
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2006.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the kinematics of young adults during descent ramp climbing at different inclinations. Twenty-three subjects descended four steps at four different inclinations (level, -8˚, -16˚, -24˚). The 3-D kinematics were measured by a camera-based Falcon System. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The kinematics of descent ramp walking could be clearly distinguished from the kinematics of level walking. On a sagittal plane, the ankle joint was more plantar flexed at initial contact with -16˚/-24˚ inclination, was decreased in the toe off position with all inclinations (p<.001),and was decreased at maximum plantar flexion during the swing phase (p<.001). The knee joint was more flexed at initial contact with the -24˚ inclination (p<.001), was more flexed in the toe off position with all inclinations (p<.001), and was more flexed at minimum flexion during stance phase and at maximum flexion during swing phase with -16˚, -24˚ inclination (p<.001). The hip joint was more flexed in the toe off position with -16˚, -24˚ inclination and was deceased at maximum extension during stance phase with -16˚, -24˚ inclination (p<.05). In the frontal plane, the ankle joint was more everted at maximum eversion during stance phase with -16˚, -24˚ inclination (p<.01) and was decreased at maximum inversion during swing phase with -16˚, -24˚ inclination (p<.01). The knee joint was more increased at maximum varus during stance phase with -16˚, -24˚ inclination (p<.001). The hip joint was deceased at maximum adduction during stance phase with -24˚ inclination (p<.05). In a horizontal plane, only the knee joint was increased at maximum internal rotation during stance phase with -24˚ inclination (p<.05). In descent ramp walking, the different gait patterns occurred at an inclination of over 16˚ on the descending ramp in the sagittal and frontal planes. These results suggest that there is a certain inclination angle or angular range where subjects do switch between level walking and descent ramp walking gait patterns.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 도시 하수처리를 위한 막결합형 A2O공정에 관해 실제적인 정보를 얻고자 하는 것이다. 공경 0.25;μm의 평판형 정밀여과막을 공기가 주입되는 호기조에 침지시켜 처리수는 저압으로 여과된다. 인공폐수를 대상으로 최적의 처리수질과 장기운전의 안정성 확보를 위한 내부반송율과 MLSS 농도 등의 최적 운전인자를 산정하고자 하였다. 내부반송은 각각 호기조에서 무산조로 반송한 것을 type 1, 무산조에서 혐기조로 반송한 것을 type 2라고 규정지었다. 플럭스는 15 LMH, type 1을 2Q로 고정하고 실험하였을 때 최적의 운전 조건은 MLSS 농도는 11,000 mg/L, type 2가 IQ로 나타났다. 이때, BOD CODcr, T-N, T-P의 제거율이 각각 97.3%,;94.2%,;64.0%,;63.0%로 타 내부반송율보다 효과적이었다.
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the upper limb nerve mobilization (ULNM) on functional recovery of upper extremity in hemiplegic patients following stroke. Twenty patients who had functional impairment on upper extremity were participated. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups: Control group (n=10) received traditional physical therapy only for 4 weeks; Experimental group (n=10) received ULNM treatment along with traditional physical therapy for the same period. Upper extremity functions were assessed by manual muscle test (MMT), modified Ashworth scale (MAS), and Fugl-Meyer assessment (FMA) before and after the treatment. In both experimental and control group, upper extremity functions were significantly improved in MMT (p<.01) and FMA (p<.01), however only experimental group showed significant improvement in FMA after the treatment (p<.05). Moreover, experimental group showed significantly greater improvement than control group in MMT (p<.05), MAS (p<.05), and FMA (p<.05). We conclude that the upper extremity functions is a useful additional therapeutic technique for the effective treatment of upper extremity deficits in hemiplegic patients.