This study proposes an economically affordable method for retrofitting non-seismic detailed roof reinforced concrete beam-column joints (BCJs). The proposed method presents an innovative arrangement of steel plates designed to delay the propagation of joint shear cracks by externally applying compressive stress to the area surrounding the BCJs. Two full-scale sub-assemblage specimens for each exterior and interior roof BCJ, i.e., control and retrofitted specimens, were subjected to reversed cyclic loading to evaluate the proposed method. The retrofitted specimens displayed a preferable ductile behavior to the corresponding control specimen, with an enhancement in lateral strength by at least 100%. Furthermore, retrofitted specimens dissipated up to 13 times more energy than the control specimen by initiating a plastic hinge on beams or columns. These results indicated the effectiveness of the proposed method in preventing joint shear failure and improving the seismic behavior of roof BCJs.
Damage to gas and fire protection piping systems can lead to secondary disasters after an earthquake, so their seismic design is crucial. Accordingly, various types of seismic restraint installations are being devised, and a new suspended piping trapeze restraint installation has also recently been developed in Korea. In this study, a cyclic loading test was performed on the developed trapeze support system, and its performance was evaluated according to ASHRAE 171, the standard for seismic and wind restraint design established by the American Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The three support system specimens did not break or fracture, causing only insignificant deformations until the end of the experiment. Based on the experimentally rated strength and displacement performance, this trapeze support system is expected to control the seismic movement of piping during an earthquake.
This study presents the estimation of crack depth by analyzing temperatures extracted from thermal images and environmental parameters such as air temperature, air humidity, illumination. The statistics of all acquired features and the correlation coefficient among thermal images and environmental parameters are presented. The concrete crack depths were predicted by four different machine learning models: Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting (GB), and AdaBoost (AB). The machine learning algorithms are validated by the coefficient of determination, accuracy, and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The AB model had a great performance among the four models due to the non-linearity of features and weak learner aggregation with weights on misclassified data. The maximum depth 11 of the base estimator in the AB model is efficient with high performance with 97.6% of accuracy and 0.07% of MAPE. Feature importances, permutation importance, and partial dependence are analyzed in the AB model. The results show that the marginal effect of air humidity, crack depth, and crack temperature in order is higher than that of the others.
본 연구는 보사노바 작곡가이자 피아니스트인 안토니오 카를로스 조빔을 통해 보사노바를 구성하는 음악적 요소들이 피아노의 연주에 어떻게 적용되는지에 대해 분석하였다. 연구곡으로는 <Antonio Brasileiro>에 수록된 곡 ‘Insensatez’의 곡을 선정, 32마디의 멜로디 부분을 선율, 화성, 리듬적으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 조빔은 싱커페이션의 연주로 보사노바의 리듬적 요소를 강조하였으며, 선율적으로는 보컬 멜로디의 움직임에 따른 피아노 단선율 연주의 동형 진행, 보컬 멜로디의 음정 구조와 유사한 음정 간격의 연주가 확인되었다. 마지막으로 화성적으로는 베이스의 진행과 동형 진행을 하며 코드의 구조음을 생성하였고, 멜로디가 없는 구간에서는 6화음과 4도 간격의 화성을 연주하여 보사노바의 화성적 요소들이 연주되었음을 분석했다. 이 연구를 통해 보사노바를 구성하는 장르적 요소가 피아노의 편곡에 어떻게 적용, 연주되었는지에 대한 결과를 도출하였으며 더 나아가 장르를 구성하는 요소들을 적용하여 연주하였을 때 장르적 정체성을 갖는데 효과가 있을 수 있다는 가능성을 제시하였다.
In order to deal with high uncertainty and variability in emergency medical centers, many researchers have developed various models for their operational planning and scheduling. However, most of the models just provide static plans without any risk measures as their results, and thus the users often lose the opportunity to analyze how much risk the patients have, whether the plan is still implementable or how the plan should be changed when an unexpected event happens. In this study, we construct a simulation model combined with a risk-based planning and scheduling module designed by Simio LLC. In addition to static schedules, it provides possibility of treatment delay for each patient as a risk measure, and updates the schedule to avoid the risk when it is needed. By using the simulation model, the users can experiment various scenarios in operations quickly, and also can make a decision not based on their past experience or intuition but based on scientific estimation of risks even in urgent situations. An example of such an operational decision making process is demonstrated for a real mid-size emergency medical center located in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The model is designed for temporal short-term planning especially, but it can be expanded for long-term planning also with some appropriate adjustments.
Composite Floor system infilled with PCM(Phase Change Material) between upper and lower steel plates was developed to apply the steel frame. When steel frames were applied this system, it can absolutely reduce the duration of construction due to dry construction method. However to apply this system as a structural floor member without fire resistance covering, it must have 2 hours fire resistance performance. Because PCM consisted of three quarters of section with thermal insulation performance, fire resistance performance of this floor system was expected to easily have 2 hours fire resistance performance. This paper was to investigate behavior characteristics of PCM infilled floor system at elevated temperature using FEM analysis to develop the fire resistance performance of it.
This paper investigated impact resistance capacity and failure mode of strengthened column with PROTECT (Poly-Resilience-Oriented hybrid TEChnology plaTe) panel by analytical study. PROTECT panel is the composite panel with two steel plates and nano-composite. In order to perform impact analysis, dynamic properties of concrete, steels and nano-composite were determined. Finite element analysis was performed with these properties under the drop-weight impact. From the FEA, different failure modes corresponding to different columns were derived.
In fire design for floors, the three criteria of stability, integrity and insulation are required for the specified fire resistance duration. Among these, stability is not easy to confirm. For solid prestressed concrete slabs of uniform thickness, Eurocode 2 provides tabulated data and specifies an axis distance to the centroid of strands to achieve particular fire resistance ratings, but it is not clear if this data can be used for a wide range of different prestressed slab profiles. In order to verify the current code-fire ratings for precast prestressed slabs, both simple and advanced calculation methods are investigated. This paper examines the use of calculation methods, accounting for the real behaviour of unprotected simply supported prestressed concrete slabs exposed to the standard ISO 834 fire. The calculated fire resistance of each prestressed concrete slab is compared with tabulated data in Eurocode part 1.2, with detailed discussion.
Numerical models of composite floor systems with various thickness of phase change material and sizes of circular spacers were developed based on finite element analysis. In order to perform a heat transfer analysis, thermal properties of steels were determined and those of phase change material were estimated from experiment results. In addition, the thermal insulation performance of composite floor systems with respect to different thickness of phase change material and sizes of circular spacers was predicted. To verify the validity of analysis, analysis results were compared with vertical furnace fire test results of equivalent conditions. As a result, available thicknesses of phase change material and sizes of circular spacers were proposed to satisfy the thermal insulation criteria of Korean Standards.
This study investigates the analytical study for evaluating impact resistance capacity and failure mode of PROTECT (Poly-Resilience-Oriented hybrid TEChnology plaTe) panel. PROTECT panel is a composite panel with two steel plates and nano-composite. In order to perform impact analysis, dynamic properties of steels and nano-composite were determined. Finite element analysis is performed with these properties under the drop-weight impact. From the FEA, different failure modes corresponding to different impact energy is derived.
본 연구에서는 기상학적 가뭄지수인 SPI(Standardized Precipitation Index)를 이용한 가뭄 빈도해석을 통하여 남한지역에서 발생했던 과거가뭄사상의 시, 공간적 분포 특성을 정량적으로 평가하고자 한다. 가뭄의 심도별, 지역별 발생빈도를 추정하기 위하여 Drought Spell 분석을 실시하였고, 또한 남한지역을 대상으로 심한 가뭄에 대한 가뭄우심지역의 공간적 분포특성을 평가하기 위하여 가뭄의 지속기간별 가뭄빈도해석을 통해 기상관측소별 SDF (severity-duration-frequency) 곡선을 작성하고 이를 이용하여 남한지역을 대상으로 하는 가뭄우심도(Potential Drought Hazard Map)를 작성하였다. 가뭄단계별 과거의 발생빈도를 분석한 결과, 금강, 낙동강, 섬진강 유역에서 심한가뭄과 극한가뭄단계의 발생빈도가 매우 큰 것으로 나타났으며 가뭄빈도해석을 통해 작성된 SDF 곡선에서도 한강유역에 위치한 서울관측소에 비해 금강, 낙동강, 섬진강 유역에 위치한 대전, 대구, 광주 관측소의 재현기간별 가뭄심도가 심하게 나타났다. 가뭄빈도해석을 통해 작성된 가뭄우심도에서는 한강 유역과 낙동강 유역의 상류 지역에 비해 금강, 섬진강, 영산강 유역이 가뭄에 취약했던 지역으로 분석되었으며 가뭄단계별 발생빈도와 유사한 결과를 나타내었다. 계절별 가뭄우심도의 경우 봄철에 가장 자주 가뭄이 발생하였으며 짧은 지속기간의 가뭄이 자주 발생했던 것으로 나타났다.