This study is aimed to analyze the change of chinese fishing vessels’entry into the East Sea off North Korea and suggest directions for countermeasures. Based on the real landing data in China, Chinese fishing vessels’squid catch volume and value in the East Sea off North Korea are estimated. Results show that at least 205 thousand tons of squid was caught by Chinese fishing vessels in 2014. If the catch amount is calculated by the unit price per kilogram at the same year in Korea, it would be 556.3 billion KRW. As the UN sanctions become stricter with the recent resolution 2371 passed, Chinese fishing vessels’entry may increase in the future to compensate decreased seafood supply from North Korea. Even though there are not many options left for Korea to decrease the impact of Chinese depletive fishing, the study suggests countermeasures such as strengthening cooperative crack down on the Chinese illegal fishing vessels in Korean waters; increasing cooperation with UN member countries to incorporate banning the trade of fishing rights in the next UN sanctions; establishing regional fisheries management organization and managing migratory species with China and Japan cooperatively in the long term.
The study aims to identify the current status of aquaculture information in Korea and suggests policy directions for its integrated management. Firstly, the study focuses on the identification of the current status of aquaculture information by reviewing how aquaculture information is managed. Secondly, this study identifies problems such as lacks in necessary aquaculture information, inefficiency caused by dispersion and overlapping of information, absence of integrated management system and insufficient sharing of information. After identifying the current status of aquaculture information and its problems, the study suggests three basic directions to systematically integrate and manage the information such as establishment of infrastructure for promoting the integrated management of aquaculture information, generation and systematic management of useful aquaculture information and enhancement of user convenience. Finally, the study suggests detailed strategies such as establishment of a foundation to facilitate integrated management of aquaculture information, organization of organic network, sharing of more information, creation of necessary information through demand survey, creation of systematic management system, provision of a customized total service, and increase in education and PR activities on information use.
This study is aimed to present measures for stable supply of fishmeal and to develop fish farming into a food industry and an export industry. The study analyzed current domestic and international supply and demand for fishmeal and suggested future prospects. The results of the study suggested the basic directions for the stable supply of fishmeal in Korea as follows: first, stable securing of fishmeal importers and establishment of the supply and demand monitoring system; second, policies to boost using of compound feeds and expansion of relevant fishmeal use; third, higher competitiveness of fishmeal and compound feeds through selective and intensive R&D investments. Based on the basic directions, the paper suggested implementation measures such as strengthening of cooperations with fishmeal suppliers abroad, expansion of overseas local market entrance, diversification of fishmeal trading countries, revision of relevant laws and polices on the fishmeal and feeds, organization of domestic fishmeal, promotion of group purchase, improvement of domestic fish meal quality, development of fish meal alternatives, etc.
노동력부족이 심화되는 농촌현실에서 이앙을 하지 않는 벼직파재배가 점차 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 건답과 담수직파재배를 실시하고 기존의 이앙재배와 수량성, 노동생산성 및 수익성을 비교하여 영농노력을 절감하고 경영비용을 저하시킬 수 있는 가능성을 검토하여 직파의 적부를 평가하였다. 다수성을 진속하면서 경영을 개선하기 위하여 농용자재의 적정투입과 생력화로서 영농노력을 절감하고 경영비용을 저하시켜 벼농사의 경영채산성을 확립 하고자 하였다. 직파재배는 무효분얼이 많이 발생하여 유효경비율이 50%에 불과하였고 출수기는 약 9일이 지연되었으나 현미수량은 이앙과 차이가 없이 455kg/10a(건답), 480kg/10a(담수)을 생산하였다. 노동시간투입은 이앙에 비하여 17%(건답), 28%(담수)씩 감소시켰고 생산비소요는 20%(건답), 32%(담수)를 절감하였고 농용에너지 투입은 건답은 약 5% 감소시켰으나 담수는 3% 증가되었다. 담수재배가 건답보다 생력화와 생산성에서 보다 효과적이었다. 직파재배는 본답기간이 연장되어 비료와 제초제의 증시가 필요하였고 앞으로 이들 보조에너지들의 절감과 효율성을 높이는 기술이 개발되어야 하겠다.