본 연구는 소래풀을 경관화훼로 이용하기 위해 온도조건에 따른 발아특성을 알아보고 회귀분석(bilinear, parabolic, beta distribution)모델을 통해 주요온도(최저, 최적 및 최고온 도)를 구명하고자 하였다. 소래풀 종자는 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35℃ 항온 조건 중 25℃에서 약 6~7일만에 최종발아율이 100%에 도달하였으며, 발아세, 발아속도, 평균발아속도와 평균발아시간이 각각 100%, 21.37ea/day, 14.48, 4.39일 로 다른 처리보다 발아특성이 우수하였다. 이를 바탕으로 발아 속도(germination rate, GR)가 50%인 시점(GR50)을 역수로 (1/GR50)하여 주요온도를 분석한 결과, bilinear모델의 경우, 최저, 최적 및 최고온도는 4.8℃, 25.8℃, 35.6℃였으며 (R2=0.9566, p<0.001), parabolic모델은 최저온도 6.1℃, 최 적온도 21.6℃, 최고온도 36.7℃였다(R2=0.8818, p<0.001). 또한 beta distribution 모델의 주요온도는 최저온도 6.1℃, 최 적온도는 23.1℃, 최고온도 40.1℃였다(R2=0.9102, p<0.001). 본 연구에서 분석한 회귀모델 모두 0.1% 수준에서 통계적 유의 차가 인정된 것으로 보아 소래풀 종자의 발아 시 최저온도는 4.8~6.1℃, 최고온도는 35.6~40.1℃, 최적온도는 21.6~25.8℃ 이며, 50% 이상의 발아율을 기대하였을 때 온도의 범위는 20~25℃가 적합할 것으로 판단된다. 이와 같은 결과는 소래풀 을 이용하여 경관조성을 할 때 파종 및 발아시기를 예측할 수 있는 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 경관조성 을 하는 현장에서 실질적인 도움을 제공할 수 있도록 발아의 주요온도 모델과 함께 식물의 생물계절 관점에서 추가적인 연구 가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
This study develops a model to determine the input rate of the chemical for coagulation and flocculation process (i.e. coagulant) at industrial water treatment plant, based on real-world data. To detect outliers among the collected data, a two-phase algorithm with standardization transformation and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) is applied. In addition, both of the missing data and outliers are revised with linear interpolation. To determine the coagulant rate, various kinds of machine learning models are tested as well as linear regression. Among them, the random forest model with min-max scaled data provides the best performance, whose MSE, MAPE, R2 and CVRMSE are 1.136, 0.111, 0.912, and 18.704, respectively. This study demonstrates the practical applicability of machine learning based chemical input decision model, which can lead to a smart management and response systems for clean and safe water treatment plant.
The cherry tree borer, Synanthedon bicingulata (Staudinger, 1887), is considered as a tree boring pest boring into cambium layer and weakens the tree. Cherry trees, the host species of S. bicingulata, are the most abundant ornamental trees in South Korea. However, there has been insufficient study conducted on ornamental trees compared to orchards. The study aimed to investigate the injury patterns caused by their larvae based on height and direction they faced. Since life cycle of S. bicingulata in Gangwon province had not been surveyed, occurrence pattern was also investigated using sex attractant. Injury patterns of 253 cherry trees in Chuncheon, were surveyed in April 2023. As a result, the injury occuring under 1 m in height was 2.61 times more extensive than injury between 1m and 2m in height of trunk. Also, the injury on the south-faced trunks was 2.68 times larger than on the north-faced trunks.
본 연구는 절화용 튤립(Tulipa spp.) 4품종을 대상으로 재 식밀도에 따른 생장과 발육 특성을 알아보고 광이용효율을 분 석하여 우리나라에서 튤립 촉성재배시 필요한 기초자료를 얻 고자 실시되었다. 절화용 튤립 ‘Novi Sun’, ‘Timeless’, ‘Il de France’, ‘Dow Jones’ 4품종을 대상으로 구근용 재배 상자 (가로×세로×높이; 60cm×40cm×20cm)에 상자당 48, 70, 96개의 구근을 정식하여 저온처리 이후 비닐하우스로 운반되 었다. 그 결과, ‘Novi Sun’과 ‘Timeless’는 온실 이식 이후 35 일 만에 수확되었으며 ‘Il de France’와 ‘Dow Jones’는 그보 다 빠른 30일 만에 수확되었다. 모든 품종에서 재식밀도가 증 가할수록 생체중, 줄기 직경, 엽면적이 감소하였다. 정상개화 율은 96bulbs/box 처리에서 특히‘Novi Sun’ 32.7%과 ‘Timeless’ 4.7%로 감소하였으며 이 두 품종에서 줄기와 꽃의 건물중이 크게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 광이용 효율과 밀접 한 지표인 엽면적지수는 재식밀도가 높아질수록 증가하였다. 광합성 효율은 ‘Novi Sun’과 ‘Timeless’의 경우 저광도에서 재식밀도에 따라 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 엽면적 감 소와 형태적인 변화가 작은 ‘Il de France’과 ‘Dow Jones’에 서 광합성 효율이 크게 변화하였다. 재식밀도에 따라 다양한 생육 반응은 유사한 경향은 있으나 품종에 따라 광합성 효율과 동화산물의 분배가 크게 달라지는 것으로 나타났다. 튤립 촉성 재배 시 정상적인 꽃의 발달과 생육 확보를 위해서는 충분한 재식 간격을 확보할 수 있는 재식밀도로 정식해야 한다.
This paper introduces a container loading problem and proposes a theoretical approach that efficiently solves it. The problem is to determine a proper weight of products loaded on a container that is delivered by third party logistics (3PL) providers. When the company pre-loads products into a container, typically one or two days in advance of its delivery date, various truck weights of 3PL providers and unpredictability of the randomness make it difficult for the company to meet the total weight regulation. Such a randomness is mainly due to physical difference of trucks, fuel level, and personalized equipment/belongings, etc. This paper provides a theoretical methodology that uses historical shipping data to deal with the randomness. The problem is formulated as a stochastic optimization where the truck randomness is reflected by a theoretical distribution. The data analytics solution of the problem is derived, which can be easily applied in practice. Experiments using practical data reveal that the suggested approach results in a significant cost reduction, compared to a simple average heuristic method. This study provides new aspects of the container loading problem and the efficient solving approach, which can be widely applied in diverse industries using 3PL providers.
Many manufacturers applying third party logistics (3PLs) have some challenges to increase their logistics efficiency. This study introduces an effort to estimate the weight of the delivery trucks provided by 3PL providers, which allows the manufacturer to package and load products in trailers in advance to reduce delivery time. The accuracy of the weigh estimation is more important due to the total weight regulation. This study uses not only the data from the company but also many general prediction variables such as weather, oil prices and population of destinations. In addition, operational statistics variables are developed to indicate the availabilities of the trucks in a specific weight category for each 3PL provider. The prediction model using XGBoost regressor and permutation feature importance method provides highly acceptable performance with MAPE of 2.785% and shows the effectiveness of the developed operational statistics variables.
Expression changes of stress-induced peroxidase (swpa2 and swpa4) and storage root-specific sporamin (spo-A and spo-B) genes were examined using qRT-PCR after treatment with wounding and bacterial pathogens on leaves of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) plants. As a result of examining the expression change in the wounding treatment condition for 48 hours after treatment, which is a representative physical stress, the expression of all genes increased after 12 hours of wounding treatment, but the expression pattern of each gene group showed distinct differences thereafter. Expression levels of swpa2 and swpa4 strongly increased up to 36 or 48 hours after wounding treatment, whereas spo-A and spo-B expression levels strongly decreased after 24 or 36 hours after wounding treatment. Peroxidase and sporamin genes are involved in the early response after wounding treatment and, in particular, the peroxidase swpa2 and swpa4 genes are also involved in the late response after wounding treatment. Gene expression analysis after infection with P. chrysanthemi, which causes softness in sweetpotato, showed that the swpa2 and swpa4 genes were weakly induced after 8 hours and then strongly induced after 20 hours during pathogen infection. Expression of the spo-A gene was weakly induced in the pathogen-treated group after 20 hours, whereas spo-B showed an expression pattern similar to that of the peroxidase genes. The above results indicate that expression of the stress-induced peroxidase gene used in this study is induced not only by abiotic stress but also by biological stress caused by bacterial pathogen invasion and that peroxidase plays an important function in the initial defense response.
포인세티아(Euphorbia pulcherrima. Willd. Ex Klotzch) ‘Red Ball’은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2019년에 육성한 품종이다. ‘Red Ball’은 긴 관상 기간을 가지는 ‘Christmas Eve’를 모본으로 빨간색 주름진 덮개잎이 볼 타입 꽃을 만드는 ‘Winter Rose Early Red’를 부본으로 교배하여 획득한 실생 계통을 선발하여 육성하였다. 2016년부터 2018년 생육, 개화, 균일성 등에 대하여 1,2차 특성 검정을 실시하였다. 이후 2019년 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종선발한 후 직무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Red Ball’로 명명하였다. ‘Red Ball’품종은 전체적으로 짧은 적색 덮개잎을 가지며 꽃 모양이 납작하지 않아 입체감이 높다. 또한 단일 처리후 약 5.5~6주가 경과하면 완전히 착색되어 출하가 가능할 만큼 착색소요기간이 짧다. ‘Red Ball’은 2021년 4월 12일에 국립종자원에 품종등록(제8497호) 되었다.
In the recent business environment, risks related to product safety problems are increasing. These are arising from various factors such as increasing product and production complexity, supply chain diversification, enhanced PL (product liability) law and strengthening regulations of the government. Accordingly, ISO (international organization for standardization) published standards of PSMS (product safety management system) for suppliers such as ISO 10377 and ISO 10393. Meanwhile, the ISO 9001 QMS (quality management system) was revised in 2015, and it has established itself as an effective tool that can consistently meet the various requirements of stakeholders and promote customer satisfaction. This study aims to suggest an integration framework of QMS and PSMS based on the recent ISO international standards. To this end, firstly, the relationship between QMS and PSMS is studied based on the quality and product safety definitions, PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle and risk-based thinking. Secondly, the requirements of ISO 10377 and ISO 9001 are compared and classified as the common and ISO 10377 specific requirements. Finally, integration steps of two systems are suggested and guidelines that can systemize the integrated requirements are presented in the aspect of processes and documentation. This study is expected to be used as a guideline that helps companies those have already acquired QMS certification to build an international-level product safety management system early.
The ISO 9000 Quality Management System(QMS) standard is an effective tool that can consistently meet the various requirements of stakeholders and promote customer satisfaction management. However, in the recent business environment, not only quality issues but also risks in various other areas are increasing. In particular, risks related to product safety problems which are arised from product convergence, diversification of methods of production and globalization of supply chain pose a great threat to the sustainability of companies. Accordingly, ISO published standards of Product Safety Management System(PSMS) for suppliers such as ISO 10377 and ISO 10393. This study aims to suggest an integration framework of QMS and PSMS based on ISO international standards. To this end, the relationship of QMS and PSMS are analyzed and the requirements of the both systems are integrated based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking. In addition, guidelines that can systemize the integrated requirements are presented in the aspect of processes and documentation. This study is expected to be used as a guideline that helps companies that have already acquired QMS certification to build an international level product safety management system early.
포인세티아(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzch) ‘Flame’ 은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2015년에 육성한 품종이다. ‘Flame’ 은 단일감응기간이 짧은 적색 포엽의 깊은 열편을 가진 ‘Eckalba’ 와 밝은 적색의 포엽을 가진 국내 육성 품종 ‘Candle Light’를 2013년에 교배하여 획득한 실생 계통을 선발 육성하였다. 2014 년부터 2015년까지 생육 및 개화 특성, 균일성에 대하여 1, 2차 특성검정을 실시하였으며, 2015년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종선발한 후 직무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Flame’으로 명명하였다. ‘Flame’ 품종의 포엽은 밝은 적색을 띠며 열편이 깊다. 초장과 초폭은 중간이나 적심하지 않아도 많은 분지가 발생하여 풍성한 수형을 이룬다. 단일처리후 약 7.5주가 경과하면 완전히 착색되어 출하가 가능하다. 이 품종은 2018년 1월 24일에 국립 종자원에 품종등록(등록번호 6921호)되었다.
국내에서 재배하는 주요 핵과류(복숭아, 자두, 매실, 체리)에 발생하는 깍지벌레는 뽕나무깍지벌레(Pseudaulacaspis pentagona), 말채나무공깍지벌레(Lecanium corni), 무화과깍지벌레(Coccus hesperidum), 가루깍지벌레류(Pseudococcus sp.) 4종이 발견되었으나, 뽕나무깍지 벌레는 2017년에 총 113과원 중 103과원(발생과원율 91.2%), 2018년에는 77과원 중 64과원(발생과원율 83.1%) 모든 핵과류에서 가장 많이 발생하여 우점종으로 확인되었다. 2017년도에는 5월 상순부터 부화를 시작하여 암컷성충 1마리가 평균 75.5개(47∼159개)의 알을 낳으며 모든 알이 부화하는데 약 19일이 소요되었으며 5월 20일경에 월동성충의 모든 알이 부화하였다. 그러나, 2018년에는 4월 하순부터 부화를 시작하여 (부화율 72%) 부화유충(1령)으로 이동 후 5월 중순부터 고착유충(2~3령), 6월 중순부터 2세대 성충이 활동하기 시작하였다. 부화유충기(1령)에 약제 살포를 하면 살충율이 100.0%이었으나, 고착유충기(2~3령)에는 살충율은 2.7%에 불과하였다. 부화약충기를 제외한 모든 단계에서 몸체가 밀납깍지로 덮여 있어 약제를 살포하여도 직접 접촉되지 않아 치사율이 낮았다. 따라서 반드시 부화약충기에 약제를 살포하여야 방제효과를 높일 수 있다.
The tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura(Fabricius) is serious pest that hurts tomato crops, actives long time of the year. Without pesticide applications, sex pheromone delta traps through experiment first and second half setting during cultural seasons in glasshouse and greenhouse. We investigated captured number of S. litura both in and out side of the two type of tomato cultivated greenhouse. As a result of investigation, captured number of S. litura showed the wave and three high peak typed graph throughout 10 months experiment. First time expression of S. litura was late April in outside installed traps and after that occurrence rate increased gradually until late August. In september, the rate decreased remarkably to middle November in both in and out side treated traps. The result also expressed that captured average number of S. litura in inside of the greenhouse were 8~10 units, and were 15~20units in outside treated traps. Simultaneous installation of internal and external sex pheromone traps succeeded in eliminating a considerable number of S. litura male moths, and the number of larvae was expected to be considerably reduced. Consequently in the experiment, captured male number of S. litura were about 220 units in outside, on the other about 80 of S. litura captured in inside installed traps.
꽃노랑총채벌레는 국화, 장미, 고추, 토마토 등 여러 작물의 잎, 꽃, 과실을 흡즙 및 산란을 통해 피해를 주며 토마토반점위조바이러스(TSWV)와 국화줄기괴저바이러스(CSNV) 등을 매개한다. 재배작기, 환경, 품종등에 따라 총채벌레류의 발생과 피해가 다양하게 나타나는 국화는 총채벌레류 및 매개 바이러스병으로 인해 약 20∼30%의 생산량이 감소된다. 또한 총채벌레류에 대한 약제저항성 계통의 출현이 지속적으로 보고되어 살충제의 교호사용에 주의가 필요한 방제가 어려운 해충 중 하나이다. 살충력이 높은 살충제를 선정하기 위하여 시판하는 국화 총채벌레류 등록 살충제 Acetamiprid, Acetamiprid+Spinetoram, Acrinathrin, Benfuracarb, Buprofezin+Thiamethxam, Chlorfenapyr+ lothiandin, Chlorfenapyr+Imidacloprid, Emamectin+Benzoate, Imidacloprid, Thimethoxam 10종을 꽃노랑총채벌레에 살포 한 결과 유효성분으로 Pyrroles계인 Chlorfenapyr를 함유한 살충제의 살충력이 가장 높았다. 총채벌레류의 화학적 방제 시 Chlorfenapyr가 함유한 살충제를 사용하는 것이 효과적이다.