A survey project of TRAO with the fifteen beam array receiver system is presented. A multibeam array receiver system has been purchased from FCRAO, and is being installed on TRAO 14m telescope. The target region of the survey is from ι=120° ~137°, b=-1°~+1°, and velocity resolution would be 1 km/sec after smoothing from the original resolution of 0.64km s-1in the transition of J = 1-0 of 13CO The survey region is a part of the 12CO Outer Galaxy Survey(OGS), and would be an extension of the Bell Laboratories 13CO Galactic Plane Survey. By combining with the existing 12CO database of the Outer Galaxy Survey, we will derive physical properties of identified molecular clouds and will conduct and statistical analysis of the Outer Galalxy molecular clouds. Reduction process and analysis methods will be introduced.
축산기술연구소 사료작물 육종연구실에서는 1984년부터 이탈리안 라이그라스의 기호성과 페스큐류의 높은 환경적응성을 결합하기 위해 Lolium X Festuca 잡종을 생산하였고, 1991년부터 이탈리안 라이그라스 생태형을 수집하여 특성을 검정하고 계통화하여 왔다. 1997년부터 이들 교잡계통과 생태형 중에서 임성이 있고 내한성이 강하며 출수기가 비슷한 영양계통으로 교배조합을 작성하여 Polycross 삼각배치법으로 합성종 내한 6, 7, 8, 9호를 육성