Since the Western Zhou dynasty in China, the word 聖人began to have a special meaning, entered various social fields such as literature and history and medicine, and gradually integrated into Chinese traditional culture. As an important symbol of traditional Chinese medicine culture, 聖人 shows a basic category of the core concept and value system of traditional Chinese medical classics represented by the book of Huangdi Neijing(also named The Inner Canon of Huangdi) in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties. In Huangdi Neijing which is the foundation work of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, 聖人is not only a man with perfect personality under the traditional Chinese moral and ethical concepts, but also a regimen practitioner and a master of universe laws and the best model of physical and mental health. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine book Huangdi Neijing, this paper uses the knowledge of Chinese philology and traditional Chinese medicine culture to trace the origin meaning of the Chinese word 聖人 from the perspective of genesis, and examines the semantic evolution of 聖人 and its cultural characteristics in the development of the Chinese nation and the Traditional Chinese medicine
고문 교육에 있어서 허사는 가장 중요한 부분이자, 가장 어려운 부분이다. 본문은 인민교육출 판사의 『普通高中課程標準實驗教科書(必修)』에 수록된 고문을 대상으로, 현재 고등학교의 고 문 교육과 평가 영역에서 다루는 18종의 주요 허사의 의미 분포와 주석 양상에 대해 전면적인 통계 분석을 진행하고, 그 분석 결과를 바탕으로 고문 허사 교수법에 대한 몇 가지 의견을 제시하 였다. 이를 통해 고문의 허사 교육이 과학적이고 체계적인 방향으로 발전하기를 기대해 본다.
Chinese funeral is thought to be an important method to show filial respect to parents by confucianist from ancient time and was very important in each ancient dynasty of China. Not only the funeral rite was complex and diversiform, but also a kind of strict hierarchy came into being in the developing progress of funeral. The hierarchy of funeral rite germed in far-away ancient China, was founded during Qin and Han dynasty in China, had it’s legal status during Tang and Song dynasty in China, and shrinked in Qing dynasty. In the end, the hierarchy of funeral rite was abolished politically after the foundation of new government in morden time. The hierarchy of old funeral rite showed the social status of the dead person. Historily it helped the ancient governor to stabilize hierarchical domination like other rites, systems and laws in ancient China. However, during the final stage of Qing dynasty, the ideals of freedom, democracy, and equality from Europe were introduced to Chinese. Following that, European funeral rite entered in China and affected Chinese traditional funeral dramatically. Under the influence of European funeral rite, people in China began to give up the Chinese traditional complex hierarchical funeral rite. Even the government of the day announced and called for a new simple equal funeral in China. The new funeral was accepted by many Chinese gradually and The traditional hierarchical funeral of Chinese started to disappear. And then, after a new Chinese government, the Pople’s Republic of China was set up, a special administrative department which aimed to remove the old complex hierarchical funeral and to guide a new modern funeral was also instituted. Thus, the hierarchy of funeral died politically. Then, the funeral exists in China not as a role of helping to stabilize the hierarchical dominaion but as a role of reducing sadness of losing a family member and strengthen links of the alive family members and so on. This paper will study the development and disappearance of Chinese funeral hierarchy by observing Chinese funeral from ancient to nowdays.
This article studies on a medical dictionary from Hong’s Diagnose and Secret Prescriptions with a Medical Dictionary (《洪家定診秘傳附醫書字 典》, <with A Medical Dictionary> for short, published in 1955). And a tentative research is made on these aspects, such as, the social history background of the book, the construction of the dictionary, the features of the dictionary, the selection of the Chinese characters and the explaination features the of characters, the meaning and value of the dictionary. This dictionary is high medical professional. And the characters has more paraphrases and the paraphrases have more correlationship with the medical. Thus, he dictionary has a big progress in the history of Korea Traditionary medical dictionary.
『문시(文始)』중의 초문(初文)과 준초문(准初文)에 대해 장태염(章太炎)은 동 원(同源) 계열의 시작점으로 보고 있으며, 이것이 전체 저서의 핵심 개념 중 하나 이다. 얼마전까지 학계에서는 『문시』의 초문, 준초문의 유래와 성격에 대해 여전히 쟁론이 이어졌다. 본문은 정량적 분석과 정성적 연구를 결합하는 방법을 이용 하여 『문시』중의 초문과 준초문의 주요 유래가 『설문해자』에 수록된 고문자형이 며, 일부분에 있어서 기타 고문자 자료에서 유래함을 밝힘으로 『문시』의 초문과 준초문의 구성 유래를 명확히 하고 초문과 준초문의 성격에 대해 논의하면서, 우 리가 객관적 자세로 장태염의 고문자를 인식관을 이해하도록 하였다.
동족자(同族字)란 중국어의 동족사(同族詞)를 기록하거나 형태적으로 보았을 때 한자의 발생에 있어 동일한 근거를 지닌 ‘한자집합류’를 지칭한다. 한자 중에는 대 량의 동족자(同族字)가 존재하는데, 본문은 『漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱』중의 동족자를 예로 들어, 동족자 현상을 이용하여 외국인들에게 중국어 한자 교육을 할 때 어떤 의의를 가질 수 있는지를 보임으로써, 특히 중고급 수준 이상의 중국어 학습자에게 동족자를 이용한 교육의 방법을 제안해 보고자 한다.
hey have the same origin in form .There are a good many cognate characters in Chinese characters .Based on the cognate characters which related in the Chinese words and characters syllabus ,this paper discusses the important significance by using cognate characters to teach foreigners .Meanwhile we provide some suggestions of teaching with cognate characters to senior level learners.