“고강”은 고품질・내병・다수성 지황 개발을 목표로 지황1호 실생 집단에서 우량 개체를 선발, 증식을 거친 후 2001~’02년 생산력 검정시험을 실시하였다. 그 결과 고품질이면서 병해에 강하고수량성이높아수원7호로계통명을부여한후, 2003~’05년까지 3년간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 우수성이 인정되어 2005년 12월 직무육성 품종 심의회를 거쳐 “고강”으로 명명하였는바 그 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다.
1. 고강의 초형은 지면에서 약간 솟아오르는 형태를 나타내며, 생육중기 완전 전개된 잎중 가장 어린잎들의 색깔은 안토시아닌 색소를 거의 띠지 않아 대비품종과 구별된다.
2. 고강은 지황1호에 비하여 잎이 크고 많으며, 뿌리가 굵고 길다.
3. 고강은 병에 대한 저항성도 비교적 강하여 생산의 안정성이 높은 품종이다.
4. 고강은 2003~’05년까지 3년간 실시한 지역적응시험결과 수원 등 3지역에서 모두 증수되는 것으로 나타났고, 3지역의 10a당 평균 수량은 1,186kg로 지황1호 대비 13% 증수하였다.
5. 고강은 지황의 주요성분인 catalpol과 엑스함량이 지황1호에 비하여 많은 고품질 품종이다.
Tissue culture systems to optimize regeneration plant species of Ocimum spp were evaluated as a method to micropropagate individual plants and to better study their biology in vitro. Ocimum species were also evaluated for the production of natural plant products during and following the regeneration process. The primary goal of this project was to enhance the regeneration efficiency of basil. Several factors were examined using different Ocimum species and commercial varieties. The effect of cytokinin combination, activated charcoal, gelling agents, and different carbon sources were investigated. Anthocyanin callus spots were produced only in four varieties among six tested. 'Sweet Dani' showed the best results on anthocyanin accumulation, while 'African beauty', 'Tree basil' and 'Methylcinnamate' produced only a few spots. Shoot regeneration was only achieved from 'Sweet Dani' explants. As the activated charcoal concentration increased, callus formation rate decreased respectively compare to the controls for all varieties. There was a decrease in callus growth with increasing concentration of agar and phytagel.
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is herbaceous perennial plants indigenous to North American forests. This is highly valued as medicinal herbs with a long history of collection from wild populations since 1716. Wild American ginseng distributed from Quebec in Canada to northern Florida in USA. A heavy concentration is found in the Appalachian mountains, although wild American ginseng is considered endangered. The price paid for field cultivated ginseng has dropped dramatically in the past 10 years, while the price for wild or woods cultivated ginseng has rised significantly. The price curve for ginseng resembles a roller coaster, reflecting not only supply and demand but many other factors. This information will be useful to understand American ginseng compared to Korean ginseng.
Astragalus membranaceus has flowers that are similar to that of the legume family, but shows poor bearing when self-pollination is induced. Thus, this study was carried out observing the ripening procedure of pistils and stamens and development stages of pollen in the context of the birth and growth of the flower. As to the bearing of the flower of A. membranaceus, few pod setting and 13% pod setting were observed when self-pollination is induced by paper-bag covering or artificial pollination treated respectively. The result indicates that A. membranaceus is a cross-pollination plant. A pistil grew faster than a stamen until just before blooming. The flower size was about 17.0mm~times 4.0mm. Pistils and stamens had the same length after flowering. Pollen mother cells passed through meiosis and mitosis when its length reached around 3.5mm, thus creating the tetrade when 4 mm long. Pollen attained full growth when the bud was about 10mm long. An anther was found to tend to dehisce when the length of a bud reached around 12.0mm. As to the shape of pollen, about 70 % were normal. 1% and 30 % were small or empty pollen respectively. The result indicates that pollen of A. membranaceus attains full growth just before anther dehiscence which occurs before blooming while pistils grow faster than stamens until before flowering