본 연구에서는 인디안구스베리(암라), 찔레나무, 쏘팔메토열매를 5:1:1 비율로 Complex하고 추 출하여 0%, 0.5%, 2.5%, 12.5%, 100%의 NF Complex를 제조하였다. 제조한 NF Complex로 탈색한 시 료 모발에 도포 후 손상된 모발과 비교 · 분석하였다. 개선 효과를 확인하기 위해 인장강도, 광택, 흡광도, 명도를 측정하였다. 측정 결과 인장강도는 증가하였다. 광택은 함량이 100%는 감소하고 나머지 함량은 증 가하였다. 흡광도는 손상모와 대조군과의 차이가 있어 개선 효과가 있는 것으로 보인다. 명도는 변화는 있 으나 미미하였다. NF Complex의 평균값은 유의미한 차이가 있음을 확인하였으며 추후 다양한 추출방법 및 혼합 비율에 따른 연구가 필요하다고 판단된다.
It is very important to evaluate how the functions of products, facilities, and spaces affect human life. The evaluation of these actions has legal regulations such as certification, inspection, and diagnosis, and the degree of quality, safety, and excellence of the results is announced. This study sought to secure safety through efficient system operation by reviewing safety-related certification systems established and implemented by each government department in Korea and analyzing the characteristics of each system and similarities between systems. There was also an aspect of cross-checking safety through the certification and diagnosis system implemented by each ministry, but it was confirmed that the efficiency of the system should also be considered in terms of overlapping application. Therefore, when securing safety is confirmed based on each safety-related law, active alternatives such as exemption, substitution, delegation, etc. should be presented.
In this study, fire and evacuation safety of environmental energy facilities using fire and evacuation simulation was examined as part of performance-oriented design. The worst-case fire scenarios in which fire-fighting facilities such as sprinkler fire extinguishing and smoke control systems are not working, and the FDS analyzes the visibility, temperature distribution, and carbon monoxide concentration distribution through FDS. The safety was examined. As a result, it was proved that evacuation could limit the visibility, temperature, and carbon monoxide concentration in a smooth range, based on the safety standards set by relevant laws. In other words, it was possible to verify the safety of fire and evacuation for environmental energy facilities where a large amount of combustibles and fires coexist.