Heavy metal wastewater containing cobalt (Co2+) has received more attention as an environment issue, which is released from electroplating processes, battery materials industries, nuclear power plants, etc. Especially, cobalt exposed to high-temperature and high-pressure environment during the operation of a nuclear power plant to form corrosion products and forming a chalk river unidentified deposit (CURD) along with radioactive materials generated in cooling water pipes. Cobalt present in the oxide film is mainly Co-60, which emits radiation and causes increased radiation exposure to workers, and efficient management is essential. In this study, we demonstrated the performance of copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) electrodes in a capacitive deionization (CDI) system for Co2+ ions removal. The structure and chemical status of CuHCF used as an electrode material were characterized, and electrochemical properties were evaluated. This study showed that Co2+ ions could be efficiently removed in aqueous solutions using CuHCF electrodes. It has been experimentally shown that the ion removal mechanism is driven by the insertion of Co2+ ions within the CuHCF lattice channels. The deionization capacities in 20 and 50 mg-Co2+ L-1 aqueous solutions were 141.62 and 156.85 mg g-1, respectively, and the corresponding charge efficiencies (Λ) were 0.55 and 0.68, respectively. Thus, we suggest that an electrochemically driven process using CuHCF can usefully remove Co2+ ions from wastewater.
The primary heat transport system consists mainly of the in-core fuel channels connected to the steam generators by a system of feeder pipes and headers. The feeders and headers are made of carbon steel. Feeders run vertically upwards from the fuel channels across the face of the reactor and horizontally over the refueling machine to the headers. Structural materials of the primary systems of nuclear power plants (NPPs) are exposed to high temperature and pressure conditions, so that the materials employed in these plants have to take into accounts a useful design life of at least 30 years. The corrosion products, mainly iron oxides, are generated from the carbon steel corrosion which is the main constituent of the feeder pipes and headers of this circuit. Typical film thickness on CANDU-PHWR surface is 75μm or 30mg/cm2. Deposits on PHWR tends to be much thicker than PWR due to use of carbon steel and also for the source of corrosion products available on the carbon steel surface. Degradation of carbon steel for the feeder pipes transferring the primary system coolant by flow-assisted corrosion in high temperature has been reported in CANDU reactors including Point Lapreau, Gentully-2, Darlington and Bruce NPPs. The formation of Fe3O4 film on a carbon steel surface reduces the dissolution rate of steel substantially. The protectiveness of the Fe3O4 film over the carbon steel is affected by the environmental factors and the operational parameters of the feeder pipes, including the velocity, wall shear stress, solution pH, temperature, concentration of dissolved iron, quality of solution, etc. For effective chemical decontamination of these thick oxides containing radionuclides such as Co-60, it is necessary to understand the corrosion behaviors of feeder pipes and the characteristics of oxide formed on it. In this work, we investigated the growth of oxide films that develop on type SA-107 Gr. B carbon steel in high temperature water and steam environment by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) for the quantification and the solidstate speciation of metal oxide films. This study was especially focused to set the experimental tests conditions how to increase the oxide thickness up to 50 m by changing the oxidation conditions, such as solution chemistry and thermo-hydraulic conditions both temperature and pressure and so on.
Chelate resin is a resin that has an exchange group which can form chelates with various metal ions. It shows higher selectivity for metal ions than ion exchange resin and can selectively remove characteristic metal ions. In an aqueous solution containing metal ions, chelate resin can adsorb specific metal ions, and the separated chelate resin can desorb the adsorbed metal ions by changing temperature or pH, so chelate resin has the advantage of being reusable. Chelate resin has been used industrially as an adsorbent to adsorb and separate heavy metal ions in wastewater, and is also used for the purpose of recovering precious or rare metals contained in industrial wastewater or industrial waste. Against this background, there is a need to develop chelate resins with higher adsorption capacity. Acrylic fiber is defined as a man-made fiber made from a linear synthetic polymer with fiberforming ability consisting of more than 85% acrylonitrile. It is a man-made fiber that is often used as a substitute for wool because it has good thermal insulation properties like wool and is warm and soft to the touch. It is a fiber rich in cyano groups due to its high content of acrylonitrile, and has the advantage of being able to be used as a variety of functional fibers through modification of cyano groups. In this study, the amination reaction of acrylic fiber was performed using diethylenetriamine, and the adsorption characteristics for metal ions were evaluated according to the reaction conversion rate. In order to improve the amination efficiency, 400 kGy was irradiated using a 2.5 MeV electron beam accelerator, and through this, the crosslinking rate of acrylic fiber was able to be improved up to 80%. Water and ethanol were used as cosolvents for the amination reaction in a ratio of 60/40 vol/vol, respectively, and a reaction yield of 178% was obtained after 120 minutes of reaction. Using the chelate resin prepared in this way, the adsorption performance for metal ions was evaluated through Atomic Absorption Spectrometry analysis.
Concrete decontamination tools capable of removing the nuclear contaminated surface are necessary to minimize the amount of concrete waste generated in the process of decontamination and dismantling of nuclear power plants. Laser scabbling is a decontamination technique that removes the contaminated surface layers concrete surface by inducing internal explosion. The application principle of laser scabbling technology uses the porous nature of concrete including moisture. When high thermal energy is applied to the concrete surface, an explosion at pores is induced along with an increase in water vapor pressure. High-powered laser beam can be an effective induction source of local explosive spalling on concrete surface. In this study, the scabbling test using a 5 kW highpowered fiber laser was conducted on the concrete blocks to establish the optimal conditions for surface decontamination. It was also measured the volume peeled off the concrete surface under the conditions of two different laser head speeds. Furthermore, we tested the removal efficiency of radioactive concrete particles generated during high-power fiber laser scabbling process. A 5 kW laser beam was applied to the concrete surface at two different laser head speeds - 120 mm/min and 600 mm/min. The laser beam repeatedly moved 200 mm horizontally and 40 mm vertically within the concrete block. The amount of surface concrete removed from concrete block was calculated from the measurement of the volume and mean depth using a 3D scanner device (laser-probed Global Advantage 9.12.8(HEXAGON)) for the two different the laser head speeds. By increasing the laser head speed, less explosive spalling occurred due to shorter contact time of the laser beam with the concrete. The laser head speed of 600 mm/min reduced about 89% of the waste generated by shallow depth of scabbling as compared to the waste generated at the laser head speed of 120 mm/min. The fiber laser scabbling system was developed for surface decontamination of radioactive concrete in nuclear power plants. Tests were performed to find the optimum parameters to reduce the generation of particulate waste from the contaminated concrete surface by controlling the laser head speeds. It was confirmed that the wastes from surface decontamination was reduced up to 89% by increasing laser head speed from 120 mm/min to 600 mm/min. It was also observed that the cylindrical tube effectively vacuumed the debris generated by the explosive spalling into the collector. Removal efficiencies of concrete particles were measured greater than 99.9% with ring blower power of 650 air watt of the filter system.
Laser scabbling has the potential to be a valuable technique capable of effectively decontaminating highly radioactive concrete surface at nuclear decommissioning sites. Laser scabbling tool using an optical fiber has a merits of remote operation at a long range, which provides further safety for workers at nuclear decommissioning sites. Furthermore, there is no reaction force and low secondary waste generation, which reduces waste disposal costs. In this study, an integrated decontamination system with laser scabbling tool was employed to test the removal performance of the concrete surface. The integrated decontamination system consisted of a fiber laser, remote controllable mobile cart, and a debris collector device. The mobile cart controlled the translation speed and position of the optical head coupled with 20 m long process fiber. A 5 kW high-powered laser beam emitted from the optical head impacted the concrete block with dimensions of 300 mm × 300 mm × 80 mm to induce explosive spalling on its surface. The concrete debris generated from the spalling process were collected along the flexible tube connected with collector device. We used a three-dimensional scanner device to measure the removed volume and depth profile.
A large amount of concrete radioactive waste is generated during the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, including nuclear power plants, and it is expected that the radioactive waste management expenses will be huge. In order to reduce the concrete radioactive waste, a decontamination or removal process is required, but working on concrete may present a risk of worker exposure in a high-radioactive space. Therefore, in this study, a remote control integrated decontamination equipment that can reduce concrete radioactive waste and ensure the safety of workers during the concrete decontamination process in a high-radioactive space was developed. The integrated decontamination equipment consists of remote movement, automatic surface contamination measurement, automatic surface decontamination and debris/dust removal systems. The remote movement system generates ‘mapping data’ of topographic features for the work space and ‘location data’ that coordinates the location of the integrated decontamination equipment through LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) technique. The user can check the location of the integrated decontamination equipment through ‘location data’ outside the work space, and can move it by remote control through wired/wireless communication. The automatic surface contamination measurement system uses a radiation detector and an automatic measurement algorithm to generate ‘surface measurement data’ based on the measurement distance interval and measurement time set by the user. ‘Surface measurement data’ is combined with ‘location data’ to create a visualized map of radioactive contamination, and users can intuitively realize the location and degree of contamination based on the map. The automatic surface decontamination system uses a laser and an automatic removal algorithm to decontaminate the concrete surface. Concrete debris and dust generated during this process were collected by the debris/dust removal system, minimizing waste generation and radiation exposure due to secondary pollution. The integrated decontamination equipment developed through this study was applied with technologies that reduced radioactive concrete waste and ensured the safety of workers. If technology verification and on-site applicability review are performed using concrete specimens simulating nuclear power plant or similar environments, it is reasoned to contribute to the domestic and overseas decommissioning industry.
Activated corrosion products deposited on the reactor coolant system in a nuclear power plant should be removed to reduce the radiation exposure to workers. Chemical decontamination processes using organic acids have been widely applied to remove the activated corrosion products. However, they are highly corrosive to the base metal and generate a considerable amount of ion exchange resin waste, which is hard to be treated. In order to resolve this problem, KAERI has been developed a chemical decontamination process using chelate-free inorganic acid, HyBRID (Hydrazine Based Reductive metal Ion Decontamination) process. Especially, the Cyclic SP (Sulfuric acid/Permanganate)- HyBRID process was suggested as the decontamination process for applying to the remove the double oxide layer generated on the reactor coolant system in the pressurized water reactor (PWR). During the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process, the process is continuously applied without discharging or recharging of the decontamination process solution from the primary circuit. Thus, it is necessary to include the removal processes of the decontamination reagents middle of the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process, e.g., ‘Mn removal step’ for removing the permanganate ions and ‘hydrazine decomposition step’ for decomposition of the remaining hydrazine. During these removal processes, the metal ions can also be removed from the process solution. In this study, the behaviors of metals were investigated during the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process. The concentration changes of metal ions in the process solution were analyzed using atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy. The metal precipitates generated during the process were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. From the results of the analysis, it was observed that the metal ions dissolved in the process solution were converted into metal hydroxides and precipitated at the Mn removal process. It was confirmed by equilibrium calculation result that the OH− ions generated at the Mn removal can react with the metal ions and form the metal hydroxides. It is considered that this removal behaviors of the metals can contribute the decontamination performance.
Laser scabbling experiments were conducted with the aim of developing concrete decontamination technology. Laser scabbling system contains a 6 kW fiber laser (IPG YLS-6000, λ=1,070 nm) and optical head, which are connected with process fiber (core dia.: 600 μm, length: 20 m). Optical head consists of two lenses (f = 160 mm and 100 mm) to collimate and focus laser beam. The focused laser beam is passed through the small diameter of nozzle (throat dia.: 3 mm) to prevent the laser-produced debris into head. And then, the focused beam is directed toward concrete block as continuously diverging. The diverged laser beam was incident on the high-strength concrete with 300 mm (length) × 300 mm (height) × 80 mm (width) to induce explosive spalling on the concrete surface. The optical head was moved by X-Y-Z manipulate coupled with a computerized numerical control while scabbling. We have observed not only active spalling on the concrete surface but energetic scattering of laserproduced debris when scabbling on high-strength concretes. It indicates the need for a device capable of collecting the laser-produced debris. We newly designed and manufactured dust collector coupled with cylindrical tube to prevent scattering of laser-produced debris into ambient environment. The collecting system was evaluated by estimating the collecting efficiency for laser-produced debris while scabbling. The collecting efficiency was calculated on the basis of the information on the mass loss of concrete block after laser scabbling and the mass of collected debris in a container. The collecting efficiency was found to be over 85%.
원자력시설에서 방사성요오드 제거용으로 사용되는 TEDA 첨착활성탄의 고온공정에서치 메틸요오드의 제거성능을 은이온제올라이트(AgX)와 상호 비교하였다. 3-40 온도범위에서 온도에 따른 메틸요오드의 흡착량 및 탈착후 잔존량을 측정한 결과, 비첨착활성탄의 흡착성능은 온도가 증가함에 따라 급격히 감소하지만 TEDA 첨착활성탄의 흡착성능은 10 부근에서도 AgX-10과 거의 유사한 값을 나타내었고, 탈착후 잔존량은 25 까지도 비첨착활성탄에 비하여 매우 높은 값을 유지하였다. 또한 10 이상의 고온공정에서 AgX 및 TEDA 첨착활성탄을 충전한 고정층 파과특성을 상호 비교한 결과 10 이상에서 AgX-10의 메틸요오드 흡착량 및 잔존량은 TEDA 첨착활성탄에 비하여 평균 30%정도 높은 값을 나타내어 고온에서 더 흡착성능이 우수함을 보여주고 있다. 흡착반응 후 생성된 기체의 성분을 분석한 결과를 토대로 AgX-10 흡착제를 충전한 고정층에서 메틸요오드 제거 메카니즘을 제안하였다.