We present an updated version of the multilayer spectral inversion (MLSI) recently proposed as a technique to infer the physical parameters of plasmas in the solar chromosphere from a strong absorption line. In the original MLSI, the absorption prole was constant over each layer of the chromosphere, whereas the source function was allowed to vary with optical depth. In our updated MLSI, the absorption prole is allowed to vary with optical depth in each layer and kept continuous at the interface of two adjacent layers. We also propose a new set of physical requirements for the parameters useful in the constrained model tting. We apply this updated MLSI to two sets of Hα and Ca ii line spectral data taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) from a quiet region and an active region, respectively. We nd that the new version of the MLSI satisfactorily ts most of the observed line proles of various features, including a network feature, an internetwork feature, a mottle feature in a quiet region, and a plage feature, a superpenumbral bril, an umbral feature, and a fast down ow feature in an active region. The MLSI can also yield physically reasonable estimates of hydrogen temperature and nonthermal speed as well as Doppler velocities at different atmospheric levels. We conclude that the MLSI is a very useful tool to analyze the Hα line and the Ca ii 8542 line spectral daya, and will promote the investigation of physical processes occurring in the solar photosphere and chromosphere.
The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae, is one of the most important external parasites in the poultry industry. PRM adheres to birds’ bodies, and its hematophagy causes anemia and itching, and reducing egg production (~20%). Fipronil is a toxic pesticide used to control PRM. Thus, an environmentally friendly alternative control agent is needed. In this study, the effectiveness of various environmentally friendly PRM control measures including an acaricide consisting of synthetic silica, clove extracts, garlic extracts, and a probiotic solution were evaluated, comparing them to a combined treatment using the chemical acaricides. Each agent was tested in vitro using two approaches, in which PRMs were either added to environments containing acaricide, or sprayed in situ. Within 10 hours of inoculation, all the environmentally friendly acaricides except for the probiotic solution killed or rendered immotile significantly more mites than the control, normal saline (p < 0.05). The performance of the environmentally friendly acaricides, except for synthetic silica, was significantly weaker than that of commercial chemical acaricides. (p < 0.05). Further tests to determine the optimal concentration of amorphous synthetic silica agent for complete PRM control found this to be 400 g/L. PRM motility following treatment showed the same pattern: the synthetic silica agent and chemical acaricide killed mites, while application of other environmentally friendly agents resulted in living, but immotile, insects, or those with reduced motility. As a result, these environmentally friendly acaricides, especially the synthetic silica agent, could be used as alternatives to chemical acaricides for PRM control.
We propose a custom analysis technique for the dark field (DF) image based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The custom analysis technique is developed based on the DigitalMicrograph® (DM) script language embedded in the Gatan digital microscopy software, which is used as the operational software for most TEM instruments. The developed software automatically scans an electron beam across a TEM sample and records a series of electron diffraction patterns. The recorded electron diffraction patterns provide DF and ADF images based on digital image processing. An experimental electron diffraction pattern is recorded from a IrMn polycrystal consisting of fine nanograins in order to test the proposed software. We demonstrate that the developed image processing technique well resolves nanograins of ~ 5 nm in diameter.
In 2015, the movie “Northern Limit Line” which based on the naval battle of South and North Korea occurred in 2002 was premiered (Los Angeles Times, 2016). This movie made a significant contribution to improve the image of the R.O.K Navy. Brand Placement (BPL) was used to promote the R.O.K Navy in this movie (Karrh, 1994; Van Reijmersdal, Neijens & Smit, 2007).
The R.O.K. Navy is trying to build powerful naval forces with the slogan called “The Ocean Navy”. It is essential to acquire the elite military forces who can help the Korean Navy to accomplish its strategic goal and heighten the competitiveness. The acquired elite military forces are expected to demonstrate their own ability while they serve the R.O.K. Navy. They will have positive influences to the local communities as the supporters of the R.O.K. Navy after they are discharged.
This research analyzed BPL effect in terms the recruitment of workforce. This research identified the relationship among BPL, organization image, organization reputation, employment brand equity and intention to pursue job opportunity in R.O.K Navy. In previous researches, the effect of image can be applied to corporate brands, product, individual brands, geographical areas, events and people (Balmer, 1997). The image of organization can remind people of the particular organization (Cable & Yu, 2006). The reputation is a dynamic interaction construct with the image, and defined as a subjective judgment based on the reliability and integrity about the organization in long term (Clardy, 2012). Employment brand equity is defined as outcome of applicant’s decision choices attributable to job seeker’s beliefs about the organization as employer(Han & Collins, 2002). Marketing literatures on employment brand equity can be useful in helping to understand how job seeker develops beliefs about organization as employer. Although many researches studied BPL, organization image and reputation, employment brand equity, etc., little researches have been conducted to integrate the variables mentioned above in public sector such as the military forces.
Samples of this research consist of people who watched the movie called “Northern Limit Line”. SPSS and AMOS package programs are employed to analyze the data. Marketing strategy for a public sector such as Korean Navy based upon the results of the findings from this study is expected to position Korean Navy as more efficient and effective organization to recruit better quality human resources.
The purpose of this research is to analysis and to verify the influence between attitude toward navy brand and customer equity. To do that, we regard the navy serving in R.O.K. Navy as the customers. All Korean men over 18 years older are drafted into the army by the constitution of Republic of Korea. This means that Korean military forces are recruited by the power of the State. However, the military officers, petty officers and Navy(including the Marine corps)•Air forces volunteer for military service. Korean government uses two military entrance processes which are both forcible and volunteering. With the slogan “The Ocean Navy”, the R.O.K. Navy is trying to build powerful naval forces. It is essential to acquire the elite military forces that help the Korean Navy accomplish the goal and heighten the competitiveness. The enlisted military forces are expected to show their own ability inside the R.O.K. Navy. After they are discharged, they will have positive influences to the local communities as the supporters of the R.O.K. Navy. The R.O.K. Navy has made lots of efforts for its navies who are soon discharged to have pride and affection as post-Korean navies through many programs such as educations and events. Discharged navies are expected to play important roles to response national policies actively, to lead the development of local communities, and to stand in advance guard for navy PR activities. Although many researches confirmed and verified the customer equity, there was no research on the customer equity of nonprofit organizations, especially the military forces. This research defined the customer equity from the attitudes toward Korean navy brand perspective in detail. This study also identified the influential factors on brand attitude and some relationships among the variables of the customer equity. This research contributes to the development of effective marketing strategies for Korean Navy brand and customer equity that Korean navy policy officers build.
The basic building block of solar filaments/prominences is thin threads of cool plasma. We have studied the spectral properties of velocity threads, clusters of thinner density threads moving together, by analyzing a sequence of Hα images of a quiescent filament. The images were taken at Big Bear Solar Observatory with the Lyot filter being successively tuned to wavelengths of -0.6, -0.3, 0.0, +0.3, and +0.6 Åfrom the centerline. The spectra of contrast constructed from the image data at each spatial point were analyzed using cloud models with a single velocity component, or three velocity components. As a result, we have identified a couple of velocity threads that are characterized by a narrow Doppler width (ΔλDÅ=0.27), a moderate value of optical thickness at the Hα absorption peak(T0=0.3) and a spatial width(FWHM) of about 1". It has also been inferred that there exist 4-6 velocity threads along the line of sight at each spatial resolution element inside the filament. In about half of the threads, matter moves fast with a line-of-sight speed of 15±3 km s-1, but in the other half it is either at rest or slowly moving with a line-of-sight velocity of 0±3 km s-1. It is found that a statistical balance approximately holds between the numbers of blue-shifted threads and red-shifted threads, and any imbalance between the two numbers is responsible for the non-zero line-of-sight velocity determined using a single-component model fit. Our results support the existence not only of high speed counter-streaming flows, but also of a significant amount of cool matter either being at rest or moving slowly inside the filament.
Solar observations support that magnetic reconnect ion ubiquitously occurs in the chromosphere as well as in the corona. It is now widely accepted that coronal magnetic reconnect ion is fast reconnect ion of the Petschek type, and is the main driver of solar flares. On the other hand, it has been thought that the traditional Sweet-Parker model may describe chromospheric reconnect ion without difficulty, since the electric conductivity in the chromoshphere is much lower than that in the corona. However, recent observations of cancelling magnetic features have suggested that chromospheric reconnect ion might proceed at a faster rate than the Sweet-Parker model predicts. We have applied the Sweet-Parker model and Petschek model to a well-observed cancelling magnetic feature. As a result, we found that the inflow speed of the Sweet-Parker reconnect ion is too small to explain the observed converging speed of the feature. On the other hand, the inflow speeds and outflow speeds of the Petschek reconnect ion are well compatible with observations. Moreover, we found that the Sweet-Parker type current sheet is subject to the ion-acoustic instability in the chromosphere, implying the Petschek mechanism may operate there. Our results strongly suggest that chromospheric reconnect ion is of the Petschek type.