In order to identify changes in the nature of the particles due to changes in the inflow rate of the raw material solution, the present study was intended to prepare nano-sized cobalt oxide (Co3O4) powder with an average particle size of 50 nm or less by spray pyrolysis reaction using raw cobalt chloride solution. As the inflow rate of the raw material solution increased, droplets formed by the pyrolysis reaction showed more divided form and the particle size distribution was more uneven. As the inflow rate of the solution increased from 2 to 10 ml/min, the average particle size of the formed particles increased from about 25 nm to 40 nm, while the average particle size did not show significant changes when the inflow rate increased from 10 to 50 ml/min. XRD analysis showed that the intensity of the XRD peaks increased remarkably when the inflow rate of the solution increased from 2 to 10 ml/min. On the other hand, the peak intensity stayed almost constant when the inflow rate increased from 10 to 50 ml/min. With the increase in the inflow rate from 2 to 10 ml/min, the specific surface area of the particles decreased by approximately 20 %. On the contrary, the specific surface area stayed constant when the inflow rate increased from 10 to 50 ml/min.
Microfluidics based on nanobio sensors technologies can provide convenient and accurate diagnosis tools. In this talk, we present recent developments of nanobio sensors & diagnosis chip using microfluidics, with special emphasis on disposable plastic devices format. In detail, we overview of the common methods used in the fabrication of polymer microfluidic systems, including replica and injection mold-ing. Also we explain the different methods by which on-chip operations—such as the pumping and valving of fluid flow, the mixing of different reagents, and the separation and detection of different biochemical species implemented in a microfluidic format. Finally, a few select biotechnological applications of microfluidics are presented to illustrate both the utility of this technology and its potential applications with insect models in the near future.
In this study, nano-sized cobalt oxide powder with an average particle size below 50 nm was prepared from a cobalt chloride solution by the spray pyrolysis process. The influences of reaction temperature on the properties of the generated powder were examined. The average particle size of the particles formed based on the spray pyrolysis process at a reaction temperature of 700˚C is roughly 20 nm. Moreover, most of these particles cannot appear with an independent type, thereby coexisting in a droplet type. When the reaction temperature increases to 800˚C, the average particle size not only increases to roughly 40 nm but also shows a more dense structure while the ratio of particles which shows a polygonal form significantly increases. As the reaction temperature increases to 900˚C, the distribution of the particles is from roughly 70 nm to 100 nm, while most of the particle surface is more intricately close and forms a polygonal shape. When the reaction temperature increases to 1000˚C, the particle size distribution of the powder shows an existing form from 80 nm to at least 150 nm in an uneven form. As the reaction temperature increases, the XRD peak intensity gradually increases, yet the specific surface area gradually decreases.
The silkworm (Bombyx mori), as an industrial insect, possesses a high economic value. Casual discrimination and accumulated genetic information of silkworm varieties are essential ground for the practical utilization and long-term conservation. In this study, nine available microsatellite loci were successfully genotyped from ~50 silkworm strains preserved in Korea. According to genotyping analysis, we obtained 3 ~ 16 alleles per locus, with an average of 7.4, the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.04 to 0.98, and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranging from 0.06 to 0.88, revealing that some loci are highly variable. Among 54 strains 13 strains were casually identified by the presence of 17 strain-specific apomorphic alleles. Furthermore, 30 among remaining strains contained strain-specific allele combinations that are also apomorphic to each strain, allowing us to discriminate each of these from other strains by genotyping of multiple loci. These results collectively suggest that the silkworm microsatellite DNA is actually and potentially important molecular marker for the discrimination of the silkworm strains that are preserved as hundreds in Korea, as more loci are genotyped.
본 연구는 허용진동환경을 만족하기 위한 콘크리트 슬래브의 미진동해석 및 제어기법에 관한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 제시된 방법은 임의 두 점간의 전달 함수와 가속 도로부터 미지의 가진력을 산정하고 수치해석 및 구조실험의 검증을 통하여 콘크리트 슬래브의 미진동해석 및 제어를 실시하였다. 미진동제어 설계를 위한 구조물의 고유진동수는 25-30Hz 이상이 되는 것인 바람직하며 콘크리트 구조물에서의 감쇠가 3%-5%인 경우 가진력 진동성분의 1.5배 이상 되는 것이 바람직함을 밝혔다.
NGS costs are decreasing rapidly, and beneficial application of the technology to plant genomics seems inevitable. Trying to interpret the agriculturally important traits like yield is actively in progress all across the globe. However, the current stage of bio-informatic technology as applied to the interpretation of agricultural trait appears not yet at a level of maturity to justify widespread plant genome sequencing for user-friendly molecular breeding. It is necessary to construct dense mutation block (DMB) based molecular breeding system for selecting plants with optimal agricultural performance; as well as for identifying useful quantitative trait loci (QTLs).
Firstly, we screened and selected DMBs-specific INDEL markers obtained from SNV density profiles using 42 genome sequences of Korean cultivar and public sequences of 24 japonica rice cultivars. Secondly, we analyzed the genetic similarity between 288 Korean cultivars using 113 DMB-specific INDEL markers, which could differentiate on agarose gel by PCR. And we are going to integrate 360 INDEL markers up to 30 per each chromosome. Finally, we selected 40 founder lines considering the importance of the breeding, the purpose of use, and plant ecotype. To construct rice nested association mapping population we crossed each founder lines with the pollen of Hwayoungbyeo which was most commonly used in korean rice breeding program. F2 seed multiplication and generation iteration are ongoing.
A new dark pink colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar, 'Global Pink' was developed by the cross between 'Nobless' and `Belami' at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES) through seedling and line selection in 2003 and characteristic evaluations during 2004~2006. 'Global Pink' showed Red purple group color (RHS No. 65B), very weak fragrance, and standard flower with good harmony between ray florlet and flower center. Its yield was 134 stems/m2 averaged over three years (2004-2007). It showed 10 days vase life and was resistant to powdery mildew. This cultivar was registered as a commercial cultivar in 2007. It can be cultured in greenhouses in Korea and will be released to the farmers in 2009.
‘Yuyeon’, a new ruminant-palatable barley cultivar, was developed from the cross between ‘Suwon311’ and SB86648〔CMB81A-2149 / Saeolbori // Buheung / Gangbori / 5 / Bera-olbori / Horisee-Buheung // bengei / 3 / Olbori-Daechi-Hagane / 4 / T.beared〕by the Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI), NICS, RDA in 2006. Among the cross made in 1996, a promising line, SB961012-B-B-1, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield trial tested in Suwon in 2001. In 2004, it was designated as ‘Suwon 406’ and placed in regional yield trials at five locations around Korea for three years from 2004 to 2006, and was released as the name of ‘Yuyeon’. It belong to maturity group Ⅲ and shows erect leaf type and compact spike with types of hoods. Its heading date was Apr. 27, which was 2 days earlier than that of the check cultivar ‘Olbori’ (‘Sunwoo’), and early dough stage, which was May. 30 which was same date of that of the check cultivar. ‘Yuyeon’ showed weaker winter hardiness, but better resistance to lodging, shattering and BaYMV than those of check cultivar. It showed higher crude protein content, grade of silage quality than those of check cultivar. The average forage yield in the regional yield trial was 10.47 MT/ha, which was 1% lower than that of the check cultivar. Cattles fed with silage from ‘Yuyeon’ (hood type) showed higher feed concentrate requirement (12.9 kg/day/body) and daily weight gain (1.46 kg/day) than those of cattles fed with silage from ‘Olbori’ (rough awn). This cultivar would be suitable for the area whose daily minimum temperature was above -8℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
A ruminant-palatable barley cultivar, Soman (Hordeum vulgare L.), with early maturing, high silage quality and high yield, was developed from the cross between SB79124〔Bengei-Ginomeo-Buheung-Morsen-Hagane/Gangbori〕and SB77189 〔Samjug/Riso82//Olbori〕in 1994. A promising line “SB941067-B-B-B-45” was selected in 1998. It performed well in the preliminary and advanced yield trials for two years from 2002 to 2003. The line was designated ‘Suwon 404’ through the regional yield trials (RYT) at six sites for three years from 2004 to 2006. Its growth habit was winter type (Ⅲ) with greenish leaves, medium culm and compact density of spike setting. Its heading date and early dough stage were Apr. 23 and May 26 respectively, which were 6 days earlier than those of check cultivar ‘Olbori’. ‘Soman’ showed weaker winter hardiness, but better resistance to lodging, shattering, and BaYMV (Barley yellow mosaic virus) than those of check cultivar ‘Sunwoo’. It showed 1.7% higher TDN content on whole-crop-silage than that of check cultivar ‘Sunwoo’. Its average of forage yield in regional yield trials was 10.31 MT/ha, which was 4% higher than that of the check cultivar.