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        검색결과 5

        2023.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many types of foam molding methods. The most commonly used methods are the pressure foaming method, in which foam resin is mixed with a foaming agent at high temperature and high pressure, and the normal pressure foaming method, which foams at high temperature without pressure. The polymer resins used for foaming have different viscosities. For foaming under normal pressure, they need to be designed and analyzed for optimal foaming conditions, to obtain resins with low melt-viscosity or a narrow optimal viscosity range. This study investigated how changes in viscosity, molding temperature, and cross-link foaming conditions affected the characteristics of the molded foam, prepared by blending rubber polymer with biodegradable resin. The morphologies of cross sections and the cell structures of the normal pressure foam were investigated by SEM analysis. Properties were also studied according to cross-link/foaming conditions and torque. Also, the correlation between foaming characteristics was studied by analyzing tensile strength and elongation, which are mechanical properties of foaming composites.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand how to affect the safety behavior to the organization's trustees to investigate the level of safety awareness, safety awareness via the distribution center workers prepare the logistics industry disaster prevention measures. The survey was analyzed data to target by the clothing distribution center employees of 182 people. Analysis First, the level of safety awareness showed on a positive effect on organization trust. Second, it was found on the safety level of consciousness a positive effect on the safety behavior. Third, the level of safety awareness affect the safety behavior showed that the mediating role of organization trust. That is a higher level of safety awareness, such as the strict practice of business activities, investments, safety rules on safety education and training emphasis on safety increases confidence in the organization. It was confirmed the higher the confidence in the safety organization appears behavior such as actively participating in the work carried out in a safe manner, safety education and training. In addition, the effect was mediated by the organizational impact on confidence in the safety of personnel safety awareness actions. Based on that research results prepared safety awareness was raised through the industrial accident prevention measures
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was aimed to demonstrate how the analysis of the impact on confidence in the safety-conscious organizations target the clothing distribution center employees and organizational commitment. Safety awareness of employees of the clothing distribution center safety rules, safety education, road safety interests, divided into risk handling and trusted organization with the emotional trust and cognitive trust, organizational commitment was divided into affective, cognitive and normative commitment. Data collection was surveyed 185 people clothing distribution center workers, tested the hypothesis through regression analysis. The results are safety conscious exerts a positive effect on organizational trust, organizational trust was found to have a positive impact on organizational commitment.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Logistics had only been perceived as a supporting means or auxiliary of corporate activity, but is now surfacing as a priority sector for competitiveness in the infinite competition of the global market. This study looks into the current status of logistics and sets forth the improvement tasks by analyzing the problems of the returned goods logistics. In order to improve the manual process of returned goods, the POS system (point-of-sales system) was implemented and DAS (Digital Assorting System) and SORTER System were synchronized for utilization, which cut the prime cost of the once expensive returned goods logistics, and analyzed the efficiency of establishing automated logistics system for efficiency of returned goods logistics in the aspects of one-stop BPR (Business Process Re-engineering).
        1994.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 전기투석법을 이용하여 아미노산 수용액중에 존재하는 전해질인 무기염의 분리 정제에 관하여 고찰하였다. 생물 분리기술로서 아미노산의 등전위점을 이용한 전기투석법의 적합성을 검토하기 위하여 음이온교환막, NEOSEPTA AM1(Tokuyama Soda Co. Ltd., Japan)과 양이온교환막 CM1 (Tokuyama Soda Co. Ltd., Japan)막을 사용한 전기투석조를 설계하였고 아미노산 발효공정과 유사한 계를 만들어서 무기염인 NaCl의 분리실험을 하였다. 즉, 운전조건을 설정하기 위해 pH에 따른 아미노산의 누설량, 한계전류 밀도를 측정한 후, 이를 바탕으로 회분식과 연속식 실험으로 염의 제거량과 아미노산의 누설량을 정량적으로 고찰하고 전류효율을 구하였다. 회분식 장치에서 아미노산 수용액별로 11시간동안 운전한 결과 NaCl의 제거효율은 96.1~96.2%이었고, 아미노산의 누설율은 glycine의 경우 2.5%, methionine의 경우 1.7%, alanine의 겨우 2.0%이었으며, 전류효율은 44.5~44.6% 범위이었다. 연속식 장치에서는 아미노산 수용액별로 dilution rate을 1.0~3.9h-1로 변화시켜 실험한 결과, 120~150분 사이에 정상상태에 도달하였고, 유속이 작을수록 염의 제거 효율은 증가하였으나 전류효율은 감소하였다. 이때 아미노산의 누설은 거의 없었다.