본 연구는 고농도 염화칼슘 처리 토양에서 토양개량제인 하이드로볼, 활성탄의 처리와 수크령 식재 유무에 따른 토양침출수 의 화학적 특성과 토양 내 염분 저감 효과에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 수행하였다. 고농도 제설제처리 염분토양에서 토양개량 제 하이드로볼, 활성탄의 염분 저감 효과 및 수크령의 식재 효과를 알아보기 위하여 2018년 4월부터 10월까지 유리온실에 직경 10 cm, 높이 9 cm의 플라스틱 포트에 수크령을 식재하고 무처리 (Cont.), 하이드로볼 (H), 활성탄 (AC), 수크령식재 (P), 하이드로볼 + 수크령식재 (H + P), 활성탄 + 수크령식재 (AC + P) 총 6개의 처리구로 나누었다. 염화칼슘 (CaCl2) 처리는 10 mg/L 농도의 수용액을 조제하여 2주 간격 1회 200mL씩 분주하였다. 토양침출수 분석은 pH와 EC, 염류계 치환성양이온 (K+, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) 함량을 측정하였고, 수크령의 생육은 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수를 측정한 뒤 실험종료 후 생체중, 건물중, 건물률, T/R률을 조사 분석하였다. 토양침출수 화학성 분석결과, 토양산도는 처리구별 뚜렷한 차이를 보이지는 않았으나 모든 처리구에서 약산성을 띄었으며, 전기전도도는 H + P, P, AC + P, H, AC, Cont. 순으로 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 염류계 치환성양이온함량에 있어서 토양 염류도의 지표라 할 수 있는 Ca2+ 항목에서 Cont., P, H, AC, H + P, AC + P 순으로 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 수크령의 생육변화는 H + P, AC + P, P 순으로 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수 모든 항목에서 상대생장률이 통계적으로 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 따라서 하이드로볼과 활성탄은 제설제 피해지역 토양개량제로 활용가치가 높으며 수크령은 토양 내 고농도 염화칼슘 염분저감 식물소재로 적합한 수종이라 판단된다.
본 연구는 겨울철 제설제 (CaCl2) 농도처리에 따른 맥문동(Liriope platyphylla)과 수호초(Pachysandra terminalis)의 내염성을 평가하고자 수행하였다. 국내에서 제설제로 가장 많이 사용하는 염화칼슘을 각각 0%(Control), 0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, 5.0%로 처리한 실험구에 2015년 11월에 맥문동과 수호초를 정식한 후, 이듬해 이른 봄인 2016년 3월에 내염성을 평가하기 위해 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽형지수, 생체중, 건물중, 엽록소함량, 광합성률, 기공전도도, 증산율 등을 측정하였다. 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽형지수, 생체중, 건물중, 엽록소함량, 광합성률, 기공전도도, 증산율 등은 제설제 처리농도가 높을수 록 감소되는 것은 두 식물이 동일하였으나, 맥문동이 수호초보다 좀 더 안정된 생육 및 생리적 특징을 보였다. 무엇보다, 맥문동은 3.0% 이상에서, 수호초는 1.0% 이상의 농도처리에서 생존이 불가능해 맥문동이 수호초보다 내염성이 높은 것으로 판단되었으며, 도시 내 제설제 피해지역에 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 저관리형 옥상녹화에서 보수성을 높일 수 있는 식재지반을 조성하기 위해 친수성 중합체인 hydrophilic polymer의 효용성을 평가하고자 현장실험을 수행하였다. Hydrophilic polymer의 농도는 각각 인공배합토 100kg을 기준으로 0%(대조구), 1.0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 10% 등 총 5가지로 구성하였다. 가로 1.0m, 세로 1.0m, 높이 0.3m로 자체 제작한 실험구에 2013년 5월 20일에 각각 10반복의 식물을 정식하였으며 식재기반 내 토양용적수분함량을 모니터링하였다. 또한 현재 이용되는 수종인 눈향나무, 황금줄사철나무 등의 목본류와 잠재종으로 가능성이 높은 통보리사초, 좀보리사초 등의 사초류를 중심으로 식물생육을 측정하였다. 토양의 hydrophilic polymer의 농도에 따른 토양용적수분 함량은 강수량과 상관없이 2.5%이상의 hydrophilic polymer 처리구에서 97%~98%로, 100%에 가까운 토양용적수분 함량을 보였다. 강우 후 27일 동안 토양용적수분함량이 대조구에서 50%~60%를 보인 반면, 1.0%의 hydrophilic polymer 처리구에서는 70%~80%로 약 20%가 증가되었다. 식물생육을 조사한 결과, 황금줄사철나무와 통보리사초는 2.5% 처리구에서 가장 생육이 좋았고, 눈향나무는 1.0% 처리구, 좀보리사초는 0%(대조구)에서 생육상태가 가장 양호하였다. hydrophilic polymer 1.0% 처리구와 2.5% 처리구에서는 모든 식물이 생존하였으나 5.0%와 10.0%의 처리구에서는 식재 후 3개월 이내에 모두 고사하였다. 이는 hydrophilic polymer 배합비는 수종별 특성에 따라 다르게 적용되어야 함을 보여준 결과라 할 수 있다.
토양수분은 식물이 뿌리를 통하여 흡수 및 이용할 수 있 도록 많은 양분을 녹이는 가장 효과적인 용매로, 식물의 정 상생육을 위해서 언제나 적정상태로 유지되어야 한다. 식물 이 흡수된 물의 95%를 잎의 증산작용을 통하여 증발하는 데, 뿌리에서의 흡수와 잎에서의 증산이 균형을 이루지 못 하면 식물은 대기-식물-토양수분의 복합적인 수분부족으로 인한 생리적 장해를 받게 된다. 이에 식물은 뿌리로부터의 수분공급이 식물 생육에 중요한 요소로서 작용한다. 옥상의 인공지반은 자연지반보다 온도가 높고 바람이 강하여 식물 체의 증산작용과 토양 내 수분증발이 더욱 많아 지속적인 관수가 요청된다. 현재 옥상녹화의 관수는 대부분 수돗물을 이용한 인력 관수에 의존하고 있어 최소한의 관리로 이루어 지는 저관리형 옥상녹화가 주목받고 있다. 하지만 저관리형 옥상녹화에서 자연강우로만 이루어질 경우 식재기반이 가 지는 보수력 및 보비력은 식물의 생존과 생육에 중요한 조 건이 된다. 이에 본 연구는 옥상녹화 현장실험을 통해 식재 기반 유형별 토양용적수분함량에 따른 목본류의 상대수분 함량(Relative Water Content)에 미치는 영향을 살펴봄으로 써, 적합한 식재환경을 제시하고자 수행하였다. 유기질 토양개량제와 인공배합토는 부피비 0:1(이하 A1), 1:4(이하 O1A4), 1:2(이하 O1A2), 1:1(이하 O1A11), 1:0(이 하 O1) 등 총 5유형으로 혼합하여 식재기반을 각각 구성하 였다. 토심은 생태면적률 적용지침에서 옥상녹화 토심 20c m를 기준으로 그 이상일 경우에 보다 높은 가중치를 부여하 고 있으며, 식재수종이 목본류임을 고려하여 25cm로 조성 하였다. 식물재료로는 옥상녹화용 관목으로 노랑조팝나무 와 눈향나무를 선정하였으며, 실험기간은 2013년 6월부터 10월까지 건국대학교 글로컬캠퍼스 복합실습동 2층 옥상에 서 진행하였다. 실험구는 자체제작하여 아래에서부터 배수 판, 부직포, 배수층 순으로 조성하고, 그 위에 부피비를 달리 한 토양재료를 포설하였다. 실험기간 중 인위적인 관수는 실시하지 않았으며, 자연강우에 의존하였다. 실험대상지의 기온 및 강수량을 지속적으로 관측하였고, 실험구의 토양용 적수분함량은 주 1회, 잎의 Relative Water Content(이하 RWC)는 매월 초 1회씩 측정하였다. 산출한 RWC의 식은 다음과 같다. RWC(%) = [(FW-DW)/(TW-DW)] X 100 노랑조팝나무의 7월 상대수분함량(RWC)은 O1A1, O1A 2, O1A4, A1, O1 순으로, 8월에는 O1A1, O1A4, O1, O1A2, A1 순으로 높았으나 통계적 차이는 뚜렷하지 않았다. 하지 만, 9월에는 처리구간의 차이를 볼 수 있었는데, 다른 측정 시기와 다소 상반된 결과로서 A1에서 가장 높은 값을, O1 처리구에서 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 반면, 10월에는 O1 A1, O1A4, A1, O1A2, O1 순으로 높게 측정되었다. 노랑조팝 나무의 상대수분함량(RWC)은 O1A1 처리구에서 대부분 낮 은 값을 나타낸 반면, O1 처리구가 가장 높게 나타나, 유기 질 토양개량제의 부피비가 비교적 높은 처리구에서 목본류 의 상대수분함량(RWC) 또한 높게 측정되었다. 눈향나무의 상대수분함량(RWC)은 7월에는 통계적 차이가 유의하지 않았으나, 8월에는 O1A1, O1A2, A1, O1A4, O1 순으로 높게 나타났다. 9월에는 A1, O1A2, O1A1, O1, O1A4 순으로, 10월 에는 O1A2, O1A1, O1, A1, O1A4 순으로 높았으나 처리구별 뚜렷한 경향을 보이지 않았다. 이는 상록침엽수인 눈향나무 가 낙엽활엽수인 노랑조팝나무에 비해 식재기반 유형별 차 이가 뚜렷하지 않을 뿐 아니라 경향이 일정치 않아 토양용 적수분함량은 눈향나무의 상대수분함량(RWC)에는 크게 관여하지 않는 것으로 사료된다.
녹시율이란 기존에 널리 사용되는 평면적이고 수평적인 개념인 녹지율의 한계를 보완하여 인간의 체감을 보다 직접 적으로 나타내는 새로운 지표이며, 인간의 시선에 수직을 이루는 식물의 입면적 양을 표현하는 지표이다. 녹시율은 녹지의 존재량을 시각적으로 파악한 방법으로서, 주로 심리 적 욕구에 대응하는 녹지의 효용에 주안점을 두고 있다. 즉, 특정장소에 있어서의 눈에 보이는 녹지의 총량을 말하며, 이러한 녹시량의 계측은 도시경관 측면에서 주로 연구되었 으며, 일반적으로 슬라이드나 사진을 이용해서 측정한다. 이에 본 연구는 조경식재공간내 녹지의 시각적 영향으로 인한 관찰자의 심리 변화를 알아보기 위해 심리측정 도구를 활용하여 연구를 진행하였다. 심리측정 도구로는 기분상태검사(POMS)와 의미분별법 (SD)를 활용하였으며 첫 번째, 기분상태검사(POMS)는 인 간의 기분 또는 정서의 상태를 측정하는 방법으로 1964년 에 개발된 이후 환경에 의한 영향, 인간관계에 의한 영향에 대한 기분의 변화를 예측하는 연구에 널리 사용되어 왔으 며, 일시적인 감정과 기분을 측정하는 지표로 세부항목으로 는 ‘긴장(Tenshion and Anxiety, T-A)', '우울(Depression, D)', '분노(Anger and Hostility, A-H)', '활력(Vigor, V)', '피 로(Fitigure, F)', '혼란(Confusion, C)'의 6개의 기분 척도로 나눠 각각의 점수화가 가능한 설문지이다. 또한 이들의 합 계에서 활력을 뺀 수치로 총 정서장애(TMD, Total Mood Disturbance)를 분석하였으며, 총 정서장애(TMD = ‘T-A' + D + 'A-H' + F + C - V)의 수치가 높을수록 부정적 감정이 높은 것을 의미한다. 이런 기분상태검사(POMS)는 본래 기 존의 65문항으로 구성되어 있으나, 본 연구에서는 다수의 피험자들을 대상으로 한 것으로 측정시간을 단축하기 위하 여 총 30문항으로 구성되어 있는 단축판을 사용하였다. 또한, 의미분별법(SD)은 개인의 주관적인 기호와 취향에 따라서 그 가치가 변할 뿐만 아니라 계량화하기 힘든 요소 인 경관을 평가하는 데 널리 사용하고 있다. SD의 경우 인 간의 감성을 표현하는 형용사를 가지고 인간의 심상공간을 측정하는 방븝으로 형용사 20개를 이용하여 경관을 평가하 였다. 앞서 언급한 두 가지 심리측정 도구는 조경식재공간 을 이용하여 녹시율 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%인 공간을 사진으로 관찰자들에게 무작위로 시연하여 조사를 하였으 며, 관찰자를 남학생과 여학생으로 구분하여 심리적 반응 차이를 비교하였다. 또한, 분석은 통계프로그램 Spss(ver. 18.0)를 통해 Duncan's Multiple range test를 이용하여 유의 수준 p<0.05로 분석하였다. 녹시율에 따른 기분상태검사(POMS)를 실시한 결과, 긴 장-불안(T-A)의 경우 남학생은 녹시율 80%에서 평균 1.57 로 가장 낮았으며 유의확률 .010으로 녹시율에 따라 유의한 차이를 볼 수 있었다. 우울(D), 분노(A-H)의 항목은 각각 유의확률 .188, .087로 녹시율의 변화에 따른 유의한 차이 는 볼 수 없었다. 반면, 활기(V)는 80%에서 평균 9.28로 가장 높았으며, 40%에서 6.33으로 가장 낮았으며, 유의확 률 .005로 높은 유의성을 나타내었다. 피로(F)는 60%에서 평균 3.30으로 가장 높았으며 100%, 40%, 20%, 80% 순으 로 나타났으며, 유의확률 .018로 조사되었다. 혼란(C)의 경 우 유의확률 .112로 유의한 차이를 볼 수 없었으며, 총 정서 장애(TMD)는 20%와 80%에서 평균 3.57, 8.63으로 다른 녹시율에 비해 상대적으로 긍정적 감정이 높았던 것으로 분석되었으며, 유의확률 .000으로 나타났다. 여학생의 경우 긴장-불안(T-A)은 60%에서 평균 4.11로 가장 높은 점수를 얻었으며, 유의확률 .019로 나타났다. 또 한, 우울(D), 분노(A-H)는 각각 .063, .177로 유의한 차이를 볼 수 없었으며, 활기(V), 피로(F)의 항목에서도 유의확률 은 .055, .088로 분석되면서 유의한 차이를 볼 수 없었다. 혼란(C)의 경우 100%의 녹시율에서 평균 4.53으로 가장 높게 나타났으나 유의성은 없었다. 총 정서장애(TMD) 항 목에서 여학생은 유의확률 .221로 분석되면서 유의성이 나 타나지 않았다. 두 번째, 심리측정 도구인 의미분별법(SD)의 결과를 살 펴보면 다음과 같다. 조사 대상자 중 남학생의 경우 녹시율 20%에서 다른 녹시율과 달리 쾌적함, 깨끗함, 안심, 친근감, 밝음, 좋음, 상쾌함, 조화로움, 개방적, 여유로움, 안전함, 온화함의 감정을 느꼈으며, 40%의 녹시율에서는 여유로움 과 갑갑함, 자연스러움과 인공적임, 재미와 지루함에서 보 통의 감정을 느꼈다. 녹시율 60%의 경우, 20%와 40%에 비해 녹시율이 높음에도 상대적으로 식물이 부족하다고 조 사되었다. 반면, 녹시율 100%는 다른 녹시율에 비해 식물이 풍부하다고 확연하게 느끼고 있었으나, 상대적으로 폐쇠적 이라고 느끼고 있었다. 다른 형용사 항목에서는 큰 인상의 차이는 보이지 않았다. 여학생은 남학생과는 달리 80%의 녹시율에서 쾌적함, 깨끗함, 안심, 친근함, 밝음, 좋음, 상쾌 함, 뚜렷함, 시원함, 개방적, 여유로움, 자연스러움, 전망이 좋음, 온화함 등의 감정을 느꼈으며, 남학생과 같이 녹시율 100%에서 식물이 풍부함을 느꼈으나, 다른 녹시율에 비해 갑갑함을 느끼고 있었다. 의미분별법(SD)의 결과로 살펴보 면, 남학생의 경우 20%의 녹시율에서 여학생은 80%에서 대부분의 좋은 감정을 느꼈으며, 100%의 녹시율에서는 식 물이 풍부하다고 느꼈으나 다른 녹시율에 비해 갑갑함을 공통적으로 나타내었다.
This study aimed to explore companion planting to improve vegetable productivity on extensive green roofs through urban agriculture with limited substrate depth. From May to July 2021, the study conducted on the rooftop to evaluate the effects of marigold (Tagetes patula) planting ratio on the growth and pest control of cabbage (Brassica campestris). The experiment plot measured 1 m in width × 1 m in length × 0.25 m in height and 0.2 m in substrate depth. Fifteen plots were planted in varying proportions of cabbage and marigold for three repetitions per treatment: cabbage control (CC), 2:1(C2M1), 1:1(C1M1), 1:2(C1M2), and marigold control (MC). We found that companion planting marigolds with cabbage significantly increased cabbage growth and reduced pest infestation. The study revealed that C1M1, when cabbage and marigold have the same proportion, is an efficient companion planting ratio. Companion planting, in which non-crop vegetation manages pests and increases crop productivity, improves natural pest control and preserves biodiversity on rooftop urban agriculture.
This study aimed to evaluate the growth of Cichorium intybus, Brassica juncea, and Lactuca sativa at varying seed ratios, and to suggest an efficient management plan for sustainable indoor agriculture systems. It was treated with mixed sowing as follows: 30 chicory seeds (chicory alone: CC), 22 chicory seeds + 8 lettuce seeds (C3L1), 20 chicory seeds + 10 lettuce seeds (C2L1), 15 chicory seeds + 15 lettuce seeds (C1L1) as intraspecies, and 30 mustard seeds (mustard alone: MC), 22 mustard seeds + 8 lettuce seeds (M3L1), 20 mustard seeds + 10 lettuce seeds (M2L1), 15 mustard seeds + 15 lettuce seeds (M1L1) as interspecies. The study identified the competitive response in seed germination between Cichorium intybus and Lactuca sativa, and in the C3L1 experimental group, Lactuca sativa had the highest leaf length, root length, chlorophyll content, and fresh weight. Therefore, the higher the ratio of Cichorium intybus, the higher the growth and productivity of Lactuca sativa; however, higher the ratio of Lactuca sativa, the lower the growth of Cichorium intybus. Furthermore, the nitrogen and potassium content in the substrate was the highest in the C3L1 experimental grorp which had the highest seeding rate of the Cichorium intybus. Comparing the groups Brassica juncea and Lactuca sativa, the higher the seeding ratio of Lactuca sativa, the higher the growth and productivity of Brassica juncea. Therefore, a companion seeding of Brassica juncea and Lactuca sativa is beneficial; this could be effective in having a high seeding ratio of Lactuca sativa.
This field experiment aimed to identify the optimal planting density for establishing a management plan for ground-cover plants under roadside trees. Liriope platyphylla and Hosta longipes both widely used for planting under trees were selected as the plant materials and planted under Prunus serrulata var. spontanea at different planting densities. Based on the distance between each plant, 4 planting densities were used: 11%, 25%, 49%, and 83% with three replications. To estimate plant growth, plant height, number of leaves and tillers, fresh and dry weight, and visual quality were investigated. Liriope platyphylla exhibited relatively better growth at the highest planting density of 83%. For Hosta longipes, however, the lower growth was positively correlated with high planting density. Therefore, the optimal planting density for Liriope platyphylla is 83% and for Hosta longipes is 11%.
Production of lettuce under indoor cultivation is highly affected by light intensity. In this study, we used shade cloth (commercial black net) to examine the effect of these condition on growth without an associated yield penalty of container-grown lettuce. Four levels of shading treatments (0%, 35%, 55%, and 75% referred to as Cont., S35, S55, and S75 with respect to Cont.) and two lettuce varieties (red and blue) were evaluated. Variety-specific growth responses were observed with respect to different levels of shading treatments. High growth of red lettuce was occurred in Cont. treatment despite plant height and leaf length being higher than Cont. However, under 35% shading treatment blue lettuce was higher than in control plants. The highest root length was observed 0% shading (Cont.) of both varieties. These results reinforce the idea that blue lettuce is the better leafy vegetable rather than red lettuce for indoor cultivation related to lower light intensity environment conditions.
This study investigated the effect of vegetation mat on plant growth and salt reduction in the soil treated with high concentration deicing salt. In order to measure soil chemical characteristics and plant growth, three native groundcover plants (Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum, Dendranthema boreale, and Kalimeris yomena) were grown in each of the three plastic containers (50.0 cm width × 35.0 cm length × 8.5 cm deep) with a high concentration treatment of calcium chloride deicing salt. There were two treatments: control, and BVM that combines B (blanket) and VM (vegetation mat). 1,600 g of soil was placed on the top of the drainage layer with 290 g of perlite, 100 seeds each of the three native plants with three repetitions were sowed, and 10 g/L of calcium chloride deicing salt was added in the treatment. As a result of the chemical properties of soil, soil in control treatment was acidic and soil electrical conductivity in BVM was the lowest. Also, exchangeable cations (K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+) in soil and all the three plants were significantly decreased in the BVM treatment. Meanwhile, the germination rate of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum was the highest under high concentration deicing salt in compared to the two plants. Overall, three native groundcover plant growth was higher in the BVM than control treatment significantly. These results suggest that the treatment of blanket vegetation mat has a positive effect on soil and plant growth in soil damaged by deicing salt.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of soil amendment (heat-expanded clay and active carbon) and planting of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum on the remediation of salt-affected soil and the plant growth under high calcium chloride (CaCl2) concentration. The experimental group comprised treatments including Non treatment (Cont.), heat-expanded clay (H), active carbon (AC), planting (P), heat-expanded clay+planting (H+P), active carbon+planting (AC+P). A 200 mL solution of CaCl2 at a concentration of 10 g·L-1 was applied as irrigation once every 2 weeks. Compared to the Cont., the incorporation of the ‘heat-expanded clay’ amendment decreased electrical conductivity of the soil leachate and cation exchange capacity, whereas the growth of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum was relatively increased. These results suggest that the combination of ‘heat-expanded clay’ amendment and planting will mitigate negative effect of de-icing salts and improve plant growth in salt-contaminated roadside soils.
This study evaluated the growth, physiological responses and productivity based on the intercropping ratio of cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) with basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). on the rooftops to determine out the efficient ratio in urban agriculture. From April to September 2019, an experiment was conducted on the rooftop of Konkuk University Glocal Campus. Cherry tomato and basil were selected as companion plants for eco-friendly urban agriculture on the rooftops. Each plot was created with a width of 100 cm, length of 100 cm, and height of 25 cm. After installing drainage and waterproof layers from bottom to top, substrate was laid out with a height of 20 cm. Intercropping ratio was consisted of a single tomato plant (TC), 2:1 tomato to basil (T2B1), 1:1 tomato to basil (T1B1), 1:2 tomato to basil 2 (T1B2), and a single basil plant (BC), were conducted using a randomized complete plot design with five treatments and three replication (a total 15 plots). Measurements were divided into growth, physiological responses, and productivity parameters, and detailed items were investigated and analyzed by classifying them into plant height, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, root length, root collar caliper, chlorophyll contents, fresh weight, dry weight, number of fruit, fruit caliper, fruit weight, and sugar content. Comparative analyses of cherry tomato with basil plants by intercropping ratio, growth, physiological, and productivity responses are determined to be efficient when the ratio of cherry tomato to basil ratio is 2:1 or 1:1.
This study aimed to find a suitable size and a seedling raising stage for growing cuttings of Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald and Gold’ using plug trays. The experimental method, involved cutting two nodes from a solitary branch of E. fortunei ‘Emerald and Gold’, and the use of 32 (143 mL/cell), 50 (70 mL/cell), 105 (18 mL/cell), 200 (13 mL/cell) plug trays. The cuttings were transplanted to trays after they were filled with a universal horticultural medium. To compare the growths, plant heights, the numbers of leaves, longest root lengths, thickness/radius ratios, dry weights, and fresh weights were measured from July to October, and statistical analyses were performed using both the two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post-test. The results confirmed that the size of the plug tray and the seedling raising stage had a significant effect on the growth of E. fortunei ‘Emerald and Gold.’ In addition, the overall growth was high and the change in growth was relatively rapid in districts 50 and 105. Therefore, it can be considered appropriate to use 50 and 105 trays when growing cuttings of E. fortunei ‘Emerald and Gold’ on plug trays.
This study was conducted to investigate the growth of Dendranthema zawadskii in damaged soils when they are treated with improvement agents. The treatments consisted of a control (unamended field soil) and the application of a loess ball of 1 cm to the field soil. According to the degree of damage the de-icing agent had caused, the soils were divided into 3 areas (based on the yellowing of Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis in soil surveys): H (high saline), M (medium saline), and L (low saline). A total of six treatments were performed: D. zawadskiia plant without soil amendment (H; high saline soil, M; medium saline soil, L; low saline soil), and a D. zawadskiia plant with loess ball on the soil surface (H.L; high saline soil with loess ball, M.L; medium saline soil with loess ball, L.L; low saline soil with loess ball). The results showed that D. zawadskiia growth went from highest to lowest in the order: M.L > L.L > M > L > H.L > H. Plant growth results showed that soils treated with soil amendments (loess ball) were better for D. zawadskii growth than untreated soils.
This study analyzes the effect of negative air ions on the concentration of airborne particulate matter and evaluates the expected purification efficiency of open spaces for particulate matter by investigating the amount of negative air ions generated by plants. This study establishes a negative air ion generation treatment environment, plant environment, and control environment to measure the purification efficiency of particulate matter under the conditions of each, analyzing the expected purification efficiency by designing a particulate matter purification model. Results show that the amount of generated negative air ion according to environment was negative air ion generation treatment environment > plant environment > control environment; this order also applies to the particulate matter purification efficiency. Moreover, it took 65 min for the negative ion generation treatment environment, 90 min for the plant environment, and 240 min for the control environment to reach the standard expected purification efficiency of particulate matter concentration of 960 mg/m³ for PM10. For PM2.5, with the designated maximum concentration of 700 mg/m³, it took 60 min for the negative ion generation treatment environment, 80 min for the plant environment, and more than 240 min for the control environment. Based on these results, the expected purification efficiency compared to the control environment was quadrupled in the negative ion generation treatment environment and tripled in the plant environment on average.
This study was conducted to analyze seasonal variations of de-icing salt ions harvested from soils and plants according to salt damage of Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis, a evergreen conifer, on roadsides. Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis was divided into three groups referred to SD, ND, and WD (serious salt damage (SD) = 71 100%, normal salt damage (ND) = 31 70%, and weak salt damage (WD) = 0 30%) based on the degree of visible foliage damage, and measured acidity (pH), electrical conductivity(EC), and de-icing salt ions (K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+) harvested from soils and plants. The results indicated that acidity, electrical conductivity, and de-icing salt ions of soils and plants were significantly affected by seasonal variation and salt damage. In addition, a strong positive liner relationship was observed in plants between the concentration of de-icing salts and salt damage in spring, while the relationship among seasonal variation and salt damage in soil were not significant. The results from this study has important implications for the management of conifer species in relation to salinity and roadsides maintenance.
This study aims to identify the most tolerant species under salinity stress from amongst Asteraceae and Poaceae. The seeds of six species were exposed to different concentrations of CaCl2 (0, 9, 18, 45, 90 mM) and NaCl (0, 17, 34, 85, 170 mM), and germination was measured once every two days. The results indicated that percent germination of the six species of Asteraceae and Poaceae seeds were affected differently by changes in salinity concentration. Seed germination was reduced as salinity levels increase, and longer mean germination times correlated to lower percent germination and earlier germination cessation. Both Asteraceae and Poaceae seeds had the highest germination rates at 18 mM CaCl2 and 34 mM NaCl, and seed germination and growth were severely reduced at salinities greater than 90 mM CaCl2 and 170 mM NaCl. In the seeds of Poaceae, salt resistance was strong in the order of Miscanthus sinensis Andersson, Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng., and Phragmites communis Trin. In the seeds of Asteraceae, salt resistance was strong in the order of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum (Maxim.) Kitam, Aster yomena (Kitam.) Honda, and Dendranthema boreale (Makino) Ling ex Kitam.. Overall, the germination rate was higher in Asteraceae than in Poaceae. This study demonstrated that Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum (Maxim.) Kitam. is the most tolerant species and that a relationship exists between the salt tolerance of percent germination and the mean germination time in the leaves.
Tropaeolum majus, with a high decorative and food demand for vertical greening systems, has been utilized to revitalize urban agriculture. The effects of number of non-woven fabrics in a non-water environment and the adaptability of T. majus to this system were investigated. Planting ground composition of the container-type wall vertical greening system was made using non-woven fabric in one, two, three, or four layers. The results showed that the soil water content remained the highest when the non-woven fabric comprised 4 sheets. The morphological properties showed more growth with the 4 sheets than with 1, 2, and 3 sheets. In terms of physiological characteristics, chlorophyll content was mostly high in the 4 sheets, while shoot fresh weight value was in the order of 3 sheets > 4 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet, and root fresh weight value was in the order of 4 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet > 3 sheets. The dry weight of the measured values in the shoot was in the order of 4 sheets > 3 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet while no clear difference was found in the root of each treatment. The difference in the flowring characteristics was not different, but in evaluating the characteristics as a whole, the growth in the three layers of non-waven fabric was the best. In addition, the soil moisture content and the growth characteristics were statistically significant as a positive correlation between the groups. Thus, greater the non-woven fabric, the higher is the adaptability of T. majus to dry stress under soil water-free conditions by maintaining soil moisture content. This showed that it represented an effective alternative as a method of vertical greening system for lower maintenance urban agriculture.
This study aimed to analyze the growth and physical responsees of Dracaena braunii in response salt accumulation in ornamental water culture and to examine the effect of activated carbon on this growth response. The experiment was conducted in a plant growth chamber and the indoor environmental conditions of the chamber were set at 23 ± 1℃ temperature, 70 ± 3% humidity, and 1,000 lux brightness. The observation of the growth response of plants in the presence of activated carbon showed that the pH with activated carbon maintained sub-acidic to neutral (6.27∼7.32) conditions and showed decreased electric conductivity in the media. As the treatment with added activated carbon showed good growth and physical responses, this indicated that absorption effect of activated carbon had a positive influence on the growth of plants. However, as the absorption effect of activated carbon may decrease over time and the use of high concentrations of activated carbon might cause nutrition shortage, various concentration of activated carbon and their absorption effects need to be investigated in the future.
Vertical farming systems offer many advantages in urban spaces. They have also been proposed as an engineering solution to increase the productivity per unit area of cultivated land by extending crop production in the vertical dimension. However, soil water retention is a major constraint affecting the plant environment. This study analyzed the effects of growth environment of Tropaeolum majus and Fragaria spp., on the vertical farming system, by using four different types of cover material types including sphagnum moss (Control), a shading net (S.N.), multi-layered fabric (M.L.F.), and non-woven fabric (N.W.F.). The volumetric soil moisture contents and plant characteristics were investigated from May to September 2014. Plant materials were individually cultivated in hanging baskets measuring 30×17×17 cm, filled with a mixture of soil and perlite, and placed at 1.5m height. Each treatment was performed in quadruplicate and consisted of five plants, amounting to a total of 20 plants. The analysis indicated that different covers were associated with multiple functions and soil water retention improvements may have a positive impact on the vertical farming system. The difference in soil water retention increased in the following order: M.L.F. > Control > N.W.F. > S.N.. Furthermore, the differences in plant height and survival rate increased in the following order: M.L.F. > Control > N.W.F. > S.N. Therefore, M.L.F yielded satisfactory good response for the vertical farming system of cover materials. Our results clearly demonstrate that vertical spaces represent an attractive alternative to urban farming and suggest that further increases in yield may be achieved via different cover materials in vertical farming using hanging baskets.