In this study, We studied design method to reduce scattering reflection by adding a three - dimensional structure to light guide plate of LED backlight widely used in small and portable devices. In order to improve the efficiency of the light-incident part, a three-dimensional structure is used in which a repetitive structure of a prism shape and a semi-cylindrical shape is repeatedly added to the light-entering face in light-guide plate. As a result of the study, it was found that uniform luminance values were obtained in the light-incident portion and the backlight when a repetitive pattern of a semi-cylindrical shape was added as compared with a case in which a prism shape was added. Particularly, when a rectangular lens with a semi-cylindrical shape is added, the average value of the total luminance is increased by about 15% from 7278 lm to 8324 lm as compared with a general light guide plate.
In this study, the ion beam irradiation method on organic (polyamic acid and epoxy resin compound) overcoat layer was investigated. The use of ion beam on overcoat organic layer has the potential to replace conventional rubbing process. The traditional alignment layer is made by coating process and 2 times heat treatment on polyamic acid liquid. It requires many times and process steps. However, it is very economic and convenient process substitute polyimide alignment layer for organic overcoat. In order to characterize the LC alignment the polarized microscope image and pretilt angle measurement were investigated. The good LC aligning capabilities treated on the organic overcoat thin film surfaces with ion beam exposure of 45° at above ion beam energy density of 1200 eV were achieved.
A tissue sample of a laryngopharyngeal mass from a 9-year-old male Dachshund dog was submitted to the Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency for histopathologic evaluation. The mass measured was 3.1×3.0× 5.0 ㎝ in diameter and was first detected by computed tomography. Histopathologically, the nodules consisted of large round and polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The mitotic index was 1~3 per view under a high power field (400×). Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for vimentin and desmin, but negative for cytokeratin, S-100, and α-Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA). Based on these findings, the tumor was confirmed as Laryngopharyngeal Rhabdomyosarcoma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report in Korea.
한국산업규격(KS)에서 오징어젓은 오징어 배합비율이 75% 이상으로 정하고 있다. 본 연구는 저염 젓갈을 제조하기 위한 기초연구로 유산균 첨가에 따른 영향을 실험한 결과이다. 면역활성이 있는 기능성 유산균을 오징어젓 및 어리굴젓에 각각 첨가한 후, 냉장 또는 실온에서 45일간 보존하면서 미생물학적, 관능적 품질을 평가하였다. 오징어젓은 실온에서 보관한 경우, 보존기간이 경과하면서 유산균 수는 대체로 증가하였다. 어리굴젓의 경우에도 유산균 첨가 시료에서 실온에 2주간 노출한 경우, 생균수가 약 100배 증가하였다. 한편, 일반세균의 경우에는 유산균 첨가 및 비첨가 대조구 모두 현저한 변화가 없이 일정수준으로 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 미생물 학적 변화를 바탕으로 판단할 경우 본 시험에 공시된 오징어젓 및 어리굴젓은 유산균 첨가에 의한 현저한 미생물의 증식이나 감소는 수반되지 않으며, 소비자가 통상적으로 섭취하는 기간동안 유산균의 빠른 증식은 물론, 일반세균의 증식억제효과는 기대하기 어려울 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 저염화와 더불어 관능적 품질 향상이 뚜렷하게 나타났으며, 기호성이 우수한 제품의 개발이 가능하다고 판단된다.