
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Patagonian toothfish(Dissostichus eleginoides) was investigated in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean during the period of 19 March to 7 July 2007 by commercial bottom longliners. The number of 116 hauls were carried out individually in this study area by two bottom longliners during 111 days. The total catches were 89,559kg(9.91kg/100hooks) and 66,758kg(7.38kg/100hooks), respectively. Most Patagonian toothfishes were caught on the 46-48˚S, 6-11˚E of southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Patagonian toothfish comprised 67.01-92.49%(by weight) of the catches in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. No Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) was caught during the surveys. Patagonian toothfish was found throughout the experimental area, but the density was considerably greater in the layer of 1,300-1,900m, where 49.88% of the fishes were caught. Smaller fishes were generally distributed to the shallow waters and larger fish were more frequently caught with the depth. Mean size of Patagonian toothfish increased with depth of capture. Accordingly economically profitable fishing activities for the Patagonian toothfish fishery requires an understanding of the size distribution of the Patagonian toothfish by depth.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the catches of squid jigging fishery, a series of fishing experiments was conducted in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific(40˚-43˚N, 150˚-155˚E) during the period of 1 August to 22 October 2005 by commercial fishing vessel. The number of 142 test fishing was carried out in the Northwest Pacific during 83days. The total catch were 47,524kg as 4 squid species and CPUE was 8.9kg/line·day. CPUE showed high values in the frontal zone during the survey. Main squid species caught from the experimental fishing were the neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami(96.8%) and the boreopacific gonate squid, Gonatopsis borealis(3.2%). Dorsal mantle length of the neon flying squid were increased by the time and increasing of the hook size. Loss rate of the neon flying squid in the water showed the highest values in 28.2% compare to the others. And the loss rate of the front roller and in the air were 1.1% and 1.0%, respectively.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The transmittance properties of fishing lamp of the squid jigging vessel was investigated during nighttime operations in the Northwest Pacific on 21 and 29 September 2005. The metal halide lamps of white color(2.0kW×168) in the air and metal halide lamp of white color(10.0kW×1) in the underwater were used as a fishing lamp for gathering squids. The relative irradiance of metal halide lamp in the air showed peak in 850nm of wave length. The relationship between underwater illuminance(Y) and water depth(X) of metal halide lamp light in the observation areas is represented, Y=84.137e-0.1105X, R2=0.9974. The distribution of underwater illuminance of measure points St. 1-5 showed low value of 0.11x in 80m depth.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper described the experimental squid jigging fishery conducted by a commercial fishing vessel in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean from August to October 2005. Author carried out experimental jiggings of 65 times during 57 days by three type of jigs which were pick jig, soft jig and soft luminous jig. The total catch, effort/day and catches/line-day of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) were 12,726kg, 35 auto jigging machine and 3.5kg, respectively. Higher CUPE was observed in September, August and October. Catch ratio of pick jig was higher by 57-86% than those of soft jig and soft luminous jig. Higher catch was recorded at the 42˚55'N, 62˚10'W with surface temperature ranging 18-21℃. The range of the dorsal mantle length was from 13.5cm to 23.0cm with average 17.2cm for female and from 13.0cm to 20.0cm with average 17.0cm for male. Sex ratio showed 55.4% of female.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the relative efficiency and mesh selectivity of gill net for the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, a series of fishing experiments was carried out in the Northwest Pacific Ocean from August 13 to October 13 in 2002, using gill nets of different mesh size(30, 33, 35, 37, 39 and 42mm) constructed from two kinds of twine material(monofilament, twisted multifilament nylon web). The relative efficiency of two material gears was expressed as the ratio obtained by dividing monofilament catch by multifilament catch in number. The master selection curve of each material gear was estimated by applying the extended Kitahara's method. The catch of experimental gears is mostly Pacific saury(98.6%), Cololabis saira. The kinds of bycatch are common squid(0.7%), Pacific mackerel(0.6%), etc. Catch comparisons in the two gears showed that monofilament nylon nets are 1.7 times more efficient. The optimum values in monofilament and multifilament gill net for Pacific saury are 8.28 and 8.23, respectively.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A model experiment, simulation test using personal computer and real sea trial fishing were carried out to investigate the basic efficiency of bottom trawl net which can be used in the sea mount of North West Pacific, and experimental values were analyzed as the values of full-scale bottom trawl net. Hydrodynamic resistance for the full-scale trawl net according to the Koyama equation was 2.1 times higher than that of simulation and 2.4 times higher than that of model experiment at the average towing velocity. At the 3.5kt's of towing speed, net width of the full-scale trawl net was 2.5% smaller than that of simulation and 8.2% larger than that of model experiment. On the fishing experiment of the full-scale trawl net for the 3.5kt's of average towing speed, average net height of A group(same direction with external force) was 423.5% higher than that of model experiment and 457.1% higher than that of simulation and that of B group(opposite direction with external force) were 283.8% and 306.3% higher than in case of model experiment and Simulation respectively. Net mouth of the full-scale trawl net was 338.1-504.6% higher than those of model experiment and simulation in A group, and 525.2-745.3% higher in B group.
        2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to survey the catches of vertical bottom longline fisheries in the sea mount of central northern Pacific(30˚-42˚N, 170˚-175˚E), during the period of July 1 to August 25,2004 by commercial fishing vessel. The number of 57 test fishing was carried out in the central northern Pacific during 43 days and the total catches were 21,092.4kg as 19 fish species, CPUE/day and catches/day were 185 baskets and 490.5kg, respectively. Main fish species caught from the experimental fishing were Squalus mitsukurii (66.3%), Coelorhyrchus asperocephaius (11.7%) and Helicolenus avius (9.8%) and, average inside diameter for fish mouth was 4.0cm over. Catch ratio according to each fishing ground was the order of F, D, J, B and C. Catch ratio fur water depth was the order of 450-500m, 350-400m, 300-350m, 400-450m, 1000-1100m and 500-550m and, main species by water depth was Squalus mitsukurii for 300-400m, Etmopterus lucifer for 300-550m, Coelorhyrchus asperocephaius far 1,000m over. Catch ratio according to the kind of hooks was higher at the hook no.6 for Squalus mitsukurii and no. 5 for Etmopterus lucifer and, catch ratio by baits was higher at squid for Squalus mitsukurii, saury and eel for Helicolemus avius and saury for Etmopterus lucifer. Accordingly, it is thought that the extension of fishing hours is needed with the reduction of damage and loss for fishing gears during fishing operation.
        2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted in order to the experiment of bottom trawl fisheries in the sea mount of central northern pacific(30˚-40˚N, 170˚-175˚E), during the period of July 1 to August 25, 2004 by commercial trawl ship. Fishing experiment was carried out by bottom trawl, with the codend of 110mm mesh size. The number of 101 test fishing was done in the sea mount of central northern pacific during 56 days and the total catches were 198,593kg as 18 fish species, and CPUE/day and catches/day were 8.3 hours towing time and 3,546kg. Catch ratio according to each fishing ground was higher with the order of B, C, and E, and catches for B was 7,171.0kg during the towing time of 13.2 hours. Main target species were Pseudopentaceros richardsoni and Beryx splendens, there was 14.9% of damage ratio for fishing gears on catching the target fishes inhabiting on the rough sea bottom. Catches by water depth was the order of 300m below, 301-350m, 451-500m and 351-400m. It is thought that there was no problem on the mesh size because most of fishes caught from the experimental fishing was 30cm over.
        2004.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아르헨티나 짧은지느러미오징어는 1993년에 99,000톤에서 1994년 56,600톤으로 감소하고 1996년에는 78,600톤에서 1997년 130,300톤으로 다시 증가하였다. 어획량의 급감 및 급증한 1993~1994년과 1996~1997년의 성어기인 3~5월의 풍도 원인을 구명하기 위하여 아르헨티나 짧은지느러미오징어의 수온 변동에 따른 풍도 변화를 분석하였다. 호황을 보였던 해인 1993년과 1997년은 성어기에 주로 50˚~51˚S간 해역에서 주어장이 형성되었고, 불황을 보였던 1994년과 1996년에는 50˚S이북에서 성어기 어장이 형성되었으며 포클랜드 어장의 평균수온은 3월 10~11˚C, 4~5월은 9˚C로 평균 등온선이 형성되는 위치에 따라 어황이 변동하는 것으로 나타났다. 아르헨티나 짧은지느러미오징어의 높은 단위노력 당어획량(kg/line) 및 어획량은 어장이 포클랜드 해류의 영향을 받지 않은 1993년 및 1997년은 호황을 보였고, 북상하는 포클랜드 해류의 영향을 받은 1994년 및 1996년에는 급격히 감소되어 불황을 보였다.
        2004.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북태평양에서 조업하는 우리나라 꽁치봉수망어업의 어획량과 시기별 어장 중심 및 어획적수온 등을 검토하고 조업시 소나 사용에 따른 어획 효과를 분석하였다. 조업 시기는 5~12월이었고 어획 비율과 CPUE 측면에서 볼 때, 한·일 어업협정 발효 이전인 1985~1998년의 주어기는 9~11월로, 발효 이후인 1999~2002년의 주어기는 8~10월로 추정되었다. 한·일 어업협정 이후 어장 중심은 일본 동쪽 연안 측으로부터 러시아 남쿠릴열도 동쪽인 43˚N 와 151˚E 부근으로 이동하였다. 꽁치의 어획적수온은 5월에는 12.5~14.4℃, 6월은 12.0~14.2℃, 7월은 11.4~13.9℃, 8월은 11.4~15.9℃, 9월은 12.9~16.9℃, 10월은 12.7~l7.3℃, 11월은 13.1~17.6℃ 그리고 12월에는 15.0~19.1℃이었다. 어획종은 총 13종으로서 목표종인 꽁치가 99.9% 어획되어 대부분을 차지하였다. 조업일수는 소나를 보유한 조업선과 소나를 보유 하지 않은 조업선 사이에 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내지 않았으나 투망횟수, 어획량 및 CPUE는 소나를 보유한 조업선이 각각 13%, 26%, 12% 높게 나타났다.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국립수산진흥원 소속 부산 851호에 의해 1987~1990년 (4개년)과 1992~1993년 (2개년)의 하계 (7~9월)에 북태평양 (34˚~47˚N, 150˚ E~170˚W)에서 오징어채낚기 (오징어손줄낚시)에 의해 시험조업하여 어획된 6종의 오징어를 대상으로 하여 분석한 오징어종류별 어획수충, 해양환경(수온, 염분) 및 어획률을 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 문어오징어는 아한대영역의 위도 41˚~43˚N 인 71~80m 수층의 수온 6~11℃, 염분 33.2~33.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 2. 갈구리오징어는 아한대영역의 위도 41˚~42˚N인11~20m 수층의 수온 10~12℃, 염분 32.9~33.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 3. 살오징어는 아한대영역 및 이행영역의 위도 40˚ 및 42˚N인 11~20m 수층의 수온 15~18℃,염분 33.6~34.0‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 4. 빨강오징어는 아한대수렴선 및 이행영역의 위도 39˚~41˚N인 표층~10m 수층의 수온 16~17℃, 염분 33.7~34.4‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 5. 두줄무늬빨강오징어는 아열대영역의 위도 37˚~39˚N인 11~20m 수층의 수온 18~20℃, 염분 33.8~34.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 6. 노랑점빨강오징어는 아열대영역의 위도 36˚~37˚N인 표층~10m 수층의 수온 24~25℃, 염분 34.2~34.4‰‰ 인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다.