한국어문회 한자능력검점시험 7급에 배정된 한자 150자를 漢字構形學 이론에 근거하여 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다.
150자 안에는 層次조합의 글자가 14자가 포함되어 있고, 6개 構形모델이 존재한다. 이 構形모델 안에는 構形理據가 희박한 3, 4등급의 記號字가 23자 포함되어 있다. 이는 난이도가 높은 한자가 초급단계에 배정되어 초급자의 한자학습을 어렵게 한다는 의미이다.
150자를 直接構件과 基礎構件으로 귀납하면 直接構件 총 수량은 149개이고, 基礎構件의 총수량은 141개이다. 이외에 基礎構件에는 12개의 變體構件이 존재하는데 이를 합치면 153개의 構件이 150자를 구성하고 있는 셈이다. 모든 한자의 基礎構件이 400여 개임을 감안하면 한국어문회 한자능력검정시험 7급 150자의 基礎構件 141개는 상대적으로 그 비중이 너무 높다고 할 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 141개의 基礎構件 안에는 構件 하나로 글자를 만들 수 없는 非字構件이 28개이다. 이는 한국어문회 한자능력검정시험 7급 한자의 배정이 자형 난이도에 따른 과학적인 분석에 근거되지 않았다는 증거이다. 이러한 배정은 초급자의 한자학습에 상당한 부담으로 작용할 수 있다.
The object of this research is to examine the planning principles of Sangju which has an old history The results of the investigation are as follow 1. Sangju placed on the plains in the castle, it is established in Korea Dynasty 2. The formation of Sangju is infruenced Feng-shui. They plants Chestnuts against centipede mountain 3. Sangju is similar to the configuration of the another city in Feng-shui and elements of Component. But, many buildings(jin-Young(Military site), Choong-Ui-Dan, Choong-Yeol-Sa) are associated with the war in Sangju. 4. The City hall is located on the west side of the hotel(Kaek-Sa). It is located on Wang-San which is a place where citizens with symbolism. So, the City hall is higher than Kaek-Sa 5. The cruciform style road which connected with 4 gates was formed in the castle.
From the results of an examination of the transition process of the site plan divided into 5 stages based on literature and materials relating to the Sangju Confucian School as well as the construction history, we can see the general transition flow as follows. The arrangement form of Sangju Confucian School shows the structures with both the sacrificial rites function and the learning function in the early period. This shows a large general flow where the form with the learning function structure at the front and sacrificial rites function structure at the back changed to a form where the learning function structure was positioned behind the boarding facilities, after which there was a transformation which left only the learning function (the form where the learning function structure was positioned in front of the boarding facilities). The type where the learning function structure is positioned in front of the boarding facilities is hard to find in the Yeongnam area, also, there are not many examples of the 2 story Myeonglyundang (hall of confucianism teachings) throughout the country Sangju Confucian School which possess the value of rarity is appraised as being a precious material showing another area characteristic in Sangju of the Yeongnam area. Also, during the late Chosun period the scale of the Dongseojae (boarding facility) was reduced and the appearance of Yangsajae can be said to be a typical example of confucian school constructions of late Chosun era.
As the educational function of Confucian school in the late Chosun dynasty had been declined, the other educational institution called YANGSAJAE was established. The founders of the institution was either local authorities or local Confucianists. Otherwise the institution was established by the cooperation of both local authorities and local Confucianists. YANGSAJAE began to be established from the 16th century. Most of them was founded in 1700s. In 1800s, it was not so difficult to see YANGSAJAE in many towns in Young nam and Honam provinces. The institution was located in separate places at the early stage of foundation. But since the middle of 1700s, the institution was located in or near the Confucian school. As a consequence, this influenced the location of Confucian schools in the late Chosun dynasty. In Youngnam province, the institution was mainly located near the Confucian school or in a separate place. On the contrary, most of the institution were constructed within Confucian school in Honam province. There were two types of the flat composition: one is based on hall and the other is based on room. The hall type, which had a hall in the middle and rooms in both sides, was general. The hall type usually had a size of 4-kan in width and 1.5-kan in length. The half-hipped roof was the general type and intimately related to the roof of Myung-Ryun Dang of local Confucian School.
This study aims to analyze the construction of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG in the late Chosun dynasty by restoring its constructive system and relating it with the office organization. followings are the summary of this study. 1. Government office of Daegu consists of inn(KAEGSA), Kyungsang KAMYOUNG, and Daegu city hall(BUA), and JINYOUNG. 2. The layout of virtual placement is shown in the <Figure-11> in the text. Even though it had been newly constructed due to three times of fire, the fundamental scheme of space is found out not to have been changed since mid-eighteen century at the latest. 3. Followings are the result of analyzing the space of KAMYOUNG, after dividing its space into entry area, main business area and police military business area in the aspect of business. First, entry area consists of 2 door system with external door(UOISAMMUN) and internal door(NAESAMMUN). Second, main business area consists of facilities for inspector, public officials, and low grade employee respectively This space is divided into SUNHWADANG area and JINGCHONGKAK area, and the former consists of active business facilities, and the latter consists of passive business facilities focusing on the rest facilities. Third, business support area consists of facilities for low grade employee and minor assistant respectively, which are placed to the left and right of POJONGMUN and KWANPUNGRU. Fourth, police military business space is in middle(JUNGYOUNG) and forms separate areas to the east of SUNHWADANG. Accordingly, It is certain that the space of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG had been placed in accordance with the nature of business per position.