
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 35

        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to investigate the factors affecting superovulation in rabbits and to determine the effect of pFSH and PMSG on ovarian superovulatory responses and embryo production, and the effect of superovulation treatment with a single injection of pFSH dissolved in polyvinylpyrrolidone on the ovarian responses and the embryo quality. The results obtained were suonmerized as follows: Superovulatory response resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher ovulation rates and more embryos in spring or autumn, compared with summer or winter. Repeated superovulatory treatments with PMSG leaded to a significantly(P<0.05) decreased number of total follicles and recovered ova. Superovulation with pFSH resulted in the higher number of ovulated follicles and recovered ova than with PMSG. A single subcutaneous injection of pFSH dissolved in 25% PVP resulted in the more ovulation points(33.2) and recovered embryos(30.2), which were comparable to the multiple injections of pFSH(44.8 vs 37.7).These results indicated that the treatment with a single injection of FSH dissolved in PVP was an efficient and simple alternative method to the conventional multiple FSH injections for superovulation in rabbits.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Percoll,Swim-up 그리고 Glass-wool 여과법의 세가지 정자분리 방법에 대한 정자 회수율, 생존율과 첨체반응율, 그리고 체외수정 후 배양시간에 따른 전핵형성율,수정란의 발달율과 세포할구수에 대한 효과를 조사하고자 실시하였다. 도축된 암소로 부터 채취한 난자를 22시간 체외배양 후 성숙된 난자를 체회수정시켰다. 수정 후 배양시간에 따라 존핵율을 조사하였으며 48시간에 분할율,192시간에 배반포기 발달율 및 세포할구수를 각각 비교
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In vitro fertilization(IVF) derived morula and blastocyst embryos were bisected by a simple method and cultured in vitro without zona pellucida And also bisected embryos were frozen-thawed and cultured in vitro) to evaluate the survival rate. The results obtained were as follows : The average number of grade I or II immature follicular oocytes recovered by slicing method per ovary was 11.9 from 142 ovaries. Following in vitro fertilization, the rates of cleavage and in vitro development to morula and blatocyst were 61.7 and 32.2% respectively. The successful bisection rate of IVE embryos was 67.51%, and the embryos of blastocyst stage were bisected successfully at significantly(P
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to improve the production efficiency of in vitro produced (IVP) embryos in Korean Native cows. The optimal conditions and procedures for in vitro maturation(IVM), in vitro fertilization(IVF) and in vitro culture(IVC) of bovine follicular oocytes and IVP embryos were evaluated. Immature follicular oocytes were collected fiom the follicles of bovine ovaries obtained from abattoirs. The oocytes of Grade I and II for IVM were cocultured with monolayered bovine oviductal epithelial cells(BOEG) or granulosa cells in TCM-199 solution supplemented with follicle stimulating hormone, lutenizing hormone, estradiol-17 and heat inactivated fetal calf serum at 39 under 5% in air for 14 to 24 hours. Most of the oocytes(93%) matured to metaphase II in 24 hours. The cocultured IVM oocytes were fertilized in vitro at significantly(P<0.05) higher rate with BOEC(83.8%) and with granulosa cells(84.6%) than the non-cocultured IVM oocytes(73.6%). The IVM-IVF embryos developed to morula and blastocyst at significantly(P<0.05) higher rate in coculture with BOEC(41.2%) than with granulosa cells(23.1%) or conditioned medium(23.4%).
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A series of experiments were designed to determine the feasibility of single dose of FSH as an effective superovulation method in rabbits. The superovulation treatments examined comparatively were as follows: 1) a single injection of 100 IU PMSG, 2) Multiple injections of 1 IU Super-OV of 2X daily for 3 days, 3) Multiple injections of 6.6 rng Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days, 4) Multiple injections of 13.3 rng Folltropn-V l daily for 3 days, 5) Single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V solved in 10% PVP, and 6) Single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP. The results obtained were as follows: The nurnher of ovulation points in the single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP and multiple injections of 6.6 mg Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days was averaged 44.6 and 39.2, respectively, which were significantly (P<0.05) more than in a single dose of PMSG or multiple doses of Super-OV. The number of total ova recovered in the single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP and multiple injections of 6.6 mg Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days was averaged 30.4 and 25.9, respectively, which were significantly (P<0.05) more than in the single dose of PMSG or multiple doses of Super-OV. A similar result was obtained for the number of fertilized ova recovered from the above six treatments. From the above results it was concluded that a single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP could be an effective and simple method for superovulation in rabbits.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present experirnents on cryopreservation were carried out to investigate effect of solution toxicity, equilibration time and cell stages on the post-thaw survival of mouse morulae and blastocyst embryos cryopreserved by vitrification in EFS solution. The mouse embryos were exposed to the EFS solution in one step at room temperature, kept in the EFS solution during different period for toxicity test, vitrified in liquid nitrogen and thawed rapidly. After the mouse morulae embryos were exposed to EFS solution for 2 and 5 ruin. at room temperature and then they were washed in 0.5 M sucrose solution and basal mediurn(D-PBS + 10% FCS), they were cultured to examined cryoprotectant toxicity induced injury during exposure, most of embryos developed to expanded blastocysts(100 and 90.0%). However, when the exposure time was extended to 10 and 20 min, these development rates dropped dramatically in 10 ruin. (75.0%) and 20 ruin. (4.5%), respectively. When the compacted morulae were vitrified in EFS solution after equilibration for 2 and 5 min, the embryos have developed to normal blastocyst following thawing, washing and culture processes was 89.3 and 89.6%. However, when the exposure time was expanded to 10 ruin, this survival rate dropped to 68.8%. When the blastocyst were vitrified in EFS solution after equilibration for 2, 5 and 10 minutes, the survival rate of embryos which developed to normal blastocyst following thawing and culture processing were 58.5, 46.7 and 22.4%, respectively. The optimal time of equilibration of mouse morula and blastocysts in EFS solution seemed o be 2 and 5 ruin.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to produce cloned aniraals by nuclear transplantation in rabbits. The ovulated oocytes were collected from the oviducts between 14 and 15 hours after hGG injection. The denuded oocytes were used as nuclear recipient cytoplasm following enucleation by micromanipulation. The blastomeres separated from the 8-cell embryos were used as nuclear donor. The nucleated oocytes receiving a blastomere in the perivitelline space were electrically fused in the 0.28 M mannitol solution at 1.5 kV /cm, 60sec for three times. The nuclear transplant embryos which were used and developed to 2- to 4-cell stage in vitro were transferred into the oviducts of synchronized recipient does. A total of 64 nuclear transplant embryos were transferred to 7 recipient does and produced three offspring(4.7%) from a foster mother 31 days after embryo transfer.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The suitable electric stimulation is essential for activation and fusion of oocytes before or after nuclear transplantation The present study was undertaken to determine the optirnal condition for the parthenogenetic activation of in vitro rnatured(IVM) bovine oocytes by electric stimulation. Different direct current(DC) electric voltage of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kV/cm and pulse duration of 30, 60 and 120 sec were applied to the JVM nocytes in 0.3 M mannitol solution containing each 100 M CaCl and MgCl. IVM occytes at 24, 28 and 32 hours Post-maturation(hpm) were also electrically stimulated at 1.5 kV /cm, for 60 sec. The stimulated nocytes were then co-cultured in TCM-199 solution containing 10% fetal calf serum with bovine oviductal epithelial cells for 7~9 days in a 5% incubator at 39 ~ Their activation and in vitro development to morula and blastocyst were assessed under an inverted microscope. The higher activation rates 62.8 and 63.4% and in vitro de- velopment rates to morula and blastocyst 5.1 and 10.9% were shown in the oocytes stimulated at the voltage of 1.0 and 1.5 kV/cm than 2.0 kV/cm, respectively. No signifi- cantly(P<0.05) different activation rate was shown in JVM oocytes stimulated for 30, 60 and 120 sec, but developmental rates to morula and blastocyst was significantly(P<0.05) higher in the oocytes stimulated for 30 sec(6~3%) and 60 sec(10~0%) than 120 sec(0~ 0%). The aged oocytes at 28 and 30 hpm showed significantly(P<0.05) higher activation rates(72~7 and 79.7%) than the oocytes at 24 hpm(50~9%)~ Also, their developmental rates to morula and blastocyst were significantly(P<0.05) higher in the nocytes at 28(14.3%) and 32 hpm(15.9%) than 24 hpm(3.6%). From these results, it can be suggested that the optimal electric stimulation for IVM bovine occytes is a DC voltage between 1.0 and 1.5 kV/cm, pulse duration of 30 or 60 sec, and the optimal age of IVM oocytes for electric activation is at 32 hpm.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was investigated the effect of presence of granulosa cells from follicles of different size on bovine oocyte maturation, cleavage and development to late stage. The nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes in the IVM-IVF system are critical for subsequent embryo development. Granulosa cells when the co-cultured with oocytes may interact with cumulus-oocytes complexes and influence the development competence of the oocytes. Granulosa cells from medium (2~6 mm) and large(>1O mm) size follicles were recovered by aspiration, washed 3 times by centrifugation at 500 x g for 5 min. and used for co-culture at a concentration of 2~3 x 106 cells/mi. The oocytes were matured in vitro (IVM) for 24 hrs. in TCM-199 supplemented with 35 g/ml FSH, 10 g/ml LH, 1 g/ml estradiol-17 and granulosa cells at 39 under 5% in air. They were fertilized in vitro (IVF) by epididymal spermatozoa treated with heparin for 24 hrs., and then the zygotes were co-cultured in vitro (I VC) with bovine oviductal epithelial cells for 7 to 9 days. The assessment of maturation revealed that Grade J oocytes showed significantly(P
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        돼지 중간엽 줄기세포를 Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), Ethylene glycol(EG), 그리고 DMSO/EG을 이용하여 세포동결을 유도한 후 적절한 동결보호제를 알아보았다. 2개월 이내 돼지 골수에서 중간엽 줄기세포를 분리하여 colony 형성 및 alkaline phosphatase(AP) 활성을 확인하고, 지방 세포로의 분화 유도에 의한 줄기세포의 능력을 확인하였다. 이들 중간엽 줄기세포의 완만 동결을 위해, DMEM에 각각 10
        2003.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        흑염소는 우리나라 고유의 재래가축으로 다른 축종에 비해 아직까지 재래의 특성이 남아있는 가축이다. 또한 흑염소는 다른 경제동물에 비해 체구가 작고 온순하여 다루기 쉽고, 번식력이 좋으며, 임신기간이 짧은 장점을 가지고 있어 생명공학이나 형질전환동물의 생산과 같은 학문연구를 위한 실험용 동물로 많이 이용되고도 있다. 가축개량의 한 방법으로 오랫동안 수정란이식 기술이 연구ㆍ이용되고 있으나 한우, 젖소, 돼지 등의 한정된 동물에게만 연구ㆍ개발 되어왔으며, 흑
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