Three-dimensional (3D) organoids act as model systems because they mimic in vivo tissue morphology. Recent advancements in the field have demonstrated that organoids derived from various organs have assisted in understanding the underlying mechanisms of disease modeling and expanded our knowledge of organ development in vitro. Furthermore, these organoids have become a promising biomaterial in regenerative medicine for therapeutic purposes as well as in nutritional research for feed efficiency measurement in livestock. Intestinal organoids of livestock, including pigs, cattle, chickens, and horses, have been developed. These could be used to examine host-pathogen interactions, such as interaction between enteric viruses and epithelial cells, and are potential alternatives to in vivo systems. However, there are very limited studies regarding species-specific medium to cultivate and establish intestinal organoids of livestock. Species-specific medium is applied differently between species for the cultivation of intestinal organoids, and its modification is important for the maintenance of specific cell types or genes from the cellular diversity of the intestinal epithelium. In this study, we introduce the histological development of a 3D culture system and a species-specific medium for the cultivation of intestinal organoids in livestock. Finally, we discuss the importance and future perspectives of intestinal organoids in the fields of agriculture and biotechnology for various purposes.
간장게장은 우리나라 전통 식품 중의 하나로 생 꽃게를 세척한 후 간장소스를 첨가하고 저온에서 숙성시켜 포장 하여 상업적으로 판매하고 있다. 하지만, 간장게장 제조 특성 상 열처리를 하지 않기 때문에, 간장게장의 미생물학적 품질을 유지하는데 어려움이 따른다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 원물 꽃게의 초기 미생물 저감화를 위해 여러 살균세척제의 효능을 비교하고 저장 중 간장게장 제품의 미생물학적 품질을 유지하기 위해 키토산의 항균 효능을 평가하였다. 먼저, 상온에서 생 꽃게를 염소수(50 mg/L), 과초산(40 mg/L), acetic acid (5%), lactic acid(5%)에 각각 10분간 침지시켜 일반세균수를 분석하였다. 결과를 살펴보면, 여러 살균세척제 중 5% acetic acid 세척이 생 꽃게에 존재하는 일반세균수를 약 1.5 log CFU/g까지 감소시켜 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 키토산 효능을 평가하기 위해 현재 상업적으로 제조되고 있는 간장게장(방법 1; 전해수 세척), 5% acetic acid로만 세척된 꽃게(방법 2), 5% acetic acid로 세척된 꽃게에 0.5%(방법 3)와 1%(방법 4)의 수용성 키토산이 첨가된 간장으로 제조된 간장게장을 각각 4oC와 12oC에서 최대 30일까지 저장하면서 일반세균수, 대장균군 및 대장균수를 측정하였다. 12oC에서 저장된 간장게장의 일반세균 수는 7일이 지났을 때 약 8 log CFU/g까지 증가하였다. 4oC의 경우, 1% 키토산이 첨가된 군(방법 4)에서 20 일 동안 약 2.9 log CFU/g까지만 증가한 것으로 나타나 키 토산 무첨가군(방법 1과2)과 0.5% 첨가군(방법 3)(4.2~4.5 log CFU/g)에 비하여 훨씬 효과적이었다. 본 결과에 따라, 생 꽃게를 5% acetic acid로 세척한 후 간장게장에 1% 키토산을 첨가하여 냉장온도에서 저장한다면 간장게장 제품의 미생물학적 품질 향상에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 여겨진다.
As a result of broadcasters' websites, there were more reports during the typhoon Bolaven/Tembin in 2012 than in 2002 and 2003. Checking related press releases of each broadcaster on NAVER, YTN reports are 3 times more than KBS. Considering great technology progress in the Internet and smart phone user environment compared to the past, it is thought to be rather regretful in that KBS has been the supervising broadcaster over Korean disaster. As a result of daily reports, the year 2002 typhoon Rusa was reported from the date of its arrival on Korean Peninsular to 3 days, but the information required to be provided for disaster prevention before its arrival was too scarce. 2003 typhoon Maemi was reported as many times as the 2002 typhoon, but its information was provided before its arrival. This is meaningful because the information provision was intended for disaster prevention unlike the past. In 2012, the number of weather forecast broadcast on the typhoon Bolaven/Tembin increased greatly compared to 2002 and 2003. This was also determined to be due to abundant information provided by broadcasters and the Internet portal sites as a result of great progress in Korea internet industry.
As a result of dividing typhoon that affected Korean Peninsular between 1999 and 2012 into 7 types of path and entering forecast field and analysis field of RDAPS, until 36 hours from the time of forecast, it is reliable to use the forecast field of RDAPS to predict typhoon and for each typhoon path, the difference between the forecast and the analysis shows normal distribution, which is usable for weather forecast until the 36th hour. In the 48th hour from the time of forecast, the difference of result depending on each typhoon path increased, which was analyzed to be due to errors in the forecast. It was expected that relatively reasonable results should be shown if the 36th hour forecast is used to predict the strength and distribution of strong wind. As a result of using Korean RAM and observing the difference of the maximum damage, reliability was secured up to 36 hours and after 48hours, it was expected that the fluctuation of results may become more severe.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a sport motivation scale and to verify the validity of the developed scale. Methods: 534 athletes and non-athletes participated in this study, and for analyzing data descriptive statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA), reliability test, correlation analysis. Results: The results of EFA and CFA supported the 6-factor(internal regulation, integrated regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation, non regulation), 24-item Korean version of the sport motivation scale. Internal consistency proven signification. Conclusion: Results support the validity and reliability of Korean version of sport motivation scale based on self-determination theory.
This study was conducted to investigate the correlation between the distribution chart and input data of the predicted 3-second gust and damage cost, by using the forecast field and analysis field of Regional Data Assimilation Prediction System (RDAPS) as initial input data of Korea risk assessment model (RAM) developed in the preceding study. In this study the cases of typhoon Rusa which caused occurred great damage to the Korean peninsula was analyzed to assess the suitability of initial input data. As a result, this study has found out that the distribution chart from the forecast field and analysis field predicted from the point where the effect due to the typhoon began had similarity in both 3-second gust and damage cost with the course of time. As a result of examining the correlation, the 3-second gust had over 0.8, and it means that the forecast field and analysis field show similar results. This study has shown that utilizing the forecast field as initial input data of Korea RAM could suit the purpose of pre-disaster prevention.
Although most natural disaster related studies conducted in Korea recently have been related to typhoons or severe rainstorms, the occurrence frequency of disasters due to windstorms or rainstorms is also high. To reduce the strong wind damage caused by strong windstorms due to climate change, basic studies of strong winds are necessary. Therefore, in this study, the types and representative cases of windstorms that were observed to have been higher than 14 m/s, which is the criterion for strong-wind warnings from the Korea Meteorological Administration, were selected from among those windstorm cases that occurred on the Korean Peninsula for 10 years to conduct a statistical analysis of them and determine their synoptic meteorological characteristics. The cases of windstorms occurring on the Korean Peninsula were divided into six weather patterns according to the locations of the anticyclones/cyclones. Among these types, the SH type, which occurs when Siberian Highs expand into the Korean Peninsula, showed the highest occurrence frequency, accounting for at least the majority of the entire occurrence frequency of windstorms together with that of the EC type, which occurs when cyclones develop on the East Sea, and there was no clear yearly trend of the occurrence frequencies of windstorms. The monthly occurrence frequencies of windstorms were formed mainly by typhoons in the summer and the Siberian Highs in the winter, and the months with the highest windstorm occurrence frequencies were December and January, in which mainly the SH and EC type windstorms occurred. March showed the next highest occurrence frequency with10 times, and SH windstorms occurred the most frequently in March, followed by the CC, SC, and EC types of windstorms, in order of precedence. Therefore, attention to these types of windstorms is required. Countermeasures against storm and flood damage in Korea targeting the summer should be re-reviewed together with pre-disaster prevention plans, because cases of storm and flood damage due to windstorms occur more frequently than those due to typhoons, and they occur throughout the year.
This study was conducted to investigate the correlations between the PM10 concentration trend and meteorological elements in the Gimhae region and analyze the transportation routes of air pollutants through back-trajectory analysis. Among the air quality measuring stations in the Gimhae regions, the PM10 concentration of the Sambangdong station was higher than that of the Dongsangdong station. Also, an examination of the relationships between PM10 concentration and meteorological elements showed that the greater the number of yellow dust occurrence days was and the lower the temperature and precipitation were, the higher the PM10 concentration appeared. Furthermore, a cluster analysis through the HYSPLIT model showed that there were 4 clusters of trajectories that flowed into the Gimhae region and most of them originated in China. The meteorological characteristics of the four clusters were analyzed and they were similar to those of the air masses that influence South Korea. These analyses found that meteorological conditions affect the PM10 concentration.
In this study, eight episode days of high-concentration PM10 occurrences in the Gimhae region between 2006 and 2011 were analyzed. Most of them appeared in winter and the highest concentration was observed around 12 LST. Furthermore, the wind direction, wind velocity, and temperature elements were compared with observed values to verify the WRF numerical simulation results used in this study, and they simulated well in accordance with the trend of the observed values. The wind was generally weak in the high-concentration episode days that were chosen through surface weather chart and the numerical simulation results for wind field, and the air pollutants were congested due to the effects of the resulting local winds, thereby causing a high concentration of air pollutants. Furthermore, the HYSPLIT model was performed with the WRF numerical simulation results as input data. As a result, they originated from China and flowed into Gimhae in all eight days, and the lowest concentration appeared on the days when recirculation occurred.
This study calculated wind speed at the height of 10 m using a disaster prediction model(Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model, FPHLM) that was developed and used in the United States. Using its distributions, a usable information of surface wind was produced for the purpose of disaster prevention when the typhoon attack. The advanced research version of the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) was used in this study, and two domains focusing on South Korea were determined through two-way nesting. A horizontal time series and vertical profile analysis were carried out to examine whether the model provided a resonable simulation, and the meteorological factors, including potential temperature, generally showed the similar distribution with observational data. We determined through comparison of observations that data taken at 700 hPa and used as input data to calculate wind speed at the height of 10 m for the actual terrain was suitable for the simulation. Using these results, the wind speed at the height of 10 m for the actual terrain was calculated and its distributions were shown. Thus, a stronger wind occurred in coastal areas compared to inland areas showing that coastal areas are more vulnerable to strong winds.