Confucianism originated from China, spread to East Asia soon in history. "Confucianism East" have taken advantage of creating a flourishing Korean Confucianism, so far, from the Korean Three-Kingdoms Times, the Unified Silla, the Korea Times, Joseon Dynasty, to today, South Korea contemporary Confucianism still to better development and spread, in the aspects of ideology, social structure, folk life wide under its influence. The contemporary South Korean Confucianism spread and inheritance trend, as the Comparison between Chinese and Korean Cultures, not only inherits the official and private educational institutions established in the earlier history of the path of "central-local", but also to Sung Kyun Kwan University as a representative of the Confucian education take on an altogether new aspect of modern university. The efforts of Korean society in the study of Confucian literature and Confucianism, showing the social and academic power,and it is indeed the valuable and sustainable cause of Confucian's good inheritance and development in contemporary Korea. And "An-dong cultural phenomenon" is the best “ChongRu-ShangXian“ interpretation of Confucianism in contemporary South Korean society spread. In the course of study、inheritance and development, Confucianism carried out fruitful local practice in Contemporary Korea, forming the good development trend of Korean Confucianism and the Korean characteristics of Confucian studies. With the internationalization of Confucianism, inheritance and development of Confucianism in Korea to local benign succession, characterized both contemporary Confucianism spread and inheritance, and embodies the modern value of Confucianism, not only closely linked with the Korean cultural environment and soil, of course , but also cannot leave Chinese classical culture broad and profound and tremendous influence.
In the era of mass leisure, tourism has become an important way for people to relax and pursue pleasure. But at the same time, tourists who leave their habitual residence and than unknown to the tourist destination,will generally have a sense of strangeness, insecurity. With fun and travel, tourism safety also exists in the journey. "Security" is the basic psychology of tourists traveling. Attach importance to the safety of tourism, especially the importance of the outbound tourism safety which is more strange, complex environment and culture,is increasingly important. Outbound tourism safety has many categories, the causes are different. But to strengthen the safety consciousness, forming national tourism safety climate initiative, strengthen prevention and supervision, both parties act calmly, and nip in the bud, these should be the lessons we learn from the disastrous events such as "Oriental Star" shipwreck event of the special major tourism safety. And we also summed up the pros and cons after advice, as a warning for the future.
발효 새송이버섯 균사체(FPEM)의 사료 내 첨가급여 효과를 검토하기 위하여 산란계(ISA Brown) 16수를 4개 그룹으로 나누어 대조구는 기초사료(C)만 급여하였고, 시험구는 기초사료에 FPEM 1%(T1), 3%(T2) 및 5%(T3)로 하여 8주 동안 사료 내 첨가하였다. FPEM을 산란계의 사료 내 첨가한 결과 1%에서 산란율이 감소한 것을 확인할 수 있었으나(p<0.05), 계란 무게는 FPEM 모든 첨가구에서 대조구와 비교하여 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 결과적으로 계란 생산량과 사료섭취량에서 대조구와의 차이가 나타나지 않아서 사료요구율 또한 대조구와 유의한 영향을 주지 않았다. 하지만 대체적으로 FPEM 5% 수준인 T3에서 계란 생산량 증가와 사료요구율 감소의 경향을 나타내었다. 계란의 품질의 경우 FPEM 1%에서 난백고와 난각중이 대조구에 비해 유의하게 증가하였으며(p<0.05), FPEM 5%에서는 계란의 외부 품질인 난각중과 난각두께 모두 대조구에 비해 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 하지만 난황색, 육반과 혈반 그리고 계란의 저장성의 경우에는 처리간 차이를 보이지 않았다. 난황 내 지방산 조성의 경우 FPEM 첨가에 의해 불포화지방산과 다가 불포화지방산 중 n-3지방산의 비율이 높아졌으며(p<0.05), FPEM 5%는 다른 처리구보다 초기 계분의 가스 발생량을 유의하게 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 결과적으로 산란계 사료 내 FPEM 5%첨가는 계란 생산과 품질뿐만 아니라, 환경 개선 효과도 있는 것으로 밝혀져 항생제를 대체할 수 있는 산란계 사료 첨가제로 기대된다.