PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to figure out the trend and characteristics of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentration in underpass sections. The effect of traffic and meteorological condition on PM2.5 / NOx concentration was analyzed using field monitoring data.
METHODS : Based on the literature review, PM2.5 and NOx concentration data were monitored using DustTrak II aerosol monitoring system and Serinus 40 oxides of nitrogen analyzer, respectively. Meteorological and traffic information was collected using automatic weather system and traffic volume counter, respectively.
RESULTS : PM2.5 has a positive and negative correlation with relative humidity and wind speed, respectively. Meanwhile, NOx was found to have no correlation with meteorological conditions. The NO/NO2 ratio tends to change with traffic volume, indicating higher correlation between NO and traffic volume; the observed NO2 is mostly a secondary material produced by NO oxidation.
CONCLUSIONS : Our study provides clear characteristics of NOx and PM2.5 and correlations with meteorological and traffic information in the underpass sections. It is found from this study that the increase in wind speed causes reduction in the concentration of PM2.5 owing to the diffusion and dispersion phenomena. On the other hand, the meteorological conditions were found to barely have correlations with NOx concentrations in this study. The traffic volume could significantly affect the NOx concentration and NO / NO2 ratio, which is directly correlated to the emissions from vehicles.
Since climate change increases the risk of extreme rainfall events, concerns on flood management have also increased. In order to rapidly recover from flood damages and prevent secondary damages, fast collection and treatment of flood debris are necessary. Therefore, a quick and precise estimation of flood debris generation is a crucial procedure in disaster management. Despite the importance of debris estimation, methodologies have not been well established. Given the intrinsic heterogeneity of flood debris from local conditions, a regional-scale model can increase the accuracy of the estimation. The objectives of this study are 1) to identify significant damage variables to predict the flood debris generation, 2) to ascertain the difference in the coefficients, and 3) to evaluate the accuracy of the debris estimation model. The scope of this work is flood events in Ulsan city region during 2008-2016. According to the correlation test and multicollinearity test, the number of damaged buildings, area of damaged cropland, and length of damaged roads were derived as significant parameters. Key parameters seems to be strongly dependent on regional conditions and not only selected parameters but also coefficients in this study were different from those in previous studies. The debris estimation in this study has better accuracy than previous models in nationwide scale. It can be said that the development of a regional-scale flood debris estimation model will enhance the accuracy of the prediction.
In the coastal wetland the mud is consist of fine particles, which means that it is characterized by small gap, and heat transfer is obstructed since moisture is found between the gaps. The relationship between net radiation() and soil heat flux() shows a counterclockwise hysteresis cycle, which refer to a time lag behind in the maximal soil heat fluxes. The albedo is independent of seasonal variation of the vegetation canopy which plays very important roles to store and control the heat in the atmospheric surface layer.
본 연구는 고등학교 학생들의 선택중심 교육과정에서 체육교과 선택, 지속, 선택포기 시 나타나는 심리적 변화를 탐색하여 체육교과 선택률을 높이고 학교체육의 질적 발전을 도모하는데 그 목적이 있다. 개방형 설문지를 통해 1,022명의 1,352건에 대한 반응을 귀납적 내용분석 한 결과, 고등학생의 체육교과 선택동기는 재미/흥미, 자신감, 건강증진, 교사호감, 교우관계 등의 일반영역으로 범주화되었고, 체육교과 지속동기는 재미/흥미, 자신감, 건강증진, 행동유지, 등의 일반영역으로 범주화되었다. 또한, 체육교과 선택포기동기는 성적, 재미결여, 자신감 부족, 소질계발, 정서함양, 수업환경, 교사호감, 교우관계, 선택권활용의 일반영역으로 범주화되었다. 마지막으로 체육교과 선택에 있어 의사결정과정을 탐색해 본 결과 학생본인의 생각으로 결정했다는 반응이 93.6%로 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 내적동기이론에 근거해 논의하였으며, 본 연구의 결과는 고등학교 체육교육과정 편성 및 운영에 있어 학생중심 체육수업을 위한 유용한 자료로 활용 될 것으로 기대된다.
Rye genome- and chromosome-specific DNA markers were selected to easily identify the existence of rye chromatin in the wheat genome by RAPD analysis. Among 260 decamer primers used, five primers, namely, OPC01, OPF07, OPF11, OPH09, and OPH16 amplified rye
The characteristic features of surface ozone concentration and the forecasting procedure of high ozone days have been studied. The ozone concentration was continuously measured during 3 years (1997∼1999) at air quality monitoring stations in five major cities in Korea. The diurnal variation of surface ozone concentration on high ozone days is characterized by low ozone concentration at night. The ozone concentration increases continuously after sunrise, to reach a peak at 1500∼1600 LST. Thereafter it decreases steadily to a low concentration at sunset. The diurnal and annual maximum of the surface ozone concentration at Seoul were observed in May and June, respectively. The favorable synoptic condition for the high ozone day is divided into 4 different synoptic weather patterns: a high-pressure system from the Sea of Okhotsk, the Pacific subtropical high extending westward, a moving high-pressure system covering the Korean peninsula, and a synoptic system in front of a typhoon. Most of high ozone days occur under the high pressure system in Korea.