
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to prepare Korean traditional vinegar using ginseng radices (wild simulated ginseng, red ginseng), and to investigate its functional ingredients and functionality. The total amino acid content of red ginseng vinegar and wild simulated ginseng vinegar was 124.36 mg% and 168.37 mg%, respectively, which was confirmed to be higher than the total amino acid content of red ginseng and wild simulated ginseng (70.71 mg%, 76.29 mg%). In addition, the polyphenol contents of red ginseng vinegar and wild simulated ginseng vinegar were 73.26 mg/g and 82.43 mg/g, respectively, which was confirmed to be higher than that of red ginseng and wild simulated ginseng (43.42 mg/g, 51.32 mg/g). And also, the DPPH electron donating ability of red ginseng vinegar and wild simulated ginseng vinegar was 893.26 μg/mL, 803.92 μg/mL, which showed that the scavenging ability was better than that of red ginseng and wild simulated ginseng (1253.21 μg/mL, 1021.01 μg/mL). On the other hand, it was confirmed that red ginseng vinegar and wild simulated ginseng vinegar contain 0.024% and 0.028% of compound K, a unique component of fermented ginseng, which is not contained in red ginseng and wild simulated ginseng. From these results, it was confirmed that Korean traditional vinegar using ginseng radices is a traditional functional food with functional ingredients and antioxidant activity.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화훼작물의 새로운 품종 개발과 특성을 개선하기 위해 교잡 및 돌연변이 육종과 같은 기존 기술에서 유전자변형기술에 이르기까지 다양한 육종 기술이 사용되고 있으며, 특히 화훼류의 유전자변형기술은 화색변형, 화형 및 형태변형, 개화시기 조절, 꽃 수명연장, 내환경성, 내병성, 내충성 등의 목적으로 이루어지고 있다. 국내에서의 GM 화훼류 연구는 2000년대부터 진행되었고, 현재는 장미, 국화, 카네이션, 페튜니아 등을 대상으로 형질전환체를 개발하고 있다. 호주의 Florigene사에서 개발한 푸른 카네이션이 상업화되면서 일본 SUNTORY사 의 파란색 장미 그리고 호주 Florigene사의 시들지 않는 카네이션이 개발되어 상용화되고 있으며, 더 많은 품종 개발과 판매 시장이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 이처럼 GM 화훼작물에 대한 연구성과는 급속도로 발전하고 있으며, 국내에서도 생명 공학 기술을 기반으로 형질이 우수하고 소비자의 선호도가 높은 새로운 화훼 신품종 개발로 수출확대를 도모함으로써 농가 소득 향상을 기대할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 보고에서는 국내외에 최근 보고된 GM 화훼작물의 형질전환체 연구개발 성공 사례들을 소개하고, 그 요인 분석을 통해 향후 더 성공적인 GM 화훼작물 개발 전략을 수립하는데 도움이 되고자 한다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is an important pest on several species of legumes. We investigated the development periods and survivorship of A. craccivora nymph, and longevity and fecundity of A. craccivora adult. The study was conducted at five constant temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30°C, respectively. The lower developmental threshold (LDT) and thermal constant (K) of A. craccivora nymph stage were estimated by linear regression. Higher temperature threshold (TH) and lower temperature threshold (TL) were calculated by biophysiological model. Developmental completion of A. craccivora nymph stage was described using a two-parameter Weibull distribution model. Life table parameters were estimated by the jackknife method.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Yam absorbs nutrition and water through water absorptive root generated from head of rhizome. Round-shaped yam (RSY, Dioscorea opposita) and tropical round-shaped yam (TRSY, Dioscorea alata)are more sensitive to drought because of shorter head of rhizome and shallower root compared to long yam or short yam. This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of irrigation on RSY and TRSY yam at 205 in Institute of Bioresources Research, GBARES. Methods and Results : Tuber of RSY and TRSY were cut as 40 g, and dust-coating sterilized with lime. Seedlings were grown in heating wire installed seed bed from 25. March to 16. April. Experimental field were fertilized 2,000 kg compost, 34 kg N2, 28 kg P2O5, and 28 kg K2O. All amount of compost and P2O5 treated as basal fertilizer. N2 and K2O treated 14 and 10 kg of basal fertilizer, and 20 and 18 kg of additional fertilizer, respectively. Tillage, installation of drop-watering tapes, and covering black PE film with 60×25 cm spacing holes on 120 cm row were conducted. 20 L per m2 was irrigated 7 days interval except rainy day from middle of May to late of September. RSY had high emergence rate in early stage due to irrigation, while TRSY had no difference. Irrigation was not effective on total number of tuber but number of marketable tuber (over 200 g). Marketable tuber yield of RSY according to irrigation was increased 89% as 1,147 kg per 10 a. And tuber with irrigation was 73 g heavier. Tuber yield and marketable tuber yield of TRSY as affected by irrigation were respectively 2,611 and 1,715 kg per 10 a compared to control, 1,462 and 428 kg. And irrigated tuber was 66 g heavier. Conclusion : TRSY had more effective on irrigation than RSY. Both of yam had significant increased marketable tuber yield due to irrigation. Therefore RSY and TRSY are necessarily irrigated because of those absorptive characteristics, short head of tuber and shallow root.