For high-quality colored rice production, the cultivation environment is a critical factor. The major environmental factor is temperature, which includes the accumulated and average temperature during vegetative and reproductive stages. Generally, during the cultivation period, the temperature can be controlled by shifting the transplanting date. This study was carried out to determine the optimum transplanting date for high-quality red-colored rice production. Four red-colored rice varieties (Jeokjinju, Jeokjinjuchal, Hongjinju, and Gunganghongmi) were used as test materials. The transplanting dates were May 20 and June 5, 20, and 30 in 2015~2016. The most variable factor controlled by the transplanting date was the grain filling rate. The varieties transplanted on June 30 showed low yields owing to the decrease in the grain filling rate. In contrast, the polyphenol content increased with increasing delay in the transplanting date. Collectively, these two results indicate that the optimum transplanting date was June 20. The average temperature for 30 days after the heading date (30DAH) highly affected the polyphenol content. A lower temperature during the 30DAH induced higher polyphenol contents but also caused low yield. The optimum 30DAH temperature for obtaining a higher yield and polyphenol content was 22~23°C. Using the average 30DAH and accumulated temperatures, the optimum transplanting date was calculated as June 18 to 24 in Miryang region. The optimum transplanting date of Kyeungsangnamdo region was approximately mid-June to early July, and that of Kyeungsangbukdo region was approximately early to mid-June.
‘Nunkeunheugchal’ is a waxy black rice variety that has a large embryo. The quality of black rice depends on the anthocyanin content of the rice seed coat, which is mainly determined by cultivation environment. Factors that affect the anthocyanin content include nitrogen level, planting density, transplanting date and harvesting date. This study was carried out to investigate the optimum black rice cultivation conditions by examining the effects of different nitrogen levels and planting densities. An initial study was conducted to determine the optimum nitrogen level in which four levels of nitrogen were applied to the field (0, 4, 8 and 12 kg/10a). As the nitrogen contents were increased up to 8 kg/10a, there was a concomitant increase in rice yields. However, nitrogen levels greater than 8 kg/10a, the yield was maintained at the same level. Correlation analysis indicated that the optimum nitrogen level for maximum yield was 9.6 kg/10a. In addition, anthocyanin levels showed a trend similar to that of yield, with correlation analysis indicating that the optimum nitrogen level for maximum anthocyanin content is 10.6 kg/10a.On the basis of these results, a second study was conducted to determine the optimum combination of planting density and nitrogen level. The planting densities investigated were 30 × 12, 30 × 14, 30 × 16cm and nitrogen levels were 7, 9 and 12 kg/10a. A high planting density (30 × 12cm) was shown to produce higher numbers of tillers and yield. As calculated in the first study, a nitrogen level of 9 kg/10a shown to produce the highest anthocyanin content and yield. Collectively, the results of this study indicate that a planting density of 30 × 12 cm and a nitrogen level of 9 kg/10a is the optimal combination in terms of maximizing both rice yield and anthocyanin content.
The pollen grain is a unique tricellular structure suitable for the delivery of the sperm cells to the ovule. All nutrients required for microspore and pollen cell growth are derived by passage through the anther locule and secretion by the tapetum lining. During later stages the tapetum degenerates but contributes to produce pigments, waxes, lipids and proteins which form the pollen coat and function in signaling between male (pollen) and female (pistil) tissues. The development of both normal pollen and tapetum is necessary for the fertilization processes in rice and would be exploited for the induction of male-sterility which is very useful to improve economic value of crops.
We aredeveloping new approaches using a conditional male-sterility for the F1 hybrid seed production in rice. The conventional three parental systems for F1 hybrid seed production requirethe following three lines: male-sterile line, maintainer line, and restorer line. In this system, a critical requirement is to maintain the male-sterile inbred lines. Here we suggest molecular approaches, in which the engineered male-sterile plants are generated by regulating endogenous hormonal balance through the loss-of-function of genes. We can expect the male-sterility can be restored by exogenous applications of hormones such as gibberellin or jasmonic acid. Based on two parental systems, we will address the answer onfollowing question: how can we maintain a male-sterile line producing 100% male-sterile progenies without a maintainer?
This work was supported by grants from Crop Functional Genomics Center of the 21C Frontier Program (CG1517), RepublicKorea.