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        검색결과 413

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, dismantling technology for decommissioning nuclear power plants is being developed around the world. This study describes the cutting technology and one of the technologies being considered for the RV/RVI cutting of Kori Unit 1. The dismantling technology for nuclear power plants include mechanical and thermal methods. Mechanical cutting methods include milling, drill saw, and wire cutting. The advantages of the mechanical method are less generating aerosol and less performance degradation in water. However, the cutting speed is slow and the reaction force is large. Thermal cutting methods use heat sources such as plasma arcs, oxygen, and lasers. The advantages of thermal method are fast cutting speed, low reaction force and thick material cutting. On the other hand, they have problems with fume and melt. Among them, the cutability of the oxygen cutting method is better in carbon steel than in stainless steel. In order to cut the RV/RVI of the Kori Unit 1, the applicability of fine plasma, arc saw, and band/ wheel saw is being reviewed. For RV cutting, the applicability of arc saw and oxy-propane is being considered Because RV is mostly made of carbon steel. However, since the flange is cladded with stainless steel, the use of mechanical methods such as wire saws should be considered. In the case of RVI, since it has a complicated shape and is made of stainless steel, it seems necessary to review various cutting methods. In addition, it will be necessary to minimize radiation exposure of workers by cutting underwater cutting.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many countries are developing various mechanical cutting technologies to dismantle nuclear facility. However, most of mechanical cutting technologies have a problem like the degradation of tool life due to the Hard-Machining materials. To solve this problem, lab-scale test was performed with a Plasma Assisted Machining (PAM) technology and 25 mm of thickness Inconel 600 plate. Commonly, the strength of metals decreases by exposure at high temperature. And, previous study reported that strength of Inconel 600 is degraded above 500°C. This softening effect was applied to Inconel 600 cutting test. The optimal conditions such as the plasma torch power and the feed rate were determined by this study. As a result, the surface temperature of Inconel 600 was reached up to 500°C under the conditions which is 8.4 kW of plasma torch power and 150–250 mm·min−1 of feed rate. And it was confirmed that the tool life was improved under the conditions. In order to apply PAM for various Hard- Machining materials, it is necessary to investigate the softening temperature of Hard-Machining materials, the plasma torch power and feed rate.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various cutting technologies are being developed for dismantling nuclear power plants. these technologies are including mechanical and thermal methods. For example, mechanical cutting methods include sawing, drilling and milling. But, due to the strength of material, mechanical cutting methods have limits of cutting depth and tool life. Therefore, this milling machine assisted plasma torch was developed to improve the limits. And this machine has the principle of softening effect caused by the high temperature. In this work, this developed device was evaluated in view of the cutting depth and tool life in cutting process. For this process, a plasma torch was attached to the front of the endmill processing path to heat the Inconel 600. As results, compare to conventional milling, when the plasma torch power is 6.4 kW, the cutting depth was increased by 4 mm at condition (feed rate is 100 mm·min−1, tool diameter is 10 mm, rotating speed is 1,000 rpm). And cutting length increase 2 times from 300 mm to 600 mm at 16 mm of tool diameter.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radwaste facility management team is preparing for clearance of 4 MCAs in The Radwaste Form Test Facility (RFTF). The targeted waste was used for clearance level radioactive waste sample analysis and has been used for this purpose since the early 2000s. Due to the characteristics of clearance level radioactive waste, the concentration of radioactivity is very low and MCA is used with Marinelli beakers the possibility of contamination is low. Moreover, the radiation detector should not be contaminated with radioactive materials, it should be less than the clearance level. These detectors were considered surface contamination materials. To detect the contaminated spot of each material, we scanned the whole surface of a material with a gamma survey meter. After that, we took a sample from 1×1 m2 and a total of 30 samples from each MCA. The wiped filter paper was analyzed with alpha, beta low background counting systems. The results of the analysis of the smear sample of total alpha and beta nuclide radioactivity were less than MDA (α: 2.88×10−5 Bq·cm−2, β: 3.07×10−5 Bq·cm−2). The major nuclide in this facility is Co-60 and Cs-137 therefore we analyzed gamma nuclide activity with HPGe. The maximum specific activity was Co-60: 2.31×10−5 Bq·cm−2, Cs-137: 1.96×10−6 Bq·cm−2. If it is satisfied with the clearance criteria, detectors will be reused at the Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (RWTF) room # 7251 uncontrolled area.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper intends to present considerations on the question of what is the “load standard” or “design load” for integrity evaluation under normal transportation conditions and what type of design load is good for users. This suggests a direction for subsequent research on producing design loads that transport business companies can utilize without difficulty. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the integrity of spent nuclear fuel during normal transportation. A representative study recently conducted is the Multi-modal Transportation Test (MMTT) conducted using a commercial spent nuclear fuel cask by US DOE in 2017. In Korea, additional transport tests were planned to acquire sufficient test data under the conditions of road and sea transport considering the Korean situation. As a result, road transport tests were carried out in 2020 and sea transport tests were carried out in 2021. In the road transport test, a driving test that simulates various road conditions and a test that cycled a 4.5 km road eight times were performed. In most cases, the maximum acceleration of less than 1 g occurred, and the maximum strain was less than 48 με. For the sea transport test, the magnitude of both the maximum acceleration and the maximum strain were lower than those in the road transport test. We concluded tentatively that the integrity of spent fuel under normal conditions of transport was satisfactory with a large margin. However, when the storage business is realized and the transport of spent fuel becomes visible, the storage and transport business companies will have to prove the maintenance of the integrity of the spent fuel under normal transport conditions at the request of the regulatory agency. The transport business companies can transport the spent nuclear fuel by using different types of transport casks and different types of trucks and ships from those used in the tests mentioned above. However, it is absurd to have to prove the integrity of spent nuclear fuel by performing expensive tests again. Therefore, in this study, the design load that can be used by transport business companies is to be presented. The design load to be presented should satisfy the following requirements. The design load should be applicable including some differences in the transport cask or transport system, or different design loads should be presented according to the differences. The location where this design load is applied is to be specified (e.g. fuel rod, basket, internal structure). Requirements according to the operating speed of the transport system should be presented together. The type of design load is to be presented (e.g. PSD, SRS, FDS etc.). Other types of standards may be presented. For example, a speed limit for a vehicle carrying spent nuclear fuel may be suggested, or a speed limit for a vehicle passing through a speed bump may be suggested. In order to present such a reliable design load, a multi-axis vibration excitation shaker table test will be carried out. Though this shaker table test, the behavior of the nuclear fuel assembly is closely evaluated by applying the data obtained from the road and sea transport tests previously performed as an input load. In addition, FDS (Fatigue Damage Spectrum) will be produced and applied to experimentally evaluate the durability of fuel assemblies under normal transport conditions.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bayesian statistics, which is an approach to analyzing data based on Bayes’ theorem, is currently widely used in all fields. However, it has been applied very limitedly to studies related to nuclear nonproliferation. Therefore, this paper provides a knowledge base and directions for using various Bayesian techniques in nuclear non-proliferation. First, the concepts and advantages of the Bayesian approach are summarized and the basic solving methods of Bayesian inference are explained. The Bayesian approach enables more precise posterior estimation using the prior probability and the likelihood functions. To solve Bayes’ theorem, it is necessary to use the conjugate prior distribution, which is analytically solvable, or to use a numerical approach with computing power. Next, for several Bayesian statistics methods, the purpose of use and the mathematical derivation process are described. Bayesian linear regression analysis aims for obtaining a function that outputs the closest value to data of variables and results. Factor analysis is mainly used to derive a smaller number of unobserved latent variables that can represent observed variables. The logit and probit model are nonlinear regression models for when the outcome is binary. The hierarchical model is to analyze by introducing hyper-parameters in an integrated manner when there are several groups of similar data. The Bayesian approach of these methods is generally based on the numerical solution of the Bayesian inference of the multivariate normal distribution. Finally, the previous researches that each introduced method have been applied to nuclear non-proliferation are investigated, and research topics that can be applied in the future are suggested. Bayesian statistics have been mainly used for precise estimation of the amount, location, and radioactivity spectrum of nuclear materials using detectors. Using Bayesian approach, it will be possible to perform various analyzes. For example, the change of activeness of nuclear program can be estimated by Bayesian inferences on the frequency and scale of nuclear tests. And it can be tried predicting the production of plutonium according to the core configuration and burnup using the Bayesian linear regression. Also, by introducing the Bayesian approach to factor analysis or logit analysis of nuclear development motives or nuclear proliferation probability, it can be expected to improve precision. With the development of computer technology, the use of Bayesian statistics increases rapidly. Based on the theory and applied topics summarized in this paper, it is expected that Bayesian statistics will be more actively used for nuclear non-proliferation in the future.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea livestock farms breeding cattle have been suffering from re-emerging problems of Brucella (B.) abortus infection while steady decline of bovine brucellosis. Therefore, this study underscored the identification and association of etiological agent of brucellosis in cattle in South Korea. The incidence of brucellosis in cattle was analyzed by bacteriological and molecular methods in 187 brucellosis-suspicious farms of 11 regions between 2018 and 2020. Brucella isolates from various specimens were identified by Brucella-specific multiplex PCR. Epidemiological data were collected by local official veterinarians through history taking from farmers and animal data systems. In 230 of 560 cattle (40.9%) and 94 of 187 farms (50.3%), a total of 313 B. abortus were isolated from various specimens, the majority of isolates were from supramammary lymph node (41%). In epidemiological findings, the majority of positive cases were mainly caused by resurgence (43.7%) and unknown (37.2%). Of 94 positive cases isolated B. abortus, abortion in cattle infected by B. abortus occurred in 51 farms (54.3%) where led to resurgence in 30 farms and environmental survival of B. abortus in 9 farms. Consequently, these findings revealed the existence of etiological agent of bovine brucellosis in Korea, which still occurred at low levels in distinct regions where are allowed to call for persistent biosecurity. Thus, we highlight that brucellosis in Korea needs to take more effective control strategies with potential evidence. Moreover it is ultimately important to maintain a constant monitoring for eradication of brucellosis.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Solid state grain growth (SSCG) is a method of growing large single crystals from seed single crystals by abnormal grain growth in a small-grained matrix. During grain growth, pores are often trapped in the matrix and remain in single crystals. Aerosol deposition (AD) is a method of manufacturing films with almost full density from nano grains by causing high energy collision between substrates and ceramic powders. AD and SSCG are used to grow single crystals with few pores. BaTiO3 films are coated on (100) SrTiO3 seeds by AD. To generate grain growth, BaTiO3 films are heated to 1,300 oC and held for 10 h, and entire films are grown as single crystals. The condition of grain growth driving force is ΔGmax < ΔGc ≤ ΔGseed. On the other hand, the condition of grain growth driving force in BaTiO3 AD films heat-treated at 1,100 and 1,200 oC is ΔGc < ΔGmax, and single crystals are not grown.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor (dmrt) play crucial roles in sex determination and sex differentiation in vertebrates and invertebrates. Although dmrt genes have been identified in vertebrates, little is known about aquatic invertebrates. In this study, two dmrt genes, namely, Dc_dmrt93B and Dc_dmrt99B, were identified from brackish water flea, Diaphanosoma celebensis. Transcriptional changes were observed in the dmrt genes when the flea was exposed to bisphenol (BP), an endocrine disruptor. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses showed that both dmrt genes contained two conserved domains, namely, DM and DMA, closely clustered with those of Daphnia spp. Additionally, a significant increase in the Dc_dmrt99B mRNA expression level was observed upon exposure to intermediate concentrations of BP (bisphenol A>bisphenol S=bisphenol F, p<0.05), while the expression of Dc_dmrt93B mRNA was slightly modulated. These findings imply that the two dmrt genes may be involved in sex differentiation of D. celebensis. Furthermore, it was found that the ability of BP to modulate dmrt genes could affect development and reproduction. This study provides a basis for understanding the function of the dmrt genes and the molecular mode of action of BP in small crustaceans.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The biosorption characteristics of SRCM 120569 biomass on anionic Congo red (CR) dye. SRCM 120569 strain isolated from Korean turbid rice wine (makgeolli) was identified by 16S rRNA sequence analysis as Bacillus licheniformis. Bacillus licheniformis SRCM 120569 (Genbank Accession No. MW819861) showed superior CR dye biosorption capacity in an aqueous solution. Maximum adsorption capacities of 61.2 and 133.1 mg/g were obtained at pH 3.41 and 0.01 g/50 mL dried cell dosage, respectively. The CR dye adsorption properties by the Bacillus licheniformis SRCM120569 strain were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), point of zero charge (pHpzc) analysis, and phylogenetic analysis. The biosorption isotherm and kinetic models are well described with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models.
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