Local government should have waste treatment facilities to provide good service to local residents, even though private recycling is working. There was a problem with plastic waste management in Korea in 2018. Therefore, study was conducted on whether local government has the capacity to handle additional waste streams. The study was conducted, solely using government statistics, on domestic mixed solid waste. The amount of additional plastic waste to be disposed was 2,418 ton/day (incinerate 713 ton/day + landfill 1,705 ton/day), and paper waste was 4,469 ton/day (incinerate 1,104 ton/day + landfill 3,365 ton/day). Current incinerator capacity is sufficient, and if paper waste is added, the incinerator capacity is found to be under1,544 ton/day. Landfill capacity is sufficient even if plastic and paper waste is added, but the residual life of the landfill was reduced from 31.4 years to 25.4 years. Regionally, Gyeongbuk, Daejeon, Jeju, and Sejong should develop new plans for waste management.
급증하는 폐기물량을 극복하기 위해 국내에서는 1991년부터 재활용 정책을 적극적으로 도입하여, 현재 국가 통계로는 세계 1위의 재활용율을 보유하고 있다. 또한, 2016년에는 폐기물 목록을 재정비하였고, 그간의 재활용 용도 및 방법에 대한 제도를 전면적으로 혁신하여 네가티브 재활용 관리제도를 도입하였다. 하지만, 현행 제품 기준은 폐기물 재활용으로 인한 사람의 건강이나 환경에의 유해성을 적정하게 제어하기에는 미흡한 상황으로, 대부분의 제품기준은 폐기물 원료로 사용하는 것을 전제하지 않고 있어서 중금속, 유독물질 등의 유해물질 기준이 설정되어 있지 않다. 특히, 골재제품의 경우에는, 실질적으로 토양, 지하수 등의 자연매체와 직접적으로 접촉하여 환경오염의 우려가 매우 높음에도 불구하고 입도, 강도 등 물리적 기준 위주의 제품기준만이 설정되어 있는 상태이므로, 폐기물 자체 혹은 제조 과정의 특성에 따라 위해 우려가 높은 재활용제품과 원료에 대한 제품기준을 마련하고, 기준 초과 시 이의 제조․유통을 금지․제한함으로써 재활용 확대에 따른 환경안정성을 확보할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 재활용 확대에 따른 환경안정성을 확보하기 위해 폐기물관리법 시행규칙 별표4의2에서 정한 재활용 유형 중 매체접촉형인 R-4-2, R-5, R-6, R-7을 대상으로 인체 및 환경 유해성 정도를 고려한 매체 접촉형 재활용 유형별 물질 및 재활용 제품군을 도출하고, 매체 접촉형 재활용 원료인 폐기물의 성상 및 유해성 정도에 따른 원료 기준 및 재활용 제품에 대한 유해성분 용출 및 함량 기준을 설정하였다.
과불화합물(PFCs, Perfluorinated compounds, 이하 과불화화합물) 등은 발암성, 생식독성, 생농축성 등을 가지고 특히 장거리 이동성을 가지고 있는 대표적인 잔류성 유기오염물질로 분류되고 있다. 스톡홀름 협약은 사전예방 원칙에 입각하여 잔류성 유기오염물질로부터 인간의 건강 및 환경 보호를 목적으로 하는 국제협약으로 ’04년 5월 발효되었다. 우리나라는 ’01년 10월 협약에 서명한 후 협약가입을 위해 잔류성유기오염물질의 배출 실태를 파악하고, 관련 법규를 제정하는 등 협약가입 준비 후, ’07년 2월에 가입하였다. 제4차 스톡홀름협약 당사국총회에서 과불화옥탄술폰산(PFOS)과 그 염류 등은 규제 대상물질로 등재(’09.4)하였으며, PFOS의 경우 용도에 따라 항구적 면제(Acceptable purpose), 특정면제(Specific Exemption), 사용제한하고 있으며 PFOA는 스톡홀름협약 POPs 검토위원회(POPRC)에서 위해성 검토 중으로 규제예고 되어 있다. 하지만 국내에서는 최근 아웃도어용품 등의 방수 기능성 제품에서 과불화화합물이 검출되어 논란이 일어나는 등, 과불화화합물의 위해성에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있으나, 과불화화합물 함유 제품 및 폐기물의 관리체계는 초기 정비 단계로, 스톡홀름 협약의 이행 및 과불화화합물 함유 제품 및 폐기물의 체계적 관리가 필요한 시점이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 스톡홀름협약 이행과 과불화화합물 함유폐기물을 적정처리를 위해 과불화화합물의 생산・사용・폐기 등 전과정 물질흐름분석을 통해 정량적인 자료를 확보하고, 물질과 제품의 사용용도별 폐기물 관리체계를 마련하였다.
At present red mud didn't recognized as recyclable resources because of large generation and some problems such asimpermeability, high pH value, aluminium leachate, and causing red water in Korea. In order to recognized as recyclableresources, therefore, we suggest the policy proposals were suggested by reducing the above mentioned problems. In 'WasteManagement Act' similar inorganic sludge which has similar characteristics with red mud is regulated land treatment bymixing with general soil, so red mud should be treated in the same method in order to promote the permeability. Redmud should be neutralized because its pH is very high. It should be careful in neutralized operation because of red watergenerated from red mud. It may be suspected that the red water is contaminated un aesthetic point. To reduce the strengthof red water, red mud is treated to a magnetic process in order to recover the magnetic ferrous material. Through thismagnetic process, ferrous material could be recovered 20 thousand ton per year, and the color intensity reduced to 77.3%.
Waste deposit & refund system was performed in order to recycle the waste since 1992, and this system developedinto the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) system since 2003 in Korea. Many products and packaging materialsare recycled by this system, and government published the ‘EPR Practical Manual (2007)’ to estimate the actual recyclingrate. According to styrofoam-buoy (SB) included EPR item in 2010, SB does not practical to estimate the recycling rate,EPS (Expanded Poly-Styrene) was recycled only. So in this study, SB recycling rate also includes ‘EPS+parts’ was toestimate through the field investigation. As a results, parts portion of SB are 3.49% when manufactured, and 2.03% whenrecycled. And process loss, contaminant content, parts portion and yield of EPS ingot are 0.00%, 64.28%, 0.71% and35.01% in SB recycling, respectively. In the future SB recycling rate is calculated by adding the EPS ingot productionand parts recovered.
This paper is a research on the end-of-waste (EoW) criteria of steel scrap. Government strengthens the management of the scrap recently, as pollution has been raised due to the improperly treated steel scrap. In this study, current status of steel scrap recycling was investigated through field survey in 2012, and classification and recycling standard of steel scrap in developed countries and institutions were investigated through literature survey in order to introduce optimal EoW criteria. As a result, contents of contaminants were selected as the most important recycling standards, and contents of contaminants in steel scrap was measured less than 0.5% in most of companies, but only one recycling company showed 10% of contaminants. EoW criteria for steel scrap was determined to be below 2% of contaminants. In this study, contaminants in steel scrap was defined as hazardous and pre-treated substances, considering the Korean industrial standards (KS). And EoW stage was determined by considering the regulation on resources and practices in field.
This paper is a research on the economical analysis of the food waste recycling in order to enhance the proper management of food waste. In Korea, food waste is separated from the source compulsorily and treated on the feed, compost and other recycling plant. In this study the present economical evaluations of food waste recycling plants, such as collection & transportation, construction, operation cost and B/C analysis, is investigated. Based on a food waste recycling plants with a 50 ton/day, costing analysis was conducted by the present value criterion technique. The actual operation costs for directly operated plants were 88,358 won/ton for feed production, 79,015 won/ton for composting, 49,934 won/ton for other recycling, and 96,285 won/ton for incineration. When the profit from products sale for each recycling system and the depreciation cost of plants were considered, the costs for direct operation were 95,784 won/ton for feed production system, 96,824 won/ton for composting system, 56,576 won/ton for other recovery system and 143,776 won/ton for incineration system. And when a new facility is constructed, feed production could be favorable in operation cost and environmental aspects.
In this study, life cycle assesment (LCA) was conducted based on a functional unit of 1 ton of food waste recycling from collection and transportation to treatment processes such as feed production, composting, other recycling and incineration for 45 public food waste recycling plants. The Korean life cycle inventory (LCI) data were used for the main input material and energy. For the other input data, which could not be provided by the Korean LCI database, data of other countries were used from the database by Ecoinvent, and the strength of food wastewater for LCI DB was divided low and high concentration. In case of low strength of food wastewater, environmental impacts were suggested incineration, composting and feed production in the order, where collection and transportation were identified as the major influencing factors by contribution analysis and sensitive analysis. Contrary, in case of high strength of food wastewater, environmental impacts were suggested composting, feed production and incineration in the order, where treatment of food wastewater was identified as the major influencing factor. Therefore, discharge volume as well as concentration of food wastewater was found to be important parameter of the LCA.