
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 34

        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a series of basic research to draw the pilot design measures for developing the habitat apparatus of Sulculus diversicolor supertexta inhabiting the coastal area of Jeju island, this study conducted a water tank experiment to understand the habitat marine environment of Sulculus diversicolor supertexta and the preference of habitat space focusing on the research fisheries performing the discharge of marine products. In the composition degree of marine algae in both fisheries, Donggwi-ri showed the highest gulfweed (79.3%) as brown algae and there were some coralline algae (17.2%) as red algae. Hansu-ri yielded the highest gulfweed (48.1%) as brown algae, which was followed by sea lettuce (10.4%) as green algae. In the preference of habitat space, the shelter angles 40° showed the highest adhesion as number of 82.9, which was followed by 60° and 70° as 69.2 and 68.2 respectively (P<0.05) by reviewing the environmental characteristics of habit of Salculus diversicolor supertexta in the coastal fishery of Jeju Island, when considering the adhesion rate in each of five shelters with different angles. In the future, there should be continuous research and monitoring for designing the fish shelters suitable for the coastal fisheries of Jeju island, and it would be also necessary to add the field-centered sustainable concrete research.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fishery compensation by marine spatial planning such as routeing of ships and offshore wind farms is required objective data on whether fishing vessels are engaged in a target area. There has still been no research that calculated the number of fishing operation days scientifically. This study proposes a novel method for calculating the number of fishing operation days using the fishing trajectory data when investigating fishery compensation in marine spatial planning areas. It was calculated by multiplying the average reporting interval of trajectory data, the number of collected data, the status weighting factor, and the weighting factor for fishery compensation according to the location of each fishing vessel. In particular, the number of fishing operation days for the compensation of driftnet fishery was considered the daily average number of large vessels from the port and the fishery loss hours for avoiding collisions with them. The target area for applying the proposed method is the routeing area of ships of Jeju outer port. The yearly average fishing operation days were calculated from three years of data from 2017 to 2019. As a result of the study, the yearly average fishing operation days for the compensation of each fishing village fraternity varied from 0.0 to 39.0 days. The proposed method can be used for fishery compensation as an objective indicator in various marine spatial planning areas.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 승용차에서 사람들이 기기를 사용하기 위해 사용하는 기동어인 “Hi, KIA!”의 감성을 기계학습을 기반으로 분류가 가능한가에 대해 탐색하였다. 감성 분류를 위해 신남, 화남, 절망, 보통 총 4가지 감정별로 3가지 시나리오를 작성하여, 자동차 운전 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 12가지의 사용자 감정 시나리오를 제작하였다. 시각화 자료를 기반으로 총 9명의 대학생을 대상으로 녹음을 진행하였다. 수집된 녹음 파일의 전체 문장에서 기동어 부분만 별도로 추출하는 과정을 거쳐, 전체 문장 파일, 기동어 파일 총 두 개의 데이터 세트로 정리되었다. 음성 분석에서는 음향 특성을 추출하고 추출된 데이터를 svmRadial 방법을 이용하여 기계 학습 기반의 알고리즘을 제작해, 제작된 알고리즘의 감정 예측 정확성 및 가능성을 파악하였다. 9명의 참여자와 4개의 감정 카테고리를 통틀어 기동어의 정확성(60.19%: 22~81%)과 전체 문장의 정확성(41.51%)을 비교했다. 또한, 참여자 개별로 정확도와 민감도를 확인하였을 때, 성능을 보임을 확인하였으며, 각 사용자 별 기계 학습을 위해 선정된 피쳐들이 유사함을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 기동어만으로도 사용자의 감정 추출과 보이스 인터페이스 개발 시 기동어 감정 파악 기술이 잠재적으로 적용 가능한데 대한 실험적 증거를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Jeju, in order to efficiently manage and coexist fishing boats and passenger ships in narrow ports, it is necessary to establish reasonable policies. The survey was conducted on 99 fishing ports, from December 1 to 31, 2018. A site survey was conducted on 30 parties (15 in Jeju City and 15 in Seogwipo City) concerning with the use of fishing ports in Jeju to review the appropriate conditions for selecting fishing ports as control subjects. The survey determined size of pleasure craft mooring within fishing port (20%), size of fishing boat mooring (20%), and accessibility of fishing port (20%) under on-site survey factors as well as willingness to form a consultative group between fishing boat and pleasure craft users (20%). Upon the request of the survey, positive and negative opinions were collected on the establishment of a safety control center in the fish port. Based on the survey results, the factors mentioned above were applied to each and every fishing port within Jeju. The bottom five fishing ports in Jeju with the lowest total factor scores were identified and selected as control subjects for review and study. Of the five fishing ports selected as control subjects amidst the 99 fishing ports in Jeju, Dodu Fishing Port had the lowest score of 22% among the national fishing harbors. Among the local fishing ports, Hwabuk Fishing Port had the lowest score of 18%, followed by Sagae Fishing Port with a score of 22%. Hamdeok Fishing Port had the lowest score of 24% among the fishing port villages, whereas Ojo Fishing Port had the lowest score of 24% among the small fishing ports.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a series of fundamental researches on the development of an automatic identification monitoring system for fishing gear. Firstly, the study on the installation method of automated identification buoy for the coastal improvement net fishing net with many loss problems on the west coast was carried out. Secondly, the study was conducted find out how to install an automatic identification buoy for coastal gill net which has the highest loss rate among the fisheries. GPS for fishing was used six times in the coastal waters around Seogwipo city in Jeju Island to determine the developmental status and underwater behavior to conduct a field survey. Next, a questionnaire was administered in parallel on the type of loss and the quantity and location of fishing gear to be developed and the water transmitter. In the field experiment, the data collection was possible from a minimum of 13 hours, ten minutes to a maximum of 20 hours and ten minutes using GPS, identifying the development status and underwater behavior of the coastal gillnet fishing gear. The result of the survey showed that the loss of coastal net fishing gear was in the following order: net (27.3%), full fishing gear (24.2%), buoys, and anchors (18.2%). The causes were active algae (50.0%), fish catches (33.3%) and natural disasters (12.5%). To solve this problem, the installation method is to attach one and two electronic buoys to top of each end of the fishing gear, and one underwater transmitter at both ends of the float line connected to the anchor. By identifying and managing abnormal conditions such as damage or loss of fishing gear due to external factors such as potent algae and cutting of fishing gear, loss of fishing gear can be reduced. If the lost fishing gear is found, it will be efficiently collected.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        목적: 난시가 존재하는 피검자들에게 원데이 프리즘 밸러스트 및 이중 슬랩오프 디자인 안정화 방법을 이용한 제품을 각각 착용하여 난시 정도에 따라 렌즈 회전량과 자각적 만족도를 비교해보고자 하였다. 방법: 난시가 존재하는 피검자(20~25세 사이) 63안을 모집하여 피검자의 실린더 값을 자/ 타각적 방식으로 측정하여 두 그룹(Low : C-0.75~C-2.00, High C-2.25~C-4.00)으로 분류하여 각각 A사의 ‘프리즘 밸러스트’ 방법으로 제작된 렌즈와 B사의 ‘이중 슬랩오프' 방법 으로 제작된 토릭 소프트렌즈를 번갈아 착용하였다. 사용된 렌즈의 B.C는 모두 8.5mm이 고, 함수율은 각각 56%, 59%였다. 그리고 사용된 소재는 'Silicone Hydrogel'이었다. 두 렌즈를 착용하고 30분 안정화 후에 정상 범위의 피팅에 포함되는 대상자를 기준으로 세극등을 사용하여 렌즈 회전량을 측정하고 피검자에게 설문조사를 실시하여 착용감, 만족도 등의 설문을 진행하였다. 결과: 두 그룹중 상대적으로 낮은 난시값을 가지고 있는 피검자군은 'Double Thin'으로 제작된 렌즈에서 평균 렌즈 회전량은 4.38±2.34°이었고, 평균 만족도 점수로는 10점 만점에 서 8.11±1.13점을 획득하였다. 'Prism Ballast'로 제작된 렌즈에서 평균 렌즈 회전량은 2.81±2.78°이었고, 평균 만족도는 8.67±0.87점을 획득하였다. 그리고 높은 난시 값을 가진 피검자군은 ‘Double thin'으로 제작된 렌즈에서 평균 렌즈 회전량은 3.44±3.26°이었고, 평균 만족도는 8.33±1.03점을 획득하였다. 그리고 'Prism Ballast'으로 제작된 렌즈에서 평균 렌즈 회전량은 6.56±4.13°이었고, 평균 만족도는 7.78±1.28점을 획득하였다. 결론: 상대적으로 낮은 난시 값을 가지고 있는 경우 'Prism Ballast'로 제작된 토릭 소프트 렌즈를 착용한 경우 'Double Thin' 렌즈를 착용하는 것보다 상대적으로 더 적은 렌즈 회전 량이 측정되었고, 반대로 상대적으로 높은 난시 값을 가지고 있는 피검자들은 ‘Double Thin’ 렌즈를 착용하는 것이 ‘Prism Ballast’렌즈를 착용하는 것보다 상대적으로 더 적은 렌즈 회전량이 측정되었다. 따라서 난시 값의 정도에 따라 두 안정화 디자인에서 회전량은 서로 차이가 있는 것으로 사료된다.
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