
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Around the Spring Festival in 2023, the outbreak of COVID-19 in China caused a surge in public panic, and some behaviors of praying for blessings have also appeared on the Internet. This article summarizes and analyzes the online blessing behaviors during the Spring Festival in 2023, and analyzes the factors that led to online blessing behaviors. The online blessing behaviors during the Spring Festival in 2023 mainly include two types: blessings to avoid infection and blessings for good luck. The online blessings behaviors during this period have the same characteristics as previous ones, which are limited by the choice of representative figures. The difference is that online blessings behaviors during the Spring Festival in 2023 have returned from online to offline. The primary internal factor that led to online blessings behavior is people’s anxiety. At that time, people in Chinese society are under tremendous pressure, and their anxiety has doubled in the environment of epidemic outbreaks. People use blessings behavior to comfort their souls. The second factor is the common influence of cognitive dissonance and pan-utilitarian psychology. Stress causes cognitive dissonance, and pan-utilitarian psychology makes up for it. The third factor is the influence of herd mentality. Following the trend of the masses makes people more collective. The first of the external factors is the stressful social environment at the time. The second factor in external factors is the influence of capital invested for profit. The third factor is influenced by different cultures such as koi fish and martial arts. The fourth factor is influenced by folk beliefs that can set worship objects as needed.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사람들의 인터넷 활동으로 많은 인터넷 용어를 탄생시켰다. 이 중 일부 용어는 널리 사용되어 유행하게 되었으며, 이는 그 당시의 사회 발전 상 태, 사람들의 이데올로기를 대표하는 용어로 선정되기도 하였다. 본 연구 는 중국 국가언어자원감시연구센터가 2021년 12월 6일 발표한 ‘2021년도 10대 인터넷 용어’를 바탕으로 생태언어학 관련 이론을 적용해 분석하고 연구한다. 그리고 이것을 통해 유익한 담화의 사용을 장려함으로써 파괴 적 담화의 발생을 줄이고, 사용을 자제하여 인류사회의 생태가 지속적으 로 건전하고 잘 발전하도록 유도한다. 생태언어학자 스티베는 ‘할라테이 모델’을 기반으로 비판적 생태 언어 학을 발전시켰다. 그는 전 세계인의 관점에서 7개 단어로 구성된 생태관 을 정리하고 그에 맞는 대화 분석 모델을 제시하였다. 본고에서는 이 생 태관과 대화 분석 모델을 바탕으로 조국사랑, 단결추구, 용감한 활동, 근 검절약 등과 같은 가치와 결합하여 생태관을 생성하고 10개의 인터넷 용 어에 대한 분석을 시행하였다. 10개의 인터넷 용어 중 먼저, ‘躺平’은 퇴폐적이고 부정적인 정서 때문 에 사람들이 쉽게 포기하고, 생태관이 맞지 않아 파괴적 담화로 분류된다. 다음으로, ‘YYDS’, ‘破防’, ‘元宇宙’, ‘绝绝子’, ‘伤害性不高, 侮辱性极强’, ‘我 看不懂, 但我大受震撼’ 6개의 단어는 생태환경에 도움이 되는 측면과 생 태환경을 해치는 측면이 있어 양면적 담화로 분류된다. 끝으로, ‘觉醒年 代’, ‘双减’, ‘强国有我’는 삶을 중시하고 현재와 미래를 주시하며, 자원의 공평한 분배에 유리하며 유익한 담화로 분류된다. 이런 분석을 통해 유익한 담화를 많이 쓰도록 권장하고 긍정적인 영향 을 미쳐, 파괴적인 담화의 사용을 자제하고 부정적인 영향을 줄임으로써 사회 생태계가 장기적으로 더욱 지속적이고 건강하게 발전할 수 있다.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the top priority in language teaching, vocabulary teaching has attracted the attention of the academic circles.As an important module in advanced teaching, the teaching of short word has also been valued by many scholars. Synonyms have always been a difficult problem and a key problem for learners and teachers. Therefore, the author selected a pair of synonyms, “对比” and “对照” with high use frequency and high error rate, as the research objects. This article starts from the interpretation of “对比” and “对照” in the three dictionaries of “现汉”, “规范” and “应用”, first compares the definitions of “对比” and “对照” in the same dictionary, and then compares the definitions of “对比” and “对照” in the three dictionaries respectively. It is found that the definitions in the three dictionaries of “现汉”, “规范” and “应用”, although they are roughly the same, but they are not exactly the same. I also found that there were also great differences in the discrimination contents given in different dictionaries. Therefore, when learning or when teaching, relying completely on dictionaries can not completely solve the problem.By using the analysis of “contrast” and “control”. The synonyms and discriminatives of “对比” and “对照” were analyzed. and the similarities and differences were found, and the requirements of “对比” and “对 照” were interchangeable.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the theory of cognitive linguistics, the human body experience is the basis of human cognition of the world, the starting point of cognition and the tool of cognition. Feet refers to the lower part of the human body and some animals that touch the ground, and are important weight-bearing organs and movement organs of the human body. Chinese and Korean "foot" words are the core vocabulary in both Chinese and Korean languages. This article mainly studies simple words and compound words composed of Chinese and Korean “foot” morphemes, and divides their semantic image features into two types: “structural meaning” and “functional meaning”. “Structural meaning” refers to the synthesis of “shape, location, and composition”, and “functional meaning” refers to the grammatical functions of the body parts themselves, the semantic functions of human words, and part of speech functions. Through comparative analysis, the similarities and differences between them can be found, in order to provide effective and credible semantic examples and theoretical research basis for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, Chinese-Korean human lexics, and Chinese-Korean bilingual translation.