
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Unlike Dioscorea japonica or Dioscore opposita, Dioscore alata is a high-temperature crop mainly cultivated in Africa and subtropical regions. Due to recent climate change, its cultivation area is expanding in Korea. In 2016, the Institute for Bioresource Research clarified optimal harvesting stage to increase its tuber yield and ensure safe storability. Methods and Results : As the seed-tubers for this study, Dioscorea alata tubers were cut into a size of 50 g, disinfected with lime powder, dentated on the seed bed with electrothermal wire installed on March 20th, and then planted on the main field on April 15th. The planting distance was 120 ㎝ in width, where the furrows of 90 ㎝ were cladded with black vinyl, in two rows with a column spacing of 25 ㎝. The amounts of applied fertilizers were 2,000 ㎏ compost, 34 ㎏ N2, 28 ㎏ P2O6, and 28 ㎏ K2O. The compost and P2O5 were used in full, where as N2 and K2O were used as original fertilizer 14 (10 ㎏) and additional fertilizer 20 (18 ㎏), respectively. The crop was harvested in six times from September 20th to November 9th, in an interval of 10 days. While harvesting, the ground fresh weight yield and underground tuber yield were investigated. The underground tuber yield was 836, 1,744 and 2,975 ㎏ low at the early harvests on September 20th, 30th, and October 10th, respectively, while it was 3,622, 3,828, 3,818 ㎏ high on October 20th, 30th, and November 9th, respectively. The ground fresh weight yield remained the same. To clarify tuber storability by harvest time, they were stored at 15℃after harvest, and then healthy and corrupt tubers were studied on March 23th. The corruption ratio by harvest time was highest at 39.1% and 29.3% on October 30th and November 9th, respectively, when frost and low temperature damaged harvest. It was 59.0% and 42.8% at the early harvests on September 20th and 30th, respectively. The corruption ratio was lowest on October 20th and October 10th at 29.3% and 39.1%, respectively. Conclusion : Ford. Dioscore alata cultivation, Korea presents a premature and disadvantageous environment with lower temperature and pre-harvest frost at the time of planting. After raising seeding on an electrically heated hot bed, the optimal harvesting stage should be from planting in the middle of April where temperature rises above 1 5℃ to harvesting in the period October 10th - 20th so as to achieve the maximum tuber yield and high storability.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : study of long yam and short yam (Dioscorea. opposita) are cultivated in temperate regions but tropical yam (Dioscorea alata) are mainly grown in Africa and sub-tropical regions cultivated crops. Recent tropical yam cultivation area of Korea increased but lack the proper cultivation techniques to climate warming. This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of the timely harvest on Tropical yam at 2015 in Institute of Bioresources Research, GBARES. Methods and Results : Tuber of tropical yam were cut as 40 g, and dust-coating sterilized with lime. Seedlings were grown in heating wire installed seed bed from 11. March to 16. May. Experimental field were fertilized 2,000 kg compost, 34 kg N2, 28 kg P2O5, and 28 kg K2O. All amount of compost and P2O5 treated as basal fertilizer. N2 and K2O treated 14 and 10 kg of basal fertilizer, and 20 and 18 kg of additional fertilizer, respectively. Tillage, covering black PE film with 60×25 cm spacing holes on 120 cm row were conducted. Emergence days from 6. April to 18 May until 28 days to 36 days but 15. June and 9. June were each 19 and 7 days. Dry weigh in early stage due to seedling date, while seedling date according from 6. April to 18. May had no difference. seedling date was not effective on total number of tuber but number of marketable tuber (over 200 g). Marketable tuber number of seedling date according to 20. April was increased 35~132% as 4,028 number per 10 a. And tuber with 20. April was 13~73 g heavier. Tuber yield and marketable tuber yield of seedling date as affected by 20. April were respectively 2,518 and 1,273 kg per 10 a compared to 6. April and from 4. May to 15. June as 1,743~2,457 kg and 484~1,027 kg. Conclusion : Tropical yam is low temperature in the cultivation of Korea but also adverse environmental conditions. Frost is not mature enough off before harvesting. Yam had significant increased marketable tuber (over 200 g) yield due to seedling in mid-April Requires cultivation technology.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Yam absorbs nutrition and water through water absorptive root generated from head of rhizome. Round-shaped yam (RSY, Dioscorea opposita) and tropical round-shaped yam (TRSY, Dioscorea alata)are more sensitive to drought because of shorter head of rhizome and shallower root compared to long yam or short yam. This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of irrigation on RSY and TRSY yam at 205 in Institute of Bioresources Research, GBARES. Methods and Results : Tuber of RSY and TRSY were cut as 40 g, and dust-coating sterilized with lime. Seedlings were grown in heating wire installed seed bed from 25. March to 16. April. Experimental field were fertilized 2,000 kg compost, 34 kg N2, 28 kg P2O5, and 28 kg K2O. All amount of compost and P2O5 treated as basal fertilizer. N2 and K2O treated 14 and 10 kg of basal fertilizer, and 20 and 18 kg of additional fertilizer, respectively. Tillage, installation of drop-watering tapes, and covering black PE film with 60×25 cm spacing holes on 120 cm row were conducted. 20 L per m2 was irrigated 7 days interval except rainy day from middle of May to late of September. RSY had high emergence rate in early stage due to irrigation, while TRSY had no difference. Irrigation was not effective on total number of tuber but number of marketable tuber (over 200 g). Marketable tuber yield of RSY according to irrigation was increased 89% as 1,147 kg per 10 a. And tuber with irrigation was 73 g heavier. Tuber yield and marketable tuber yield of TRSY as affected by irrigation were respectively 2,611 and 1,715 kg per 10 a compared to control, 1,462 and 428 kg. And irrigated tuber was 66 g heavier. Conclusion : TRSY had more effective on irrigation than RSY. Both of yam had significant increased marketable tuber yield due to irrigation. Therefore RSY and TRSY are necessarily irrigated because of those absorptive characteristics, short head of tuber and shallow root.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘새단백’은 고단백 다수성 콩 신품종육성을 목표로 ‘보광콩’과 ‘수원193호’를 교배한 계통을 다시 단백질 고함유자원인 ‘MD87L’을 모본으로 하여 1999년에 교배하여 계통육종법으로 육성한 품종으로 2010년 12월 농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 국가목록등재품종으로 선정됨과 동시에 ‘새단백’으로 명명하였다. ‘새단백’의 개화기는 ‘대원콩’보다 3일 늦으며, 성숙기는 10월 5일경으로 7일 빨라 등숙기간이 10일 정도 더 짧다. 경장은 64 cm로 ‘대원콩’보다 다소 작으며 도복에 강하고 불마름병에 저항성이며 바이러스와 종자병해에 강하였으나 뿌리썩음병에는 약한 편이었다. 조단백 함량은 ‘대원콩’보다 8.9% 높은 고단백 품종으로, ‘단백콩’보다 연차간 단백질 함량의 변이가 적고, 두부수율과 순두부응고력이 높으며 두부의 물성이 양호하여 두부 가공적성이 우수하다. ‘새단백’의 종실 100립중은 20.7 g으로 ‘대원콩’보다 약 4 g 가벼우나 ‘단백콩’보다 5.7 g 무거운 중립종이며, 수량성은 2.53 MT/ha로 표준품종인 ‘대원콩’에 비해 9% 감소하였으나 ‘단백콩’과는 비슷하였다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘소청2호’는 녹색 자엽의 검정콩으로 내재해성이 우수하고 가공용에 적합한 신품종육성을 목표로 숙기가 매우 늦은 대립 검정콩인 ‘밀양78호’와 소립 내재해 도입종인 ‘Peking’을 1996년 인공교배한 YS1262 조합으로 계통육종법으로 선발하였고 계통명은 ‘밀양182호’이다. 꽃은 백색이고 자엽색은 녹색이며, 입형은 장타원형이며 성숙기가 지나면 협의 개열에는 약하다. 성숙기는 10월 2일로 ‘청자콩’과 같이 다소 빠른 품종이며, 경장은 56 cm로 ‘청자콩’보다 10 cm 짧고 100립의 무게는 12.2 g인 소립인 품종이다. 도복에 강하며 포장 재배시험에서 콩모자이크 바이러스병은 다소 발생하였고, 불마름병에 대한 유묘 접종 및 포장반응은 ‘청자콩’과 비슷하나 약한 편이다. 종실성분으로 조단백 함량은 38.8%로 ‘청자콩’보다 다소 낮았고, 종실의 아이소플라본 함량은 2,031㎍/g으로 ‘청자콩’보다 높았다. 청국장 가공적성에서 ‘일품검정콩’보다 발효 정도는 다소 낮으나, 청국장 수율 및 풍취에서 우하였다. ‘소청2호’의 중남부지역 5개소의 평균 수량성은 ha당 2.00톤으로 ‘청자콩’ 대비 7% 증수하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        풋콩용 신품종 ‘상원’은 1997년 황색 대립이고 극조숙인 큰 올콩을 모본으로 하고 일본에서 도입된 Oshimamidori가 교배된 조합이다. 1998년부터 2002년도에 걸쳐 F1 - F5세대를 계통육종법으로 전개하여 풋콩 특성이 유망하여 선발된 YS1309- 2B-4-1-1 계통으로 생산력검정시험에서 수확시기가 빠르고 도복에 강한 대립 풋콩 다수성 계통으로 유망하여 선발된 밀양154호이다. ‘상원’의 그 주요특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 유한신육형이며
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1. 신육형은 유한신육형, 화색은 자색, 엽형은 환형이다. 모용 및 성숙기의 협은 갈색이며 종피색과 제색은 흑색이고 종실 자엽색은 황색이다. 입형은 장형으로 성숙기가 지나면 협의 자연개열이 다소 나타난다. 2. 성숙기는 10월 3일로 ‘일품’ 검정콩보다 4일 늦으며, 경장은 54 cm로 4 cm 길고, 100립중은 29.2 g으로 ‘일품’ 검정콩 보다 1.6 g 무겁다. 3. 도복에 비교적 강하며, 포장 재배기간중의 모자이크 바이러스병은 다소 발생하였으
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new pea cultivar, Cheongmi was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2003. It was selected from a cross YP303 (Frescoloy / Upton) // YP113 (Sparkle/Early Bird) /3/ YP115 (Sparkle / Euiseongjaerae) in 1992. The preliminary,
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new pea variety, “Dacheong”, was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station in 2002. It was selected from the cross Frescoloy/Upton//YP113(Sparkle/Early Bird)/YP115(Sparkle/Euisungjaerae) in 1992. The preliminary, advanced, and r
        2002.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new pea variety, "Olwandu", was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 1998. Olwandu was selected from a cross Sparkle/Wensume in 1987. The advanced and regional yield trials were carried out from 1994 to 1995 and