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        검색결과 8

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aims to analyze the domestic studies on spiritual health to confirm research trends and present future direction. Methods: This study adopts the scoping review method, which comprises six stages: 1) identify the initial research question; 2) identify the relevant studies; 3) study selection; 4) “charting” the data; 5) collate, summarize, and report the results; and 6) optional consultation. An analysis of 372 research works between 1980 and 2022 was carried out. Results: Among the 372 studies reviewed, 218 were on nursing. The most frequently used study design was survey-correlational. The majority of study participants were patients and nursing students. The main research topic was spiritual well-being. In interventional research, the most frequently used program was spiritual care and spiritual care education. In the survey-correlational study, the variable of spiritual health had a positive relation with quality of life and mental health and a negative relation with depression and anxiety. The main instrument used for measuring variables was Paloutzian and Ellison’s spiritual well-being scale. Conclusion: The domestic research about spiritual health needs to utilize a variety of approaches, including tool development studies suitable for the Korean people, qualitative studies, systemic reviews and meta-analyses on spiritual health promotion program, typifying variables related to spiritual health.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: Spiritual communication is very important in the end of life care or during spiritual distress. But there are few guides on spiritual communication. The purpose of this study was to present the process and method of spiritual communication. Methods: Literature review and content analysis were adopted in this study. In this study, 12 documents were extracted and analyzed in the foreign academic literature dealing with 'spiritual communication', 'spiritual conversation' as main keywords. The concepts of spirit, spirituality, spiritual need, and spiritual health were briefly presented based on the results of previous major studies. Results: Spiritual communication is communication on spiritual topics to satisfy spiritual needs, to alleviate spiritual distress, and to promote spiritual health. In other words, it is communication that allows spirituality to be expressed positively by overcoming obstacles that lead to spiritual health. The process of spiritual communication is divided into preparation for spiritual communication investigation of spiritual history, and communication on spiritual topics. Conclusion: Spiritual communication is very important in spiritual crisis. In particular, patients with severe illnesses such as advanced cancer, the end of life care and spiritual distress, want to talk with their health care providers about spiritual topics. The results of this study will provide important information for future research for the development of spiritual communication skills.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: The research that uses hybrid model by Schwartz-Barcott & Kim recently gained attention in nursing academies due to its usefulness in practice. The number of research about the concept analysis and concept development using this method has been increased. The purpose of this study was to re-evaluate the Hybrid Model by Schwartz-Barcott & Kim. Methods: This study provided the concept, research design, research trends of Hybrid model through the comprehensive literature review and researcher’s analytical thinking. Results: Hybrid model was generally accepted in the literature as a new and comprehensive methodology. The design of Hybrid model, major components, strategies for sampling and data analysis, and usefulness of Hybrid model were examined. Also the research methodology in published articles in Korea were analysed. Conclusion: Hybrid model is very unique in terms as a method for concept analysis and development in the strength of combining theoretical analysis and empirical observation. Nursing researchers may take advantages of the Hybrid model in exploring nursing phenomena and concept in their research.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experience of a main caregiver, in charge of a family member with a severe chronic disease. Methods: The participants of this study were 13 main caregivers, who have a family member with a severe chronic disease. The data were analyzed through the phenomenological research method. Results: This research concluded with: one core theme, five theme clusters and 13 themes. The one core theme was: ‘My Life is Not Mine.’ The five theme clusters include: ‘The Dark Days Ahead, of What We Do,’ ‘Serious Pressure,’ ‘My Body is Broken (caregivers),’ ‘Overcoming,’ and finally ‘Endless, Long and Long tunnel.’ Conclusion: We must emphasize to a main caregiver of a chronic disease patient, to the fact that their life should be theirs, not the patients. In addition, we need to be attentive of their well-being, as well as the chronic disease Patients, and sensitively responsive to their problems.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        원예치료 교육, 보급 및 실행을 위한 기초 자료 제공 측면에서 원예치료논문 60편을 대상으로 사용횟수가 많은 용어를 원예, 의학, 심리 및 사회복지 관련 용어로 구분하여 조사하였으며, 이들 용어에 대한 일반인(기타직업) 49명, 원예학과 학생 20명, 원예치료사 21명, 사회복지사 20명, 간호사 21명의 이해도를 5점 척도법으로 조사하였다. 원예치료관련 용어를 분야별로 구분 후 상위 20개의 사용횟수를 조사한 결과 원예 관련 용어는 2,812회, 심리학 관련용어는 1,446회, 의학 관련 용어는 1,217회, 사회복지학 관련용어는 740회가 사용되었다. 원예 관련 용어에 대해서는 원예치료사와 원예전공 학생들의 이해도가 높게 나타났다. 의학과 심리학 용어에 대해서는 간호사와 사회복지사의 이해도가 높았으며, 사회복지 관련 용어에 대해서는 사회복지사와 간호사의 이해도가 높게 나타났다. 이와 같이 원예치료 용어에 대한 이해도는 원예치료사 및 교육대상에 따라 확연한 차이를 보여 효율적인 원예치료 교육을 위해서는 교육 대상자별로 이해도가 낮은 용어에 대한 교육이 반드시 이루어져야 할 것으로 생각된다.