banking. Influencing customer’s intention, attitude and behavior in banking, PCBs also offers incentive under market system along with often informational asymmetry. However, it causes exploitation. In most cases customers don’t read terms & conditions of services. They don’t save contract-copy. These weaknesses cause abuses. Customer faces hidden charges, extra fees, account hacked. Addressing the issue, Voluntary Insurance Option is proposed where PCBs will introduce it as a product of bank-services. Transferring risk away from customer will benefit both PCBs and bank-customers. This product can attract new customers who were on the brink using digital banking but just felt it was too risky. This model can facilitate the parties involved for increasing usage of on-the-go banking-services while customers can maintain optimal utility of usages.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        파프리카는 우리나라의 대표적인 수출작물로 알려져 있지만 장거리 유통 중 일어나는 품질열화로 인해 상품적 가치가 감소되는 문제가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 농산물 유통 시 주로 사용되는 골판지상자의 내부에 알루미늄을 코팅하여 기능성을 부여한 포장용기를 개발하였으며, 이를 이용하여 파프리카를 포장하여 저장 중 선도유지 및 품질특 성에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 골판지상자 내부에 알루 미늄을 코팅함으로써 방습성을 향상시키고 기체투과도를 저하시킴으로써 포장된 파프리카의 펙틴분해효소 활성이 저하됨에 따라 파프리카의 중량변화율과 조직연화 현상이 저해되었고, 산화효소 활성이 감소함으로써 총 페놀 함량 및 항산화 활성이 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 알루미늄 코팅한 골판지상자는 파프리카의 상품성 및 저장성을 향상시키는 포장용기로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되며, 알루미늄박의 내수성, 내한성, 보향성, 내오염성 등의 특성을 활용한 추가연구를 통해 국내 농산물의 장거리 유통 및 수출 활성화에 이바지할 수 있을 것이라 생각된다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environmental awareness and its relation to the development of economy has garnered increased attention in recent years. Researchers, over the years, have argued that sustainable development warrants for minimizing environmental degradation since one depends on the other. This study analyzes the relationship between environmental degradation (carbon emission taken as proxy for degradation), economic growth, total energy consumption and industrial production index growth in Bangladesh from year 1998 to 2013. This study uses Vector Autoregression (VAR) Model and variance decomposition of VAR to analyze the effect of these variables on carbon emission and vice-versa. The findings of VAR model suggest that industrial production and GDP per capita has significant relationship with carbon emission. Further analysis through variance decomposition shows carbon emission has consistent impact on industrial production over time, whereas, industrial production has high impact on emission in the short run which fades in the long run which is consistent with Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. Carbon emission rising along with GDP per capita and at the same time having low impact in the long run on industrial index indicates there may be other sources of pollution introduced with the rise in income of the economy over time.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bacterial spot of tomato is a disease complex caused by at least four species of Xanthomonas and leads to severe yield and quality losses in humid growing conditions in the world. Five physiological species (T1-T5) have been defined by their virulence on tomato varieties. These races are associated with three species: X. euvesicatoria (T1), X. vesicatoria (T2), and X. perforans (T3-T5). Recent epidemics of X. gardneri has occurred in the Midwest United States. In this study, we developed germplasm with resistance to multiple species of bacterial spot. Six advanced breeding lines with at least three different source of resistance were crossed and their F1 hybrids were inter-mated to produce a complex breeding population consisting over 1,100 progeny. Three lines (OH7663, OH7667 and 2k7-6117-S2) were selected by field evaluations of the population against T1, T2, T3, and X. gardneri. Graphical genotypes demonstrated that these breeding lines contain a QTL and Rx-4/Xv3 in coupling phase on chromosome 11 as well as Rx-3 on chromosome 5. In order to test the combining ability of the lines, we developed hybrids from multiple crosses and conducted replicated field trials to evaluate bacterial spot resistance and yield. As a male parent, OH7663 showed acceptable combining ability for yield and for resistance against multiple species of Xanthomonas. Several hybrids produced yields that were not significantly different from yields of commercial varieties.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the situation and behavioral characteristic of nonpoint pollution sources by examining and analyzing the basic data such as the hydraulic and hydrologic characteristics and land use situation of the basin, and provide basic design data for basin management by calculating the soil loss rate due to rainfall effluents, for the Golji Stream basin located at Jeongseon, Gangwon province. For this, this study applied the SWAT model to the object basin, established input data for the model through parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis, and conducted a simulation. This study confirmed the suitability of the model by conducting a verification with the actually measured spillage being the basic of simulation results, analyzed that the maintenance of the sub-basin #15 with 34644.37 ton/yr of soil loss rate calculated by sub-basins in the object basin should be conducted first, and showed that there happened about 14,800 times of difference from the sub-basin #1 with 2.33 ton/yr of soil loss rate, the lowest. It is judged that this result should be considered as very important to set the priority order of basin management in a large basin and should be considered reasonably when applied to the work.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer throughout most of this century, increased UV-B radiation has affected seriously to plant growth and development as one of nature mutagens. We surveyed differential expressed genes (DEGs) under UV-B irradiation in UV-B tolerant Buseok compared to UV-B sensitive Cheongja 3 through RNA seq analysis using six RNA samples of Buseok and Cheongja 3 with 0.5 hr and 6 hr UV-B irradiation or without irradiation. After excluding 1003 DEGs due to genetic background difference of two genotypes, a total of 872 DEGs orthologous to UV-related Arabidopsis genes were identified. BINGO analysis of the DEGs by 0.5 hr UV-B irradiation showed overrepresentation in signaling and cell morphogenesis. Genes related with apoptosis and immune response were overrepresented in 6 hr irradiated Buseok. In addition, KEGG pathway database was used to identify mTOR signaling and phosphatidylinositol signaling pathways. Based on GO and KEGG results, specific focus was given to a serial of genes involved in UV-B defense signaling, besides photomorphogenesis and oxidation reduction-related genes. Several genes playing a role in phosphatidylinositol signaling, such as diacylglycerol kinase, phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase family protein, were highly expressed in UV-B tolerant Buseok by 0.5 hr irradiation. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 19 and 20 were highly expressed in Buseok under 6 hr irradiation. Furthermore, 51 nucleotide binding site leucine rich repeats (NBS-LRRs) genes were up-regulated in Buseok under 0.5 hr irradiation.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bacterial spot of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is caused by at least four species of Xanthomonas with multiple physiological races. In this study, we developed a mapping population for association analysis of bacterial spot resistance. For this population, six advanced breeding lines with distinct sources of resistance were first crossed in all combinations and their F1 hybrids were intercrossed. The 1,100 segregating progeny from these crosses were evaluated in the field against T1 strains. Based on this individual evaluation, we selected 5% of the most resistant and 5% of the most susceptible progeny for evaluation as plots in two subsequent replicate field trials inoculated with T1 and T3 strains. A total of 461 markers across 12 chromosomes were used for genotyping these selections. Of these markers, an optimized subset of 384 SNPs was derived from the 7,720 SNP Infinium array developed by the Solanaceae Coordinated Agricultural Project (SolCAP). For association analysis to detect known resistance loci and additional novel loci, we used the mixed models with correction for population structure, and found that accounting for kinship appeared to be sufficient. Detection of known loci was not improved by adding a correction for structure using either a Q matrix from model-based clustering or covariate matrix from Principal Component Analysis. Both single-point and haplotype analyses identified strong associations in the region of the genome known to carry Rx-3 (chromosome 5) and Rx-4/Xv3 (chromosome 11). Additional QTL associated with resistance were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 for T1 resistance and chromosomes 2, 4, and 6 for T3 resistance. Haplotype analysis improved our ability to trace the origin of positive alleles. These results demonstrate that both known and novel associations can be identified using complex breeding populations that have experienced directional selection.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - The study aimed to evaluate the market opportunities and constraints confronting resource-poor pig farmers in South Africa. Research design, data, and methodology - Information was collected from 292 households in three municipalities through interviews with key informants. The data collected included socio- economic characteristics, major market channels, prices for different pig classes, average weight of the pigs on sale, number of pigs sold annually, and preferred meat quality attributes. Results - In Ngqushwa, 96% of respondents sold pigs as compared to Elundini (81%) and Ntabankulu (65%). Less resource- poor households and those with market-oriented production had large herdsizes (P < 0.05) when compared to more resource-poor farmers. The probability of selling pigs was high for the backyard production system and educated farmers. For all farmers, opportunities included high pork demand, good prices, employment creation, and a niche market for organically produced indigenous pork. Constraints include disease, feed shortages for large herds, distances to formal markets, lack of training, and drugs. Conclusions - Constraints outnumbered opportunities for the resource-poor pig farmers
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The ordinary least square method (OLS) has been the most frequently used least square method in hydrological data analysis. Its computational algorithm is simple, and the error analysis is also simple and clear. However, the primary assumption of the OLS method, which states that the dependent variable is the only error-contaminated variable and all other variables are error free, is often violated in hydrological data analyses. Recently, a matrix algorithm using the singular value decomposition for the total least square (TLS) method has been developed and used in data analyses as errors-in-variables model where several variables could be contaminated with observational errors. In our study, the algorithm of the TLS is introduced in the evaluation of rating curves between the flow discharge and the water level. Then, the TLS algorithm is applied to real data set for rating curves. The evaluated TLS rating curves are compared with the OLS rating curves, and the result indicates that the TLS rating curve and the OLS rating curve are in good agreement. The TLS and OLS rating curves are discussed about their algorithms and error terms in the study.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A field study was conducted to understand nitrogen use efficiency of high yielding Japonica rice varieties under three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (90, 150 and 210 kg N ha -1 ) in Iksan, Korea. Two high yielding rice varieties, Boramchan and Deuraechan, and an control variety, Dongjin2, were grown in fine silty paddy. Nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE) were 83.3, 56.3, and 41.2 in 90, 150, and 210 kg N ha -1 fertilizer level, respectively. Total nitrogen uptake varied significantly among nitrogen levels and varieties. Variety Dongjin2 showed the highest nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE), while Boramchan and Deuraechan showed higher nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE). However, Nitrogen harvest index (NHI) was higher in Boramchan (0.58) than Deuraechan (0.57) and Dongjin2 (0.53). Rough rice yield showed linear relationship with total nitrogen uptake (R 2 =0.72) within the range of nitrogen treatments. Boramchan produced significantly higher rough rice yield (8546 kg ha -1 ) which mainly due to higher number of panicles per m 2 compared to Deuraechan (7714 kg ha -1 ). Deuraechan showed higher number of spikelets per panicle, but showed lower yield due to lower number of panicle per m 2 . Rice varieties showed different nitrogen uptake ability and NUE at different nitrogen level. Plant breeders and agronomist should take advantage of the significant variations and relationships among grain yield, NUpE, and NUE.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated whether sound could alter gene expression in plants. Using a sound-treated subtractive library, a set of sound-responsive genes in plants was demonstrated through mRNA expression analyses. Of them, the rbcS and ald genes, which are light responsive, up-regulated their expression with sound treatment in both light and in dark conditions. This suggested that sound could be used as a gene regulator instead of light. When we analyzed ald gene expression using various single wavelengths, a significant increase in mRNA levels was found at 125 or 250 Hz but decreased at 50 Hz, indicating that the gene responded to sound in a wavelength-specific manner. To determine whether the ald promoter respond to sound, we generated transgenic rice plants harboring the chimeric gene consisting of a 1,506-bp promoter fragment of the ald gene fused to Escherichia coli GUS reporter gene. Analyses of mRNA expressison level of three independent transgenic lines sound-treated with 50 or 250 Hz for 4 h showed that the Gus gene expression in all three transgenic lines was up regulated by 250 Hz, but down regulated by 50 Hz. These results correlated with sound responsive mRNA expression pattern observed for the ald gene in rice plants, indicating that the 1,506-bp ald promoter confers sound-responsiveness on a reporter gene in transgenic rice plants. We also investigated whether sound waves could improve salt tolerance in rice seedling. The rice seedlings were sound treated with 800 Hz for 1hr, and then treated with 0, 75, 150, and 225mM NaCl for 3 days to observe changes in physiological and morphological aspects. Sound treatment seedlings resulted in enhanced salt stress tolerance, mainly demonstrated by the sound treated seedlings exhibiting of increased root relative water contents (RWC), root length and weight, photochemical efficiency (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm), and germination rate under salt stress condition. This demonstrates that a specific sound wave might be used, not only to alter gene expression in plant, but also to improve salt stress tolerance.