국내산 밀 품종의 최적 품질규격 연구를 목적으로 시비처리 조건을 달리한 주요 밀(수안, 조경, 백중, 금강, 고 소) 품종의 이화학적 특성 변화를 분석하였다. 밀 품종 5종을 4개의 시비 조건으로 처리한 시료는 국립식량과학 원으로부터 제공받아 사용하였다. 밀은 수분, 조회분, 조단백질, 천립중, 초자율을 분석하였고, 밀을 시험제분한 밀가루는 수분, 조회분, 조단백, RVA, SRC(water, sucrose, Na2CO3, Lactic acid) 분석을 실시하였다. 밀의 조단백 질 함량은 수안이 8.8-14.6%, 조경은 8.5-12.6%, 금강은 9.5-16.6%, 백중은 9.1-14.6, 고소는 9.5-13.5%로 나타났고, 초자율은 수안 52.0-86.0%, 조경 44.7-76.0%, 금강 73.3-76.0%, 백중 18.7-86.0%, 고소 51.3-88.0%로 확인되었다. 시 험제분한 밀가루의 조단백질은 수안 7.2-12.6%, 조경 7.1-10.8%, 금강 8.6-13.4%, 백중 7.1-12.2%, 고소 7.2-10.9% 로 나타났으며, SRC(Lactic acid) 값은 수안이 88.5-120.2, 조경은 92.2-121.4, 금강은 104.0-123.3, 백중은 86.0-120.7, 고소는 96.2-117.0의 범위를 나타내는 것으로 확인되었다. 시비 조건에 따라 동일한 밀 품종이라도 조 단백질 함량은 최저값 대비 최대 74.7%까지 상승하였고, 밀가루의 SRC(Lactic acid) 값도 최대 40.3%까지 상승하 였다.
when adopting and implementing GHS system in Korea and to draft the revision proposal for Industrial Safety and Health Act taking into account of unique domestic situation. The research method is to conduct a survey for 2 month period from early April to late May in 2006 to 830 randomly selected chemical manufacturing, importing and exporting, and consumption companies out of all the companies surveyed by the Ministry of Labor under 2004 Work Environment Status National Survey. A total of 610 survey was collected and analyzed. The results of this thesis is summarized as follows , First, based on the survey analysis it is vital to conduct a national PR using pamphlet, internet, and daily newspaper and to provide technical assistance such as training expert and publishing GHS manual by expert organization such as Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) for early settlement of GHS in Korea. Second, it is also needed to give a grace period of 1 to 2 years to minimize the dramatic impact for industry, to encourage the establishment of the GHS team utilizing safety managers within companies, and to develop and distribute the standard GHS software by government. Third, taking into account of difficult situation of small companies, KOSHA needs to provide a full technical and financial support for companies with less than 100 employees and especially for chemical manufacturing companies. Fourth, it is also needed to operate an Interministrial GHS Committee (IGC) involving 7 related ministries for smooth GHS implementation and to develop an infra by sharing responsibilities among related ministries and establishing internationally recognized organization for hazard classification, labelling, and MSDS.