
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 35

        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 생물생산시설의 안전구조설계기준 마련을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여, 우리나라의 60개 지역에 대한 기상자료를 사용하여 설계하중 산정에 필요한 재현기간별 설계풍속 및 설계 적설심을 구하고 등풍속선도 및 등적설심선도를 작성하였으며, 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 년최고치 계열의 최대풍속 및 최대적설심 자료에 대한 Type-I 극치분포의 적정 확률분포형 검정을 위해 Chi-Square검정을 실시한 결과 대부분 지역에서 적합성이 인정되었다. 2. 적정 확률분포형으로 설정된 Type-I 극치분포에 의하여 재현기간별 표본 수에 따른 빈도계수를 구하고, 각 지역의 설계풍속 및 설계적설심을 구하였으며 결과는 Table 5와 Table 6, 그리고 Fig.3 및 Fig.4와 같다. 3. 최대풍속의 최빈풍향 분석결과 최대풍속의 약 46.4 %가 일정한 방향인 것으로 나타났으며, 지형이나 환경상의 문제가 없을 경우 최빈풍향을 고려해 주는 시설배치로 구조적 안전성을 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4. 우리나라의 풍속 및 적설심을 고려해 볼 때 울릉도 및 영동지방은 시설재배지역으로 매우 불리하며, 충남과 전북 서해안 지역은 적설에, 서남해안 지역은 바람에 강한 구조로 설계하는 것이 바람직하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        3D-analysis by SAP2000 software is required for designing of sea pools in order to settle the problems regarding the degradation of the concrete durability. Sea pools are faced with sea water including salts so it is used high strength concrete, reinforced high strength and urethane for its construction. The purpose of this paper is to establish specifications and data for the construction of the sea pools.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, ecosystem restoration is absolutely necessary for fishes in the shallow rivers. In case of water overflows by typhoon, 3D-analysis by SAP2000 software is required for designing of natural type of fish passage in order to settle its problems regarding the degradation of the concrete durability.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the multi-functional fishway with underground passage, sediment block system reflect the fish's ecological characteristics and many kinds of fish up and down easily is proposed. The 3D-analysis of Reinforced Concrete(R/C) Slab and R/C + Steel Concrete(S/C) Slab with rectangular underground passage are carried out by SAP 2000 software program about multi-functional fishway's durability. The Slab analysis results show that the R/C Slab type of the maximum stress is decreased by 27.8 than that of R/C + S/C type(Size:0.8m x 0.1m, Velocity: 1.6m/sec)and the shortage of shear is 31.9 than that of R/C + S/C type(Size:0.8m x 0.2m, Velocity: 1.6m/sec). The stability of R/C + S/C concrete slab with underground passage is more favorable than that of R/C concrete slab.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fish movement was blocked by Dam construction in korea, but fish of the ecosystem can be destoryed without movement of fish in the small stream or river. In this study, the water ladder type of fishway with the fish's ecological specific character is proposed. That is created similar to the real natural environment in order to overcome differences in water pressure. It consists water hydrology, bypass, viewing chamber and viewing windows. It is used IT pumping system and bypass fishway for dry season especially. 3D analysis by SAP2000 Soft Ware is essential in concrete structures for the degradation of its durability using the multi-functional fishway's advantages.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on the study of chloride migration coefficient and hydration heat evolution, it was found that the use of ternary blended cement was effective to achieve desired service life and minimum crack index. On the other hand, a high level of compressive strength is required for marine concrete mix design.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the 3D-analysis of multi-functional fishway with square form of underground passage and circle type of underground passage are carried out by SAP2000 soft ware. In case of width 2m, 1m of vertical cross-section structure, the width 300mm× length 300mm and the width 1,000mm× length 400mm of square type were experimental parameters. The structural analysis results show stress of square form passage for water pressure alleviation by % compared to that of a square form passage. The stability of square type of concrete is more beneficial than that of circle type of concrete.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In 1916 had come Dr. Frank W. Scofield as a Medical Professor at the Severance Medical College in Korea. In 1958 after the reacquisition of independence he visited Korea again but as a state guest, and then acquired the Korean citizenship. His love of Korea and the Korean People has been same now and then. His life as such can be evaluated with threefold frame of reference from Korean Church History. First, he was a Christian man of nationalistic movement for the Korean independence. He contributed for enhancing it in publicizing throughout the whole world the real features of the movement by means of the pictures which he had taken at the very spots of the March-First Independence Movement at the request of Kap-Sung Lee, one of the 33 national representatives. Besides, he visited and took care of many Koreans who had been suffered from severe punishment because of joining it. During this time he heard fact of Japanese putting Koreans to the brutal and barbarous tortures, which caused him to call out for stopping such things to the Japanese authority. It was very meaningful in relation with the movement that he visited the place of massacre at Chaiamm-ni during this time and reported its misery to the whole world, and that he aroused global interest in the Korean independence. He was banished from Korea under the pressure of Japanese regime because of his support of the Independence Movement. Second, he was a church reformer who succeeded the spirit of the Independence Movement. Dr. Scofield saw a real state of the Korean Church. He hoped that she should return to and stay all the time in the spirit of the movement. He diagnosed her as corrupted in an article with the title ‘Korean Church, Yesterday and Today’ in <Christianity Thought>printed in March 1961. According to Dr. Scofield, the Korean Church, 40 years ago, was devoted to the Bible-study and was alive with a self-sacrificing spirit. But she at that time became secularized and lost power of sanctification. Dr. Scofield emphasized on the fact that she should restore the spirit of the March-First Independence Movement 40 years ago. Third, he has been a medical missionary and educator who accomplishes his mission at his own expense. At the first time, he had come to Korea as a missionary of the Canadian Presbyterian Church, but after reacquisition of the Independence he discarded relationship with any other foreign missionary societies. Though in such a status, he accomplished his mission with self support. Along with the main job of teaching at universities, he grouped young students and led them in the Bible study for hoping them to become future leaders of Korea. Also, he supported regularly social welfare organizations and provided the poor students with scholarship, so that they could complete their education. While he himself lived a thrift way of life, he practiced completely non-possessive life style for the sake of his neighbors. It was faithful living up to his conviction on the Christian value as such that made him fulfilled a admirable life. In short, his whole life manifested a true way of sharing, caring, and praying. His direct involvement in the Korean Independence Movement and missionary works is so marvelous as to one human being. However, the Korean Church has been neglecting in the right evaluation. As for me the only reason for that is due to his independent missionary works as of lay person outside of any denominational relation. Now, it is the urgent task that the Korean Church is to explore his life and thought, and to apply them to herself.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Nach der Reformation erscheint ein eingenartiger Pfarrer auf der Bühne in der Zeit der lutherischen Orthodoxie. Er ist Johann Arndt(1555-1621), der im Gegenteil zur Tendenz der lutherischen Orthodoxie auf die Ansicht der Mystik umfangreich eingeht. Sein Hauptwerk, Vier Bücher vom wahren Christentum(1605-1610), zeigt in einigen Maßen die Neigung für die Mystik und ist ein weitgehend lesendes Erbauungsbuch nach der Bibel in Deutschland im ganzen 17. Jahrhundert und in den folgenden Generationen weiter. Besonders drückt das letzte Buch des wahren Christentums, Liber Naturae, als zwei starke Beweise für Gott grosse Welt und kleine Welt, als Mensch aus. Arndt wollte das Ziel auf die Schöpfung der grossen Welt durch Gottes sechs Tage Schöpfung im ersten Buch Mose zum Ausdruck bringen: zu loben, preisen und kennen Gott. Arndt macht uns die Schöpfung der kleinen Welt durch die Schöpfung der grossen Welt zu sehen. Er zeigt das Licht der kleinen Welt im Menschen durch die Schöpfung des Lichtes in der grossen Welt. Bei ihm ist die sichtbare Welt von der unsichtbaren Welt nicht getrennt, sondern verbunden. Deswegen sondert nicht die Bewahrung der Schöpfung Gottes von die Existenz der Menschen ab. Die Seligkeit des einzelnen Menschen steht mit der Bewahrung der Schöpfung in Verbindung. Da der Sünder, d.h. der das Bild Gottes Verlorene, seine eigene kleine Welt verderbt, mußte die grosse Welt verderben. Daher ist es keineswegs denkbar die Trennung der Wiederherstellung der Schöpfung Gottes von der Wiederherstellung des ursprünglichen Menschen. Die Zerstörung der Schöpfungswelt beruht auf die Verderbnis des Menschen, weil der Mensch sein ursprüngliches Bild verloren hat. Deswegen ist die Seligkeit bei Arndt, das ursprüngliche Bild des Menschen in der Schöpfung wiederherzustellen, weil der urspüngliche Mensch nicht verderbt, sondern gut war.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Der Reformator Martin Luther hat eigentlich die Kirche, die er erneuert hat, nicht Lutherische Kirche, sondern Evangelische genannt. Da wurde das Evangelium richtig durch sie verkündigt. Es ist nicht leicht zu sagen, dass evangelicalism im 18. Jahrhundert geschichtlich auf die Evangelische Kirche im 16. Jahrhundert beruht. Aber die beiden haben die Kontinuität in der Theologie besonders auf dem Felde der Soteriologie, z. B. Gnade, Sünde, Wiedergeburt, Bekehrung etc. Eine solche theologische Kontinuität befindet sich im Pietismus im 17. Jahrhundert. Man denkt daran, dass Luther und die Pietisten in der grundlegenden Thematik der Theologie stimmen. In der soteriologischen Perspektive stimmt die Theologie von Ph. Jakob Spener mit evagelicalism über Gnade, Sünde, Wiedergeburt überein. Spener kennt das System der lutherisch-orthodoxen Theologie mit der Form ‘Loci’. Aber sie sind das dogmatische Lehrbuch für die Theologen nicht für die Laien. Wegen der Schwierikeit zum Verstehen der ‘Loci’ für die Laien braucht man einen neuen Weg zum Erreichen des Verständnisses für die dogmatischen Punkten. Damit benutzt Spener mit einer Reihe von Predigten von 1. Advent 1686 bis zum 26. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 1687 seine dogmatischen Gedanken: die Evangelische Glaubens-Lehre von 1688. In der Evangelischen Glaubens -Lehre zeigt sich, dass das Fundament der Theologie Speners zuallererst in der Heiligen Schrift und in den Schriften Luthers liegt. Spener beruft sich auf zahlreiche Bibelverse, insbesondere aus dem Neuen Testament, zum einen für den Beweis der Lehre, zum andern zur Orientierung für das praktische Leben der Christen. In die Evangelische Glaubens-Lehre beschreibt Spener die Möglichkeit der Harmonie zwischen der christlichen Lehre und dem christlichen Leben. In diesem Sinne kann die Evangelische Glaubens-Lehre als praktisch-dogmatisches Lehrbuch angesehen werden. Sie zeigt die fides quae creditur und fodert gleichzeitig von den Hörern bzw. den Lesern die fides qua creditur. Die christliche Lehre unterscheidet sich nicht vom christlichen Leben, sondern sie muss durch letzteres bestätigt werden. Speners die Evangelische Glaubens-Lehre führt das Wort des Systems der pietistischen Theologie. Auf Sicht der evangelical Theologie und des Inhaltes des evangelicalism im 18. Jahrhundert, man weiss, dass der Pietismus im 17. Jahrhundert nicht zum Ende gegangen, sondern in dem andern Ort und der Zeit weiter existiert.
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