Currently, yellow phosphor of Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ (YAG:Ce) fluorescent material is applied to a 450~480nm blue LED light source to implement a white LED device and it has a simple structure, can obtain sufficient luminance, and is economical. However, in this method, in terms of spectrum analysis, it is difficult to mass-produce white LEDs having the same color coordinates due to color separation cause by the wide wavelength gap between blue and yellow band. There is a disadvantage that it is difficult to control optical properties such as color stability and color rendering. In addition, this method does not emit purple light in the range of 380 to 420nm, so it is white without purple color that can not implement the spectrum of the entire visible light spectrum as like sunlight. Because of this, it is difficult to implement a color rendering index(CRI) of 90 or higher, and natural light characteristics such as sunlight can not be expected. For this, need for a method of implementing sunlight with one LED by using a method of combining phosphors with one light source, rather than a method of combining red, blue, and yellow LEDs. Using this method, the characteristics of an artificial sunlight LED device with a spectrum similar to that of sunlight were demonstrated by implementing LED devices of various color temperatures with high color rendering by injecting phosphors into a 405nm deep blue LED light source. In order to find the spectrum closest to sunlight, different combinations of phosphors were repeatedly fabricated and tested. In addition, reliability and mass productivity were verified through temperature and humidity tests and ink penetration tests.
과학기술 수용자는 과학기술 변화과정을 결정하는 중요한 이해관계자이다. 하지 만 이들이 과학기술이슈에 대해 어떤 생각을 가지고 있는지 확인하는 기존의 방법들은 많은 노력과 시간이 필요한 것으로 알려져 왔다. 본 연구에서는 빅데이터 분석에 널리 사용되는 토 픽모델링을 활용해 온라인 토론장에 게시된 글을 분석하여 한국인의 원자력발전에 대한 인식 을 알아보고자 한다. 이것은 거시이슈들이 일반 과학기술 수용자 인식구조에 어떤 영향을 미 치며, 변화된 인식구조의 지속성을 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 빅데이터를 이용해 실시간 으로 특정 과학기술이슈에 대한 일반인의 인식을 파악한다면, 과학기술 수용자(일반인)와 공 급자(전문가) 집단 사이의 인식간극을 줄이는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.