The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for selecting materials by exploring what types of cut flowers working women prefer when they make a floral arrangement. On the subjects of 19 working women (age 22.3±5.8, period of work 4.8±2.4) at S electronics company located in G city, this study conducted 10 sessions of a floral arrangement program once a week between April 21 and June 30, 2015. This study divided outward types of cut flowers into four items including line flower, form flower, mass flower, and filler flower, and provided materials for each session in the floral arrangement program. The results of investigating working women’s preferred cut flower types in making a floral arrangement are as follows. As for investigating preferences for the types of cut flowers, the type (design) other than the color was found to be paid more attention to, and among them, the type of form flower was most preferred with 40.0%, the type of mass flower 31.0%, the type of filler flower 14.8%, the type of line flower 14.2% in that order. As for plants with the highest preference for the type, firstly plants of the type of form flower found to be most preferred were Hydrangea macrophylla (21.1%) and Zantedeschia aethiopica (21.1%), mass flower Rosa hybrid ‘Spring’ (22.0%), filler flower Gomphrena globosa (32.1%), and line flower Typha orientalis (48.2%).
본 연구는 식물관찰중심의 원예활동이 취학 전 아동의 정서 및 집중력에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 실시하였다. 정서발달 평가 결과와 선택적 및 지속적 주의력은 대조집단의 경우 실시 전․후 유의차가 나타나지 않지만, 실험집단의 경우 P<0.05의 유의차가 나타났다. 자기통제력 변화에서는 대조집단의 경우 P<0.05로 유의하게 나빠졌으나 실험집단의 경우 유의차는 없었다. 원예치료평가표(KHY Type)에 의한 결과는 정서적 발달, 사회적 발달 등 모든 항목에서 P<0.05 수준의 유의차가 나타났다.