48세 여자가 좌측 옆구리 통증을 주소로 내원하여 좌측 요관 결석으로 진단되어 체외 충격파쇄석술을 시행받았으나, 12시간 후 갑작스런 복통을 호소하며 혈압저하, 폐부종을 보였다. 국소적인 합병증을 동반한 중등도의 급성 췌장염으로 진단하고 수액과 승압제, 항생제 등의 대증적 치료 시행 후 퇴원하였다. 체외 충격파쇄석술은 요로결석의 대표적인 치료법이다. 안전하고 효과적으로 알려져 있으나 시술받은 환자의 1%에서 급성 췌장염, 신장주위 혈종, 비뇨기계 패혈증, 정맥혈전, 담도 폐쇄, 장천공, 폐손상, 부정맥 등의 심각한 합병증이 보고되고 있다. 쇄석술 이후 발생한 급성 췌장염은 드물지만 임상의는 이러한 합병증에 대한 주의가 필요하다.
본 연구는 영산강수계 13개 소하천 지점에서 2011년 1월부터 2011년 12월까지 측정된 수질자료와 토지이용 자료를 이용하여 토지이용특성에 따른 수질변화를 분석 하였다. 또한 수질항목간 상관성 분석, 수질항목과 토지이 용 점유율에 따른 상관성 분석을 실시하였다. 영산강수계 13개 소하천 중 BOD, COD, TOC, T-N, T-P의 농도가 가 장 높은 지점은 비교적 농경지 면적이 큰 Y11 지점으로 나타났고 상대적으로 농경지 면적보다 임야의 면적이 큰 Y13 지점에서 수질농도가 비교적 낮게 관측되었다. 또한 수질항목간 상관분석 결과 T-N과 SS를 제외한 나머지 모든 항목에서 비교적 높은 양의 상관관계를 나타내었 다. 한편, 토지이용 점유율에 따른 수질항목간 상관분석 결과 논과 밭 면적이 클수록 양의 상관관계를 나타냈고 특히 밭 면적이 클수록 강한 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 이 러한 이유는 논과 밭에 작물생육에 필요한 유기질 비료, 질산질 비료, 인산질 비료가 시용되고 이들이 강우시 토 사와 함께 인근 하천에 아무런 여과 없이 유입되기 때문 인 것으로 판단된다. 이와 다르게 수질항목과 임야와는 강한 음의 상관관계를 보였는데, 이는 이 지역의 경우 논 과 밭이 수질에 악영향을 미치지만 임야의 경우 수질에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서, 효율 적 수질관리를 위해서는 논과 밭을 우선적으로 관리해야 될 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구의 결과는 1년간의 수질자료 를 활용하여 수질항목과 토지이용 점유율에 따른 상관성 분석을 통하여 도출한 결과이므로 좀더 신뢰성 있는 수질특성을 파악하기 이해서는 장기간의 자료, 각 하천의 오염원 조사, 오염물질별 배출특성 및 배출구조 등의 연 구가 추가적으로 수행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
The present study investigated the physiological evaluation of cloned mini-pigs in a transportable isolator. Transportable isolator was designed and manufactured by our research team for transporting gnotobiotic pig. Until now, no previous reports are available regarding the physiological activities and harmful effects when pigs were transported in this isolator. Five cloned mini-pigs of 1~2 year (s) old female with a body weight between 80~90 kg were used. The effects of transportable isolator on stress-related hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels, and heart rate were evaluated. In addition, it was also examined the effects of transportable isolator on blood chemistry factors (alanine aminotransferase: ALT, aspartate aminotransferase: AST, blood urea nitrogen: BUN, glucose, and creatinine). Blood was sampled just before the beginning of transport (T0), at the end of transport (30min after the transport; T1), and 30 min after the end of transport (T2). At the same time, heart rate was also evaluated. As a result, heart rate had no significant (p>0.05) differences at the various-time points of study (T0, T1, T2). However, heart rate was slightly higher than normal range in T1 and T2. The ACTH level was higher than normal range. Whereas, the cortisol level was lower than normal range. There were no statistical significant differences both ACTH and cortisol level between different time groups. Also, there were no significant differences in blood chemistry factors. Therefore, our present study shows that transportable isolator has no harmful effect on stress and physiological condition in cloned mini-pigs.
C. obtusa, an essential oil produced in Jeollanamdo Gangjin, is the most effective plant oil for easing Sick House Syndrome, having an effect similar to a therapeutic walk in the woods and acting as a sterilizer. In light of its medicinal importance, its composition, antibacterial activity and ability to mitigate an offensive odor have been analyzed. Through GC-MS, I confirmed that it contains approximately 50 components, 80.30% of which are various monoterpenes. It was effective at alleviating malodors from formaldehyde, ammonia, trimetylamine and methylmercaptan as determined in colorimetric gas detection tube tests in comparison with lemongrass and clove leaf essential oil. I obtained from Minimal Inhibition Concentration(MIC) of C. obtusa, higher concentrations will lead to increased antibacterial activity. Therefore it is estimated that utility value of it will be grow more and more.
The esterification of free fatty acid in Jatropha oil added by propylene glycol using p-TSA catalyst was done, and then the transesterification of Jatropha oil added by 1.0vol% GMS as an emulsifier using TMAH, and mixed catalyst(60wt%-TMAH+ 40wt%-KOH) respectively was followed at 60℃. The esterification conversion at the 1:8 molar ratio of free fatty acid to methanol using 8.0wt% p-TSA was 94.7% within 60min. The overall conversion at the 1:8 molar ratio of Jatropha oil to methanol and 60℃ using mixed catalyst was 95.4%. The kinematic viscosity of Biodiesel using TMAH and mixed catalyst in 24h met the ASTM D-6751 above 30℃, and showed a little more than its criterion.
Pretreatment of eliminating FFA is needed to make biodiesel from animal fat recovered from leather wastes because its acid value is high. This study was carried out to investigate the influence of 4 different pretreatment methods, which are heterogeneous catalyst method, ion exchange resin method, low pressure.high temperature method, and alkali method on the eliminating FFA and fatty acid composition. The results showed that the rate of eliminating FFA increased in the order of alkali method > catalyst method > low pressure high temperature method > ion exchange method. In the case of pretreatment of alkali method using NaOH, the rate of eliminating FFA appeared more than 86% regardless of acid value. Therefore, it was considered that alkali method using NaOH was the most effective in the view of economical and productive aspects, taking it into account that the acid value of animal fat recovered from fleshing scrap generated during leather making processes was 7 to 8.
Fleshing scrap is a kind of wastes produced during leather making process and used in the test of manufacturing biodiesel. The early step of manufacturing biodiesel is fat recovery from fleshing scrap. Hence, we investigated the influence of the way of fat recovery on the fatty acid composition. We used three different recovery ways, that is chemical method by protein decomposition with acid/fat recovering, physical method by protein denaturalization with heat and vacuum/fat pressing, and biodiesel method by protein decomposition/fat recovering. The biological method yielded the best results in terms of appearance transparency. It was most effective to lower acid value. Also the recovered fat by biological method would be favorable methyl-ester reaction raw material for biodiesel because it contains more than 5% of oleic acid among unsaturated fatty acid.
The transesterifications of beef tallow and the mixture of beef tallow and rapeseed oil were conducted at 65℃ respectively using TMAH, NaOH and their mixed catalysts. The reactants were emulsified with 1vol% emulsifier and propylene glycol. The overall conversion of beef tallow was 95% at such optimum conditions as the 1:8 of molar ratio and 0.8 wt% TMAH. The overall conversion of mixed fat at the 1:8 of molar ratio and mixed catalyst of 70 wt% TMAH 30 wt% NaOH was close to 97% which appeared at 0.8 wt% TMAH in 80min. And the kinematic viscosity of biodiesel mixture using the mixed catalyst was 6.5mm2/s at 40℃.
The esterification of palmitic acid in rapeseed oil and methanol emulsified by propylene glycol with PTSA(p-toluene sulfonic acid) was followed by the transesterification of rapeseed oil into biodiesel with 1(w/v)% GMS(glycerol monostearate) as an emulsifier using TMAH(tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide) catalysts at 60℃. The former reaction was optimized at the 1:20 of molar ratio of oil to methanol and 5wt% PTSA, and the latter was optimized at the 1:8 of molar ratio of oil to methanol and 0.8wt% TMAH. The overall conversion into biodiesel was 98% after 60min of reaction time at the 1:8 of molar ratio, 0.8wt% TMAH and 60℃. TMAH was a good catalyst to control the viscosity of biodiesel mixture.
Flesh wasters from tannery create major environmental problems. Despite their considerable fat content, these waster do not find important usage. Their disposal is also troublesome and costly. We have investigated the possible use of this fat as the production of biodiesel(fatty acid methyl esters) by transesterification using with fossil fuels. The fat released the waste by boiling water under the optimal condition (i.e., temperature, 120℃; decompression, 200mbar) and used to dry without refining for the production of fatty acid methyl esters. Under the optimal condition, the experimental value of biodiesel yield was about 96%. The result of the chemical and GC analysis showed fatty acid composition and characteristics of biodiesel. Evaluation of the product indicated that it was suitable for use as a biodiesel fuel. In result of this experiment oil extract from fleshing process can be transformed into an environmentally affination fuel, to provide economical and ecological profits.
The transesterification of vegetable oils into Biodiesel at 60℃ was performed on the rotary viscometer. The overall yield(%) of fatty acid methyl ester from canola oil at optimum conditions was 95%. The viscosities of fatty acid methyl esters were predicted by Orrick and Erbarr's model. The overall yield increased as the viscosities of fatty acid methyl esters decreased. The limiting molar ratio of methanol to oil appeared to be 1:5. The content of sodium hydroxide as the optimum catalyst appeared to be 0.5wt%.
Bio-diesel as fatty acid methyl ester was derived from such oils as soybean, peanut and canola oil by lipase catalyzed continuous trans-esterification. So the activation of lipase(Novozym - 435) was kept to be up to 4:1, the limiting molar ratio of methanol to oil under one-step addition of methanol due to the miscibility of oil and methanol through the static mixer for 4hrs and the elimination of glycerol on the surface of lipase by 7wt% silica gel. Therefore the overall yield of fatty acid methyl ester from soybean oil appeared to be 98% at 50·C of reaction temperature under two-steps addition of methanol with 2×2:1 of methanol to oil molar ratio at an interval of 5.5hrs, 7wt% of lipase, 24 number of mixer elements, 0.2ml/min of flow rate and 7wt% of silica gel.
Biodiesel as methyl esters derived from vegetable oils has considerable advantages in terms of environmental protetion. In the present work, methyl esters were produced from soybean oil by lipase-catalyzed transesterification. To reduce inactivation of commercial immobilized lipases emulsified two-step process was developed using the stepwise addition of methanol with 4:1 molar ratio at 4h intervals. Also with immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica(Novozym 435) high conversion of 98.5 percent was possible at 45℃ of reaction temperature with 4:1 of methanol-to-oil molar ratio and 1%(v/v) methyl glucoside oleic polyester as an emulsifier in the presence of cosolvent.
Glycoside fatty acid esters were synthesized by lipase-catalyzed glycosylation of fatty acids with methyl glycoside in solvent and solvent free process. Optimum condition of solvent process using 2-methyl-2-propanol were : moral ratio of methyl glycoside to fatty acid 1:3: initial concentration of methyl glycoside 50g/l:enzyme(immodilized lipase Novozym 435 from Candidia antarctica) content 1%(w/v) : desiccant content 9%(w/v); reaction temperature 60℃: reaction time 10hrs. The yield of 99% was obtained. Solvent-free process was carried out in total absence of solvent at 70℃ under reduced pressure, 5-20mmHg. To give meximum yield of 99% at the optimum condition of molar ratio of methyl glycoside to fatty acid 1:3, enzyme content 10%(w/w), and reaction time 10hrs. The glycosylation reactivity of different glycosylation agents were sequent to Methyl-β-D-fructofuranoside. Methyl-β-D-glucopyranoside. Methyl-β-D-fructofuranosi de, and Methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside.
Methyl fructoside oleic acid polyester(MFPE), fructose-based sugar polyester, was synthesized by solvent-free, soap-free transesterification of methyl oleate with methyl fructoside(MF) as a sugar starting material in the presence of conventional potassium carbonate basic catalyst. Methyl fructoside was found to be an effective sugar starting material, because of its low softning point, high heat stability, high miscibility, and high reactivity than other sugars. Yield 98% of purified MFPE based on initial weight of MF was obtained at 1:5 of the molar ratio of methyl fructoside to methyl oleate, 2%(w/w) of potassium carbonate catalyst content, 20~200mmHg of reduced pressure and 180℃ of reaction temperature. MFPE structure was confirmed by infrared and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Physical properties of methyl of fructoside oleic acid polyester such as viscosity, HLB, solubility, color, refractive index, specific gravity, and density were similar to physical properties of sucrose polyesters(SPE) and vegetable oils. Then, it was elucidated that MFPE was sufficient to replace the SPE and conventional oils.
점화효과란 연결된 일련의 사건에 의해서 고정관념과 같은 지식 구조가 일시적으로 활성화되는 현상을 말한다. 그렇게 활성화된 지식구조는 사람들의 판단이나 행동에 영향을 미치게 된다. 최근에는 고정관념과 같은 효과에 대한 연구로서 점화효과에 대한 연구들이 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 연구들은 전혀 상관이 없어 보이는 어떤 행동이 일어나기 이전에 준 정보에 의해서 의도하지 않은, 혹은 부정적이거나 긍정적인 영향을 받는다는 결과들을 보고하고 있다. 또 다른 연구들은 아주 미미한 관련된 사건이나 물건의 존재 하에서 행동이나 정서적인 반응의 변화가 유발될 수 있음을 보여주고 있다. 이번 연구의 목적은 다양한 점화효과 연구 사례들을 살펴보고, 그 결과들을 바탕으로 하여 향에 의하여 정서의 변화나 행동의 변화가 유발될 수 있는지를 측정해 보려는 데 있다. 이번 연구에서는 피실험자들이 의식하지 못하는 수준에서 향을 맡게 한 후 화장품 품질 평가를 하게 할 경우 그들의 판단에 향이 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 평가하였다. 향 조건은 무취 조건, 향기(일반적인 화장품 향) 조건, 악취 조건(암모니아와 트리에틸 아민의 배합)으로 하였다. 실험결과 각 조건별로 화장품 품질 평가에 큰 영향을 미치지 않음을 확인하였다.