
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 243

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Nipponopsyche Yazaki is reported from Korea with an unrecorded species, N. fuscescens Yazaki for the first time. Adult, larva, pupa and genitalia of the species are redescribed with SEM illustrations, and DNA barcode for precise identification of the species is also provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        흑백알락나비 (Hestina persimilis (Westwood, 1850))는 한반도의 평안남도 이남의 내륙지역에 넓게 분포하고, 국외의 경우 일본, 중국, 히말라야 일대에 서식하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 종에 대한 생활사 연구는 김과 서(2011)에 의해 월동유충, 종령, 번데기 등에 대한 일부 보고가 있을 뿐 자세한 생활사에 대한 기록은 전무하다. 본 연구를 통해 한국산 흑백알락나비의 생태적 습성 및 미성숙단계 (알, 유충, 번데기)의 형태적 특징 등 자세한 생활사 정보를 보고하고자 한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The continuous emergence of chemical-mediated residual toxicity and insect resistance have enforced the regulation of synthetic pesticides. Synthetic pesticides with novel mode of actions could be developed to overcome these issues, but as an alternative biopesticides with more efficacious control activity could be developed by the advanced technology. In pest management, entomopathogenic fungi have high potential in reducing pest population to an economic threshold, and some of isolates have been commercialized. However still a novel application strategy needs to be considered for successful industrialization. An insight on fungal genes in whole genome and transcriptome levels is necessary to understand the role of genes in pathogenesis and genetic diversity of fungal genes. Herein, we have identified the genetic differences of entomopathogenic fungi using whole genome sequencing of Beauveria bassiana (Bb) and tried to understand the interaction between fungus and insect using RNA-seq. We have obtained the whole genome sequence of Bb JEF-007 using PacBio sequencing technology and compared the transcriptomes of Bb JEF-007 and bean bug, Riptortus pedestris before and after the fungal infection using Hiseq 2000 system.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi have been known as promising candidates for biological control of insect pests. Recently, researchers consider the fungal thermotolerance in formulations and field applications. In this study, we investigated the production of thermotolerant Isaria javanica and I.fumosorosea conidia through grain-based solid cultures and exposure to light stress. As results, of the ten grain substrates, Italian millet, rice, perilla seed and sesame, rice, sorghum produced highly thermotolerant conidia in the strains. The two strains were exposed to a light stress and showed enhanced thermal stability compared to control, when exposed to 45°C for 2 hours. This work suggests that heatresistant entomopathogenic fungal conidia can be produced by grainbased solid cultures and exposure to light stress.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        딱정벌레목 바구미과에 속하는 나무좀은 일찍부터 산림의 주요 해충으로 다루어져 왔다. 최근 사과원에서 M.9 대목을 이용한 사과 밀식재배가 확산되고, 기후변화에 따른 이상 기상으로 사과나무 동해에 의한 2차 나무좀 피해가 늘어나고 있어 이들에 대한 관리대책이 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구는 사과원에 발생하는 나무좀류의 발생 양상을 파악하고 효과적인 약제 선발을 통해 효율적인 방제 체계 개발을 위한 기초 자료로 활용하고자 수행하였다. 사과원에 발생하는 나무좀은 암브로시아나무좀, 오리나무좀, 붉은목나무좀, 사과둥근나무좀 등 4종으로 암브로시아나무좀이 우점종으로 조사되었다. 암브로시아나무좀의 발생은 4월부터 시작하여 연 2회 발생하였다. 주간부에서 나무좀의 피해는 대부분 21~100cm 높이에서 발생하였으며, 야외 방제 시험에서 Phentoate EC, Chlorpyrifos WP, Thiacloprid SC 등이 높은 방제가를 나타내었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2017년 국내 육성 사과 ‘아리수’ 품종에서 노린재류에 의한 피해와 유사한 반점 증상이 확인되었다. 사과 과실 전면에 발생하는 이 반점 증상은 크기가 2∼4 mm이며 진한 갈색, 짙은 고동색으로 반점 중심부가 약간 함몰되는 형태를 가진다. 이 연구는 이러한 반점증상의 원인이 노린재에 의한 피해인지 여부를 알기 위해 수행하였다. 노린재류는 접종 전 채집하였고, 6월 초순부터 ‘아리수’ 사과에 약 15일 간격으로 썩덩나무노린재와 갈색날개노린재를 각각 접종하였다. ‘아리수’ 사과의 수확기인 9월 초순까지 총 5회(6월 상순, 7월 상순, 7월 중순, 8월 상순, 8월 중순) 접종하였으며, 접종후 접종시기별로 피해 양상을 확인하였다. 6월 상순에 노린재에 의해 가해 받은 과실은 비대하지 못하거나 낙과하였다. 다른 시기에 노린재에 의해 가해 받은 접종 1~2일후 흡즙구멍을 확인할 수 있었고, 5일 후부터는 가해 받은 부위 주변이 붉게 착색되는 halo 증상이 나타났다. 노린재류에 의한 ‘아리수’ 사과의 피해양상은, 기 보고된 ‘후지’ 품종에서의 피해양상과 거의 유사하였다. 실험결과 2017년 ‘아리수’ 사과에 발생한 반점증상은 노린재에 의한 것이 아님을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        과일이나 농작물의 부패 및 발효 환경에서는 Methanol, Ethanol, Acetic acid을 비롯한 다양한 화학물질들이 생산된다. Drosophila melanogaster는 이러한 발효·부패 환경에 서식하면서 일정 농도 이상의 다양한 화학물질에 지속적으로 노출되어 생존하도록 적응되어온 것으로 생각된다. 다양한 화학물질이 포함한 환경에 안정적으로 서식하기 위해서는 D. melanogaster는 화학물질에 능동적으로 반응하여 해독 유전자나 대사 관련 유전자의 발현량을 변화 시킴으로써 발효·부패 환경에서 생성되는 화학물질에 대한 높은 내성을 가지고 있을 것으로 판단된다. 현재까지 유전자의 발현량 측정을 위해 real-time PCR를 이용하여 reference gene의 발현량을 기준으로 정량화하는 방법이 가장 널리 사용되고 있다. 그러나 조직별, 환경별, 발달단계를 비롯한 다양한 조건에서 안정적으로 발현되는 reference 유전자 선정이 필수적으로 선행되어야 하므로 본 연구에서는 발효·부패 환경에서 생산되는 두 화학물질인 Methanol과 Ethyl Acetate에 노출된 D. melanogaster에서 안정적으로 발현되는 reference gene을 찾는 연구를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 농도의 Methanol과 Ethyl Acetate을 D. melanogaster에 노출시킨 후 RNA 추출과 cDNA 합성을 실시였고, 5가지 후보 reference gene (hsp22, nd, rpL18, tbp and ef-1b)의 안정적 발현 여부를 qRT-PCR을 통해 조사하였으며, 유전자 발현의 안정성을 측정하는 3가지 프로그램(geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper)을 이용해 비교·분석하였다. 본 학회에서는 연구의 과정과 그 결과를 발표하고자 한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Japanese pine sawyer beetle, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is considered as a serious pest in pine trees. To develop an eco-friendly strategy to manage this forest insect, we collected entomopathogenic fungi from Korean soil and assessed their virulence against the adults of the insect in laboratory conditions. As a result, two isolates with conidial suspension (1.0×107conidia/ml), showed 87% and 90% mortality 12 days after fungal treatment, respectively. We assessed the potential of the fungi-derived destruxin and protease as additives to the fungal isolates, and they showed insecticidal activity via feeding and spraying treatments. Finally, we produced fungal conidia in massive solid cultures and formulated wettable powders, and now studying optimal conditions of oil-based formulation with two isolates. Based on these results, we are evaluating the control efficacy of the fungal agents against M. alternatus in field conditions.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스탠다드국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 충남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2009년에 황색의 모본 ‘Summer Yellow’와 부본 ‘ST07-09-02’계통을 인공 교배하였다. 2010년에 종자를 파종하였고, 이중 내병성이 강하고 기호성이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘ST10-047-01’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2011년부터 2013년까지 주년 생산성을 위해 촉성 및 자연, 억제재배 특성을 각각 검정하였으며, 2013년 ‘Geumhwa’로 명명하고 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘Geumhwa’의 생육 및 개화특성은 국내에서 많이 재배되고 있는 황색 스탠다드국화인 ‘Summer Yellow’를 대조 품종으로 하여 조사하였다. ‘Geumhwa’ 품종은 자연개화기가 10월 6일로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 10월 25일에 비해 빨랐다. ‘Geumhwa’는 초장이 86.3cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 93.8cm보다 작았고, 곁가지 제거수는 8.1개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 16.6개보다 적었다. ‘Geumhwa’의 꽃직경은 13.6cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 13.5cm와 비슷하였으며, 꽃잎수는 ‘Geumhwa’가 263.6개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 295.3개보다 적었다. 재배상 유의사항은 ‘Geumhwa’는 중간종이므로 초기생육이 왕성하도록 비배 관리를 하고 생육기간 중 지베렐린 1,000mg・L-1를 2회 처리하여 신장력을 높이도록 한다. 또한 설상화수가 적은 편이므로 재전조를 실시하여 설상화수를 늘린다면 황색의 연중 조기개화가 가능한 고품질 신품종 스탠다드 절화국화로써 소비자 기호 충족 및 농가소득 창출에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the United States and Europe, new environmentally friendly asphalt pavement has been researched as an alternative to traditional hot asphalt pavement. After the Paris Convention of 2015, policies should be found to reduce carbon dioxide. In the field of asphalt pavement, new methods are needed to reduce carbon dioxide from the traditional hot asphalt pavement. In Korea, waste asphalt is growing and natural aggregate is running dry. So the government is implementing policies to increase the use of waste resources. So, it created a new asphalt pavement method to reduce CO2 and use waste asphalt. It is a cold recycled asphalt pavement. Emulsified asphalt has a balance of dispersibility, stability, and adhesive between water, aggregates, and asphalt. But, the physical properties of emulsified asphalt can be degraded compared to traditional hot asphalt pavement. So there are limitations in actual use. The study compared the softening point, elastic recovery, and penetration properties of asphalt mix compounds by using latex in emulsified asphalt. In particular, cations latex was used for the emulsified asphalt, which could further improve the physical properties.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, pavement distresses have been caused by diverse factors such as spalling, deterioration of repaired sections, blow-up, and alkali aggregate reaction due to changing climate environment of a concrete pavement and its construction and maintenance conditions (supply of materials, increase in use of de-icers, etc,). As a leading repair method for deteriorated concrete pavements, partial-depth repair is implemented in accordance with guidelines of material properties for joints of a concrete pavement and field application evaluation systems, but still some of the repaired sections become deteriorated again at an early stage due to poor construction quality and failure of response to environmental impacts. Distresses that can be corrected with partial-depth repairs are largely divided into those of repair materials and of the existing pavement bonded to repair materials, and combined distress of repair materials and the existing pavement. Although re-repair methods should be different by distress type and scale than conventional pavement repair methods, appropriate repair methods and guidance for re-repairs have not been in place so far, and therefore currently, re-repair practices follow the existing manual of partial depth repairs. Therefore, this study evaluated concrete bond characteristics by removing method and repair scope for an experimental section of frequently distressed pavements to determine a re-repair scope and method for deteriorated partial depth repair sections of concrete pavement, the number of which has increased over time.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        풀무치(Locusta migratoria)는 메뚜기과에 속하는 곤충으로 70% 이상의 단백질을 함유하고 있어 식사료용 곤충으로 이용 가능성이 높다. 그러나 풀무치의 대량생산을 위한 연중사육 관련 연구는 미흡하여 사육방법 정립, 먹이원 선발 등이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 풀무치의 연중사육을 위한 방법으로 사육밀도에 따른 생육 특성과 최적 산란처를 찾기 위해 상토, 오아시스 등을 이용하여 산란 특성을 조사하였다. 풀무치의 생육 온도는 28℃, 습도는 65% 내외로 유지하고 처리구별 생존율, 탈피횟수, 크기, 무게 등을 측정하였다. 사육밀도별 약충 기간은 32일 소요되었고, 생존율은 82~90 %였으며, 성충 기간은 110~120일 소요되었다. 산란처별 난괴 길이는 33~49mm였으며, 부화 후 생존율을 72~82%였다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The apple leafminer moth, Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumura is known an important insect pest of apple. This study was conducted from 1992 to 2017 in the major apple producing districts in Gyeongbuk area including 4~6 cities (18~30 orchards), and examined the occurrence and damaged leaf (%) of leafminer at monthly interval in “Fuji” apple orchards. The damaged leaf was the highest in 1992 (5%), the gradually decreased until 2004, After damage rate was again increased until 2008, after which it decreased. Leaf damage was not significant between rootstocks including seedling rootstock, M.9, and M.26.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most important pest species devastating many horticultural and ornamental crops and fruit trees. In the present study, a field strain was collected in January 2001 and has been selected for sixteen years with acequinocyl. The resistance ratio calculated from the LC50 of eggs and adults was 191- and 4,237-fold, respectively. The laboratory-selected acequinocyl resistance (LSAR16) strain was screened with 11 acaricides for cross-resistance. The detoxifying enzyme activities and quantitative real-time PCR analysis were performed in the LSAR16 strain. Crossing experiments revealed that LSAR16 strain was inherited maternally, incompletely dominant and monogenic. Most importantly, we identified two new point-mutations at mitochondrial cytb from acequinocyl resistant T. urticae.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Beauveria bassiana (Bb) is a potential biopesticide against western flower thrips. To understand molecular characteristics of two Bb isolates (ERL836 and JEF-007), whole genome sequencing and RNA-seq were performed. The whole genome of Bb ERL836 was sequenced (3,934,801,443 bp) using Pacbio sequencing and 15 contigs were analyzed. To understand the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity in two Bb genome (before infection and after infection), next generation sequencing (NGS) was analyzed to compare transcriptomes. A result of differentially expressed gene (DEG) showed that 2,689 contigs were up-regulated and 2,619 contigs were down-regulated. Randomly selected five genes were validated to be highly up-regulated. This work can provide an understanding of the interaction between Bb and westetn flower thrips.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in forest is considered as a serious forest pest in pine trees. In this study, we collected entomopathogenic fungi from soil and assessed their virulence against the adults of the inset using a spray method in laboratory condition. Two entomopathogeinc fungi isolates showed high virulence against the adults. In the concentration of 1.0 × 107conidia/ml, the mortality rate of the adults were 53% and 60%. In semi-field condition, one isolate showed a virulence of 60% against the adult. Consequently, we confirmed the possibility of the fungal isolates in controlling the beetles. In near the future, we will investigate several factors which is possibly related to the control of the forest insect pest using entomopathogenic fungi in field conditions, given the importance of fungal formulation and practical application methods.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hard tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis (Ixodida: Ixodidae) is one of the vectors of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) causing in humans, however little consideration was given to the biological control of the pest. Therefore, this study provides a screening method to select entomopathogenic fungi, having high virulence against H. longicornis. The virulence test was conducted by dipping method with a conidial suspension (1×107 conidia/ml). As a result, cadavers of H. longicornis infected with entomopathogenic fungi were obtained by this method. Based on this results, we selected several isolates having high virulence to H. longicornis. We suggest that, selected isolates in this study can be used for the control of H. longicornis.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi have been known as promising candidates for biological control of insect pests. Recently, researchers consider the fungal thermotolerance in formulations and field applications. In this study, we investigated the production of thermotolerant Isaria javanica and I.fumosorosea conidia through grain-based solid cultures and exposure to light stress. As results, of the ten grain substrates, Italian millet, rice, perilla seed and sesame, rice, sorghum produced highly thermotolerant conidia in the strains. The two strains were exposed to a light stress and a heat stress. And they showed enhanced thermal stability compared to control, when exposed to 45°C for 2 hours. This work suggests that heat-resistant entomopathogenic fungal conidia can be produced by grain-based solid cultures and exposure to light stress.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Melon thrips, Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a serious insect pest of various crops in the world. The management of this pest mainly have relied on chemical agents. However, the overuse of chemical agents for long times causes insect resistance, and negative effects on environment. Therefore, alternative control methods, such as biological control, that are less harmful to the environment and have different mode of action are needed to control this pest. In this study, we isolated entomopathogenic fungi from Korean soil, and characterized them via morphological and molecular identifications and pathogenicity check against Tenebrio molitor larvae. The isolated fungi were subjected to virulence assay against T. Palmi with a conidial suspension of 1×107 conidia/ml in laboratory conditions. This entomopathogenic fungi library would be a good resource to select effective strains for the control of T. palmi in fields.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi play an important natural role in regulating their insect host populations, and their ecology was also associated with plant and soil. These microorganisms have been living by reacting to insect, plant and environmental factor. The advanced bioinformatics technology such as next-generation sequencing and RNA sequencing has revolutionized in understanding of entomopathogenic fungi. Recently studies provided a lot of information on evolutionary relationships and virulence-related characteristics. We are starting to know where these microorganisms from is, and how they live in nature. The bioinformatics technology will give us further our understanding of the natural roles of these fungi in nature.
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