
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『Jang-Gae』 (The Foreigner) is a film written and directed by a Korean-Chinese director that stars an actual Korea-Chinese as the protagonist. The release of this film presented an opportunity for the Korean-Chinese community to deliver their message through the screen. The end of the movie is a “happy ending” in which the main character escapes the sadness of his ailing father’s death and finds love. However, the film leaves us with a “great structural challenge” by bringing up long-standing issues of identity and struggle faced by the Korean-Chinese individual whose identity is much like a “double-edged sword” that warmly embraces “us” while wounding “others.” In the globalized scenarios of recent times several people may experience the strong need to raise questions about the global economy and politics along with their sense of value and belonging. Should groups of human beings be categorized based on their traditions that may be unintentionally inherited from the community they belonged to? A new identity model that is more suited to this era: a kind of “global identity” would go beyond the boundaries of nationality, culture, and community. Humanity is inherently varied and pluralistic and multiple identities ought to be respected for their individuality and freedom of choice.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The first thing that the word “memory” brings to mind is a kind of pure, internal phenomenon of the human body. However, memory is not something that can only be explained by the body’s autonomous ability or control system, but is rather a more external issue. Jan Assmann considered that while it was the individual who had the memory, this memory was under the influence of society. Memories exist and persist in interaction. People’s memories contain not only the content exchanged during interactions, but also what is placed in the frame of collective memory. “Cultural memory” is a term increasingly used in literary studies. This paper selects the literary genre of novels characterized by fiction storytelling, elaborating on how the overseas Chinese writers revealed cultural elements in collective memory through three short Chinese literary stories serialized in the 1960s. It also shows the new relationship between these cultural elements. The purpose of this paper is to examine how these novels positively contributed to the recollection and identification of the overseas Chinese population, by using collective memory as the core transmission method. 저
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is from the perspective of the modernity of the Cold War, examining and analyzing two works of Korean Chinese novels in the 1960s, “A different kind of feeling in my mind”(bie you yi fan zi wei zai xin tou) and “Yantai Story”(yan tai feng yun). Both of these two works show how Hanwha looked for self-coordinates in the changing times during the Cold War period. ‘What is the modernity’ is the dialectical issue in these novels. How do them reflect the issue from the social reality, transnational movement, utopian imagination? When modernity brings about changes in regional movement, cultural convergence, military technology, and economic activities, how do them imprint on the Korean Chinese? The overseas Chinese education policy that was born in response to the Cold War was not only a means for the regime to recruit overseas Chinese in the form of education subsidies, but also an opportunity for overseas Chinese to move across borders, engage in new trade patterns, and produce unique commodity cultures. On the other hand, when the war broke out, the confrontation between regimes became a fact. Korean Chinese learned the way of imagining China in popular novels and created an ideal utopia by this. Although it exists in the past time and space, it also embodies the helplessness of reality.