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        검색결과 4

        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With thedevelopmentin themeansofcommunicationssuch asinternet andbroadcasting,wearewitnessingafastgrowthofneologism inevery sector of our lives.Although neologism has often been a subjectof criticism,we need to look at itfrom a different perspective for the following reasons.First,neologism isrighteously apartofourlanguage. Second,there are many newly created words that economically and efficientlyconvey varietyofmeaningsreflecting acurrentculture.Third, itnotonlyenrichesourcommunication,throughincreasedvocabularyand theexpansionintheuseofpre-existingwords.Thisarticleaimstofocus specifically on the neologism in campuses of Korean,Australian and Japanese Universities.'Campus terms’in this study are defined as the terms related to a university which play a role ofslangs among the students.Therelatedtermsdealtinthisstudy arethenameofschools, class subjects, students,professors,grades and graduation. Although anyonecan makeorusethe‘CampusTerms’bothinsideandoutsideof the university,the subjects of this study was limited to university studentsonly.Thesimilaritiesanddifferencesinthecampusvocabularies acrossthethreecountrieshavebeencomparedandanalysed.Itishoped thatthis research could provide some lights in the various ways of neologismsofKorean,EnglishandJapanese.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to development of mass media, the chance of international communication has increased. Therefore, neologism is created by the inflow of foreign languages, Chinese characters, and loan words. The use of neologism is increased gradually in daily life as well. This article attempts to represent the trend and features of the "campus terms" today. In detail, it studies how to reflect using and understanding of "Campus terms" in college students of South Korea. The results show similarities and differences throughout the linguistic map. "Campus terms" can be defined as a part of the students' unique language use. In particular, subject titles, school buildings, group activities, and experiences on campus are used. Moreover, it can be characterized as a metaphorical and satirical expression of the society.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The estimated figure for the total number of Japanese language learners worldwide is 2,979,820, according to The Japan Foundation’s 2006 survey on overseas Japanese language institutions. The global trend toward the increasing popularity of the Japanese language is also apparent in Australia, where the number of Japanese language learners, institutions, and teachers is on the rise. Against this backdrop, this article aims to provide a brief overview of the status of Japanese language education in Australia, and to examine Japanese language learners’ attitudes and perceptions toward Japanese as their second language. To that end, the study explores the ways in which they receive information about Japan, and how images of Japan and the Japanese language vary among those learners with different personal interests about Japan. Based on the findings on attitudes and perceptions toward Japanese, this article also takes the chance to delve into goals in learning Japanese as a second language in Australia.